Would the Attorney-General like to take another run at explaining why parliaments in Australia are not in breach of the very principles that define our legal system, the Bible and the Magna Carta, reinforced by the much more recent United Nations charter on human rights?

This is Australia in 2021. It’s a disgrace. We need our freedoms back and we need an Attorney-General who understands the basics on which our freedoms are based.


Thank you, Madam Deputy President. I reference the response by the Attorney-General, Senator Cash, to my question on freedom to protest under the body of Australian law. Senator Cash fluffed on about what is in fact a basic element of our democracy.

What she seems to have forgotten is that there is an overarching principle: the right to freedom is a basic inalienable right that our body of law has been formed around. Our laws reflect our Christian heritage and should always do so. Our governing document, our national Constitution, for instance, references God in its preamble.

Without being presumptuous, and while I’m not a biblical scholar or a church-goer, perhaps I should have asked myself earlier than this a fundamental question: what would God do? It turns out that the Bible is quite clear on the issue of freedom. From Galatians 5:1:

It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm … and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery.

In this epistle, Paul was urging the new churches he had founded in Galatia to stand against those who were trying to subvert the freedom Christianity had given. Paul’s epistle to the faithful in Galatia could have been written today. The battle for freedom and darkness exist now, as it did 2,000 years ago.

We spent 2,000 years writing a body of law to implement Christian principles, including the right to freedom. These freedoms were first enshrined in the Magna Carta Libertatum—literally the ‘great charter of freedoms’ that the head of the church at the time, the Archbishop of Canterbury, wrote in 1215.

Our Attorney-General has demonstrated not only a lack of understanding of man’s laws; she has failed to demonstrate an understanding of God’s laws. Being sworn in on the Bible is clearly no guarantee of believing a word of it. While eminent biblical scholars advise that the Bible is properly understood in context, how could the Attorney-General not have looked this up at any time in the five months the senator has occupied her role?

Five months of widespread and sustained media and social media conversations around the right to protest and the Attorney-General, the highest law officer in the land, was missing in action. Was she not curious about what the law actually said? Let me help on that in the time remaining.

The Magna Carta was written in response to King John exercising his powers, using the principle of vis et voluntas, which translates as ‘force and will’—the making of decisions that were above the law and then using force to create compliance, much like parliaments around Australia are doing right now. Lord Denning described the Magna Carta as:

… the greatest constitutional document of all times—the foundation of the freedom of the individual against the arbitrary authority of the despot”

I looked through the Magna Carta and I couldn’t see the COVID exemption that allows governments to destroy human rights and do whatever they want if they can get the population scared enough to accept it. Of course, there is no exemption afforded power-mad governments and unelected bureaucrats.

In 1948, before the UN turned into the problem and not the solution, the United Nations charter on human rights declared a few things on freedom of protest that parliaments around Australia are conveniently ignoring. Article 19:

Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference …

Article 20:

Everyone has the right to freedom of peaceful assembly and association.

Article 21:

Everyone has the right to take part in the government of his country …

This is what protesters are doing: participating in governance, exercising their right to free speech and free association. That’s the very definition of a protest. These are rights that article 30 of the United Nations declaration of human rights protects. It binds governments from breaching the declaration.

It would appear that the Prime Minister and the premiers are seeking to wind back our right to freedom to that which existed prior to 1215, to give themselves the powers that King John used force to exercise.

Would the Attorney-General like to take another run at explaining why parliaments in Australia are not in breach of the very principles that define our legal system, the Bible and the Magna Carta, reinforced by the much more recent United Nations charter on human rights?

I wonder what Monica is thinking, languishing in jail with the promise that she can get out, providing she renounces her membership of a political party. This is Australia in 2021. It’s a disgrace. We need our freedoms back and we need an Attorney-General who understands the basics on which our freedoms are based.

4 replies
  1. Warren Hart
    Warren Hart says:

    Amazing speech Senator. Thank you for fighting for our freedoms that are being unlawfully eroded by the day. I can’t place exactly what I am trying to remember about the Pre amble other than the fact it is probably the most important part of our constitution…yes , I am sure it alludes to or probably says that the people are the ones most qualified to interpret the law as it applies to themselves…have fun with that one! You Sir are the modern day Knight that will inspire other latent Knights to stand against the Globalists and their masters in the UN. Thank you for your service.

    • Margot
      Margot says:

      I can’t agree more. We must exercise our birthright for freedom and not allow anyone to take it from us. I love and support you dear Senator Malcolm Roberts ?

  2. Ros Ruskin Rowe
    Ros Ruskin Rowe says:

    Thank you Malcolm. How can we spread the word further? I will be doing my bit that’s for sure.
    When I feel there’s no future I find coming to your website helps me continue with hope.
    Grateful thanks

  3. RG
    RG says:

    The answer to your questions is simple: those you have addressed do not believe in god or any higher power than themselves; they do not believe anything in the bible that contradicts their desires; they believe they are superior to the average Australian with a false belief that they are all knowing, all wise and in every way compassionate.
    They do not believe or obey anything in the constitution that abridges their power, no matter what oaths they may have taken; likewise they believe they in their wisdom are the ones who know what the law should be and act accordingly even if it is against the plain text of the law – for to them they are the law..
    They are not stupid – just evil. They know or should know what you are saying is largely true; if they don’t they shouldn’t be in the positions they occupy.
    They are mendacious, twisting the truth or outright lying about what they know to be true or should know to be true. When you see willful acquiescence to debasing what is right and what is common sense then you know who the tyrants are that rule us.
    Despite mountains of evidence to the contrary they still push masking, ‘social distancing’ lockdowns and now ‘vaccine’ passports; imposts they have never applied before to any other infectious disease such as seasonal influenze which kills more across the age ranges than covid ever did; they ignore the history of the development of this virus in the Wuhan labs funded illegally by Fauci and others with US taxpayers’ money and patented (yes patented!) in the early years of this century as a gain of function bioweapon; they ignore experts warning of the dangers of the injection which is on an EUA and is not a vaccine; they ignore the mounting body of evidence of severe side effects and death from the injection; they ignore the reports of the vaccinated still getting the virus, causing the appearance of new mutations by the selective pressure of the ‘vaccine’ ; they ignore the evidence of Sweden and Florida and now Israel where these medical mandates are either not applied or prove they do not work; they ignore the observational and random controlled trials showing Ivermectin and HCQ are safe and effective in controlling this virus…
    Why the unseemly haste to have everyone vaccinated? Is it just money or is there another agenda at work that no amount of logic or reason will overcome?
    Are those in the halls of power around this country compromised and obeying the directions of their masters? – and their masters are not the electors of this country. Both parties are as one. What has corrupted them? Money? Threats of revelation of wrong doing in various crimes that are now well known in the rich and powerful?
    If we ever come out of this never-ending series of ‘novel’ viruses, lockdowns and other social atrocities we need to reconsider what our nation is based on. Is it Yah’s word or the words of wicked tyrants?

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