
[Marcus Paul] Good morning, mate.

[Malcolm Roberts] Good morning Marcus, how are you?

[Marcus Paul] All right, as a Queensland Senator, are you going to welcome the 2032 Olympic games to Brisbane, the Gold Coast and the Sunshine Coast with open arms?

[Malcolm Roberts] If they ever get here, mate, once the decision is made that’s it. Of course I welcome people here, but I abhor the decision from Annastacia Palaszczuk. It’s an absolutely terrible decision. We’ve got productive capacity, needed investment across our state, and across our country, and they’re gonna blow it on a festival? To get her votes? No this is rubbish, it’s nonsense.

[Marcus Paul] All right. So, but you concur with what the boss says, Pauline Hanson, that’s you know, we could do without spending the billions of dollars that it’ll cost to run the 2032 games in Brisbane. Well, I mean, they’ve been announced, they’re coming to Queensland, so I guess I dunno, we need to just make sure the government doesn’t blow out the cost, I guess, I dunno.

[Malcolm Roberts] Well, Marcus, how did Brisbane win anything? How did we win anything? No one else wanted these damn games. We’ve got, the Commonwealth games was a flop, because of the way the labour state government mismanaged it in this state. Again, they made Beattie in charge of it, Peter Beattie in charge of it, and he turned it into a disaster, a public relations disaster. It was a disaster for the Gold Coast, the way he mismanaged that. We’ve got, I was in Julia Creek, not long ago in the Northwest of our state. And they had recently had a hospital open there, a new hospital, but they can’t find any staff to run it. And you know, what that means is people who are in aged care there, have moved out of town. So they’ve lost their family as well. I mean, this state is being so terribly mismanaged. We have got a $130 billion loan, sorry, debt. That’s what our debt is. We’ve got a mismanaged economy. The state government is just running this state into the ground. It’s just telling lies, and it’s just running from one catastrophe to the next. The COVID mismanagement. We have, I was in North, I’m in North Queensland now. I’m calling from Bamaga. We went through Moreton Telegraph, or Moreton Telegraph station just a couple of days ago. They had, the people who are running that business, lost their business in Cairns, a major touring company, tourist company, because of mismanagement. They can’t put up with the state government. It’s just destroying our state.

[Marcus Paul] All right, just on vaccinations. I know that Scott Morrison hasn’t ruled out at all, the possibility of a so-called vaccine passport. We know in France, the president, Emmanuel Macron, has introduced the vaccine passport system. Without a jab, people can’t go to restaurants, or cafes, get on planes, or trains to travel. Look, obviously there’ll be, you know, different countries around the world, where we’ll basically ask people to prove that they’re vaccinated, before they get access to so-called privileges. Look, I don’t know. I know you’re dead set against them, but I have a sneaking suspicion mate, that this is what’s on the way, a vaccine passport system here in Australia, as well.

[Malcolm Roberts] It’s a vaccine prison. It’s not a vaccine passport, it’s a vaccine prison, because it locks people out of everyday activities, travel, services, and mixing with their fellow humans in their own communities. It’s a vaccine prison. Scott Morrison promised, that there would be no vaccine prison. And now he’s trying to push one in, through the aged care facilities. We’ve had thousands of people contact us, deluged, with really serious concerns. Some of my staff have been crying with them on the phone. These people love working in aged care. They love servicing the guests in aged care facilities. They’re going to be leaving them, abandoning them, because they don’t want their own health compromised. We’ve got, in America, as of the 7th of July, it’s increased since then enormously, there were 9,000 deaths due to vaccines, and that’s not even counting AstraZeneca, I don’t think they do that over there. And they’ve had a thousand miscarriages. They have had no testing on the female reproductive systems. And that is possible, because they use rats and to do it, if they did the test, but they haven’t done the test on these vaccines. it’s just disgraceful. This is the first time in human history, where a government has knowingly injected something that can kill you into healthy people. And it’s also the first time in human history, that a government has willfully ignored a proven cure, ivermectin, and let people rot and die, because of COVID when they can’t get Ivermectin even though it’s proven, safe, affordable, and effective.

[Marcus Paul] Well it’s obviously not on the government’s radar. You and I have talked about ivermectin, and all the other options that are elsewhere available before, but it’s quite clear, the medical fraternity in this country, don’t wanna use it, otherwise we would be using it. And you’ve got to ask the question, “Why?” I’m not quite sure. What I do now-

[Malcolm Roberts] No, no.

[Marcus Paul] Hang on, hang on. But what I do know is that we rolled the dice. We went with the wrong jockey, if you like, in AstraZeneca, and we’re paying the price for it now.

