I asked Minister Gallagher how many vaccines are provided with an indemnity protection clause by the Australian government whereby those harmed cannot sue the company because the government has taken on the responsibility for harm done. Her answer was that indemnity was put in place due to the emergency nature of COVID response in the early stages. However 14 different COVID products have received indemnity protection from the Australian government, and one of them as recently as the 10th of October 2023.

In response, the minister fell back on confidentiality of agreements between the government and vaccine providers. This is the public’s money – the government is there to serve the people of Australia, not keep secrets from them and coerce them into risky products with mandates that even the Health Secretary, Prof Murphy, has said this year were not justifiable. The risk, from COVID, never justified the risk from the trial injections. After all that has been exposed globally, that the government is still promoting these products is shocking.

In saying that all necessary approvals to ensure its safety were followed through the TGA, Minister Gallagher is not being straight with us. The TGA did not test the Pfizer, AstraZeneca and Moderna COVID shots. It relied on the regulators overseas where these products were made. In the case of Pfizer, these were incomplete and aborted trials. The true magnitude of the harm is being released in the Pfizer papers ordered to be released by a judge in the USA.

Why is the government hiding behind confidentiality and exposing taxpayers to the risk of paying for costly damages for injection injuries as well as paying for products that are turning out to be unsafe and ineffective. Products that the public is no longer taking up and which the Minister appears to be pushing like a pharmaceutical sales rep on commission.

Big Pharma’s Stranglehold on Government Revealed

Senator Katy Gallagher claimed that the COVID product indemnity was put in place to secure product supply in a competitive market during the emergency of the COVID outbreak.

Senator Gallagher is the Minister for Finance overseeing contingent liabilities in the budget. With 14 more indemnities for COVID products and the most recent one last month, I think it’s pretty clear that this has nothing to do with a health emergency. It has everything to do with Labor’s deals with Moderna to get its production plants into Australia and pave the way for the World Health Organisation’s plans for 400 new mRNA vaccines for human and animal use. These are being designed to replace 400 regular vaccines with expiring patents.

Why is the government normalising indemnities? The process removes the incentive on the manufacturer to produce a safe, high quality product since any harm is paid for by the taxpayers. Follow the money and it leads to a patent cliff, not better health. It also explains the ongoing and seemingly frantic messaging of ‘safe and effective’ with every mention of these injections in government. It’s a shame the disinformation legislation does not cover messaging by the Government, so much misinformation originates there.

Transcript | Exactly Who is Calling the Shots in Australia?

Senator ROBERTS: My question is to the Minister representing the Minister for Health and Aged Care, Senator Gallagher. How many vaccines are subject to an indemnity from the Australian government?

Senator Gallagher: Thank you, Senator Roberts. I’ll just see if I can provide you with an accurate answer. I do know that there were indemnity arrangements put in place under the former government for the vaccines that were approved then, in the early stages of the pandemic, and those indemnity arrangements continue. I think we have traversed this a bit at estimates. I’m not sure if there is anything else I can provide. Indemnity arrangements were put in place for the vaccines that the government procured to enable the national vaccine rollout program to be undertaken during the pandemic emergency. That was an important part of ensuring that we could procure the vaccine in the amount that we needed and provide it to the Australian people. I would also say that, whilst the indemnity arrangements were in place, all of the required approvals to ensure the safety of the vaccines—prior to the vaccines being rolled out—were followed, through the TGA processes, which we have also traversed at length in estimates. We also have the COVID-19 Vaccine Claims Scheme, which was established to run alongside the national rollout of the vaccine program. And I would say that it was an important response to the pandemic to ensure that we could get as many people vaccinated as possible in a safe way to ensure that we minimised the impact of significant disease and also, at the very serious end, the deaths that occurred from contracting COVID-19.

Senator ROBERTS: Indemnities have been issued for 14 different COVID products. Each new COVID vaccine or shot has been given an indemnity, the most recent on 10 October 2023. With demand for the booster down to 5½ per cent for those under 65, and with multiple vendors, the argument that indemnities are needed to get stock is a patent nonsense. What is the real reason for these new indemnities, issued only six weeks ago?

Senator Gallagher: I can’t go into the confidential agreements that have been reached in procuring vaccines. These are agreements that are reached between the government and the vaccine provider, and we do so in a way that allows for the rollout of continued vaccination and booster shots to protect people from COVID-19. These are the arrangements that were entered into during the pandemic. Those arrangements are continuing. We think there’s a very important public health reason to ensure that we are procuring vaccines and making them available so people can take their booster. I would say that booster levels remain low—and we do want to see those increase—and that people should go and get their booster if they’re ready for one or if they’re six months past the last COVID-19 bout.

