Despite the government destroying tens of thousands of bee hives they have still failed in their mission to try and contain a varoa mite outbreak. No support has been offered to beekeepers to restock their hives. Without bees we won’t have agriculture and we won’t have food.

37 replies
  1. Freebird
    Freebird says:

    Deliberate attacks on pollinators to cause significant damage to our food supply. Where did this mite come from? Was it the same place the Japanese encephalitis mosquitoes came from? Where exactly is that? Who is monitoring the government to validate these stories? Does anyone trust government when they are not divulging their connections to the global cult of unelected billionnaires?

    • Fran
      Fran says:

      The Mite is a legitimate problem for the Bees, it originated from Asian in the 1940s then took 40 years to reach America via cargo ships, the Australian Bee industry has been dreading its arrival fir the past 20+ years, we were the last continent that was left unaffected by it, unfortunately the government has taken the opportunity of its arrival to force their agenda, as there was no reason for them to destroy the hardware, the Bees can be treated fir the mite, but the treatments are very harsh on the Bees and also leave residual chemicals in the hive and the honey, which is not desirable at all. So the mite is a very big problem for the industry and for the associated industries that rely on the pollination services!

  2. Kezeek
    Kezeek says:

    Incentivised to kill pollinating bees, the essential for crop life; What is next pray tell us? Overtly destroying local crops. These mongrels don’t care as long as their are corporate payments in their coffers. Locals need to protect their hives and demand proof that the bees have this infestation, otherwise its just heresay and illegal to do this on private property.

  3. Phil
    Phil says:

    Mal, it is my view that all this stuff – mad cow – chicken flu – bee stuff – is all part of the ongoing program to destroy our ability to feed ourselves enabling the Controllers in their quest to have us eat insects and chemical “food”. We need independent science on their claims – just like the bs covid claims – I simply don’t believe them.

  4. marilyn pithers
    marilyn pithers says:

    Its amazing as a single bee owner whose very two healthy backyard hives which have been euthanised because of being on the border of the red kill zone I could have answered those questions in more detail than the minister and Dr Locke. Only took over 8 weeks to collect the dead hive that had maggots crawling out. THESE ARE THE PEOPLE INCHHARGE OF THIS WHOLE NIGHTMARE . UNBELIEVABLE !!!!!! Experts in the mite or experts in avoidance ?????

    • Lyn Hoffmann
      Lyn Hoffmann says:

      Omg, I am SO very sorry, Marilyn. This is an utter disgrace!!
      All of your poor, hardworking little Bees, a creature that we love so much.
      Shame on the Labor Government!!

      • barana
        barana says:

        if it wasnt lab it would have been lib/commugreen/nat..
        Theyre all on the take from the banx who have an agenda

  5. Richard Webster
    Richard Webster says:

    Just amazing these people have a job. If we turned up in front of them unprepared we go to jail. Do not pass go. Pass the buck plz

  6. Megan Knight
    Megan Knight says:

    How sad! Has it been investigated how the overuse of toxic chemicals has contributed to the virus appearing and spreading in the first place? Yes, we need our bees!!

  7. Vicki
    Vicki says:

    When are we going to have an independent organisation not answerable to government that determines if our livestock and bees have disease, not these corrupt departments following an agenda to eradicate any form of food production in the name of HEALTH

  8. Bill M
    Bill M says:

    If you can eat it kill it, All about food control & changing what we consume. The world controllers has gone crazy hell bent on depopulation. Any supposed shortage is manipulation. People need to take control of all politicians & political parties.

  9. Mark Bush
    Mark Bush says:

    Amazing – unable to provide the information required, & it appears, not aware of the impact on the agricultural industry!!! Experts or plain seat warmers?? Great questions, Malcolm. Keep up the great work.

  10. Bill M
    Bill M says:

    If you can eat it kill it, All about food control & changing what we consume. The world controllers has gone crazy hell bent on depopulation. Any supposed shortage is manipulation.

  11. Jason Clark
    Jason Clark says:

    The Agricultural minister needs to be held accountable for the up and coming food shortages. We now have milk in our supermarkets that is not produced in Australia. We have pork, beef, chicken, lamb and fish that is not grown in Australia. With no Bees We will have little or none of Australian grown foods. Government are not governing in the best interests of Australian people and in my opinion that means our current government is not fit for purpose.

  12. Gerda von Strunck
    Gerda von Strunck says:

    No bees no agriculture. Have these office idiots actually thought about that? Healthy beehives destroyed because they were too lazy or incompetent to investigate first. In Holland they destroy meat production, in Australia they destroy agriculture. Ah well, one of the billionaires surely will come to the rescue.

  13. J Akker
    J Akker says:

    That is disgusting behaviour and yet another demonstration of governments’ intent to kill the natural ecosystem

  14. Lou
    Lou says:

    Food supply control is my guess. The freemasons in our government are still up to no good it seems. Thank you for all you do Mal. We need more like you. We the people need to continue to rise up and speak up. This is not ok. We need the bees!!! If the hives tested negative…. it’s obvious!!!

  15. Kathleen R Jackson
    Kathleen R Jackson says:

    An authority on this mite said that it was easily treatable. Another push by our tyrannical government to control food supply and injure the incomes of farmers and food providers

  16. Daniela
    Daniela says:

    Why the bee have destroyed the Australian government? Because no bee no food! Why the bee wasn’t found in Verroa mites and the Australian government has decimated 17,000 apiary without compensation to apiary ? No bee no food!

  17. Danny Le feuvre
    Danny Le feuvre says:

    The mite is contained so far and there is reimbursements available to beekeepers in the red and purple zones. The total reimbursement package is $19.65 mill across commercial and recreational beekeepers. It is a industry agreed plan to euthanase all hives both managed and unmanaged in the red zones.

  18. AL McKone
    AL McKone says:

    As is in all of Nature, what “Science and Industry” are calling the cause, is in fact a symptom of poisoning. Before killing the bug, look for the poison it’s trying to detoxify.

  19. Alice Clayton
    Alice Clayton says:

    This mental approach to a parasite, is looking more and more like the covid lie. Another bullshit over reach, bees are the foundation of everything. To me it’s a deliberate action, to eliminate flora, fauna, food production, crippling the nation. after the Be is gone, and abundance of parasitic bugs will rape what’s left, giving an abundance of the insects the elites want us to eat, unfortunately that abundance will be very short lived.

  20. Jason
    Jason says:

    I cannot find any bees on the numerous flowering trees and vegetables at my house, nor at the golf course. Not even native bees. It’s like scorched earth for pollination!

  21. LC KoolG
    LC KoolG says:

    Every insect on Earth has an unbeatable predator, the Cordecep. In the horrifying epic 36 hour game movies Days Gone and The Last of Us, the cordecep fungus crossed the gene barrier from insects to humans. The result was apocalyptic. Be careful of the bugs and worms the WEF want to feed you.

  22. LEONIE
    LEONIE says:

    This is despicable and dangerous to eradicate our bee population. Get the scientists if they’re not already, working on a solution. This should be our number one priority. Food production will plummet drastically if not resolved. There is no way I will be eating bugs! 🐜

  23. Scott Silburn
    Scott Silburn says:

    I certainly don’t like the idea of killing off bees…
    There must be other solutions…
    Beekeepers themselves hold the key I’m sure…

  24. Scott Silburn
    Scott Silburn says:

    I certainly don’t like the idea of killing off bees…
    There must be other solutions…
    Beekeepers themselves hold the key I’m sure…

    Thanks for your excellent work, Malcolm!

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