I talked to Marcus Paul about axing changes to the responsible lending laws, my anti-gender-neutral language motion and vaccine passports on 2SM.


[Marcus Paul] Well, tell me what happened with YouTube?

[Malcolm Roberts] Well, Marcus, we had a very good interview last week, as usual, trading facts and discussing the facts.

[Marcus Paul] You and I?

[Malcolm Roberts] Yeah.

[Marcus Paul] Yeah.

[Malcolm Roberts] And we posted it as we always do on YouTube and Facebook. And YouTube banned my post because I mentioned Ivermectin and included some facts, scientific facts, and also said that the doctor successfully prescribed it for me, and I used it several years ago to treat a condition when I came back from India. So it seems factual comments rub Google the wrong way.

[Marcus Paul] Wow, okay, what about Facebook? Is it still there? Because we often share your stuff and obviously because it’s content for our show, but yeah, I know. Oh, okay. Yeah, no gone. Gone.

[Malcolm Roberts]We posted it also on Facebook. It’s still there. But the Facebook censors came knocking on our door for a post I made back in 1st of May which is almost three weeks ago. also proclaiming the facts on Ivermectin that’s been treated it’s being used to treat 3.7 billion doses around the world. It’s proven, safe, etc. etc. And they’ve wiped that one out. So, I mean, always that’s a form of control and always beneath control is fear. These people: Google, YouTube, Facebook are afraid of facts.

[Marcus Paul] All right. Well, Craig Kelly has gone through something similar, as you would know, and that’s why.. Look you mention Ivermectin and the censors go wild. It’s probably because it’s not a part of official government policy. That’s what I’ve been told. And that’s why I was told to steer clear of it and not discuss it. And that’s why I left it well alone, to be honest. But anyway, Malcolm let’s move on. One nation appears to have torpedoed the government’s plans to ditch responsible lending laws. After the parties leader, Pauline Hanson said it would leave Australians vulnerable to predatory banks. After the government last year announced a roll back of laws that affect how banks assess customers for mortgages and personal loans. Senator Hanson yesterday said the government was telling the public to relax and trust the big banks.

[Malcolm Roberts] We are ditching the government’s proposed relaxation of responsible lending laws because it’s wrong. These banks are cutthroat. They’re robber barons and they do not care about people. They care only about making money for the banks. But the Labour Party and the Liberal Party have a history of supporting the big banks. In 2017 Pauline got an inquiry up in to lending to primary production customers. That’s foresters, farmers, fishermen. And she asked me to chair it and we were very strong on it. We worked closely with the National Party, Senator Williams, Wacka Williams, and we had a bipartisan approach. And we went out in to the Bush, got the farmers, supported them, my office, Pauline’s office in particular supported the farmers to make submissions. We supported them. We went out in the bush again before each hearing. We’d got their stories and we told them how to get it across effectively. Very successful. I then held the banks accountable and it was so embarrassing for the Turnbull government at the time that Turnbull and Morrison both said they would not have a royal commission in to the banks. So successful were we at exposing the rorts the banks were doing that we got a royal commission and it embarrassed the government in to it. Now, the point was that we exposed predatory lending and corruption by the banks. Now the Morrison government wants to unwind what we achieved. And we also chase the banks, the Australian banking association, on its own code of conduct. And so we can’t afford to unwind this. We only had a royal commission come down what, two years ago?

[Marcus Paul] Yeah. Yep.

[Malcolm Roberts] This is ridiculous.

[Marcus Paul] All right. Another issue. Maybe the most important of all COVID issues. Vaccine passports. I noticed that from the start you say you’ve opposed vaccine passports that are really vaccine prisons. Tell me about this.

[Malcolm Roberts] Yes. And when we still maintain that position we will oppose a vaccine passport, a digital passport, because they’re excluding people. You cannot force people in this country to inject something in to their bodies. That has to be an informed choice and informed consent. So what it means is that if you don’t have the vaccine or digital record of your vaccine being administered, then you won’t be able to go onto airlines. You won’t be able to travel overseas. You won’t be able to travel interstate. According to some people. You won’t be able to enter a pub, maybe. Who knows where this will end. That’s why I call it the digital prison. It’s a vaccine prison. And it’s a way of forcing people to take the jab. Now, what you’ll notice also is that Ivermectin is a proven, safe, affordable, alternative to a vaccine. We’re not saying one or the other. We’re saying you take your choice. At the moment, we are not giving people an informed consent. They are not giving us informed consent rather to the government. So we’re forcing people, basically, if the digital prison comes in, so you can get a jab. Whereas we have an alternative vac-, alternative treatment in Ivermectin that is proven, safe and affordable. People need to be able to choose what they want to do.

