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The Albanese Government’s decision to overturn recognition of Jerusalem as the Capital of Israel doesn’t make sense. It appears to be a political decision to appease the radical Labor left.


One Nation considers it the responsibility of the Israeli government to decide the location of Israel’s capital city, not the Australian government. Israel selected Jerusalem. One Nation approved the former government’s recognition of this fact and the decision to relocate Australia’s embassy there. The Albanese government’s decision is like Germany declaring Brisbane or Perth the capital of Australia instead of Canberra. It’s confusing and clumsy. We’re critical of the government’s decision to switch Australia’s embassy in Israel back to Tel Aviv. Is this an entirely political decision to pacify Labor’s radical left and gain Muslim votes in the coming Victorian election? Proscribed terrorist organisations like Hamas have already praised the government for this decision to change recognition of the Israeli capital. That the Israeli government was not even informed ahead of time is further indictment of the Albanese government’s decision. One Nation considers the decision to be the Prime Minister’s clumsy mistake and calls on him to reverse it and again recognise Jerusalem as Israel’s capital.

9 replies
  1. William Turner
    William Turner says:

    Which city Australia recognises as foreign nations capital, is not important or relevant to regular Australians

  2. Grant Denniston
    Grant Denniston says:

    Wherever lsraels govt is parked makes NO difference to me as to me it is STILL a Zionist Apartied govt responsible for the distruction of Palestine and nothing seems to be changing that fact anytime soon !

  3. HKW
    HKW says:

    Israel in fact is an apartheid State !
    I agree with One Nation on everything else, but will never, ever support the terrorist State of Israel !

    • Ceegee
      Ceegee says:

      You obviously know very little about world history. And you should know that you can never believe the lying far left media. Israel was declared a nation for the Jews 1921BC, so 3943 years ago. There were no Palestinians at that time,(and never have been) but here were some nomadic Canaanites.
      Not only that but Israel was promised all the land from Egypt in the South up to Syria in the North and from the Mediterranean Sea to the Euphrates in present day Iraq. There never was a land called Palestine. As we all know, if Israel destroyed all their weapons, they would be destroyed. If the so called Palestinians destroyed their weapons, there would be peace. Australia needs to recognise the capital that Israel designates, not what other countries decide.

  4. JCV
    JCV says:

    Well said Senator Roberts.

    To those calling Israel an apartheid state, you should visit Jerusalem. You’ll find Jews and Arabs living and working happily together. It’s only those who have proven to have terrorist inclinations that are kept under a watchful eye. I think you’ve been taking too much notice of the mainstream media.

    • William Turner
      William Turner says:

      I’d personally love to visit Israel, I just don’t care which city our Government recognises as it’s capital

  5. Ralph WardWhat right
    Ralph WardWhat right says:

    What right does some Nondescript Mob here in Australia have to delve in Israel Affairs
    We are further within the Globalist Movement than most Australians realise

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