A Triad of Tyranny

Three Bills are being rammed through the Senate to create legislation that will transform the UN-WEF plans for surveillance and control into a dystopian reality in Australia.

The first is the Identity Verification Services Bill 2023, which is designed to permit the use of biometric data to locate and track citizens and normalise it. The second, the Digital Identity Bill 2023, will ensure Australians have no choice but to succumb to setting up a digital ID. The third is the Misinformation and Disinformation Bill 2023. This is the censorship tool to make sure both the media and social media carries government sanctioned opinions only. The government in power is exempted and free to be the Ministry of Truth, spreading misinformation or disinformation. Remember how well that went during the COVID response?

The Driver’s Licence database is being upgraded to become the repository of your master identification record, which is already being used to establish your identity with a paper check and now with a facial scan.

I implored the Senate to vote against and to reject this Bill. This is the first of three Bills necessary to turn Australia into the world’s first World Economic Forum digital prison.


One Nation strongly opposes the Identity Verification Services Bill 2023. Here’s why. The Albanese government’s great mate, Blackrock boss Larry Fink, and predatory billionaires at the World Economic Forum are fond of the phrase ‘you will own nothing and be happy’. What they really mean is that they will own everything and you will comply. Why would people voluntarily enslave themselves, give up their homes, cars and household goods and lose the right to travel freely, I hear you ask. The answer is that people will not be given a choice. They will be coerced—forced into it. That’s the purpose of this government’s triad of tyranny.

First is the Identity Verification Services Bill 2023, which will normalise and allow the use of biometric data to locate and track citizens. Second is the Digital ID Bill 2023, which will force every Australian into having a digital ID. Third is the Misinformation and Disinformation Bill 2023, which will ensure media and social media only carry government sanctioned opinions; the government will be exempted and can be free to spread misinformation and disinformation.

Biometric data is your face turned into a data file based on your physical characteristics. It allows for faster and more accurate identification. They will capture your face. The national drivers licence database is being upgraded to become the repository of your master identification record, which is already used to establish your identity with a paper check. Now it will have a facial scan.

Australians do not need to consent in a meaningful manner. The bill currently uses the word ‘consent’ without definition. Consent can be implied. Here’s an example. If a person sees a video of themselves on a self-service check-out at the supermarket and uses the check-out anyway, it’s considered implied consent. The government has accepted that implied consent is no consent at all and has upgraded the reference to ‘consent’ in their amendment on sheet UD100 to ‘explicit consent’. That isn’t good enough either. Explicit consent can be provided as blanket consent. An example would be MasterCard changing their terms and conditions to allow for facial recognition whenever their card is used. Once the card owner gets the email saying, ‘We have updated our terms and conditions. Click here to approve,’ and people click without reading it, one of those new terms could be permission for facial recognition. Did you give consent? No.

Banks currently record the image of anyone using their ATMs and then use that in the case of a fraudulent transaction. Banks will update their terms and conditions to give themselves the right to run your biometric
verification on each occasion before allowing access to your account. Refusing the new permission gives your bank or card company the right to refuse service. It’s that simple. It’s blackmail. This is why the government suggesting a digital ID or biometric data check will be voluntary is a complete lie. It’s compulsory, because not agreeing means you lose your bank account or payment card or service—just as those voluntary COVID injections were compulsory if you wanted to keep your job and your house and feed your family.

I foreshadow an amendment in the committee stage on sheet 2327 to change the definition of ‘explicit’ to ‘active’, meaning on each occasion your face is to be scanned they must ask permission before they scan it and make sure they get your permission each time. That’s active consent. This should be supported, because the government already says Australians will have to consent to their biometric data being used—unless, of course, that was misinformation.

This bill does not offer a direct link between the authentication action at a check-out, office, airport et cetera and the master file. A government hub receives a request and pulls the master file, meaning only the government has access to the master file. This seems to look acceptable, yet it means there’s a master file with 17 million records containing name, address, telephone, date of birth, drivers licence number, passport number and a biometric identification file all sitting in the same database. That’s all the information necessary to steal someone’s ID and impersonate them online—a hacker’s paradise.

Robodebt proved that our bureaucrats are incapable of even a simple one-to-one database match, and now they’re being trusted to pull this off. It’s impossible without a high level of compulsion and without completely ignoring victims of software or data-matching errors. If the look-up fails, then your purchase, travel, document, signing or whatever other use fails. If the purchase was for petrol, your family could be stranded late at night. We might as well start the royal commission now.

