Vaccination study shows similar mortality rates to COVID

Senator Roberts asks what keeping Australians safe means, when on the eve of more restrictions in south-east Queensland and Australia and a renewed call to get vaccinated, a large scale clinical research study shows the COVID vaccines can harm and kill people too.

The study of approximately 1 million vaccinated Israeli citizens, published on 24 June 2021 by European researchers, has revealed that the three leading COVID-19 vaccines can all kill.

Senator Roberts said, “This new study shows that if you are unvaccinated your chances of dying from COVID-19 is around 3 in 100,000.

“If you receive a COVID-19 vaccine, then the vaccine itself has a mortality rate of around 2 in 100,000.

“Our governments cannot say they are keeping us safe when mortality rates can be so similar,” he said.

The researchers also identified that around 16 in every 100,000 suffer from serious side effects from a COVID-19 vaccination and they suggest the data must be analysed to better identify and protect those at risk of serious side effects.

Senator Roberts added, “Australia needs a proper plan based on solid data and safe proven alternatives.

“How can we have confidence in a Government that tells us to have a vaccine that can bring about similar mortality rates as the illness itself?

“On top of that, what is the point of being vaccinated when you will still be locked in and forced to wear masks,” he added.

Full study:

1 reply
  1. sylvia
    sylvia says:

    Hi Malcolm,
    Having heard you interviewed by Meryl Dorey on her podcast, I wish to express my appreciation that SOMEONE in the parliament has the intelligence to look at the research and the guts to speak out. I know that there are many health professionals who question the mainstream narrative but dare not voice their concerns for fear of losing their jobs. What is happening at the moment is so, so wrong and I can only pray that those perpetrating these policies are exposed and made accountable for the suffering and hardships they are causing.

    If there is anyone in the NSW parliament who can be trusted to look beyond the laughable ‘science’ quoted by the government’s health advisors, I would be interested to know about them. Even our ‘trusted’ ABC has been totally ridiculous in their coverage – probably fearful of losing more funding.
    Once again, thank you for standing up for the truth.
    Sylvia Forest.

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