
Doctors across Australia have told us that they’re being intimidated into complying with the so-called government health advice – even against their own judgement.

Isn’t that bullying, and more over, isn’t that breaking the law?

The Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency is the professional body that registers medical practitioners. For example a doctor or nurse cannot work in those professions without approval from the AHPRA. AHPRA can suspend a medical practitioner for breaching the Practitioner’s Code of Conduct.

Recently AHPRA amended the code to include instructions to medical professionals that they must support the Government’s vaccine agenda in their words and actions, or their registration would be reviewed. Senator Roberts asked AHPRA how many medical professionals they have cautioned for wrong speak, placing their registration at risk. The figure was 108.

Of those 16 were then suspended, and a further 11 were suspended after defending their patient’s right to informed consent.

Unless a medical professional can talk openly with their patient, explain the procedure, explain the risks and explain alternatives a patient cannot give informed consent. AHPRA’s actions are in conflict with long-established legal principles surrounding patient care.

One Nation will continue to pursue this matter.

After promising they would not make any vaccinations mandatory, the government is now imposing draconian, mandatory vaccinations on people in the Aged Care sector. If we allow the Government to force just one person to get the vaccine against their will then there’s nothing stopping them from forcing everyone to get it. Aged Care workers will just be the first. This is not what a democratic, free society looks like.


[Marcus] Malcolm, good morning, to you.

[Malcolm] Good morning, Marcus, how are you?

[Marcus] Yeah good. Look, it’s a conversation that well, that needs to be had. I don’t know. You and I are gonna butt heads on this, this morning. If you work in the aged care sector, if you work with the most vulnerable people in our community, bearing in mind that unfortunately, once COVID hit a number of nursing home facilities in New South Wales and Victoria in particular, we had deaths. I think you should be vaccinated.

[Malcolm] Well, what we did was we threw it up on our Facebook page to people who work in the aged care sector, Marcus, and we’ve listened to them. We had to shut down work in our office because we were swamped with phone calls the day before yesterday, absolutely swamped. All our staff were answering the phone. And some of our staff were really, felt very upset because we had aged care workers, crying on the phone to them. One was literally sobbing for 15 minutes. Some of these people are females, they’re young females, they’re actually carrying babies. They don’t know what the hell is gonna happen to the impact on their kid. Some are women wanting to become mothers. Some are fathers. Wanting to become fathers. They don’t know whether it’s safe or not to have a baby now. So, this is really traumatic for these people. And what really comes through is that this could backfire on the aged care sector, on people in aged care, because some of these people are now saying, “If I have to get this vaccine, I am not gonna stay. I’m not getting that injection, I’m getting out.” And they’re really upset at having to leave the people they’ve been caring for. We now have nurses in Victoria, I was contacted by one yesterday, that they’re organising themselves because they know that individually they can be threatened with losing their job and together, though, they can say to the hospital or the aged care facility, “If you sack us all, you got no one.” So I mean, these people are really upset. They’re very, very emotionally upset because the core issue is about informed consent and having a choice whether or not you get a vaccine.

[Marcus] All right, look, I understand those areas of concern. I really do, particularly, you know, with the situation around whether or not you take the vaccine, it could affect it having a child. Isn’t that something that these people should be talking to their doctor about rather than politicians?

[Malcolm] You’re absolutely correct, they should be. But you know, have a look at the government’s record and both state and federal governments. What we’ve got up here in Queensland is a blame game. It’s an absolute disgrace what’s going on with between the Premier and Prime Minister.

[Marcus] It’s starting down here too.

[Malcolm] It’s just disgusting, but have a listen to this timeline. February 2021, just four months ago, the federal government’s Therapeutic Goods Administration finds AstraZeneca to be quote “perfectly safe.” March 2021, I asked questions to Senate estimates, Can you guarantee the safety? “No, we can’t.” Oh really? April 2021, if you’re under 50, you’re told that AstraZeneca is just too risky because of blood clotting and should be avoided. Everyone hears this. Early June 2021, oops, make that under 60. Mid-June, two weeks later, the federal government says AstraZeneca will be phased out by October. June 28th, two weeks later, Scott Morrison announces that under 40s can have AstraZeneca whenever they want it. And he will indemnify, the taxpayers will indemnify doctors who give that advice. And then we have June 30th, two days later, Queensland Premier says that based on her health advice, under 40s should not get AstraZeneca vaccines. What the hell is going on? People are totally confused. I’ll tell you what people are scared of. They’re now scared of the government’s vaccination. That’s what they’re scared of because they don’t know- the government doesn’t know what’s going on.

[Marcus] All right, look, I gotta an email here that you’ve sent to me. “Since these vaccinations have been rolling out I can’t believe what I’ve seen with my own eyes. From nurses in their 20s going into cardiac arrest instantly. Both had no pre-existing conditions. To people with heart inflammation, blood clotting is through the roof, along with chest pains and people having lost feeling permanently in either their arms or their legs. I’ve seen MRI scans of people’s brains after having had this vaccination and I am absolutely terrified.” We, and this is the really concerning bit here in this email from Queensland that you’ve sent to me. “We have had three doctors, specialists, die in just our hospital alone from this vaccination. One died after his first dose. And two died just last week after the second dose.” This doesn’t make the news though, does it?