Downstream from the big government database are what I call intermediaries or entities with participating agreements. There are 20 of these so far. Their role is to take a request for authentication from a bank or card
processor, solicitor, real estate agent, airline—anyone needing you to prove you are who you say you are—and submit that to the national drivers licence database hub to run past the master database. In the original bill there were no effective checks and balances on those businesses. The government’s amendment of its own bill has added a few checks and balances to ensure that intermediaries must delete data received as part of the verification process.

Thank you, Minister Gallagher. That, taken together with my amendment to make the level of consent clear, takes some of the potential abuse out of the bill. A clear privacy statement would have helped. The government have promised they will do that later. There are trust issues around that promise.

Questions remain around the New South Wales government’s comment that this bill will allow them to verify that every person detected driving a car past a surveillance camera has a drivers licence.

The only way this can be achieved is if every driver is scanned every time they pass a detection camera and their image is compared to the national database. Does this mean those cameras going up around Australia are just the right height to scan the driver’s face and that the cameras will be used to scan and verify your identity each time you pass one? Yes, it does. Before they work out who you are and whether you have a licence, they have to scan and verify your biometrics. It’s the only explanation for the New South Wales government’s comment.

For those listening to this with incredulity, I remind you that this is exactly the system now in place in London, with Lord Mayor Khan’s ULEZ, Ultra Low Emission Zone, and in Birmingham, Manchester and other cities in Britain. It’s really the World Economic Forum’s 15-minute cities happening right now. Residents are locked into their zone and can only leave a certain number of times a year. This is happening in Britain. That depends on the make and model of the car you drive. If you drive a car they don’t like, you can’t move. Rich people who can afford electric cars can, of course, come and go as they please. Everyday citizens are locked in or, when they leave, the cameras detect them leaving and fine them on the spot. It’s a fine of 180 pounds a week for leaving over seven days.

That’s in Britain now. Already it has raised hundreds of millions of pounds because people will pay for freedom.

Look it up. Don’t just trust me: look it up. There are fines for not registering with the system and fines for breaching the 15-minute limits. It’s a virtual fence. It’s like an electric dog collar. It’s the foundation for a social credit system to completely control people’s lives. So don’t tell me this is a conspiracy theory. It’s real and it’s happening now in our mother country.

Cash is necessary to ensure these measures are ameliorated as much as possible, which is why the globalist wing of the Liberal Party tried to ban cash in the last parliament, which One Nation defeated. It should be obvious that predatory, parasitic billionaires and some of their lackeys in the Labor and Liberal Party are getting their ducks in a row because they want to be ready for the full implementation of their globalist masters’ control agenda, exactly as they promised. It’s not like they’re hiding any of this. When they tell us what they’re going to do, listen.

Remember this government’s triad of tyranny. Already entered into parliament is the Identity Verification Services Bill 2023 to normalise and allow the use of biometric data to locate and track citizens. Here it is. There’s the Digital ID Bill 2023 to force every Australian into having a digital ID. There’s the misinformation and disinformation bill 2023, which will ensure media and social media only carry government sanctioned opinions, and the government is exempted. I implore the Senate to vote against this bill and to reject this bill. This is the first of three bills necessary to turn Australia into the world’s first World Economic Forum digital prison.

14 replies
  1. Sarah Batsford
    Sarah Batsford says:

    It looks like just about all members of parliament are WEF’s!! Considering the majority are silent.
    Do these silent one’s know that they & their families will also be affected by this pathetic take over??
    I really pray that all Australians crucify all political parties, except One Nation, and destroy the livelyhoods of most sitting members.

  2. Rochelle
    Rochelle says:

    A point to bring up:
    We have unreliable electricity and internet providers. There have been blackouts, grids overloaded, telcos going down, numerous data breaches, and no end in sight to resolving these issues. What happens when these occur and we can’t be biometrically matched?

  3. Ian
    Ian says:

    It is interesting to see that the Senate Chamber is almost empty while Senator Roberts made his speech.

    Are the majority of our Senators captured by the the World Economic Forum’s policies? If so, they are traitors to the Australian people and should be brought charged and tried as such.

  4. Bianca
    Bianca says:

    We MUST start by questioning those supposedly elected leaders. With every QUESTION II would like to know an answer to WHY? HOW? WHEN ? WHERE?
    If no honest answers are given and I’m not satisfied then prevent any progress of that discussion! Start over! We are not governed by intelligence but rather by morons who are inexperienced and still stupid.

