I spoke to Alexandra Marshall of Spectator Australia on the outrageous tax that is being floated, which will impact those on smaller incomes and families.

The Environment Minister, Tania Plibersek, has warned the fashion industry to turn its back on the concept of fashion that encourages people to buy too many new clothes. This idea is straight out of Chairman Mao’s China where everyone dressed in the same uniform, reducing the need for clothing to just a few sets of clothes.

This is your future under the most radical government in Australian history, who are actively promoting the World Economic Forum’s war on clothing under the guise of ‘saving the environment’, but really they just want us to have less.

Minister Plibersek is trying to justify their levy on clothing by saying it will create a ‘Green Fund’. Based on flawed science, this tax on clothing comes just after the WEF suggested on its website that people wash their clothes less often — you will wear old clothes and be dirty. This is literally what the WEF thinks of us. It’s impossible to be “happy” about this out of control, UN agenda followed loyally by this government.

One Nation opposes any new taxes. For the Prime Minister to even consider more tax on clothing shows how out of touch he is.

Spectator Australia


4 replies
  1. Steven
    Steven says:

    Time to get rid of this communist rubbish and those who mpromote it. Thank the good Lord for elections. To bad Australia is still full mof sheeple!!

  2. Yves Altana
    Yves Altana says:

    You are almost right, China is one of the major manufacturers of clothing, Chinese are very well dressed in style too.
    Do it’s time to stop the stupid cliché about communiste China blablabla.
    The idea behind this is to sanction China as we are the USA lapdog and when the USA say jump we only ask, how high?
    The West and their international politics are dragging us down.
    It’s time to realise a multi-polar world is emerging and if we don’t follow we’ll be left behind.

  3. Rick
    Rick says:

    Albanese Labor government are getting highly desperate for money . Every expenditure that has been under Labor has been an unnecessary waste of money . I believe when they got elected they put their put their party 🎉 hats on , opened the champagne and said “ WE’RE GOING OUT WITH A BANG “ self serving arrogance of these cockroaches .

  4. David
    David says:

    OMG, Is the country running so well and easily that the is the best our leaders can offer us, bet tania wears something different to work each day.

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