The Club of Rome have led to call to reduce the world’s population for 40 years, based on their projection of the world population continuing to grow to as many as 15 billion people. Last month the Club of Rome updated their population projection for the first time in 40 years, and reduced the projection dramatically.

The new projection is as little as 8 billion people by 2050, which is less people than now.

The population apocalypse is the reason given for forcing bug and lab grown protein on the public, the entire net zero campaign is also based on a growing world population.

I hope the scaremongers can move on and let everyday Australians get on with enjoying this beautiful country without their destructive agendas.


As a servant to the many different people of our Queensland community, my comments tonight celebrate humanity. New data shows the world has been saved from the population apocalypse. Even more surprising, the data has come from the Club of Rome. Before I excite the chamber with the wonderful news that the Australia we know and some of us love is safe from green grinches, here’s some background. 

For many years the Club of Rome maintained the world population was out of control and would exceed nine billion, most likely 10 billion and possibly 15 billion. This was being used to justify onerous antihuman restrictions in how we live. The antihuman green lobby has decided that, because of population growth, everyday Australians should eat less, travel less, have fewer children, live in hive homes stacked on top of each other and leave nothing to their children. The antihuman green lobby decided private interests should not own and develop natural resources—or, as they prefer to call it, the commons. Instead, a Soviet style elite, who in practice would be the world’s richest individuals, should own all resources. Even homes, cars, refrigerators and brown goods would be rented, not owned. Aboriginal and native title would be over land they occupy yet continue to not own; in fact, no-one would own it. 

To make sure this happens, the antihuman green lobby will implement measures to force all physical goods to be repairable and recyclable, to include a very high percentage of recycled materials and to operate on such a low electricity rating that they may not work at all. This huge increase in cost would price household goods out of the reach of everyday Australians. This absurd wonder of Soviet central planning is called the circular economy, which is another way of saying everyday Australians will never own anything new. Wealthy investment funds and superannuation funds will own everything. 

I’m sure you’ve heard the campaign slogan: ‘You will own nothing and be happy.’ This is what the antihuman green grinches serve. The party of the trees has turned into the party of the tall poppies. Recently they voted against my motion to investigate in vitro lab meat because they know the countryside will be locked up and food will be mass produced as bug burgers or, worse, fake meat grown in bioreactors in the same way cancer cells are grown. 

Antihuman greens and teals openly promote this reduction in living standards. They say it’s necessary because there will be too many people in the world to sustain the old way of doing things. By ‘the old way’, I mean Australians having the freedom to work harder, accumulating wealth and assets, enjoying a comfortable retirement and then passing their wealth on to their children to give them a head start in life. There’s no room for that in the Soviet republic of Greensland! All this is based on a lie that the world’s population is expanding so rapidly that we must, today, start to destroy the wealth of everyday Australians and to lock up the sea and the countryside—which they call the commons—to save it from overproduction. We can now call off the population apocalypse. Here’s the good news for human beings the world over. Recently the Club of Rome released a follow-up to its infamous limits of growth study, which has caused 50 years of shivering bedwetting from the green lobby. This is a significant document as the first major review to the limits of growthin 50 years. Who conducted these new calculations? The Earth4All collective of leading environmental science and economic institutions, including the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research, the Stockholm Resilience Centre and the Norwegian Business School. 

The Club of Rome modelled two scenarios. If we do nothing, the world’s population will top out at 8.9 billion—it’s already eight billion—in 2050 before falling to 7.3 billion in 2100. Or, if we work hard on improving the living standards of developing nations, as One Nation supports, the world’s population will top out at 8.6 billion—remember it’s only eight billion now—in 2040 and then fall to just six billion in 2100. Six billion: that’s it! 

This clearly shows that we do not need to lock up the commons in order to protect it. Over time our natural environment will be used less, not more. We don’t need to reduce everyone’s share down to subsistence levels. The reduction in population will make current consumption easily sustainable. We do need to provide sensible stewardship of the natural environment and reuse, recycle and introduce new materials like hemp plastics, of course. This is wonderful news. 

What will the anti-human green grinches use now to generate fear, to generate their own bizarre brand of environmental self-flagellation? Soviet style? Without a doubt the answer is: they will do whatever it takes—whatever lie and whatever twisting of the data it takes to keep the fear campaign going. It’s time to take another look at the fundamental assumptions of the climate campaign. The emperor has no clothes. One Nation enjoys truth. One Nation shares the truth. 

7 replies
  1. CJ
    CJ says:

    One Nation… Great Stuff!!!

    ‘The Emperor has no clothes’ … indeed, I find this to be true.

    I’ve been watching Congress clips recently, they are bringing to light loads of the rubbish USA everyday people have been force fed as pseudo truth.

    Perhaps, the fabulous
    One Nation Crew would find some Uplift there.

    Errr I think it’s Senator Robert Kennedy, the elder guy, that reminds me of Malcolm… wow he sure knows how to corner a rat…

    Just thought , if you do not already do so, you will find mates over there.

    All the best
    CJ in Melbourne

  2. Alan Vaughn
    Alan Vaughn says:

    Unfortunately Malcolm,
    Not so many of the sleepwalking, indoctrinated proletariat wish to hear the truth.
    For them it’s much easier to OBEY and not think.

  3. Brian
    Brian says:

    Just a little confused about some references contained herein,
    1 Club of Rome?
    2 Soviet style elite?
    3 Anti human green grinches?
    Is this being steered in a different direction away from the real threat? The threat to this country and others from the UN, WHO & WEF are still real.

  4. Grant Denniston
    Grant Denniston says:

    Yeah start with the Club of Rome.. whatever that is .lm sure they would volunteer for the first cullings !

  5. Neville
    Neville says:

    It’s invariably the Left that comes up with this bullshit. The solution to the problem is have a big “L” tatood on their foreheads, so that when we see one we just take absolutely no notice of anything they say.

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