I always speak up for what is right. Again today I will speak up for what is right. The Climate Change Bill 2022 seeks to exploit fear based on fraudulent science to enshrine in legislation the subjugation of everyday Australians.

It’s time to vote against a world where hunger and poverty will increase by design as a means of control.


So it has come to this, Madame President.

The globalists’ 50 year ‘long march through the institutions’ has come to this.

50 years of bribery, coercion and censorship of the few remaining honest scientists has come to this.

And 50 years of inciting hatred and violence against anyone who opposes the climate change agenda of ‘fear-based control’ has come to this.

Our scientists, crony corporations, political parties and mouthpiece media have failed Australia.

As a servant to the people of Queensland I have never failed to speak up for what is right and I will speak up for what is right again today.

The Climate Change Bill 2022 seeks to use fear based on fraudulent science to enshrine in legislation the ‘subjugation of everyday Australians’.

On many occasions now I have sought to alert Australians to the nightmare being planned for them.

Those many speeches, motions and bills have made little headway in mainstream media due to dodgy journalists protecting the interests of their advertisers and billionaire owners.

The public have been deceived into thinking climate change is a product of human activity and this bill is necessary to save Australia.

The truth is Australia will need to be saved from this bill.

This is not conjecture, look at the ‘net zero’ chaos overseas resulting from the scientific fraud underlying net zero. Here is just some of that.

Greening the world and growing food

According to the NASA Goddard Space Centre one quarter of the increase in carbon dioxide in the last 30 years has been absorbed into plant life, leading to an increase in forest cover.[i]

This is a demonstration of the fertilizer effect of CO2[ii].

Removing CO2 from the atmosphere will reduce the health of native forests and vegetation.

Reducing CO2 will reduce crop yields, remove food from the tables of the world’s hungry, and require the increased use of chemical fertilizers that are made from … natural gas.

An irony lost on the proponents of this bill.

The world is finding out, as Sri Lanka has found, the trade-off here is between plant food and starvation. It is that simple.

Forestation levels around the world have been rising since the 1980s because of the increase in CO2.[iii]

Australia is currently gaining forests.[iv]

Let me be clear for the disinformation media. Our continent is gaining trees, meaning the density of vegetation is improving thanks to CO2.

We are losing extent – much of that chopped down as part of green energy construction – building wind turbines, solar plants, access roads and transmission easements to take unreliable energy from where these things are being built, to where the power is needed.

13,000 hectares of native vegetation is planned for destruction just in North Queensland alone[v].

I remember when greenies hugged trees, now they chop them down.

Forests are being chopped down for biomass, also known as wood chips.

Apparently wood chips are renewable energy now[vi], spruiked on the BBC back in 2018 when the Drax coal plant was converted to burn trees imported from America in the name of reducing carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.[vii]

Burning trees produces more C02 than coal[viii], but warmers never let the facts get in the way of the feels.

One Nation has always supported preserving our old-growth forests because One Nation supports real environmentalism.

Ocean Health

According to NASA one half of the increase in carbon dioxide over the last 30 years has been absorbed in the ocean carbon cycle.[ix]

Carbon is sequestrated in silt and in biological sinks. Sea grasses, mangroves, tidal swamps and wetlands all sequester carbon and thrive.[x]

Providing habitat for fish breeding.

Carbon is also an ingredient in phytoplankton, the start of the marine food chain.

The more CO2 that is produced from all sources and then absorbed in the ocean carbon cycle, the more phytoplankton is produced, leading to an increase in marine life.

Increasing populations of fish support the continued harvesting of seafood as a cheap source of protein. Something oddly opposed over there in Greensland.

The marine carbon cycle also absorbs nitrogen and phosphates coming from natural and man-made sources.

Phytoplankton absorb these elements as part of their growth cycle, producing oxygen in the process. The less carbon dioxide available to be absorbed, the less oxygenation occurs and the less healthy our oceans become.

Coral is calcium carbonate CaCO3. Some of the carbon sequestrated in the ocean has helped coral growth, probably contributing to the record coral cover across the Great Barrier Reef announced just a few weeks ago.

That is an inconvenient truth if ever I heard one.

Greening the earth mitigates increasing temperatures[xi]

A new study reported on the NASA website shows increased vegetation during the current “Greening Earth period” – their words not mine – has a strong cooling effect on the land due to increased efficiency of water vapor transfer to the atmosphere.

Without this the world would be hotter.

Increasing CO2 – plant food – fertilizers our forests, increasing transpiration, leading to more water vapour transfer, which in turn cools the earth.