[Malcolm] It was sent to us from Victoria, but what happened the first day when we threw it open on Facebook. Because the core issue, as I keep saying, is about freedom of choice and informed consent and they’re not getting mandated. So, we threw it open and got phone calls and then we were swamped so we had to shut it down. And then the next day we just said, “Okay, send us your email.” So, we got that email from Victoria. We can’t verify that straight away, but we got phone calls. One was from a senior position in the headquarters of an aged care group. She is pregnant and she’s very concerned, very uncomfortable telling aged care workers to get on board with getting the vaccine when she’s dead set against it herself. So, we’re putting people in compromising positions. We’ve also had calls sobbing, one was calling for 15 minutes, sobbing the whole time, deeply saddened for the residents being intimidated into getting the vaccine. This is not Australia when you’re forcing old people to get a vaccine, intimidating them to do that. And these aged care, I mean the aged care workers, Marcus. I met with them in Canberra a few weeks ago and then had lunch with them as well. A whole group of them, from all over the country. These people are really decent people.

[Marcus] Of course they are.

[Malcolm] They’re paid very little, but they’re so concerned. They do their job because they love their aged care residents they’re looking after. It’s a fabulous, fabulous sector for people who really care. But, they’re crushing spirit of these workers. These workers don’t wanna get vaccinated, some of them.

[Marcus] When you say some of them, okay, that’s the crux. Is it the majority or the minority? I think that’s what it comes down to. I mean, look, I hate to say it like this. You know, I don’t wanna pay an increase to the tolls that I’m facing today in Sydney. I’ve gotta pay it though. It’s the law.

[Malcolm] You don’t have to go on a toll road though. You can use another road. And see, what’s happening here

[Marcus] Well, no, not always.

[Malcolm] is that these vaccines-

[Marcus] Not always.

[Malcolm] These vaccines are not proven. They’re not proven safe. It won’t stop, as George called in a minute ago, it won’t stop you getting the virus. It won’t to stop you transmitting the virus.

[Marcus] Yeah.

[Malcolm] Dosage is not even known. They don’t know how long it’s gonna have an effect. They’re not sure how many jabs you’re gonna have to have to get it solidified. They’re not sure if you’ll be doing it every year. Will it be every year, every six months, rest of my life? What will it be? There’s no understanding. The government is just going from one statement to the next. What will happen with the various mutations that are coming out? Will it still be effective? Will I have to have another one for a different mutation? There’s so many questions and they don’t know the impact.

[Marcus] Well, Greg Hunt, the federal health minister, did say, and look, we have the quote here. “The world is engaged in the largest clinical vaccination trial.”

[Malcolm] Correct. And Marcus, these people are not lab rats. I’m not a lab rat. If you wanna be lab rat, that’s your choice, but we should not be forcing this stuff on people because you have to have informed consent. People in this country are free and should be free and should stay free.

[Marcus] All right, and even if they work with the most vulnerable who could die from COVID?

[Malcolm] Well, as George correctly said, and as the chief medical officer in the country, when I asked him in senate estimates, they confirmed that even if you’ve had the vaccine, you can still pass on the virus. You can still transmit the virus. So, it’s still not effective.

[Marcus] But it’s a preventative measure, surely.

[Malcolm] Well, that can be argued, but it’s not certain yet that works because you can still transmit the virus. That’s what’s annoying about people about this-

[Marcus] Are you calling me annoying?

[Malcolm] No, no, no, no, no. ‘Cause I’m saying that’s what’s annoying people. Have a listen to this. I posted something on Facebook, people are all over it, and someone was holding up a placard at a protest. This is what the placard said. “At this point, I would feel safer if Coronavirus held a press conference telling us how it’s going to save us from the government.” How can we trust the Prime Minister? How can we trust premiers when they blaming each other? How can we trust the Prime Minister who broke his promise just a few months ago to not have compulsory, mandated vaccination and now doing it, but he’s doing it through the back door, through the states, because section 51, paragraph 23A says that you can’t do it at the Commonwealth level. So, they have to go through the states. You can do it legally in two states, Victoria and Western Australia, but you can’t do it ethically. You can’t force Australians to do this.

[Marcus] All right, mate, look, a lot of people will agree with you. Many also won’t, that’s why we’re having this debate. Good to have you on, Malcolm. Take care. We’ll chat soon, mate.

[Malcolm] Okay, mate, thanks, Marcus.

[Marcus] All right, there is One Nation’s Malcolm Roberts. What do you make of it? Do you agree? Disagree? Give me a call, 13 12 69. Are we undergoing the, as he puts it, the greatest experiment of all time?