Is Australia the New World Order’s testing ground? I discuss this and more with Maria Zeee on the Alex Jones Show.

26 replies
  1. Paddy
    Paddy says:

    Excellent.. I wish every one in power would stand up and speak like you. You are on the right side of history 👏

  2. Robin Wood
    Robin Wood says:

    The UN, Bill Gates and the Dictating Economic Forum leadership Klaus Schwab’s will not stop, this is the plan to own the world and nations with all the world’s wealth through murder by injection and the 5G. Apparently the 6G is out in some countries, the Depopulation program to is well on the way. Solar power is going to be bad news with wind turbine. is Australia going to O feed and supply power from this rubbish to world.

    • Michael Spencer
      Michael Spencer says:

      One of the optional ‘side-bits’ about political manipulation from this ‘introduction to an introduction’ that I’ve been assembling ( is linked from page 26. You might find a few relevant things there.
      Hmmm….. “Galileo Movement”? I wonder who assembled that? Perhaps that’s worth checking too: Maybe it was the Project Leader? ( …..)

      • Col
        Col says:

        Please identify the alleged leader.
        If my suspicions are correct the wheels are truly broken and fallen off the cart, the horse is in rigor mortis..

  3. Paul Arnold
    Paul Arnold says:

    It is people like Pauline Hanson’s ONE NATION & Senator Malcolm Roberts & others who should be supported by the Australian People & the World to wake up to the Criminal ways of some Governments and some People who think they would like to own the World. We OWN OUR FREEDOM OF SPEECH, and FREEDOM OF CHOICE. We need to find our voices.

    LEONIE says:

    This may be the most important 30 minutes of your life. 
    This is the smoking gun that will wake up the world.
    Tim Truth just released a blockbuster report with the smoking gun documents which appear to show the Australian government and ministers at the highest level knew the COVID-19 “vaccine” was classified as a Schedule 4 POISON and yet they signed off on distributing this toxic poison to the unsuspecting Aussie public back in 2016! for a 2021 rollout.

  5. Grant Denniston
    Grant Denniston says:

    It is clear now that we MUST beware of ANY new claims from corrupted Govts across the western world ! The Chancellor of Germany spoke of these very cancerous people in his speeches in the thirties ! The people l speak of are one and the same and still control the west by way of the Central banking systems and the interest attached fiat dollars that they produce willingly as this drives up debt and in turn destroys countries just as it did pre WW2 in Germany. Research how that country was returned to the powerhouse of Europe pre WW2 and by who and that’s only IF you can find the TRUTH which has been heavily concealed from you for the best part of 70+ years !

    • Gumnut123
      Gumnut123 says:

      yes, read THE committee OF 300, a FREE Download and there are many other books that explain who are the top dogs in this debacle.

      All the same players who started WW1 & WW11 and other Wars.

  6. Col
    Col says:

    Dear Malcolm,

    The heading for this section in which you feature rather prominently is; “The Alex Jones Show with Maria Zeee”.

    3 Questions;

    1) Is this the same Alex Jones who initially denied the Sandy Hook massacre of young school children?
    2) What are your views on this massacre?
    3) If you believe the massacre was real, would you please explain why you chose to appear on this show?

    Your early response is rather important.


      • Col
        Col says:


        These questions were first posted on 4 Feb.
        I still have not seen your answer after 3 then 6 days (7 Feb and 10 Feb).
        If you cannot find time to answer then maybe one of your staff members could.

        The answers are critical.

        • Col
          Col says:

          The above questions were posted 15 days ago.
          Your whole credibility depends on your answers.
          And for that matter your credibility re Global Warming.

          Surely you can see the importance of answering.


          • Senator Malcolm Roberts
            Senator Malcolm Roberts says:

            Dear Col, my arguments against the climate scam are published widely on this very website. As they say, I can lead a horse to water but I can’t make it drink. If you are claiming that human produced carbon dioxide affects any climate metric such as temperature or severity of weather events the onus is on you to provide the evidence. That which is asserted without evidence can be dismissed without evidence. Where is your evidence? Instead of contacting me with a genuine intent through the contact page on this website you instead slander in the comment section.

          • Col
            Col says:

            Actually this is a reply to Malcolm.
            It has to be presented in this fashion because no direct reply is available.