Increased temperature causes increased evaporation from the oceans and that water vapour transfer also cools the earth.[xii]

We have a beautiful, self-correcting ecosystem that has maintained the earth in a liveable temperature range for millennia.

This bill is based on self-interest, arrogance and hubris, risking a natural ecosystem that will protect us from any variability in atmospheric gasses.

And always has.

Renewable power is a fairy-tale.

Madame President wouldn’t it be wonderful if we could get all our energy from the ‘Sun and wind’ for free.

That is the extent of the thought process in many Green and Teal voters.

Missing the obvious problem – Solar panels, wind turbines, transmission lines through the middle of nowhere, battery backups and access roads are not free.

The direct loss of natural habitat from wind and solar is significantly greater than any other form of power.

Three megawatts of wind or solar generation is needed to replace one megawatt of coal, hydro or nuclear.

To explain that with an example, the NSW Government’s own webpage on wind power mentions their 850MW of wind turbines generate just 1941GW of power annually.[xiii]

850MW running 24/7, if it were a coal or nuclear plant of that sized, will generate 7440GW/h per annum. The actual wind turbine output of 1941GW/h represents just 26% of rated capacity. What a joke these things are.

Solar is worse.

Battery backup

The Australian Energy Market Operator (AEMO) recently assessed the battery requirement for net zero grid stability at 60GW/h.[xiv]

Power going into a battery loses 20% in resistance, meaning 72GW/h of generation will be needed to produce 60GW/h of output.

Batteries cost about $1.5m per MW/h, meaning batteries for short term grid stability will require an investment in excess of $100bn every 10 years which is as long as they last.

This is just the start. Germany experienced an 8% reduction in output from wind and solar in the first half of 2021 owing to poor weather.[xv]

No battery can keep the lights on during a sustained period of bad weather, such as Australia has had these last two years.

Blackouts will be normal.

Nuclear is the only way to do net zero

Other countries who descended into renewable hell ahead of us are being forced to rethink to save their economies.

South Korea has given up and announced a move away from wind and solar to nuclear.[xvi]

Germany will extend their last three nuclear power plants until baseload power can be restored from gas.[xvii]

Last week the UK government announced a huge new 3200MW nuclear power plant[xviii].

Nuclear power plants across the world will grow 26% through to 2050.[xix]

Green energy Madame President is very well named, it has become glow in the dark green!

Australia can supply the world with reliable, safe coal for a lifetime, instead the world is going nuclear simply because wind and solar can’t supply reliable baseload power, and coal has been demonised.

Australia will be forced to make this same hard decision if the Climate Change Bill passes.

Insane power bills will destroy the Australia we know

Last week in the UK the household energy cap increased from $2160 to $6020. Just in one year. How can people afford that.[xx]

Commercial power has risen 600% in one year.

Widespread business closures are now likely.[xxi]

A glance at the graph of UK GDP shows citizens of the UK are less wealthy now than they were in 2007.[xxii]

The correlation of GDP stagnation with the retirement of cheap baseload power and the switch to wind and solar is undeniable.

German households are so desperate for heating, firewood is being horded and woodchips are back in commercial use.

Seriously, what’s next – candles?

Despite $250bn spent on solar and wind so far, and $250bn still to come, Germany is planning for blackouts next winter.

10% of German industry is threatened with closure and 40% are under financial pressure.[xxiii]

No wonder Prime Minister Albanese is holding a jobs summit concurrent with the Climate Change Bill.

Here is One Nation’s submission to the jobs summit.

Stop destroying cheap, reliable, coal power.

The mouthpiece media are blaming the war in Ukraine for the gas shortage in Europe, deliberating avoiding the real question-

Which is how did energy-independent nations lose their energy independence, and become reliant on Russian gas in the first place?[xxiv]

Wind and solar did that.

Is this empirical proof wind and solar are unable to sustain baseload power or is it stupidity in shutting down baseload power before replacements were built?

The answer is both.

With unrealistic and unnecessary timelines now embedded in the Climate Change Bill, Australia is about to walk the same path that has brought the rest of the world, especially the UK and Germany nothing but misery.


Wind and solar is only cost-effective to build and operate if the cost is offset with taxpayer subsidies.

Australian subsidies for wind and solar currently total $13bn every year.[xxv]

Reuters reported last week Australia will need about 40 times the total generation capacity of today’s national electricity market to achieve net zero.

This includes 1,900 GW of solar and 174 GW of wind.[xxvi]

Not megawatts, gigawatts. How is that even possible.

