Deputy Labor Leader Richard Marles has shown that his first allegiance lies with China, not Australia.

Marles has clearly shown that his true colour is red, like Labor, when he delivered a speech praising the Chinese Communist Party, delivered in China in Beijing in 2019.

He said in the speech that Chinese investment in the Pacific was a good thing and called for closer military ties between China and Australia.

He had even cleared the contents of the speech with the Chinese Embassy in Canberra before delivering it, but it was not shared with the Australian government.

Why would Mr Marles cowtow to the Chinese unless he is either totally misguided, stupidly dangerous or a Chinese government servant?

In 2017 Mr Marles had given a speech praising China’s considerable humanitarian achievements, describing them as a “force for good”.

Pity the poor Uighurs who have been forced to live in labour camps for re-education.

Marles argued that China did not seek to export its ideology or to influence other countries’ political systems, even though this was contrary to then existing ASIO warnings about foreign influence in Australia.

Richard Marles is the Deputy Leader of the Labor Party and if elected at this federal election, he could become one of the most influential voices in Australian government. Will we all need to learn to speak Cantonese?

This must not be allowed to happen.

Labor will be soft on China if it comes into government.

To stop this happening Mr Marles must step down or be made to do so and Labor must not be voted into power.

Pauline Hanson’s One Nation represents all Australians and supports Australia as a sovereign country.

“Richard Marles praised Xi Jinping, China’s human rights record, said Australia should stay out of South China Sea dispute: