Parents contacted my office with concerns they had about a National Assessment Program (NAP) science quiz survey, which targeted children in Grade 6 (11 and 12 years). One of the survey questions was about families ‘compliance’ with the government’s COVID guidelines/regulations.

In Senate Estimates, I asked how relevant this line of questioning was with the stated NAP science objectives and whether the Australian Curriculum Assessment and Reporting Authority (ACARA) believes this is appropriate questioning for school children, who authorised the questions and who sees the results of the survey.

The COVID response has eroded many people’s faith in the government. Asking children to judge matters of civil compliance does not help build back trust in the wake of the last three years of hell that many families have gone through.

We have yet to receive responses from #ACARA to our questions, but hope to have them before the next Senate Estimates in October.

20 replies
  1. Yvonne Johns
    Yvonne Johns says:

    Re covid survey , my first response was “how dare they!” Questions are scrutinized, but they don’t know who wrote the questions?? Unbelievable government overreach into families’ right to privacy. Please keep onto this matter Senator Roberts. They have no right to use our children.

  2. Jim Rudolph
    Jim Rudolph says:

    Good morning Malcolm
    More of the same, thank you for picking this up. The response will probably be much the same as other pertinent questions you have raised.
    The sad reality is that too many compliance zealots would absolutely see nothing wrong with this quiz.
    Those who are wide awake totally realise the problem here and across the world, we must re double our efforts to stop this madness.
    Greetings from Barcaldine this morning to all like minded individuals.
    Jim (Grey nomad from Gympie)

  3. Lis
    Lis says:

    Just one of the many ways the govt are undermining parents, and using childcare and school systems to do it. We Do Not Co Parent with the govt. Look back at history, it’s been done before.

  4. Anthony Crowley
    Anthony Crowley says:

    This is a massive red flag. What does this question to Students got anything to do with the subject. This is a disgusting infringement on our rights and privacy. What’s next as the results come out, that there parents who were non compliant will be expelled from Schools. Yes we are very and highly suspicious and this behaviour over steps the Values and Boundaries of Parents. This must be scrapped immediately and these results destroyed and not held on files tucked away for future actions by government depts.

  5. Betty Mac
    Betty Mac says:

    This question in the testing is outrageous!
    It is an invasion of privacy, similar to asking the kids who their parents voted for in the election and stinks to high heaven…shades of Nazi Germany where children were told to dob in their parents.
    This shows how low our government has sunk in Australia.
    Thank you, Malcolm, for exposing all this corruption.

  6. Ella
    Ella says:

    Totally inappropriate questioning and totally irrelevant to education. I retired in 2019 and I can tell you this sort of rubbish has been creeping in slowly, but this is outright propaganda from a commie inspired teaching profession, as they are now. Keep at them Malcolm to stop this.

  7. Deb Norman
    Deb Norman says:

    I take my hat off to Senator Malcom gor his patience
    Listening to their ridiculous responses to ligit questions drives me nuts
    dancing around the truth with apparently no idea how to answer questions about their departments behaviour or content, its a losd of B.S.
    They know exactly what they are doing and have no remorse, personally I feel they are gearing up to go it again. I dont and will never trust these self appointed monkeys again

  8. Tony Baylis
    Tony Baylis says:

    This sounds just Like China during the cultural revolution, children to spy on their parents. This is just another grain of rice in the unstated push for a Social Credit system.

  9. TruGen
    TruGen says:

    My comment at 8:30 this morning appears to have failed the “moderation” test.
    Are we looking at controlled opposition here?
    Greetings from Longreach (currently travelling)

  10. Col
    Col says:

    Would you please provide the actual question causing concern.

    Without seeing the question, it is impossible accurately evaluate the situation.

    Malcolm’s introduction does not supply sufficient information.


    • Michelle
      Michelle says:

      Did you watch the video Col? He asked to see the question too. Even the parents didn’t see the question because it was for only given to the kids who disclosed that it made them feel worried. Kinda the whole point of asking about it right? Are you a bot? You sound like one.

  11. Gumnut123
    Gumnut123 says:


    Unusually, given my up close experience’s of pollies since a child, and a very active member of one Oz Party for many years, I do trust Senator Malcolm Roberts statements, his education and experience in other fields, besides the political sphere.

    Agreed, given the grossly mediocre reps and so much corruption at all levels and areas of life, one must ascertain facts, but I do think that the good Senator is no fool either.

    Therefore it begs the question:

    Do you regularly question your local, state and federal politicians and others in Parliaments and others paid by The Taxpayers, besides Senator Malcolm Roberts?

    I do hope your answer is a firm Yes, as The Public do need to keep tabs on this lot.

    • Col
      Col says:

      Hi Gumnut,

      Do you yourself have a copy of the question under discussion?
      That is all I have asked for.

      Without seeing the question all further discussion is immaterial.


    • Col
      Col says:

      Sorry I overlooked part of your submission.

      Yes, I have challenged various pollies over several issues.
      To name a few,
      Tony Abbot, Scott Morrison, Stephen Conroy, Matt Kanavan, Malcolm Turnbull.

      There has been a range of replies ranging from polite discourse to abuse as well as what appeared to be a denial of the questions.

      I hope that satisfies your curiosity.


  12. Tim
    Tim says:

    The whole idea of using kids as spies would have been unthinkable at one time but now it seems like their new normal of destroying Australia from the inside out. As well as this the government has put our country into liquidation and is completely selling us out without even batting an eyelid.

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