The politics of today seek to turn Australians against each other. We must resist this division as it only serves the interests of multinational companies and power-hungry politicians.

10 replies
  1. Lindsay Hackett
    Lindsay Hackett says:

    Australian culture is based on Judeo-Christian morality and the Westminster system of Government. The character traits of our culture are : Mateship, Egalitarianism, Authenticity, Optimism, Humility, Informality, Easy-going, Common sense, and Humour.

    There are problems with immigrants coming from significantly different cultures who refuse to adapt. That must be rectified.

    Businesses like Woolworths and Aldi, and anybody else, who refuse to participate in significant Australian cultural events are un-Australian and are to be held to account.

    Australia Day celebrates the time when Australia was given the opportunity of moving from a primitive past to become the modern and successful country it is today.

    You can look backwards or forwards.

  2. David
    David says:

    Great work Senator reminding your parliamentary colleagues of their treasonous actions against the Australian people they are supposed to serve by selling out to big corporations. This is corruption. This is Fascism right? I’m hoping One Nation will expand, get some real power, get our country back on track and get some accountability for the Mafia criminals currently running the show.
    Go Pauline and Malcolm!

  3. Mina Van Der Stam
    Mina Van Der Stam says:

    We all benefit from living in this country- we all take what we can from this country, and to those that resent a set day to celebrate our country, I say that they are welcome to live elsewhere. We are ONE, we are many.

  4. Jeremy Hunter
    Jeremy Hunter says:

    I am a small business owner on the Sunshine Coast Qld(see website) and we have a close knit, loving team, all staff enjoying the security of having a great job. I detest any efforts from any person, politician or company to undermine any small business remaining on a successful track – so many individuals rely on companies such as ours for their well being. may the true family unit of father, mother, children, grandchildren(where I am at in life just now), be preserved. Senator you are so appreciated for your efforts and those of the One Nation party in fighting the good fight for what is truly right. May I also echo the words in full of Lindsay Hackett on the 19th Jan. Happy Australia Day for the 26th everyone – may we all fly the flag proudly!

  5. Geoff S
    Geoff S says:

    The current protocol for the Australian flag is that it is to be flown to the left of other flags. This has a problem, that when viewed from the rear, the Australian flag is on the right and the protocol fails.
    The solution is to fly the Australian flag higher than others in the group, such as by one flag depth above others.
    Keep up your good work – Geoff S

  6. mick
    mick says:

    I am a proud Australian, I stand for one flag – the Australian flag, which should be displayed widely with pride and appreciation by many here on Australia day

  7. stewart fernandez
    stewart fernandez says:

    we are one but we are many and from all the lands on earth we come
    we share a dream and with ONE voice we say
    I am, you are, we are “ALL ” Australians
    If you think not, then do three things
    1 leave
    2 stop taking away Australian tax payer health and social funds
    3 – did i say “Leave” ?

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