            Malcolm, in case you missed it I asked three (3) questions.
            No answers have yet been provided.
            My comment referred to credibility and extended to the credibility of your stand on Global Warming.
            At least it provoked a partial reply.

            Just in case you have forgotten, several years ago I corresponded with you re Global Warming and I found your answers insufficient in the areas of science.

            Incidentally your allegation of slander is unrealistic.


  7. Gumnut123
    Gumnut123 says:

    At 27.00. on this interview , Senator, you talk about the Jab is a mess due to DOD USA and the no testing that occurred.

    You shall find that they did test for years before in Western Nations and that is one of the major reasons the reason that there are so MANY people with chronic and rare illnesses.

    DOD USA did and do know what they are doing – this has been carefully planned for many years, and hte Saline in a large p % of Jab bottles was deliberate as it made people say that they were fine and go get your Jab – do your duty type comments. Then the illnesses that SHALL occur in pther people overtime, starting after the Jab when people simply say I feel tired, I am tired that s why my concentration is not right, some bowel irregularities, feeling out of it a bit, skin rashes,
    in other words, they have everyday type and easily brushed aside Signs that develop much later into other illnesses, AUTO IMMUNE DISORDER is a RAPID AGEING DISORDER. I have observed this in people after their Jab that produced “I am fine” response, and others who have a more potent mix go down quickly with a serious illness. Note how the Heart problems started occurring in greater numbers as time went on ì?

    NO, Senator, ALL that we have witnessed – ALL is very carefully planned and MMANY Universities’ many inn USA but also other western countries, have had and have different departments involved in various areas of this Plandemic. The levels and areas of corruption throughout the World, that were established many years ago, .Psychology, Psychiatry, social sciences etc.,

    Do search for this eminently qualified and honest >Scientist, Psychiatrist, Researcher etc., he had 30,000 Scientists all over the World who contributed to his Lab in Denmark, he invited patients onto his panel to tell the reality of their medical experience. Mr B Gates came along rigged the Board and “fired” this man of so many positive qualities.
    That happened well before this Plandemic. I looked up hte Cochrane Solution site a few years ago, and the glossy, PR push had replaced the straightforward information before this man was fired.

    Search this or other ‘Evidence-Based Medicine’ and the Expulsion of Peter Gøtzsche”

  8. Gumnut123
    Gumnut123 says:

    Addendum to previous comment;

    DO NOT FORGET the SHEDDING ì, that catches people who refused the jab or had a saline dose. and then the BOOSTERS push.

  9. Gumnut123
    Gumnut123 says:

    I do thank heavens that One Nation – Pauline Hanson has kept going, and you are now a Senator in Federal Parliament.

    Most Nations have very poor standard of politicians now. This has been by design. When you speak with people from other Countries we would look startled that their complaints about their politicians’ were the same as critically thinking Australians, and of talk of some years back. Portuguese and many non English speaking countries. We had noticed the decline in hte quality of our politicians. Being a former active Liberal I noted this in Oz. BY hte time little Johnny was PM it was already noticeable and many of us got out of the Liberal Party before he became PM.

    Having gone through the HIV/XMRVirus bug starting in late 1980s in OZ and ever since, a bug that “escaped” the Fauci Lab back in the 1980s – in Dr Judy Mikovits time there, and FORCED to self-diagnose and self treat my health as Oz Drs had no idea then and still in many areas do not know what to do, leaving the patient to do their won Research. , I knew that this Plandemic was a farce since January 2020 and to get my brain working again I volunteered for an International Health group doing deep Research.

    I know that Australia is behind in the information area, and that is shown now, when you are only revealing very crucial information that Ozzies needed to know before now and get their brains around this Psychopaths dream, and work on action. IT IS GOING TO GET FAR WORSE and especially in 2023.

    There are a number of Newsletters emanating from USA that contain this ahead of the curve information. For a general all rounder site look at a former Navy Seal, Natural Health advocate and a man who has many connections. He provides other help too,- Mike Adams of Natural News.

    PEOPLE of AUSTRALIA!! BE FULLY AWARE ALL THE TIME, and question any all changes as to what it really means, and what you are told is to be put under the microscope for the real hidden AGENDAs. This corruption in its many forms and our way of life, if AT ALL LEVELS of Society, not just the Politicians.

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