The Palaszczuk Government’s decision to extend payroll tax to contracting GP’s is nothing but a tax on the sick. The treasurer has promised a 2 year grace period, instead, the entire idea of taxing GPs more should be scrapped.

14 replies
  1. Megan Knight
    Megan Knight says:

    Our hope is that such behaviour from our Premier only shows her true colours and she is moved on at the earliest possible moment

  2. Cassandra Fisher
    Cassandra Fisher says:

    I am 57 and on a disability pension and used to get bulk billed at my GP I now have to pay as I’m under 65. I am forced now to seek another dr or see the dr less which could be dangerous for my health as I don’t have the money to pay like this. I wonder how many other younger pensioners feel discriminated against like this.

  3. Philip Rodger
    Philip Rodger says:

    I have heard that the company selected by the Qld. government to supply COVID tests was operated by the Premier’s father and the husband of Jeanette Young, our esteemed Governor although I haven’t confirmed that. Is it any coincidence that Qld. purchased millions more test kits than were necessary and they are about to reach their use by date?

    • robert Wilkins
      robert Wilkins says:

      Just as an aside, the CDC in the USA quietly abandoned the PCR test December 31, 2022 because it could not distinguish between flu and COvid ( no surprise). I am in Canada and have a friend who was making $500,000 to $800,000 per month from PCR tests. Billions were made globally with this useless test which was implemented to terrorize the populations of the world as admitted by the UK government’s Covid unit. the test terrorized billions into compliance which was the stated goal of the SAGE group in the UK. This was a pandemic of flawed tests not covid.

      • Hal
        Hal says:

        A test not fit for purpose, improperly applied and returning billions to the manufacturer and tester combined with murderous protocols, the denigration of whistleblowers, those that insisted on informed consent, heretofore experts and a captured media I fear is just the beginning.

    • Bill M
      Bill M says:

      As did WA ” WASTE ALWAYS ” These premiers need to be made accountable for the squandering of our taxes, especially when we have massive shortages of funding in the most needed professions.

  4. Alise
    Alise says:

    So some doctors will change state to avoid this? Australia is like a chessboard where people move around to get a better seat on the deck of the Titanic.

  5. jean Halpin
    jean Halpin says:

    It seems to be about centralising control as well as a money grab. If six taxes were not removed, then they need to be, and money refunded retrospectively. Thank you for enlightening us of this situation. what a disgrace!

  6. Barb
    Barb says:

    Oh c/mon do you think we are stupid, we who are not blinded by the BS know this is the start of another area of culling. If you can afford to get to a Doctor, good chance you may well die. Sorry but that the truth and exactly what the elitists want, they have said as much, and seem not to be hiding it anymore. Watch for more coming, USA is ruling Australia – oh yes it is, who do think pushed the Covid and Vax??? wasn’t Sanata Claus.
    How do I know this – pays to have some people in the right place.

  7. Ian Busby
    Ian Busby says:

    These taxes are all to do with her precious Olympics so expect more taxes.You can do something about it in 2024 as well as the rest of her incompetent government.

  8. Babs
    Babs says:

    It is becoming more and more difficult to find a doctor that bulk bills. The explanation is that the government hasn’t increased the contribution for a very long time. They are destroying the public health system…But plenty of money for useless covid tests and vaxs.

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