Have your say and sign our petition by clicking on the links below. Help safeguard Australia’s democratic and ‘human’ rights to free speech.

There are only a few days left for you to ‘Have Your Say’ (while you still can) on the Government’s ‘Censorship’ bill giving ACMA powers to combat misinformation and disinformation. One of the greatest sources of misinformation, government departments and their funded media, are excluded from this bill, making it not fit for purpose.

The sleight of hand in this legislation is in the use of the words “misinformation and disinformation”. If we replace those key words in this bill to the more accurate “truth and scientific fact” we can see it is a threat to the prevailing narrative preferred by government “for the safety and well-being of the Australian people”.

It is immediately apparent that the bill is aiming for Orwellian censorship. Such social engineering would see the elimination of thought crimes (freedom of expression) and the removal of the ability for citizens to access truth and protest Government mistakes, bad policy and restriction of freedom.

This bill demonstrates that this government and ACMA has no role or interest in the truth which is disturbing to the majority of Australians. The proposed code would “support fact checking” which has been revealed in the United States court to actually be a misnomer for “narrative reinforcing”. That this legislation is even proposed by a democratically elected Government is beyond comprehension. It must be defeated if we are to remain a free country where the truth, not ‘The Narrative’, should set us free.

11 replies
    • Col
      Col says:

      Sorry to “butt in” Karen.

      May I suggest before one signs the petition they have a look at, and a careful read of, the “Have Your Say” button at the bottom of the introductory paragraphs.

      A careful person will see the proposed legislation is no where near the “Orwellian censorship” claimed.

      Misinformation — information accidentally provided in error.

      Disinformation — false information provided with the intention to misleading the reader.

      A careful read of the introduction to this installment will reveal the intention towards DISINFORMATION.
      (The emotive language employed is a dead giveaway)

      Now to watch the abusive replies.


      • Ian Melville
        Ian Melville says:

        We once thought the world was flat until some brave people went against the established narrative. The crux of this bill is that the government decides what is truth. Do you understand now?

  1. Raymond Nicholls
    Raymond Nicholls says:

    Free speech is a constitutional right all control is to block free speech is the beginning of a Dictatorial system.

  2. Penny Maguire
    Penny Maguire says:

    We have till the 20th of August to “have our say” on an unlawful proposal that will ironically stop us from “having a say”. Just wow… that said if anyone wants to “have their say” but isn’t sure what to write – here’s what I put in – use it if you like, amend it, put it in your own words – whatever. Just putting it out there for folks who want it & may find it useful:
    Granting 6 unelected people in ACMA the arbitrary power to determine what is the TRUTH is beyond ridiculous to the point of being blatantly Orwellian. This is a complete malfeasance of the right to free speech, which according to the 1948 Universal Declaration of Human Rights & the International Covenant of Social, Political & Economic Rights, cannot be derogated even during an emergency or times of war. Apparently there will be no recourse & no appeal from any decisions made against the section of Australian society that this will apply to. What about the ramifications, repercussions and accountability for when they get something wrong? To add insult to injury, the government, the media, pharmaceutical companies and others will have exemption from this “law”. These measures are illegal, unlawful, immoral and unethical & if this makes it to parliament for a vote, it will be scrutinised very closely who votes yes to these heinous measures where Australians will no longer be equal in the eyes of the law, with one rule for some, but not for others depending on what job they do. Even contemplating this is outrageous government overreach

    • Bill M
      Bill M says:

      There cannot be a one sided law allowing politicians to blabber their choice of words & one restricting the people who employ them from stating their concerns about how the country is run.
      One rule for all, One flag for all. One country for all.

  3. Marian
    Marian says:

    I want democracy and freedom of speech and expression safeguarded . personal truth safeguarded . The election of 6 people elected internally to represent my and society’s say is not in keeping with the free Australia and democracy we’ve upheld

  4. RickWill
    RickWill says:

    I am happy with this legislation as long as I am appointed the head of the new Ministry of Truth. I anticipate I could do as well as Goebels did almost a century ago now.

  5. Philip Impey
    Philip Impey says:

    Notice the ABC is exempt. Given that the ABC is essentially the mouth piece of the anti conservative academy, this is dangerous. The ABC will not counter any fact or opinion which they can’t verify by their fact-checkers who are invariably academics. I was just reading the original preface to Orwell’s “ Animal Farm “ which was not included until the Penguin 2000 edition. Read it here in the context of this bill.

  6. Gary John Maxwell Gary
    Gary John Maxwell Gary says:

    I am not supporting this bill to take away my freedom of speech.I therefore do not consent to this take over of our freedoms as citizens of Australia.

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