An absolute must to add to your playlist by The Emily James Trio.

21 replies
  1. Peta Newman
    Peta Newman says:

    Absolutely love the song!! I’m certainly tired of hearing & seeing & reading it over & over again. Australia was not invaded & if white culture is so terrible why not opt out of it & live in a tree stump?

  2. Paul Evo
    Paul Evo says:

    A great song. Our esteemed PM has forced this division and I too am now sick of being welcomed to the land where I was born.

  3. Rick
    Rick says:

    I bet if I threw a can of paint over a “ welcome to country GAJINGAL “ sign like the protesters did on the MONA LISA in the louvre museum , I’d probably cop a bigger fine than they did .
    Powers that be seem determined to transform society into an apathetic population accepting every thing without question , unless you’re enlightened .
    Dont go welcoming me ,,,,, you can stick it up your arse 😃😃😃

  4. Lynette Laskus
    Lynette Laskus says:

    I dont have a problem with a welcome to country. As it is Australia was a number of countries within what we call Australia. Much the same as your home. I have a welcome mat at the door to my home. In real life though those indigenous persons displaced from their mob and country, dont receive much of a welcome and are treated poorly or receive little assistance from their own kind and tax payers dollars because they are living out of country.

  5. Mia Van Der Stam
    Mia Van Der Stam says:

    Love it- I am sure there are so many who agree. Myself personally I AM SICK of welcome to country.

  6. Louise
    Louise says:

    Its all part of the Marxist plan (including the Voice) to divide Australia and push the narrative that Indigenous folk are down trodden. The opposite is actually true. 3.5% of the population being indigenous have 40% of the land as heritage listed, and the amount of money that goes towards them is twice that of other Australians. We are all one under the Australian flag. Stop the division! Albanese is acting treasonously by pandering to the dictates of the unelected UN, WHO, WEF etc instead of doing what Australians ELECTED him to do on THEIR behalf.

    • Laurie Daams
      Laurie Daams says:

      Spot on with your comments there Louise!! Our Australian brothers and sisters need to wake The heck up!!

  7. Barbara Pecze
    Barbara Pecze says:

    Regarding the song, I’m neutral. A song is a song, good, bad or indifferent. What matters is how we treat each other.

    • Milton Lever
      Milton Lever says:

      Aborigines were not the first inhabitants in Australia. Dinosaurs were here long before them. Please put dinosaurs on our flags.

  8. Mark Bush
    Mark Bush says:

    It would be an interesting research project for a uni post-graduate to ascertain just how much DNA of the original inhabitants remains within those that keep going on about ‘invasion’ & reparations. Australia is a multi-cultural country, continues to be the ‘go to’ destination for many potential new citizens. However, due to our blase & ‘she’ll be right, mate’ attitudes, we are fast becoming a diivided country, inhabited by activists, hate preaching narcissists, leaners (instead of lifters) & false card carrying ATSI identified people. The past needs to be remembered, but learnt from. Thankfully, when the invading army reached just north of Port Moresby, our soldier citizens (all colours/cultural backgrounds), managed to turn the tide. Otherwise, would we have endured that which the Chinese did at the commencment of WW2. Stop welcoming me, a first generation Aussie to the country my pommie parents emigrated to after WW2 looking for a better life. They did their bit, improving the living conditions of the ATSI people. If anybody is not happy with their current lot, do something about it or return back to your roots/country. We need lifters, not leaners.

    • Andrew R Darby
      Andrew R Darby says:

      Well said, mate. I live in Cairns where it rains a lot. The indigenous mobs that lived here before European settlement must have had a miserable existence no food security, no ability to store food, getting soaked when it rained, no medical services, no lighting at night, not being able to count, no written language (so how did they agree on the meaning of things?), no borders, but resources must have been fought over… the list is endless. There’s no chance anyone in their right mind would return to that way of life. It is a pity more gratitude and respect aren’t directed towards those who made this country into the safe and prosperous nation it is.

    • Juanita
      Juanita says:

      To the best of my knowledge all of my ancestral lines were here at Federation, with the earliest here only 10 years after the first fleet. That first couple and their descendants have contributed much to the developing of this great land. This includes at least a dozen suburb/ locality/ street names in Sydney and Brisbane and several points in between named by or related to them, as each generation moved further north – opening up new communities and farming areas. [Brisbane was also named for a distant relative.] The establishment of clubs, schools etc. and a long term political life has also been contributed. This couple now has more than 10,000 living Australian descendants. I don’t have indigenous heritage, but we have identified 2 convict ancestors, one coming early and one on the last ships to arrive. The wife of the first of these was one of only a handful of women who were granted land in their own name, and there is a park in Sydney named after her containing part of her original grant. I could continue, but this is ample evidence why I am totally against the insulting ‘welcome to country’ messages.

  9. Matt
    Matt says:

    They say if you can’t beat them join them!
    Perhaps we could start giving “Welcome to Civilisation” speeches and ceremonies.

  10. mick
    mick says:

    I don’t want anyone doing that welcome to country stuff around me, keep it away, go away and do it on your own time not mine.

  11. John McBratney
    John McBratney says:

    I am sick to death of the welcome to country fiaco. I was an immigrant from the UK in 1960. I have worked as an engineer and paid substantial taxes in Australia since. I have achieved education through my own efforts and supported family contributed to development of this country. I ask what have those who consider we are interlopers done to advance the country? NOTHING, all they do is take take take. I exclude the few like Senator Jacinta Price who have done as I have done, and indeed better in her case, there are many like her BUT the vast majority are free-loaders! When they get off their well padded tails and contribute the rest of us might listen, in the meantime STOP THIS INSULTING WELCOME TO COUNTRY RUBBISH, it is insulting, incorrect, divisive and a down-right nuisance.

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