As a comparison Liddell coal plant is 2GW and at full capacity can supply 5% of our current energy needs.

Charging electric vehicles is a large part of this huge increase in power generation needed to reach net zero.

The $20bn cost of re-wiring the national energy grid to allow for the charging of electric cars[xxvii] dwarfs the national electricity market, which is only $11bn.[xxviii]

What will that do to power prices?

There is no costing in the Climate Change Bill because the costings are coming out at insane amounts of money.

I have an amendment to this bill standing in my name to introduce a cost benefit analysis for every government decision taken. Surely that is just prudent economic management.


Last week AEMO announced its latest 10-year outlook for the national electricity market, which warned of reliability “gaps” affecting New South Wales from 2025 and affecting Victoria, Queensland and South Australia from 2030.[xxix]

Gaps in this context means structural blackouts – not enough generation to meet demand.

We know today there will be catastrophic blackouts in 2025 and even worse blackouts in 2030.

What is the Government’s plan to stop the blackouts coming from coal plant closures?

There is no plan because the Climate Change Bill is not about increasing energy output, it is about forcing a reduction in energy consumption.

The Climate Change Bill is about control

The only way to achieve long term stability under net zero is to use smart meters to restrict energy use.

Germany has already started that rollout.[xxx]

The South Australian Government has also announced the rollout-out of smart meters[xxxi]

Smart meters allow the energy operator to go in and turn off any appliance in your home that is connected to the fuse box.

Air conditioners, hot water service, one or all of your light and power circuits can be switched off.

This is not intended as an emergency measure, it will be normal lie under net zero.

Big Brother will reach into your home and decide for you what appliances you can use and when.

That is terrifying in what used to be a free country.

To the Greens and Teal supporters who voted on the basis of feelings not facts can I say this.

You have been deceived.

The experience from countries ahead of us on the net zero slippery slope has been the destruction of small and medium business, the decimation of the middle class and intrusive government control.

You will have less and the elites behind this scam will have more.

We a paying for our own enslavement.

It is time to vote against creating a world where native vegetation, crop yields, the marine environment – the entire biosphere is being damaged through reducing carbon dioxide.

It is time to vote against a world where hunger and poverty will increase by design as a means of control – neo serfdom.

Have some decency.

Vote no to the Climate Change Bill 2022.

We have one flag, we are one community, we are One Nation and we are proud carbon-based life forms.

[i] https://www.nasa.gov/feature/goddard/2016/carbon-dioxide-fertilization-greening-earth

[ii] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CO2_fertilization_effect#:~:text=The%20CO2%20fertilization%20effect,carbon%20dioxide%20(CO2)

[iii] https://ourworldindata.org/deforestation

[iv] https://theconversation.com/every-year-in-australia-nature-grows-8-new-trees-for-you-but-that-alone-wont-fix-climate-change-146922

[v] https://stopthesethings.com/2022/01/23/getting-away-with-green-murder-wind-industry-destroying-vast-tracts-of-australian-wilderness/comment-page-1/

[vi] https://www.energy.gov.au/data/renewables

[vii] https://www.bbc.com/future/article/20180821-the-giant-coal-plant-converting-to-green-energy

[viii] https://ember-climate.org/insights/research/uk-biomass-emits-more-co2-than-coal/

[ix] https://science.nasa.gov/earth-science/oceanography/ocean-earth-system/ocean-carbon-cycle

[x] https://www.economist.com/science-and-technology/2021/03/06/seagrasses-and-mangroves-can-suck-carbon-from-the-air

[xi] https://www.nasa.gov/feature/greening-of-the-earth-mitigates-surface-warming

[xii] https://carnegiescience.edu/news/water-evaporated-trees-cools-global-climate#:~:text=New%20research%20from%20Carnegie’s%20Global,effect%20on%20the%20entire%20atmosphere.

[xiii] https://www.energy.nsw.gov.au/renewables/renewable-generation/wind-energy-nsw

[xiv] https://reneweconomy.com.au/energy-crisis-reminds-us-why-we-need-a-rapid-shift-to-renewables-says-aemo-chief/

[xvi] https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2022-08-30/korea-pares-back-renewables-as-it-taps-nuclear-for-climate-goal?cmpid%3D=socialflow-twitter-energy&utm_medium=social&utm_content=energy&utm_campaign=socialflow-organic&utm_source=twitter

[xvii] https://www.reuters.com/business/energy/could-germany-keep-its-nuclear-plants-running-2022-08-18/

[xviii] https://www.lemonde.fr/en/international/article/2022/07/20/uk-approves-new-nuclear-power-plant-in-eastern-england_5990789_4.html

[xix] https://world-nuclear.org/information-library/current-and-future-generation/plans-for-new-reactors-worldwide.aspx#:~:text=In%20the%202021%20edition%20(WEO,in%20particular%20India%20and%20China.

