The UN has dialed up its terror war against the West to ridiculous new levels. We’re now expected to believe in climate boiling.

Basic human rights are being destroyed using false data and children are being scared into thinking they have no future.

Wind and solar fail to provide baseload power and their subsidized existence is driving up energy bills. It’s unsustainable.

I’ll be saying a lot more on this shortly in my adjournment speech.


I thank Senator McKim for his matter of urgency.

The public is waking up to the net zero war on living standards, war on freedom of movement and war on property rights.

Following public sentiment moving away from global warming ideology, the media is seeking to restore its credibility on this.

So what’s a climate carpet bagger like UN head Antonio Guterres got to do? Does he admit the scam is over and resign? No. He dialled up the hyperbole from global warming to global boiling.

This hyperbole is dangerous. It’s based on falsification of data. It’s scaring children into thinking they have no future. It’s destroying wealth and property. It’s taking away basic human rights like the right to travel and the right to enjoy one’s own property.

The warmers are desperate to save their scare from the reality of cooling temperatures and the demonstrated failure of wind and solar to provide baseload power, while driving skyrocketing unaffordable power prices, crippling families.

In tomorrow’s adjournment speech, I’ll be saying a lot more.

10 replies
  1. Col
    Col says:

    With reference to Global Warming / Climate Change.

    Over many years of discussions and for the past 8 months observing this website, I believe there are 3 main groups of people.

    The Denier.
    A person of limited knowledge who refuses to discuss the issue, believes they are correct, and appears to be convinced by what they have been told by others.
    Even to the extent of believing conspiracy theories and the attempted imposition of a “world order of control” by unidentified nefarious persons.

    The Skeptic.
    This person is unsure and questions the information they have.
    The skeptic is willing to ask questions and enter discussion in an attempt to improve their understanding of the topic.

    The Realist.
    This person, through previous serious investigation, questioning and open discussion, has a better than average understanding of the topic
    The realist has listened critically to the concepts presented by others who have scientific training, qualifications and understanding of the issues at hand.

    Now we come to the politician.

    There are persons in the political sphere who are genuinely concerned re serving their Electorate, State, Australia and the Global community to the best of their ability.
    They display an interest in listening and talking with members of the public on many topics.
    These persons are not confined to one political party.

    There are others who claim to serve the public but, unfortunately, by their public pronouncements indicate they are more interested in maintaining their public exposure and thus their electoral base.
    Their public pronouncements are divisive, controversial and highly critical of other views to the extent of baseless accusations of conspiracy theories.

    These pronouncements cover a wide range of issues including Global Warming denial, vaccine disinformation and community health to identify but a few.

    I rest my case.

    • Alan Vaughn
      Alan Vaughn says:

      “The Denier.
      A person of limited knowledge who refuses to discuss the issue, believes they are correct, and appears to be convinced by what they have been told by others.”

      Thank you, Col ‘The Denier’.
      You’ve just described yourself PEFECTLY.
      Could be wrong but think I’ve figured out why you relentlessly TROLL this blog: It’s one of the few left that allows you to comment – that hasn’t banned you for spewing your ignorant, pseudo-scientific ‘fact based’ greenie nonsense.
      But PLEASE, keep them coming. We love laughing at you and your ridiculous, paradoxical arguments.

  2. Clive Bond
    Clive Bond says:

    I am a denier Col and have been for 30 years, that is because I read the real science not unvalidated, proven wrong, computer models. Try this one for evidence, during those 10,000 years before the Little Ice Age when temperatures were well above the present, CO2 was much lower at 260/280ppm. Present level 420ppm.
    There is no correlation between Carbon dioxide and temperature over the geological record. No correlation, no causation

    • Alan Vaughn
      Alan Vaughn says:

      Don’t waste your time on that one Clive. He’s a lost cause when it comes to critical thinking and the application of simple logic and common sense. He’s been trolling here for a long time. No idea what he imagines he’s going to achieve with his mindless ill-informed rants.

    • Col
      Col says:

      Perhaps Alan you would like to look at the second of the two websites Clive has recommended and explain the major shortcoming present.

      Clive, I will contact you later on this point after Alan’s answer.


    • Col
      Col says:

      Hi Clive,

      My apologies for the delay but I have been waiting to read Alan’s reply to the challenge re the second of the two websites you mentioned.

      Alan and Clive,

      The problem is that human caused Global Warming and associated Climate Change has significantly occurred over the past 200 years or so.
      Geological timescales extend back hundreds of millions of years.

      Where were the humans even 100 thousand years ago?
      Where was the mining / drilling and combustion of fossil fuels?

      Over the last 200 or so years human activity has mined / drilled vast quantities of fossil fuels.
      These fuels have been burnt for energy while releasing CO2 into the atmosphere.

      Do a Google search over the last 200 years on “use of fossil fuels”, “CO2 levels in the atmosphere”,”global atmospheric temperatures”, “global sea temperatures”,”human population”.
      You will find all these quantities are rising at comparable rates.

      Note CO2 levels have increased by more than 40% over the same period so its contribution to Global Warming has increased.

      Full explanation of the Greenhouse Effect offered if requested.

  3. Alan Vaughn
    Alan Vaughn says:

    I used to think you were just a typical brainwashed and braindead, delusional greenie, but now: You’re hilarious Col. How did they let you out of hospital anyway? Or are you now a fugitive?

    • Col
      Col says:


      To be specific, I was hoping to help people understand the full implication of increasing CO2 levels and Global Warming.

      For this aim to be achieved the target audience must be prepared to listen thoughtfully and critically with an open mind.
      If the requisite open mind and levels of critical thinking and thoughtfulness are not available it is a forlorn exercise.


      • Megs
        Megs says:

        You do realise that the push for renewables globally over the past two decades has done nothing to reduce C02, don’t you? No one country has in reality reduced their contribution of anthropogenic C02 emissions into the atmosphere, they have simply exported them to China along with their manufacturing and jobs. Global C02 continues to steadily rise and nothing Australia can do will stop it. Our 1.16% contribution to the 3% anthropogenic emissions is insignificant and would be easily absorbed by the vegetation on Australia’s land area of 7.688 square kilometres.

        China now supplies the majority of wind, solar, backup batteries and EV’s around the globe which is why their C02 emissions are the highest in the world. And then they ship them around the globe. Shipping is one of the highest of all anthropogenic contributors of C02 and has increased on a massive scale as a direct result of the push for renewables.

        Do you have any understanding of the scale of the necessary infrastructure to even attempt to transition to renewables globally? The 69 wind turbines proposed very near to our home will be 7MW and standing at 280m high and 200m wide. Do you have any idea of the amount of rebar and concrete that will be necessary to keep these bird and bat killers standing? There will be tens of thousands of them across Australia.

        There is so much that you are ignorant of, the environmental damage being done globally, the child slavery and human degradation, the destruction of global economies and the vast increase in all mining, particularly coal.

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