Pauline Hanson’s One Nation has been warning of the impact of high migration on Australia for 25 years. We have been talking about the strain on health, housing, transport, crime and schools in particular.

All of those warnings have now come true. Australians can no longer afford housing, their mortgage or rental payments, or their electricity bills. Jobs are hard to find and breadwinner jobs are even harder to find.

All of this comes back to the rate of immigration over the last 25 years. It did not need to be this way.

Had the government listened to Pauline, we would have seen money going into schools, hospitals, police stations and housing to meet the demand from new Australians. This did not happen and now look at the problems we have.

One Nation will get the economy going again to create breadwinner jobs, get housing construction and infrastructure underway, and secure a future for all Australians.


I want to turn my attention to another topic.

In 1996 Pauline Hanson named her new party ‘One Nation’ as an expression of her heartfelt belief that this beautiful nation must include all Australians, fairly and equally. She and I serve the people of Queensland and Australia. No single group should be favoured over another and no-one should be denied opportunity.

One Nation is committed to the belief that we must give all Australians the same opportunity to lift themselves up through their own hard work and endeavour. And we must provide a safety net for those who can’t provide for themselves. Where one group in our community is trailing behind, then the solution is not arbitrary or forced inclusion. That didn’t work in the Soviet Union and it will not work in Prime Minister Albanese’s soviet republic of Australia. Why? Because it doesn’t actually solve the problem of why people have fallen behind in the first place. It does, though, let politicians and compliant community leaders off the hook. ‘See here,’ they go. ‘Look at this thing we are doing. Aren’t we wonderful, vote for us and you too can feel good.’ Not solve anything, just feel good, look good. Not do good, just paper over the problems and pretend to do good. 

One Nation stands for solutions not feelings. We will build the east-west corridor across the Top End, bringing power, water, rail transport and the internet to remote Aboriginal communities, opening up markets, expanding job opportunities, educational opportunities and tourism, which we know exposes the world to Aboriginal culture. And that’s a good thing. One Nation will build the Great Dividing Range project to bring environmentally responsible hydropower—cheap power—and water to North Queensland to drive agriculture and tertiary processing, adding tens of billions to our national wealth. One Nation will build the Hughenden Irrigation Project, the Urannah dam and hydro project, the Emu Swamp dam and the Big Buffalo dam in Victoria. All of these will make more productive use of land already in use for agriculture so as to grow more food and fibre to feed and clothe the world. This is the difference between One Nation and the parties of feelings. We offer Australians natural wholesome food and natural fibres, while the tired old parties in this place offer you bugs and used clothes. 

What I don’t understand is the black armband view of prosperity that permeates the policies of the old parties in this place. Abundance is not a dirty word. Abundance is not mutuality exclusive with environmental responsibility. The attack on the food and manufacturing sectors is one of ideology, not environmentalism. It’s about controlling us using deliberately created scarcities. Food scarcities and energy scarcity are deliberately created and can be easily corrected by a One Nation government. Soviet politics of oppression are not the Australian way. 

Australia is a place where a coalminer born in India can become a senator, where the daughter of a migrant from a war-torn country can come to Australia and find not only peace and prosperity but a place amongst the leaders of our beautiful country and where a refugee from the fall of Saigon can come to Australia stateless and take her place in the House of Representatives. There are so many examples just in this parliament of how Australia’s proud history of equality of opportunity has lifted up those who have chosen to embrace the opportunity given to them. Equality of opportunity though does not mean equality of outcome. I remember a story about a wise old Russian, just a regular citizen of the Soviet Union, and the Soviet approach to mandatory equality. The wise old Russian drew a series of stick figures of different heights on a piece of paper, and then he said, ‘In the Soviet Union everyone is equal,’ and proceeded to draw a line across the page to the height of the smallest figure. The heads of the successful were chopped off to bring everyone down to the height of the worst performing. That’s, indeed, how socialism works. That’s why the Soviet Union failed, and it’s why left-wing ideology permeating this government is failing and will fail. 

What people do with the opportunity they’re given is their own business. Governments cannot provide an equality of outcome, because governments cannot control how people handle the opportunity we are all given. As a government, we can only ensure every Australian has access to a breadwinner job, a home that suits their needs, a safe community, transport, education, health care and, of course, a safety net. The rest is up to the individual. But mark my words: depriving Australians of these core government functions, no matter the geography or the background, will not be tolerated. 

Sadly, deprivation is exactly what is happening not just in remote Australia but in our cities as well. After attending public forums across Queensland in the last few weeks, it’s obvious there is a failure to deliver basic government services by Premier Palaszczuk and by successive federal governments. Feelings will not fix failure—they just lead people into false security. Ideas, vision and hard work will fix Australia. One Nation is ready to take up the challenge. We have the policies, and Senator Hanson stands ready to lead. I must say the fire burns as strongly as ever in the heart of Australia’s favourite redhead. 