[xx] https://wattsupwiththat.com/2022/08/29/listening-to-european-electricity-traders-is-very-very-scary/

[xxi] https://www.theguardian.com/business/2022/aug/30/thousands-of-uk-pubs-face-closure-without-energy-bills-support

[xxii] https://www.macrotrends.net/countries/GBR/united-kingdom/gdp-per-capita#:~:text=U.K.%20gdp%20per%20capita%20for,a%206.83%25%20increase%20from%202017.

[xxiii] https://www.ft.com/content/d0d46712-6234-4d24-bbed-924a00dd0ca9

[xxiv] https://www.aicgs.org/2021/09/germany-has-a-math-problem-and-its-about-to-get-worse/

[xxv] https://www.malcolmrobertsqld.com.au/13-billion-dolllar-cost-revealed/

[xxvi] https://www.reuters.com/business/energy/massive-renewable-energy-needed-power-australia-net-zero-economy-by-2050-study-2022-08-25/

[xxvii] https://alp.org.au/policies/rewiring_the_nation#:~:text=Labor’s%20Rewiring%20the%20Nation%20will,signed%20off%20by%20all%20governments.

[xxviii] https://www.aemo.com.au/-/media/Files/Electricity/NEM/National-Electricity-Market-Fact-Sheet.pdf

[xxix] https://www.abc.net.au/news/2022-08-31/power-supplies-in-australias-biggest-grid-to-run-short-by-2025/101389018

[xxx] ibid

[xxxi] https://www.adelaidenow.com.au/news/south-australia/plan-to-switch-off-aircon-pool-pump-and-hot-water-remotely-to-shore-up-power-grid/news-story/5e9b70e06a1dec857979e17f2c2372e8

17 replies
  1. Peter Stein
    Peter Stein says:

    I am so disappointed in the majority of Australian leaders and the Public at large in not using Critical Thinking to completely reject and call out this deception and propaganda where ever it is pushed…..thank you Malcolm for concisely researching and collating these speeches and reports. I further hoped you would be running for Prime Minister before it is too late…and understand fully why that is very unlikely.

    • cohenite
      cohenite says:

      This is the point. Everything every government, both alp/lnp, is doing in this country has already been tried in Europe, UK, Sri Lanka, the US and has failed and is failing. Yet Albanese is going to do the same.

  2. Lew Hone
    Lew Hone says:

    The global warming hypothesis is very easy to understand, you can sell it to a five year old, it takes a little more intelligence to understand why it doesn’t do what they want us to believe it does. There are hundreds of reasons why it’s wrong but while it’s multi trillion dollar industry they’ll keep pushing it

  3. Dawn Ball
    Dawn Ball says:

    Hi Malcom

    Thank you for being truthful with logical information, however they are not interested and wouldn’t even read it, they are only interested in the agenda of the WEF getting kick backs. I believe if some green/Teal members who agree with you they wouldn’t go against their party of fear of intimidation. All corrupt to the highest degree!
    Australian people know it’s rubbish this climate change business but we can’t do anything our selves we rely on good honest senators like you!


  4. Mark Bush
    Mark Bush says:

    Well researched & orated, Malcolm. One can understand why the key big parties don’t want to provide staffing to search these facts. Accolades to you & One Nation. Blind Freddie can see how we are being deceived by the profiteering corporations & their masters. Same occurred with the ‘pandemic’ of a non-isolated bug that the fake scientists were only able to provide a computerised model. Such is the arrogance that big money encourages.

  5. Skink
    Skink says:

    Hi Malcolm, have you thought of going on Substack where your messages can reach the world? You can link up and communicate with all the worlds best scientists there and have share your valuable 🇦🇺 work with a global audience. People of the world will be able to read your work. Countries of the world unite in strength!

  6. Barry Hoare
    Barry Hoare says:

    The real reason we have a change in the climate is because we and most of the world have turned our backs on God. (Please continue to read). The history of the Jewish people is well documented in the Old Testament of the Bible, the world’s biggest selling book. When one reads this historical story you will find that whenever the Jews turned from the Mosaic Law, from the commandments of God, to worship the gods of the Nations, disaster fell upon them; wars, famine and disease. How have we turned away from God? Abortion – 30 million a year, Same sex marriage, Homosexuality, Pornography – destroying young peoples lives, Greed and the lust for power both by individuals and Nations, Unforgiveness and Revenge etc., Unless we as individuals and as a Nation repent and turn back to God – the worst is yet to come.

