Doctors across Australia have told us that they’re being intimidated into complying with the so-called government health advice – even against their own judgement.

Isn’t that bullying, and more over, isn’t that breaking the law?

8 replies
  1. Ian Potterton
    Ian Potterton says:

    Dear The Hon. Malcolm Roberts

    You must feel like ‘One crying out in the wilderness – Make Straight the Covid Malfeasance’.

    In personal loss litigation, possibly also from the 200+ GP’s they deregistered, you may get a Federal court case commenced.

  2. john
    john says:

    Let follow the science. There is no science just a lie.
    Now lets follow the money. Its only about the money and the murder.
    We need many long ropes and many high trees and string them up.
    Forget the courts as they have followed the money or are they the beneficiaries of said money.

  3. Deb
    Deb says:

    Medical device company directors and employees are also gagged. 1. Now it’s against the law to disagree with the Government health agenda 2. It’s also against the law to have any doctors or professionals recommend or publish an opinion on a medical device. Why? They are too influential to consumers. We certainly are in unprecedented times and prophecy is being fulfilled in our life time. The lawless one behind all of this will soon be revealed and when that happens you don’t want to be on this earth. That following seven years will be a time the earth has never seen and will never see again.

  4. Denise Pickering
    Denise Pickering says:

    G’day Malcolm,
    Keep strong,
    Keep fighting
    Keep standing up for us.
    We are in difficult times-it seems like we are being bombarded on all fronts
    Tactics or opportunistic?

  5. Michelle Anderson
    Michelle Anderson says:

    His whole statement, including the word “may” is complete and utter bullshit. When are these criminals going to charged for their crimes against humanity!

  6. Perry
    Perry says:

    Good, Senator, why isn’t there a court case against APHRA and the Department of Health. And the Minister involved.

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