The Government spends millions of dollars every year on consulting companies that overcharge to give the Government an opinion they want to hear.

Last week in the Senate I supported a motion creating an inquiry into the use of consulting companies so we can cut the waste.


One Nation will be supporting Senator Barbara Pocock’s motion because we believe that the big consulting companies are basically guns for hire. They’re opinions for hire. They give the government what the government wants, at a million dollars a gig. Some of these big firms are multinationals out of Japan.

So we will be supporting this.

2 replies
  1. Caroline
    Caroline says:

    Well said.

    I’ve worked supporting senior executives in a number of sectors and so have had experience dealing with a wide range of consulting firms.

    Indeed, the fees are often

    There are times when this is well worth paying.

    Many times, it has appeared absurd, to me anyway… Does the government ever actually bring in RETIRED PROFESSIONALS? There is a wealth of WISDOM going to waste.

    Of course, they would only wish to work limited days, or they would work from home…

    Pay them well.


    Let’s return to


    I forgot, I’m forbidden to speak, as sister considers me sick in the head, due to physical illness for months…

    Those 💉 I got x3

    So, I told her that , this is the result. Grrrr
    She was advised by me to view your COVID 2.0 SENATE ENQUIRY …. the police arrived a couple of hours after…

    Life in the Fast Lane is the SONG

    Lord give me strength…

    All the best to our wonderful BLUE FORCE

    Nice to see you again
    Q 9:04

    Breakfast next Catchya

  2. gumnut123
    gumnut123 says:

    Re SUBMARINE Contract,

    We are once more doing the USA bidding. total waste and are their Criminal proceedings yet for the botched Submarines Contract with France – billions went out the door and NOTHING to show for that $$$

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