Government wants to cut red meat production so you’ll have to “eat zee bugs”. Like lots of globalist claims however, demonizing red meat falls over as soon as you look at the facts.

Why on earth does the government want to tax cow farts?


Australian beef and, best of all, Queensland beef are here to stay as Australia’s main source of protein. A recent CSIRO paper published in the journal Animal, found that pasture fed beef returned 1,597 times more human edible protein than it consumed. What a wonderful way to produce natural, nutritious and affordable protein to feed our world.

The CSIRO, though, couldn’t help themselves of course and went on to denigrate the cattle industry for its methane production. This fearmongering fails on the most basic of tests: the biogenic carbon cycle. Methane in the atmosphere combines with oxygen to produce water and carbon dioxide which are then reabsorbed into pastures through photosynthesis, encouraging plant growth. For those who swallow the United Nations’ climate rubbish and think that nature’s trace atmospheric gas, essential to life on earth, needs to be sequestered: it is being sequestered!

There’s no environmental harm from cattle methane production. Cattle can be raised in a sustainable manner that not only protects but improves soil health. The war on red meat doesn’t have a leg to stand on! I call on Meat & Livestock Australia to dump its Red Meat 2030 plan—a plan designed to create a false scarcity of red meat in order to double meat prices and increase profits for a lucky few large beef producers. Red Meat 2030 will end grazing in lower rainfall areas, which will then be returned to nature in a process called ‘rewilding’. This land is where affordable meat is grown. Meat will become an elitist food; everyday Australians will be forced to source protein from food-like substances grown in labs or concocted on a process line from bugs, nuts and chemicals—lots of chemicals! Pick up a pack of fake meat and check the ingredients.

Meat & Livestock Australia must stop pandering to the climate change fraud and globalist elites. We are one community, we are one nation and climate change delusion is a danger to people’s cost of living and to our very food supply and security.

23 replies
  1. Bruce Morris
    Bruce Morris says:

    For those wanting to eat bugs, good luck to them, it’s their choice. However leave the beef industry and the rest of us who choose beef in our diet alone. Enough of the Nazism. They are not rulers, they are servants of the people of Australia. We the Australian people are not servants of the WEF.

  2. jason
    jason says:

    You’re a bloody champ! Said the truth and nothing but the truth. Every Australian should be a proud one nation supporter. You have got so much heart and backbone Malcolm. Thankyou for being the brave one in the face of adversity. AMEN!

  3. Leanne Daniell
    Leanne Daniell says:

    Thank you for speaking the truth, for the courage you demonstrate in the face of enormous opposition, for exposing the lies and for your service to the Australian people!
    We appreciate you!

    • Melinda
      Melinda says:

      WoW – Thanks I need to watch this movie…
      Buy meat ONLY when near use-by date – heavily discounted or majorly on special – my 2 men (hubby & son) and myself enjoy our tasty animal protein – especially BEEF!

  4. Gerry Baerfken
    Gerry Baerfken says:

    When are the people going to wake up to these people who want to fully run the earth as they see fit and not let the rest of us have a say in what we think should be happening. Climate Change is just another means for of control by these self absorbed despots and unfortunately a lot of people FALL for the spin the WEF and their lackies in Media and the like put on these fallacies. Of course the climate is changing it has been since the earth began. Man when trying to interfere with Nature has only either exacerbated the so-called problem or managed to introduce many others. One only need to look at what was attempted in Qld with the attempted reduction of sugar cane pest with cane toad, that went well hey!

  5. Leonie Hall
    Leonie Hall says:

    Thankyou Malcolm, for speaking on the carbon cycle. As farmers we have been much frustrated with the ignorance of legislators, and activists who have plenty of time to protest, but no time to go study the subject on which they are protesting. Carbon cycle means that even with no cows, the pastures will rot and release CO2 and methane. Makes no difference, except the pastures will devolve microbially without the animal gut biota to maintain it. I learned from your speech the effect of ocean carbon dioxide cycling, which I had not recognised previously. Ian Plimer has stated that Australia is already at CO2 neutral. Thankyou Thankyou. You are welcome in our house always.

  6. Bill M
    Bill M says:

    I would like to see what is on the dinner tables of those so called financially privileged dictators.
    Why should those who choose to eat meat be denied an all time food source?
    Not only denied meat, dairy products also go.
    “Get some Pork on your fork”
    The new world order can get forked.
    My body my choice.

    • Barb M
      Barb M says:

      Not the only thing I would want to see Bill M, bet the majority of these toe rags haven’t actually had all of the vax’s either. They know exactly what poisons are in this sh!t in a tube.
      I am not a vegetarian but my meat quantity is a whole lot less than it used to be owing to ciguatera (fish poisoning) and once you get it, it stays with you. Too much meat brings on all the symptoms again, even so I like my red meat because it gives me vitamins and minerals that nothing else can.
      Another attempt to cull the remaining smart ones who told them where to shove their c-19 poison dart, so they will get them another way.

  7. Troy
    Troy says:

    On the seventh day(Saturday) God rested because ALL of creation was good. That includes cow farts AND even humans!