7 replies
  1. Megan Knight
    Megan Knight says:

    Thank you for all your great work. Long-term thinking is so much more important than short-term thinking every time!

  2. CJ
    CJ says:

    Great to hear.

    We are so fortunate, that
    Pauline Hanson, had the endurance to hold the course and maintain focus, in order to fight for uplifting everyday Australian human beings lives, in everyday life.

    The immense push back and hostility chucked at her, over many years, would have caused most of us to back down.

    SHE kept pushing through, kept building a formidable cree of human beings who would bother to put in the handwork and follow through.

    Yep!!! ‘Australia’s Favourite Redhead’

    There is a lot to thank you for.

    All the best
    CJ in Melbourne

  3. Graham Lockwood
    Graham Lockwood says:

    I’m going to be voting One Nation . I like the policies . Especially Citizens Initiated Referenda. I have to say that in regards to the housing shortage that immigration is only part of the problem . The cost of housing is a big problem .there should be no such thing as investors in domestic property .Negative gearing is a legal bottom of the harbour tax avoidance scheme implemented by those who can take best advantage of it. It should be scrapped

  4. William James James Moroney
    William James James Moroney says:

    Multiculturalism is a myth mostly and here is a view expressed by my wife who came here with me just on 23 years ago. Background. My Russian born wife had the wrong attributes for immigration to this country for she was white, a Christian, fluent in English, several Uni degrees, worked as a Geophysical Engineer, and had a job to commence as a Geophysical engineer immediately on arrival here. She was refused even a tourist visa initially, but I took immigration “on” and eventually got her here after a deal of expense. She arrived at midnight on a Saturday and started full time work as a Geophysicist at 8 a.m. on Monday morning and in the intervening twenty two years until she retired, paid close to 800K in income taxes. Her daughter, my stepdaughter, is also a Psychologist and registered nurse and has been in full employment since her arrival here, our grandchildren are/were in the top few percent of scholars at their respective schools etc. and all mix in the community as in sports etc. just as many other Russian and European migrants “fit” in. My wife remarked just last weekend when we had a family picnic in a park with “look at all these so called multicultural people huddled together in groups of their own kind and no Australians mixed in with them.” She is right for many people come to this country and bring their own country and mores with them instead of acknowledging their own country and culture which is fair enough, but accepting our Australia as their home and trying to mix in with us. I suspect many come here for our welfare system and or to escape the conditions in their country of origin but they should forget about that and start a new life here with us instead of forming small enclaves with people of their kind. My wife and Russian family have never accepted welfare, have never applied for any concessions and probably never will for they are “real” Australians. That’s what multiculturalism is about but it rarely works in practice for our political masters don’t have the bloody brain power to understand that and allow people in here who should never be here. One might make an observation about poor old Arthur who opined “two wongs don’t make a white” all those years ago, or even Enoch Powell in the UK with his “rivers of blood” speech. Poor fellow my country.

  5. Hugh Verdoorn
    Hugh Verdoorn says:

    I immigrated from South Africa to Australia on a Business Visa in 2009. It was not easy, but we managed to get our citizenship in 2014.
    South Africa had a Referendum in the late 80’s to abolish segregation/apartheid, which we voted “Yes” for.
    Now Labor is asking us to vote “Yes” in a referendum to implement segregation!
    Sadly, lots of people are not thinking through the implications and will vote based on the Albonese “emotional” propaganda. Each one of us must take responsibility to spread the reasons why a Yes vote is so wrong.
    One Nation will always get my vote.

  6. Daryl durrant
    Daryl durrant says:

    Australian immigration is our way of implimenting the elites directive of ” open borders ”… As in America and Europe… This is insanity.. When our housing… rentals. Electricity… Gas… Water… Everything is under demand… NOTE THIS
    Australia has no sovereign government…. Australia is now controlled by the ‘elites’… Government is a sinister ” ‘elusion’ ” Ausrralia has been sold out to…. The UN…. WEF… WHO.. Central banks…. IMF…

  7. Col
    Col says:


    `You appear to have a “hang up” re socialism and the “left”.
    The “right” can be just as dangerous.

    What a concluding paragraph,

    “We have the policies, and Senator Hanson stands ready to lead. I must say the fire burns as strongly as ever in the heart of Australia’s favourite redhead”

    .Get real !
    Will One Nation ever have enough politicians to do what you have suggested?

    Many years ago a senator relating to monetary policy suggested we “print more money”
    The same senator also asked “Please explain?” with a totally puzzled tone of voice.


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