China uses Australian coal to make cheap power and products which we then buy back off them, even subsidising them in the case of wind turbines and solar panels. This madness has to stop.

11 replies
  1. Gordon Prescott
    Gordon Prescott says:

    Malcolm, Thankyou for your ongoing efforts. Those of us who can think for ourselves appreciate it.

  2. Frank
    Frank says:

    It’s simple equation, selling our coal is to Australia’s benefit, economically. Importing items from China again, have a cost advantage vs. producing items here. The more we engage in trade the less likely we will fight a war, the more we disengage the more likelihood of war. Unfortunately what the West is doing today (and we are the 51st state of the US) is exactly that, we’re pushing for a 3rd world war on many fronts. We need to wake up to what is really going on in the world. Whilst I applaud your stance on most issues, on this one I have to disagree.

    • Mick
      Mick says:

      I think that saying “The more we engage in trade the less likely we will fight a war” is not all there is to it. WE might be less likely to start a war but it says nothing about the other side. Does anyone really know what China is planning? Can we guarantee they will be less likely to engage in a war simply because they are out trading partners? I think not. They will do whatever they think is best for them.

      Rather than selling our coal to China we should be using it in Australia to provide reliable and affordable electricity. This would enable us to be doing more manufacturing locally instead of relying on cheap products from China. As my father used to say: “Charity begins at home” so let’s start looking after Australians first instead of providing cheap energy sources to foreign countries.

      • Wendy Cain
        Wendy Cain says:

        exactly, We have politicians in power who are as ANTI -Australian,ANTI- Australianism, ANTI – Australia, as they could be. We must all together oust them, asap. Change must come from our Silent Majority, Boots ‘n All Australians every one must realise just what is actually going on here now, they’, the socialist elitist’s globalists ‘ are still attempting to steal our free will Nation right out from underneath us all. Without our knowledge or our consent…They are our public servants NOT OUR MASTERS,Our Australian Constitution is there for all of us Australians to control our public servant politicians, NOT for them to fiddle with to further their own Anti-Australian agendas.The onus was always on them ‘sitting in our Parliament of the Australia to ensure our Australian Constitution remained watertight lawfully at all times to prevent any politician from ever finding any loop hole ,exploiting that against every Australian , attempting to prevent themselves from the justice and accountability of themselves, for their signed into agreements, deals, accords that did not obey their sworn duty under our Constitution to work for our benefit, we the Australian people, as is and always was why they ever get put into power to run our nation of Australia for our benefit, under our federated states since 1901 and our Constitution. Which they absolutely, over the past decades, have not done. They must be lawfully held accountable. asap. Those Australian taxpayer-paid Australian legal eagles who failed to not ensure Australia’s Constitution remained lawfully watertight against any political interference, local or international must be held accountable, asap. This will be Australia’s largest high court proceedings against all Australian public servant politicians found to have had a hand in the deceit and lies and con’s put forward to the Australian people in an attempt to hide their crimes against every Australian, man, woman and child. against our free will nation of Australia and against our Australian Constitution and our courts and common law must be done to get our free will nation of Australia back on track for Australians by Australians, This is still our Nation it belongs – lock-stock and barrel fully paid for by our hard-earned taxes and our resources, mining taxes,, import tariffs monies, since the federation of our states in 1901, to every Australian under our Australian Constitution, NOT politicians or political parties, regardless of deals, agreements, accords, that have been signed into against our WILL.

    • Gumnut123
      Gumnut123 says:

      Trade won’t stop a War. USA is trying to goad Australia, Japan, New Zealand into War and have already made us more of a military base/target for THEIR benefit:

      Bio weapon Labs were here before the Covid 11.

      Indonesia sells coal to China.

      Countries should be self sufficient, produce healthy foods not mRNA jabbed cattle and pigs, and all the other vaccines for humans and animals, non GMO vegetables’ and Australia as an Island needs to do more manufacturing.

      How much do we really save on buying from Overseas? Also manufacturers should stop making products that fall apart after a few years.

      The USA worship of the Almighty Dollar has caused…….

  3. Richard
    Richard says:

    Australia should not be exporting fossil fuels at all. Not because of global warming, but because fossil fuels are just that — fossils. Once they are used up, they are gone. Permanently on human time scales.

    They are also important feedstocks for many chemicals and industrial products. Australia should retain its fossil fuels for domestic use and even then only use them sparingly.

  4. rod Mclean
    rod Mclean says:

    Dear MALCOLM.
    Thanks for your thoughts on the matter of coal, it reminded me of the time in AUSTRALIA in the 1920s and 1930s when we provided pig iron to Japan, this enabled Japan to build up the military infrastructure they needed to engage the second world war. In fact BOB MENZIES was given the name of pig iron Bob for approving this trade when he was the minister for munitions .
    The same applies to China and the supply of iron ore and coal for the smelter furnaces in China. I have no doubt the material produced by our iron ore (the best in the world) will be used in the production of armaments and other military hardware. Perhaps this will be returned to Australia in a fashion we least expect, if Taiwan doesn’t get it first.
    I am not under any illusion that this trade to China will cease, however a time will come when our country will reap the whirlwind.

  5. Chris
    Chris says:

    If politicians and the public had the fortitude, selling coal to China should be stopped. We would take a big financial hit but, better now, than out of our hands later. The offset (achieving net zero cost) would come by stopping all of the wasteful Government programs. As if!

    It will be wild ride. It’s scary just thinking about this stuff. Keep up the good work Malcolm.

  6. Barbara
    Barbara says:

    That is certainly a sensible point!
    Why are we mining and exporting our coal to China, for them to burn in their 2,363 coal fired power plants, (which provide cheap electricity for their economic growth, with all those uncontrolled carbon emissions) while we plan to close down our 21 coal fired power stations and change to much less reliable and more expensive, highly subsidized, “renewable” resources, (the making of which, in China, emits tons of carbon into the atmosphere)?

    China’s emissions in Three Weeks equal those of Australia in One Year!
    We must reduce our reliance on China! We are just playing into their hands!

    Why should our electricity supplies be reliant upon the weather when we have abundant coal and gas supplies? It is cheap electricity which has fueled western prosperity-why should we push ourselves back into poverty through turning to unreliable and expensive, highly subsidized wind and solar power?

    Thirty years of highly subsidized usage of wind and solar power generation have failed to show its benefits or reduce its costs.

    Australian coal emissions make up 1.5% of world emissions. China’s industry contributes 50% of world emissions. In what way will closing down our coal generators and hampering our industry make a difference?
    Thank you for your attention.

  7. Clive Bond
    Clive Bond says:

    China has increased mining it’s own coal though not of the same quality as ours. It can also gat it from other sources. The main loser in this case would be us .We are dumb enough not to use it ourselves and buy the windmills and solar panels. China is our largest trading partner and could do another barley or wine on us .Inevitably we would be the biggest loser. Whichever way it goes it will not decide if there is a war.

  8. Roger
    Roger says:

    i guess it iz obvious why australia iz catering to china. the big gove has sold its soul to it like trudeau sold hiz soul to them in canada an joe biden haz sold hiz sould to china az well. the big question iz why are the people so blind to this.

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