[Marcus Paul] All right, let’s move on to gender language. You’ve attached a motion here. Individuals have a right to choose their descriptors but we cannot dehumanise the human race and undermine genders. It’s stressing out children. We can never deal with men and women’s health issues if we pretend they aren’t men and women say One Nation.

[Malcolm Roberts] Yes. I got this motion up in the Senate a few weeks ago. In fact, the Labour Party and the Greens opposed it. They voted against it. The Liberal Party took a bit of talking, but they eventually came on board and we got it through the Senate. What’s happening right now is that fundamental biology and relationships are represented through the descriptions like mother, father, son, daughter, brother, sister, boy, girl, grandmother, grandfather, uncle, aunt, etc. Mr. Mrs. What the government has done in the past is it’s taken away these descriptors and put gender neutral descriptors in there. And what we want to do is to make sure, and then we called on the government, to make sure that it returns to proper English, because we reject the use of distorted language. Like if you want to talk about a man, then he’s a non-gestational person. Non-gestational parent, father that is. Instead of father, they want to be called non-gestational parent.

[Marcus Paul] What?

[Malcolm Roberts] Mother is gestational parent.

[Marcus Paul] I’ve got a headache.

[Malcolm Roberts] Instead of breastfeeding, it’s chestfeeding. Instead of milk, it’s human milk. Lactating parent. Menstruators instead of women. Now, this is absolutely ridiculous. And we just want to get back to the simple terms that everyone understands. We’ve got to have correct language.

[Marcus Paul] All right. There’s a bit of a fight brewing. And I spoke to Anthony Albanese yesterday about Joel Fitzgibbon. This story kind of broke a little later in relation to the $600 million gas plants which is slated for Curry Curry, up there in the Hunter. Labour say, no. Well certainly Chris Bowen, Anthony Albanese, they all say no that it’s, you know, the cost doesn’t stack up. And they base it with some data from a number of organisations that say the business case just doesn’t work and we’d be wasting our money. The government though wants to power ahead with a gas fired recovery post COVID-19. And that’s why they are using taxpayers money and getting the snowy hydro people to operate this new gas power station. They promise Malcolm that our prices, power prices, will come down. Of course, this is all because Lidell is closing down. Now. Joel Fitzgibbon, Meryl Swanson, seem to be on one side of the argument here in Labour. Whereas the others, including Chris Bowen and Anthony Albanese, oppose it. They’re in a bit of trouble I think, mate.

[Malcolm Roberts] They’re in a hell of a lot of trouble. But they’re not the only ones in trouble. The Liberal Party and the National Party are also in trouble because Angus Taylor, the energy minister, has admitted in public that he is afraid of, they’re his words, he’s afraid of higher prices in the future for electricity. Less reliability. The end of reliability and the end of stability for our grid. When I was a kid, I had first-year high school at Curry Curry. I cycled in from the bush, about four mile, we lived in the bush, four miles out. I cycled into town, picked up a town of Western and then Curry, and we’d picked up mates and we cycled to Curry Curry High School. We went past the Curry Curry Alcan Aluminium Smelter. That was built there because of the cheap coal-fired electricity in the Hunter. Because aluminium smelters need a hell of a lot of cheap of electricity and reliable supply. That plant is now shut. They’ve demolished that plant. That’s where they want to build a gas-fired power station. Now, I understand from the Australian newspaper that Tomago has had three shutdowns in the last week. You cannot shut down an aluminium smelter like that.

[Marcus Paul] Yeah.

[Malcolm Roberts] They’re also forced with high prices.

[Marcus Paul] Sure.

[Malcolm Roberts] We are destroying our industry in this country and shipping it overseas. We have got to wake up. The cheapest form of power is hydro. That’s without a doubt. The second cheapest is coal. Hydro is limited. Coal is abundant in this country. We are the world’s largest exporters of gas and coal in the world. And sea-borne trade of coal in the world. Now, we’ve also got the fact that the third cheapest, way behind coal, is nuclear. Solar and wind which is what both Liberal Party and Labour Party and Joel’s mob, are going for. Solar and wind and batteries. They’re absolutely ridiculous prices. For every, they’ve proven this overseas, for every so-called green energy job, solar and wind, there are 2.2 real industry jobs lost. It is highly destructive what they’re doing. Both parties.

[Marcus Paul] All right, Malcolm. Good to have you on, mate. We’ll talk again soon.

[Malcolm Roberts] All right, mate.

[Marcus Paul] All right.

[Malcolm Roberts] Bye, Marcus.

[Marcus Paul] There he is. One Nation Senator Malcolm Roberts.