There has been many attempts to paint anti-mandate protesters as extremists. It’s not true and even the Federal Police have said so. At the protest some people were concerned about the appearance of possible Long Range Acoustic Devices (LRAD) and whether they were used or not. We didn’t get an answer back straight away but the police will have to give me an answer on notice.


[Senator Keneally] Yeah, at this point.

[Speaker] Thanks Senator Keneally. I ask Senator Roberts, who’s just got a couple of minutes of questions.

Thank you. And Mr Kershaw is it?

[Kershaw] Kershaw, yeah.

Thank you all for appearing today, and before I ask my questions, I just want to thank you for the work you do and your AFP and work. And also the liaison with the State Police in Queensland and the ACT. I was at the protest; very proud of the behaviour of the people and so pleased that, and I agree with you, those groups were infiltrated by a couple of people, and that’s very small, so I appreciate that. Quickly, these questions are coming from a constituent: In relation to the Convoy to Canberra protest activity at Parliament House just last weekend, pictures of the day appear to show some types of devices at the front of Parliament House in between the entry to Parliament and Parliament lawns where the protest was in fact occurring. Can you confirm whether the AFP had long-range acoustic devices at Parliament House on Saturday?

That would be something that is our police methodology, which we would have to look at some sort of public interest immunity claim, Senator.

Is there any, surely it’s in the public interest to know whether or not they were there, without delving too much into it?

If I could take that on notice, I’d have to get advice.

Okay. I’d be happy. I understand. I’d be happy for that. And also, if you could tell us what type they were, please.


And can you confirm whether or not they were used at any point?


Thank you very much. And thank you, Chair.

6 replies
  1. Danelle Masters
    Danelle Masters says:

    I’m very much wanting to know the answers to those questions regarding the possible use of LRAD on the protestors.
    I also want it know on who’s orders?

    Thank you for asking the questions that are screaming to be asked.
    from the often silent majority.

  2. Erin
    Erin says:

    Mr Roberts,
    Thank goodness someone is constantly asking some hard truths. My family will be forever grateful for your work and integrity!
    Many thanks

  3. Roger That
    Roger That says:

    I appreciate you asking these direct questions Senator, and asking them is not enough. We need follow up and we deserve answers. “Public interest immunity” translates as ‘the police get to harm us in whichever ways they see fit and not have to disclose that to us, or ever be accountable.’ This is going too far. Those weapons are designed to hurt humans – be it Australians or people in overseas countries. The fact that a weapon like this is designed, built, and used is deeply sad and problematic.

    I’m looking forward to you following up with this and reporting back to us.

    Thank you.

  4. Allen
    Allen says:

    Thank you Senator Robert’s for everything you do for the Australian community.
    Truly a voice of the people.
    God bless you, keep fighting for truth.

  5. George Fish
    George Fish says:

    First comment is important. on who’s orders ? . If usage is confirmed the person responsible should be sacked. and become liable for any damage to people..

  6. Boris
    Boris says:

    Good day Mr Roberts. It appears that they are trying to be evasive to the question, if it’s something to hide it must be quite scandalous.

    Often the answer you may get may be indirectly relevant to the question or probably filled with vagueness, I urge you if you have the integrity to ask

    1. What was the purpose or intended outcome or effect of their use

    2. Who ordered their use, including their name and details

    3. Were any parameters on the use set out or directed, or were they simply to be used discretionary at the operators judgement?

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