    Most important fact is that the older generation with decades of experience have been pushed aside and this is todays outcomes.
    BRING THEM ALL BACK! There is money but it waisted on supporting US hegemony of destruction to de-populate the planet.
    Education= contraception= morals= intelligence society.
    I want the EDUCATION system to be reshaped with teachers who know HOW to teach. Take a chapter out of the Russian system.
    No more OPPRESSION BY uk and US! Enough nonsense has pillaged this nation.
    Who is a decent rep in Melbourne?

    Thank you !🎺🎺🎺

  5. Rick
    Rick says:

    Surely the population of this country outnumber these clowns implementing this BS ,,,??? Violence seems to be the only solution to terminate these politicians , and for good . I noticed another gun amnesty being advertised on tv this week . I think anyone who has one these days would be a fool to hand it over .

  6. Geo
    Geo says:

    Looking at the many rallies around the world past and present I wonder why true leaders don’t face the protest leaders and arrange a conference to solve the problem. When a dispute becomes a war after many people die, much property is destroyed, either or both combatants run out of money, the combatants then have a conference to decide on what they can agree on. They could have had the conference before the war and avoided the war.

  7. Terry Carmody
    Terry Carmody says:

    This is a very dangerous triad of legislation. I sincerely hope that the Senate is looking very closely at the ramifications of the outcome of passing such legislation. Thank you One Nation for speaking out. I don’t care if I’m on there s..t list now for speaking out

  8. Brenden Dipper
    Brenden Dipper says:

    I am gravely concerned of what has transpired in our Country.
    Why is the Australian Government allowing the U.N. to make their own rules as they move into our Country?
    How can the U.N. fund thousands of individuals, spoiling these young adults with luxury vehicles to be then used in mass numbers to harass well established Australian families and Australians with small to medium businesses & thinking they can get away with this?
    I have very strong reasons to believe &
    I highlight this! ..! … I know their diabolical plans!
    To ultimately rid of what they have been instructed to do. Target the assets of the nominated Australians by slowly & quietly undertaking scores of different tactics. Breaking them down,
    piece by piece each targeted individual, Australian businesses & Families.

    I have lived in Newcastle NSW for over 50 years & when i began to witness several vehicles barring the same registration plates passing by myself in a different suburb this became very noticeable after months of monitoring.

    My experiences in the previous year or more primarily surrounding Newcastle University and coastal suburbs, the Central Coast and many Sydney suburbs have revealed an overwhelming army of students operating a network of what I’ve named “gang stalkers” & after much research discovered this particular name derived from ‘Targeted individual’ claims & many serious incidents.

    Evidence is the key in attempting to show the people of Australia and getting the people to listen & see what has & is transpiring in this silent attempted takeover of our democracy and ultimately our country.
    The evidence I obtained & submitted numerous times to a particular current local member I believe has not been addressed by the right people!
    Highlighting the last letter with much information led to a zero action or response.

    What has changed since attempting to notify the local Senator of my concerns?
    I am currently facing the NSW courts for allegedly breaking the law! more than several times!

    I believe my voice has been targeted by NSW Police to scare me away from pursuing my goals & telling my story to the people of Australia.
    The increased harassment & scores of traffic infringements confirms to myself that I am on the right track of discovering the future sadistic plans for Terra Australis.
    Unfortunately I face being unfairly punished for doing so!

  9. Gerry Phipps
    Gerry Phipps says:

    I’m in Townsville, so I won’t be able to be there Sunday for this Rally, however will be there with you in Spirit.

  10. Tab
    Tab says:

    People seem to be oblivious to the plans of the World Economic Forum, the United Nations, and the World Health Organisation. These organisations are controlled the extremely rich in the world. They want total control of the people. Part of their beliefs are shown in their statement “you will own nothing and you will be happy” Many of the worlds Members of Parliaments are aligned within the WEF who hols a meeting every year in Davos Switzerland. It is a plan to enslave the World with the United Nation as the One World Government. The WHO is gathering strength by getting countries to sign up to their control of pandemics. They will have the right to shut down countries as we saw during our experience with Covid19. The vaccinations were designed to kill. These people believed that they will save the planet by reducing the populations of each country by large amounts which will reduce the use of earths resources. To achieve this they will create wars . Thank you Senator Roberts and Pauline Hanson’s One Nation.

  11. Tab
    Tab says:

    May I add a warning to MP’s who are aligned with the WEF.
    You are committing treason. You will be dealt with as the plan is developed and the population wakes up.

  12. Phillip neville
    Phillip neville says:

    This is not what we want malcolm i tell every one to vote for our party to try and get more senators in the Senate to hold these traitors accountable .thank you malcolm


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