I wanted to see how serious the government was to rein in ‘unelected international bureaucracies’ like the United Nations.

I asked the following questions of Senator Corman – no surprises. All talk and no action.

Question 1. On the 3rd October 2019, the Prime Minister during an address to the Lowy Institute highlighted that unelected international bureaucracies are pushing for a borderless global community that aims to damage Australia’s “livelihoods, our safety and our sovereignty.”

When can we expect the Australian government to remove ourselves from the following damaging treaties, protocols and declarations?

The UN’s 1975 Lima Declaration, the UN’s 1992 Rio declaration for 21st century global governance, the 1996 UN Kyoto agreement and now the destructive UN’s Paris Agreement?

Question 2. Twenty-five years ago, Liberal Premier Richard Court warned of the dangers of unelected bureaucracies in his book, Rebuilding the Federation. He said, ‘These international agreements are made primarily by people outside Australia. The terms and conditions are set by officials from other countries. While Australia takes part in the negotiations, it does not exercise a dominant influence. The foreign countries do.’ For the past 25 years, why have Liberal governments ignored this advice? It’s time to put Australia first.

Question 3. Although the Prime Minister didn’t quite have the courage to name the United Nations as the unelected international bureaucracy that he was condemning, when can we expect Australia to have the courage to exit the United Nations and allow Australians, through the ballot box, to determine Australia’s future, rather than unelected, unaccountable socialist bureaucrats?