One Nation supports the general principle that students should be able to finish their studies without breaking the bank. The real conversation needed though is the artificial monopoly the medical colleges hold over students in this country.

At a time when Australia is desperate for trained health professionals, medical colleges punitively restrict the amount of places available for students, denying Australians a proper supply and ensuring students have nowhere else to turn. A second look into this practice is needed.

While we’re at it, students that chose not to take the COVID injections need to be allowed to complete their studies or have their HECS debt refunded.


One Nation supports the general principle that this MPI proposes, that students should not have to go broke to finish their studies. The medical colleges currently rely on huge numbers of students paying their own out-of-pocket costs and even making thousands of hours of unpaid placements in addition to their studies. The real conversation we need to have, though, is about the artificial monopoly the medical colleges hold over students in this country.

Australia is crying out for health professionals, and the fees to see them are too high for some people. While this is happening, the medical colleges putatively restrict the amount of places available to students, denying Australians a proper supply of trained professionals and ensuring students have nowhere else to turn. We need to have a second look at the medical colleges. And we need to have a look at the universities, who are punishing some people who have completed their academic studies and just need to do their practical courses. The universities are forcing them out because of mandates for COVID injections. That’s inhuman—three to four years work and a contract broken.

4 replies
  1. Glynnis Gibson
    Glynnis Gibson says:

    Not only do our medical students, doctors and nurses have to go into a huge debt and work for no remuneration as part of their studies many also have to work just to cover their living expenses. And then the Government wants to employ overseas Medical Professionals who have been trained by overseas Governments and come from countries that are desperate for their professions to work in that country, but Australia will pay them a higher salary so they take a position in Australia. Australia also has a large contingent of Natural Therapist who have been barred by the AMA and Government from their patients getting some benefit from Medicare or Health Fund. If Doctors are overworked I don’t feel sorry for them. The AMA had Natural Therapist consultations barred from Government and Health Fund remunerations as they knew they were better able to diagnose and treat conditions better than medical professionals.

    • Lesley Parker
      Lesley Parker says:

      Glynnis, I endorse your comment 100%. As a TGA registered Health professional of Natural Medicine, it saddened me so much to see our profession not only excluded, but denied input that was qualified by professors, doctors, scientists during the covid fiasco. This resulted in many avoidable deaths and the maiming of many with a life time reaction to the injection, and worse still, the denial by those complicit, the TGA, APRAH, politicians, dept of health, AMA etc. that there was anything wrong with the treatment for covid itself and the untested, injection forced on all and sundry. And the farce, the injustice, the recriminations, continues. I was semi retired just before the outbreak in 2020. My objection to the efficacy of the injection, the ramifications of taking this into my body, meant I have not accept this. I researched this from the outset, articles on my website. I am now retired, with active interest in the continuation of how the control from covid fear is used to maintain restrictions and denial of efficacious treatments whether by medical means or natural protocols used in Naturopathy and other health professions. It’s no wonder a Royal Commission is being delayed.

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