When family department stores and online shops display books that are designed to groom children about sex, we have to say – this is not acceptable!

The Australian Classification Board is failing children miserably.

This is a graphic book about sex that has been designed and deliberately marketed to young children.

This is not about book-burning. This is about protecting children’s innocence and letting them have their childhood.

Government and unelected bureaucrats are now interfering in children’s lives. Parents have the right to decide what’s best for their children.

Leave our kids alone!

14 replies
  1. Connie Prill
    Connie Prill says:

    How are these authors not being arrested? This is child exploitation, grooming and abuse!!! The fact that this is in writing and pictures proves that the authors have broken the law and need to be charged as such and clearly found guilty!

    • Amanda Morgan
      Amanda Morgan says:

      Agree Connie, unfortunately this agenda goes all the way to the top. The WEF is trying to normalise having “relationships” with children and animals and mutilating ones body after they’ve caused this great confusion. We must continue to stand in their way and awaken as many parents as possible to this agenda.

    • Megan
      Megan says:

      Do you think it is appropriate to have books aimed at 2 yearbolds on various sexual definitions of males in relationships with each other including females with females in a toddler room in childcare centres.

  2. Nick
    Nick says:

    Fully support your stance on this issue. The classification system needs a total overhaul as does those who sit on it.

  3. Diana James
    Diana James says:

    Our children are our future…..raising them well is our duty to society. ‘Not in front of the children ‘ says so much about this time honoured responsibility. The best hope I have seen in recent times for parents comes, yes…believe it or not, from the USA. Look up the Prager movement. You will be overwhelmed by relief. This determined organisation is battling its’ way through, for families in the most courageous way. There is overwhelming common sense, truth with no nonsense about every topic on raising families today. As well, direction is totally modern and yet timeless.

  4. Bill Massie
    Bill Massie says:

    Many thanks Malcolm, thank goodness we still have politicians with back bone.
    Certain publications are not suitable for children, this b book being one of them.
    Is it that some authors have no morals? is it that booksellers only care about profit?
    Do they not censor what they are selling? do they have children? would they want their children having access to this book or other grooming publications?
    Television adverts pushing rainbows, two females kissing. We are being flooded with unsuitable propaganda for children.
    Time to stop the rot, grooming and brainwashing. Let children be children .

    • Megan
      Megan says:

      Do you think it is appropriate to have books aimed at 2 yearbolds on various sexual definitions of males in relationships with each other including females with females in a toddler room in childcare centres.

  5. Kathleen
    Kathleen says:

    I fully support an overhaul of the Australian Classification Authority. BOARD members should be veted and strict statutory guidelines adhered to. Decisions ought be open to public scrutiny and comment.

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