Birth certificate gender madness shows bureaucracy out of touch

People would be allowed to change their gender every 12 months, while the terms ‘mother’ and ‘father’ would be optional, under a proposed radical shake-up of birth certificates the Courier Mail reports.

No amount of ideology or pontificating by bureaucrats will ever change the biological fact that a father is an adult male with potential to produce sperm and a mother is an adult female with potential to produce eggs. 

Just as a bull who is castrated does not become a cow, a “transgender female” will never be female, even though they choose to live in a female world. 

The scope to choose any gender you want on your birth certificate from 12 years, with the potential to change every year, fuels an obsession with self-identity at an age when the human brain is already scrambled due to puberty.  Genuine gender dysphoria is genuine distress and bureaucratic pandering does nothing to alleviate the distress.