  7. kiwi
    kiwi says:

    globull warming / climate change is the evil twin sister of “covid” they are both FRAUDS

    @ Skink , substack is a piss poor platform, they have writers there “2nd dumbest guy” for one who will
    ban anyone for a hundred years if he does not agree or like what you have to say, he will also not bother
    to explain his actions, Malcolm has a great message he could do way better than censorship central
    aka substack

  8. KFell
    KFell says:

    Dear Malcolm. Thank you for an extraordinary clear and simple analysis and overview. Can you please provide a list of email addresses of all politicians and representatives so we can email these charletons and demand abandoning the net zero death wish and climate change lies.

  9. Jonathan Parle
    Jonathan Parle says:

    I can only conclude that they expect this to be funded from private wealth meaning for example we will either have to fork out $120,000 for an electric car and solar battery system every 10 years or just go without electricity (it will not only be unreliable, but far too expensive). Obviously the country itself does not have anything remotely like the money required – it is all going to come out of private savings, especially superannuation and “green loans” – loans provided by benevolent billionaires who of course were never, ever in this to become even more wealthy – they are doing it to help save the planet (so I am told).

    Our own MP here in Indi (Helen Haines) is a hardcore Greeny and has already made it clear this is to be funded from private wealth, citing interest fee loans to partially fund home solar batteries. And she is electric car mad too – in country Victoria for goodness sake. I have no idea why she got voted in.

    For me the question now is how is the country going to afford all the aged pensions once people decimate their superannuation so as to have private transport and electricity? As I have said to anyone who will listen to me, this climate cult will not only have devasting consequences because of the renewables and electric car craze – it will also produce an enormous cohort of pensioners and part pensioners that the Government never expected to have on its books in 20 years time (given Generation X were the first generation to have compulsory superannuation for most if not all of their working lives.

    I for one was heading to be reasonably comfortably self funded for the rest of my life, never having to rely on a single cent from taxpayers. But thanks to the Climate Cult and thanks also to Helen Haines, I am now going to be a pensioner. I would apologise to taxpayers for them having to fund my senior years, however since they voted for these imbeciles, I won’t.

  10. Kay Christensen
    Kay Christensen says:

    Bravo, Senator Roberts – hard-hitting facts, brilliantly delivered! Yet I fear you’re wasting your breath; Australia, our beloved country & a latecomer to the world stage, has always been a decade behind the rest of the world in embracing change but unfortunately, instead of profiting from the experiments carried out overseas, we have always enacted the same policies ourselves, just as the countries we are emulating are having their eyes opened to the looming disaster ahead.
    However Senator, may I ‘urge you to fan into flame the gift God has placed within you,’ (2 Tim 1:6), recognizing that, just as with Roe versus Wade in the US, it may take a long time, but the tide WILL turn. I am with you in the belief that nuclear power is the way to go but it may take a period of the populace experiencing for themselves the privations of changing to renewables before they come to their senses.

  11. Stephen Keighran
    Stephen Keighran says:

    As always Malcolm, you speak the truth, but you are screaming into a well. This is NOT a criticism. Until we can get real and misguidedly respected media to give time to these presentations the people will maintain “their” gifted views concerning, the dying coral, it isn’t, the polar bears with no ice to hunt on, untrue, the gigantic glaciers slipping into the sea, is not happening, the irratic weather, often geo-engineered, and so it goes.

    Is it possible to begin a Senate register of those who will not give you air time? Can legitimate pressure be placed on these people? We know it can be done as we know already they have been bought.

    I remain a big fan Malcolm. Stevie Kay

  12. Douglas Cotton
    Douglas Cotton says:

    Hi Malcolm, I’m glad to see you call it “fraudulent science” but I hope you will add next time words to the effect … “fraudulent science that claims so-called “greenhouse gases” warm the planet when in fact they cool it, this being blatantly obvious for the main such gas, water vapour which makes rain forests cooler than deserts (other things being equal) and caps the temperature of humid Singapore such that it rarely exceeds 33C. Long-established physics dating back to the 18th century can be used to show why and how this cooling effect occurs. The warming claims are based on incorrect application of at least three laws of physics and should never have got of Square One.”

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