Senator ROBERTS: Minister, you won’t explain to the taxpayers why you’re using their money and putting it at risk, so I’ll ask a second supplementary. This government has offered Moderna an indemnity for every vaccine or shot manufactured in its new Australian factory, currently under construction, including regular non-pandemic vaccines. Why has your government not been honest in telling taxpayers they are paying for new vaccine harm during the COVID period and for all time?

Senator Gallagher: I’m not sure what Senator Roberts is referring to, and I reject the claim that we are somehow using taxpayers’ money and causing vaccine harm. That is not appropriate, and I absolutely categorically reject that. If there is anything further I can provide Senator Roberts around the arrangements with Moderna in particular, I am happy to arrange that. I don’t have that information before me, but I do accept that governments do negotiate agreements with companies around the supply and availability of medicines—and vaccines, in this instance—to ensure that we are able to provide the medicines Australia needs and also ensure that we have enough of the vaccines to provide the appropriate coverage, particularly for COVID-19 protection.

Transcript | Big Pharma’s Stranglehold on Government Revealed

I move: 

That the Senate take note of the answers given by the Minister for Finance (Senator Gallagher) to questions without notice I asked today relating to vaccine indemnities. 

Senator Gallagher is the Minister for Finance and is overseeing contingent liabilities in the budget. Although I prefer the words ‘fake-cine’ or ‘injectable’, what these products are not are vaccines. A vaccine prevents a person getting and transmitting an illness; these COVID ‘fake-cines’ do neither. Australia first provided indemnities in 2015 under the previous Liberal government for mpox and flu vaccines. Those indemnities are still in place. 

Now we have 14 more indemnities for COVID products, and they’ll be permanent. Labor’s deal to get Moderna’s production plant into Australia was revealed last week. Any vaccine manufactured in Moderna’s Australian factory, which is now under construction, will receive an indemnity. The agreement sets out that these vaccines will be indemnified as part of a pandemic vaccine advance-purchase agreement and additionally as part of a routine, non-pandemic vaccine supply agreement. In other words, every vaccine made will be indemnified with no word about testing. The new Moderna indemnity extends to routine vaccine supply, and the minister is not able to claim securing supply in a crisis. 

The World Health Organization has mentioned that there are 400 mRNA vaccines and products under development to replace conventional vaccines with expired patents. The attraction of mRNA is protecting profit from the patent cliff—not protecting better health. Those products will be for humans, livestock and pets. Our health authorities and politicians are promoting experimental mRNA products and, in so doing, risking everyday Australians’ health. I was hoping to hear why in the minister’s answer. Why is the government normalising indemnities, giving foreign multinational pharmaceutical companies blanket indemnities so they can avoid being accountable and encouraging companies to lie in their clinical trials, fudge efficacy data and cover up enduring death, as Pfizer was proven to have done in their COVID ‘fake-cine’ development? This question is not going away. We will relentlessly hound you down. 

11 replies
  1. Bernadette Saffin
    Bernadette Saffin says:

    Again Thankyou Senator.
    It concerns me that the people put in place in our parliament protect companies and outsiders with indemnity forgetting that they are supposed to work for we the people. Fortunately people have begun to awaken realising that we have no real government but a corrupt corporation whose main concern is monetary. Working against the people – Not telling the truth and Not being transparent with all information is treason. An overhaul and clean out is long overdue.

  2. Garry
    Garry says:

    Why isn’t clotting included in the covit 19 damages.My doctor told me it`s one of the main causes of heart attack.

  3. Mia Van Der Stam
    Mia Van Der Stam says:

    Big Pharma and Government are so corrupt- with all the vax injuries happening, they don’t blink an eye when they spruik their poison- Hitler spruiked his corruption to the masses- look what happened there, yet even today many are oblivious to the deceit.

  4. Gill
    Gill says:

    As I have said before & will say again, Government MPs are on contract by the people, paid by the people. Don’t renew their contracts at election time.Also remove the title Honourable, few are worthy of it. If you want to get rich, get into politics.

  5. Valerie
    Valerie says:

    Thank you Senator Roberts for standing up for truth. It is more than disgraceful that this has been swept under the carpet by the government. The ‘vaccines’ have proven to be not safe and to be ineffective with the victims and their families having to bear the consequences.

