Founded in 1963, the NSW Council for Civil Liberties (NSWCCL) charter “is to protect the rights and liberties of Australian citizens and to oppose the abusive or excessive exercise of power by the state against its people.”

In their submission to the COVID Royal Commission terms of reference inquiry, NSWCCL says “we are an organisation that champions the rights of all to express their views and beliefs without suppression.” They then continue in their one page submission to say:

1. an inquiry should cover “the extent to which public health interests were adversely affected by misinformation about COVID disseminated by Senator Roberts and people associated or aligned with his views.” (I guess they mean about adverse reactions to the jab, the Wuhan lab leak theory, ineffective masks and the made-up 6 foot social distancing rule, all true?)

2. There should be an “inquiry into appropriate means for protecting the public from misleading information”

3. The government’s proposed Misinformation and Disinformation Bill doesn’t go far enough.

4. “it is not appropriate for a Royal Commission to be held in respect of the COVID-19 pandemic”

How can an organisation that calls itself a champion of civil liberties and fights for free expression argue:

1. an entire section of the community should be silenced

2. the government should have unprecedented power to shut people down

3. Australians should not be able to have a say at a Royal Commission into the largest invasion of civil liberties in modern history?

16 replies
  1. Kurt Obvious
    Kurt Obvious says:

    So another QUANGO comes out supporting the global government agenda. I’m shocked, shocked I tells ya!
    AT least another layer of the illusion has been removed I guess. Now how to we disband some of these wastes of money? Can we borrow Millei for a few months?

  2. Megan Knight
    Megan Knight says:

    The spirit of stupid sadly reigning there! Thank you for your great work to overcome such things

  3. BJA
    BJA says:

    If the New South Wales Council for Civil Liberties is in receipt of any public funding they should be forced to return that money, fined, and defunded because they are acting in contradiction to their own charter, and therefore are operating under false pretences.

  4. Mark Bush
    Mark Bush says:

    One should not be surprised by the ‘wokeism’ being espoused by a leftist socialist organisation purportedly overseeing the phlebs best interests. I still am very cynical of how gullible many are regarding the so-called pandemic, & all its associated misinformation. A significant portion of our population have been so overwhelmed by the catastrophism of ‘pandemics’, climate boiling, gimme gimme free righteousness that they have lost the ability to logically analyse the lies emanating from the ‘experts’ & government/bureaucratic control freaks.

  5. Wes taylor
    Wes taylor says:

    Argentinian speech at Davos brilliant !
    Only two in the Coalition could repeat that speech , Tony Abbott and Peter Costello . We are being led by the left and woke people . Not to mention Albo and his mob .

  6. Laurie
    Laurie says:

    Australia needs proper governance asap. This is clearly ‘ Misgovernance ‘. Thanks for your wonderful work Malcolm.

    CATE TAYLOR says:

    Another so called ” independent” legislative body that is created by appointment (the “unelected”)beaurocrats to control our rights not protect them.. by controlling the Narrative …So tired of this Nanny,Big Brother BS.

  8. paul
    paul says:

    it is only when people start to see and realize adverse injury and death as we are starting to see now that people will start to wake up,i dont blame them they are just so misinformed.
    i have seen around me in my circles young people dying.healthy young people!

  9. John Goss
    John Goss says:

    NSW CCL has lied about their conduct. They stated they are non political – obviously a lie. They follow what the government tells them what they want to hear. Non Religious – I dont care what their religion is. Non sectarian organisation that champions the rights of all to express their views and beliefs without suppression. Another bald faced total lie. The number of people that were forced to get a covid poisonous jab and if they didnt – dont go to work. Unless of course you are a politician or senior police officer etc. The NSW CCL should be sacked and people with a conscience put into the job – oh and when you sack all the liars in the NSW CCL they also lose every bit of their pensions and should be invited to spend a number of years in jail.

  10. Phill
    Phill says:

    Keep rattling their cages Malcom. You know you’re on the right track when they try to silence you. Keep up the good fight.

  11. Toni
    Toni says:

    A motion to dismantle the NSW Council for Civil Liberties, citing an absence of impartiality is the only way to correct this overreaching measure of communism.

  12. Liz
    Liz says:

    If I didn’t know any better I’d think the whole thing was an April fools joke.
    Their hypocrisy knows no end and I’m sick of the lot of them.
    Thanks Malcolm and One Nation. 👏

  13. Glen
    Glen says:

    I notice the NSWCCL’s submission was posted by Anne Charlton. Given that Anne is a self-confessed ”unionist, feminist, proud Labor member and happy leftie” that even once run for pre-selection for the ALP, then forgive me for being a little more than cynical about their ‘non-political’ declaration in the same submission.

  14. mick
    mick says:

    NSW Civil liberties Council should ashamed of themselves, they clearly want to continue the cover up promoted by so many of our politicians.

    Those mrna vaccines are causing so many health problems and deaths globally most of our politicians, many senior public servants (health officials), global pharma all a disgrace.

    It is now very difficult to find a trustworthy politician, most of them are more interested in pushing the globalist elite agenda than caring for their people.

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