[Malcolm Roberts] There are many medical practitioners, and allied healthcare practitioners in this country, who strongly support ivermectin’s use.

[Marcus Paul] Yeah, but the government, my point being, the government’s not listening to them.

[Malcolm Roberts] Correct.

[Marcus Paul] And if they were listening to them, then as you say, ivermectin and others would be in the mix. The question is, why aren’t they? Maybe, you know, because Craig Kelly was on the nose. I don’t know. I know that those who have been pushing it, yourself, Craig Kelly and others. But I do have to wonder why, our medical experts at a federal and state level have shied away from it? They just don’t wanna know about it. Why is that Malcolm? You’re a Senator. You have the ability to ask these questions within the Senate. Why is it that they’re not using ivermectin, or other as you put it, so-called scientifically proven methods to control COVID?

[Malcolm Roberts] It’s very simple, in my opinion, Marcus. Both the Labour Party and the Liberal Party, National Party have run this country into the ground over the last 40 years. Even more, if you go back to the root cause in 1944.

[Marcus Paul] Yeah, but you’re not answering the question.

[Malcolm Roberts] No, no, I am answering your question. What they have done, is they have played second fiddle. They’d been the lackeys for multinational corporations. Multinational corporations in this country, do not have to pay company tax. That’s a fact. That means you and I, and everyone listening is paying their share, the multinational share. Now multinationals behind these vaccines, have got a monopoly, while ever there’s no proven safe, effective, affordable alternative. So the government is not, that’s my belief, that they’re suppressing ivermectin, because if they passed ivermectin, and approved it for use for COVID, there would be no need whatsoever, whatsoever for these vaccines. Plus in addition, we’d be able to open the country up. And because it is known to cure people with COVID, known to already do that. It’s been demonstrated in many countries overseas. It’s been demonstrated also as a prophylactic to prevent you getting COVID. So this is insane.

[Marcus Paul] All right, so basically what you’re saying, is the government don’t wanna know, or our politicians don’t wanna know about the alternative treatments, because there’s nothing in it for them. I mean, we hear stories of certain MPS, and I, this is where I get really annoyed. We hear stories, I don’t know about how true they are. So I’ve got to be a little careful here, but you do hear stories of certain government MPS having shares in a number of the manufacturers of the approved vaccines. Now that to me is a concern, now.

[Malcolm Roberts] That’s a big concern. I haven’t done that research Marcus, so I’m not gonna say too much about it. But if it’s true, that’s a very, very serious indecent thing.

[Marcus Paul] Well, there’s a lotta of rumours about it.

[Malcolm Roberts] Well that’s the thing you know, there so many rumours on the internet about these things. And what we’ve gotta face up to, is the fact that this government has botched the delivery of the vaccines. It’s botched, and same with Labour Party, The Labour Party and the Liberal Party have refused to deal with the fundamental question, which is, should we be vaccinating, not how do we vaccinate. What they’ve done, is they’ve skipped the should we be vaccinating, and looked at that and had a serious debate about the pros and cons, and gone straight to how do we vaccinate? That’s a con job. And so what we’ve got at the very minimum, is a serious abdication of accountability and responsibility yet again, from the federal government in this country. Plus, as you point out, maybe serious conflicts of interest.

[Marcus Paul] Malcolm, good to have you on mate. We’ll talk again soon, appreciate it.

[Malcolm Roberts] Okay, Marcus, little bit.

[Marcus Paul] All right, there he is, Queensland One Nation Senator, Malcolm Roberts. Wow, agree, disagree. Look, as I say, this programme is a broad church, and I allow all opinions. Even those that perhaps, you know, skirt the, well, the probability of almost being realistic. Look, I don’t know. You know Malcolm Roberts, a lot of people don’t like him, but he’s, you know, give him credit where it’s due. He researches, he looks into the issues. And you know, there are a lot of people who do support the use of other formulas or methods to deal with COVID. But it’s quite obvious that the medical fraternity here in Australia, and our politicians don’t agree with him. Otherwise, you know, we’d be using ivermectin, and all these other things that they talk about. But we’re not, we’re stuck with what we’ve got, and here we are, lock downs

2 replies
  1. Kevin johns
    Kevin johns says:

    It’s the ivermectin treatment that kills the virus. It says something when people don’t have any faith in their Government. They only follow the UN line, and do not listen to the people.

  2. Kim Davis
    Kim Davis says:

    Dear Malcolm,

    Could you please pass on One Nation Details of who I can contact in Busselton WA.
    I as a 5th generation Australian I cannot beleive where we find ourselves currently.
    I don’t know what to do. I feel I don’t have a voice.
    Thank you for your time.

    I am so disappointed with the current government. I actually voted for them.

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