  6. Michael Duffy
    Michael Duffy says:

    The TGA violated standard WPH&S protocols by not testing the vaccines themselves.
    On any work site it is expected that someone will check things out for themselves first regardless of what someone else has told them.

  7. Cynthia
    Cynthia says:

    Unfortunately too many Australians do not research what their governments are doing to them,the employers of all taxpayer funded entities including not only parliamentarians but public service personnel,bureaucrats,ABC and many others. We must stand firm and insist that people in our circles listen to our researched truths and combat their ignorance with our knowledge over and over until at least some awaken and even spread the truths themselves.As I see it the biggest number of mis and disinformation spreaders are these groups,knowing it is unlikely they will be challenged. I watch Senate estimates with dismay and concern as the afore mentioned groups twist,turn and evade questions rightly put by people such as Malcolm Roberts ,ably aided and abetted by the chair persons of dubious impartiality. We are ruled by a set of nincompoops who have much arrogance but little learning. We must stand together or risk a dystopian future for our children and grand children. Do not give up Malcolm,many more feel as you do. Thank you for your honesty and courage.

  8. Carolyn
    Carolyn says:

    I have very little faith anything will be stopped, in Covid jabs, chemtrails in our skies, cost of food, rental and mortgage crisis, digital currency it’s all been predicted and preplanned by the very government who are supposed to work for and protect the people ,…The Voice would also have gone their way if people didn’t stand up and use their vote and voices..yet here we are reading and listening about laws being changed right under our noses and no right to stop Any of this ..there are too many asleep and trusting that when the crap hits because it will they will save them, it’s the exact opposite, we will lose our body autonomy, our rights and own absolutely nothing, while these people behind the scenes are dictating what we are going to do, unelected bureaucrats, many without any accountability or qualifications. How can this even happen the people who can do something won’t use their back bone!

    If people don’t start to wake up, the life we now live will be taken away by force …just like the Covid mandates to work, have medical care , a transplant and the list goes on, the clock is ticking.
    WAKE UP!!

  9. Dianne Brauer
    Dianne Brauer says:


  10. Denise den-Bakker
    Denise den-Bakker says:

    Thank You Senator Roberts.
    Thank You for representing us in The Parliament .
    How can we initiate proceedings to create legislation that will protect the Australian people/taxpayers from the harm and consequences of pharmaceutical companies that has resulted from unlawful laws created to protect those companies from untested substances.
    -Who -in their right mind-would EVER approve legislation to absolve pharmaceutical companies from responsibility for harmful consequences-no one !
    especially when there is previous evidence of harm done!
    -Legislation also needed to make companies liable for harm done by removing the protections given to them –
    – Australian people were never informed about such laws.
    -Laws Never Made with endorsement of Australian people!
    In fact how lawful is it to have laws proposed created and passed; in very rushed circumstances devoid of any semblance of constitutional legitimacy.
    Instead the laws only appear to serve commercial interests on a massive scale.
    Such laws are being passed in a way that must have been planned on a massive scale and in the case of Katy Gallagher – without the essential procedural processes that need to be informed –
    -by reporting of adverse events and investigations of harm/deaths related to vaccination and so on.
    -The passing of laws relating to pharmaceuticals needs to be halted.
    – A Royal Commission is warranted and there needs to be TRANSPARENCY of every step taken.
    -No more rushed legislation connected to business/commercial interests.
    -Public Scrutiny is the essential element of good valid Laws.
    -Removal of Time for Scrutiny and Informing the People is Removal of the Consent of The People.
    -The Cavalier method of government operation must stop and MUST surely be ruled as being UNCONSTITUTIONAL.
    How can laws rushed through ever be considered valid?
    The Intention of Lawmakers has been subverted .
    It is time to stop.
    Please Senator Roberts could you help us to stop the blatant abuse of power by MP’s who are NOT REPRESENTING Australian Taxpayers but are clearly working in the interests of global pharmaceutical manufacturers .
    -investigation needed into the use of force by massive campaign -taxpayer funded-across all media ( huge bonus for media) to promote taking pharmaceutical and removal of freedom to choose, by socially cutting off and even forcing people by not allowing them To work.
    So many rights and laws broken yet politicians used Police to enforce what was forced medication.
    Misuse and abuse of power.
    Police and Health workers forever changed.
    We need Law to be about Integrity again. Truly Accountable Transparent Informed!
    Legal !

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