  8. Les Power
    Les Power says:

    You are such a vital ingredient of the Australian “landscape” Malcolm, please PLEASE stay strong & keep “serving it up to them” Bigtime. I monitor global matters daily, and this is one (only one) of the “Elitist Narratives” that is well into the process of changing the whole way the world works. It is my considered view, “the silent Majority here in Australia (& overseas) are being purposely manipulated by media and self interested parties that when the “S” hits the “F:, which IT IS GOING TO DO & SOON (in my opinion) this Silent Majority will shake in their collective boots and scream “WHY DIDN’T SOMEBODY WARN US”???? And yet myself and many others have been doing EXACTLY THAT for several years. I am deeply deeply frightened for the Country I love & my fellow “Aussies”: whom I also love as a society.
    Like it or not, Australia is in very serious trouble, from a number of sources. Life in Australia will take a horrendous downturn in the near future (again, my opinion) unless We The People UNITE, dig deep & decide COURAGE over APATHY is what is required, & begin to defend this Country and our (hard earned) way of life.
    I believe another win for Daniel Andrews at the upcoming Victorian election will signal the beginning of “the rot” so to speak.

  9. Brian Clarke
    Brian Clarke says:

    In a recent report: A dairy farmer in NSW was compelled to mRNA vaccinate her cows. She complied and, of her 200 cows, 37 of them died immediately following the jabs. Some other NSW farmers also complained they had lost cattle from the jabs. It is not known whether this compliance applies only to NSW, or if it will apply right across Australia. Investigations are being made to ascertain this. The mRNA jabs change the DNA of the cattle, and therefore also the milk, yogurt, cheese as well as the meat of the jabbed cattle, and consumers too.
    Will the compulsory mRNA jabbing also apply to poultry, and affect the eggs?

    • Melinda
      Melinda says:

      These jab action on animals (let alone most humans) is absolutely despicable, Brian.

      How would the vet(s)be able to live with themselves – sounds like an almost instaneous reaction….

    ALAN BENTHAM says:

    Looney lefties produce more noxious gases than the beef industry every time they open their mouths with the amount of bullshit that they spew out.

  11. Alison Portelli
    Alison Portelli says:

    I’m pretty sure GOD knows what he was doing when he placed cows on this earth for us to enjoy.
    They want to raise the price on meat so only the élite will be able to eat well
    Meat is already expensive enough

    Who doesn’t love a good steak!!

  12. bill silvey
    bill silvey says:

    A fatuous suggestion that cattle methane emissions would somehow contribute to anthropic climate change only shows how simplistic much of our so-called civilised community thinks and believes. Climate predictions are based on the vicissitudes, vacillations and interactions of the galactic, solar, lunar and earthly cyclic systems. We barely understand the degree of influence earth’s molten core, gravitational gradients, ocean currents, the biosphere, gravitation gradients, atmospheric and water currents on weather change let alone climate.

    Even if humanity does cause a blip in changing the earth’s climate (as opposed to short term weather cycles), is it even possible that the collective efforts of us ephemeral beings reversing “climate change” could achieve the nebulous goal of whatever the climate was before humans existed?

    So, cattle emit methane every day. All living organisms emit gas every day; even cuddly pups, kittens and koala bears. Guess what, humans also emit methane every day? People fart (oops…flatulate) and burp (oops…eructate) every day.

    The average person emits about 1 litre of gas (0.5-1.5L) per day (some say politicians (Malcolm excluded of course!) may exceed that amount). Generally, this gas mainly comprises of nitrogen (59%), hydrogen (21%), carbon dioxide (9%), methane (7%) and oxygen (4%). That translates to 26 million Australians emitting 1.8 million litres of methane every day or about 1200 kg of methane per day. If we could capture and use this methane or, better still, the hydrogen, we would not have to buy solar panels and wind turbines from China.

    On a positive note, the continuous innovative efforts of us, evolving human species, to harness energy efficiently and safely are worthwhile goals. This should sustain us ephemeral and currently dominant creatures for a little longer on earth. It maybe noteworthy that cockroaches will most likely still be on earth, unchanged, after humans have long become extinct.

  13. Marguarete O'Reilly
    Marguarete O'Reilly says:

    For those who want to eat bugs then watch the parasites you may consume. Parasite are known to cause health issues in particular cancer.
    Stop the mRNA jabs (poison) in our beef industry. Those farmers who are aware of this injection of poison are extremely concerned. Cow farts do not cause climate change. How ridiculous. In fact carbon dioxide is needed for photosynthesis to occur making food our planet a producer of good gor all living things.
    When will people wake up to this depopulation agenda. The corporate Governments want us dead while these evil people involved get to own the world.

  14. roger
    roger says:

    yes. you know where they can shuv thoze bugz.
    i luv a good steak unfortunately high prices of meat been drivin up to the sham cow fart nitrogen people all pushing the sham behind the normal natural device that iz climate change. can you imagine a world where the ice caps did not melt.. yah an ice world. or. without trees to create shade the world gets that much warmer. look up the documentary TITAN BOWA. the world was 5 degrees warmer back when the animals droppings were the size of someone’s motorcycle. yet thousands of years later here we are. the nutterz crying about cow farts an how electric cars that charge on 70 sum percent by fossil fuels. no fossil fuels no highways, no electricity. no common sense. in the bible it duz state the wisdom of god leaves mankind. can really see this in the latest run of leaders throughout the world. africa now wants compensation for their natural disasters . now blaming it on climate change. it never ends.
    i saw a study where it showed lack of meat protien led to depression. i am sure there are others out there that say the opposite.. misinformation laws not doing enough to protect the populous. nice to see Politican’s actual charged for sum of this missinformation

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