The Senate this morning has voted in favour of my motion requiring Senator Murray Watt, Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry to explain how he hasn’t misled the Senate in answers regarding foot and mouth disease.

The Minister must attend the Senate at 9:30am Thursday to explain.

In a hand delivered letter which he did not respond to, I asked the Minister to consider how his answers were not misleading the Senate. Official Government biosecurity measures state that vaccination of affected and proximate livestock should occur within 2 days of an outbreak.

Despite this, Minister Watt appears to maintain that holding 1 million non-mRNA cow vaccines in the United Kingdom, which would take 7 days to get here, is good enough. It isn’t.

It begs the question, why does it seem to be easier to get a human vaccinated in this country than a cow?

We also have to ask, why is the Government colluding with the Greens to keep a non-mRNA vaccine for Foot and Mouth disease out of the country? Why is Labor being so slow to act on keeping Foot and Mouth out of the country?

Do they want a Foot and Mouth disease outbreak in the country to destroy our livestock industry so we all have to eat the bugs?

6 replies
  1. David E Purcell
    David E Purcell says:

    All part of the narrative you will own nothing and be happy eat bugs easy way to destroy live stock industry

  2. Stewart Oates
    Stewart Oates says:

    I hope this isn’t a tast of what the future looks like with the new government in regards to Australia’s security on all levels. You would have thought after 4years of lies and deception and labour being the one’s trying to raine the Coalition in, they would be starting off with a bit more decisive decision making. When will someone step up to the plate.

  3. Kerrie C
    Kerrie C says:

    I’d be more concerned if the F& M vaccine was a mRNA one as it would effect the humans who ate it also. Are they planning one is the question to ask

    • RHN
      RHN says:

      If an mRNA option is sought over a quietly suppressed non GMO standard vaccine , as stated. Would qualify as motive with ill intent.

  4. Lisa
    Lisa says:

    Wow, if the vaccine works as it says, then we need a stockpile in country so it can be administered asap as reccomended. I can indeed see why it may be seen as wanting an outbreak.i seriously hope they are just deluded in thinking they can get vaccines here in time

  5. Bruce
    Bruce says:

    Labor have no interest to where the food comes from or our sustainable energy comes from only interested in the climate change hoax which is the worlds biggest scam. They want all energy to come from already failed windmills & mirrors. We will be all going back to the Stone Age era, they are all bloody brainless idiots.

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