
The Therapeutic Goods Administration (“TGA“) and their buddies, the Australian Technical Advisory Group on Immunisation (“ATAGI“) and the unaccountable Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (“AHPRA“), have enabled the distortion of science in Australia that has seen COVID vaccines mandated, the minimising of vaccine reactions, banning of alternative treatments and general COVID mismanagement.

In this final Senate Estimates session before the election is inevitably called I tried to desperately get straight answers out of Australia’s Chief Health bureaucrats about how they could do so much of this without evidence.

Part 1

This session goes to the over 801 deaths reported around COVID-19 vaccines and the Health Department’s incompetence or negligence in failing to answer over 47% of my formal questions on notice in 6 months when the deadline was 6 weeks.

Transcript (click here to read)

I’d like to table just a portion of the transcript from the previous session in February, 16th of February. There are 15 copies here. Thank you. The latest available TGA DAEN report from your website dated 24th of March, 2022, says there are 801 deaths, 11 of which are attributed to COVID-19 vaccines. So there are 801 deaths reported by doctors. So according to the TGA 801 deaths that doctors have reported as being due to COVID-19 vaccination, doctors reported them. The TGA then steps in and reviews these doctor certified reports and says that there are only 11 deaths attributable to the COVID-19 vaccines. How many of these 790 cases have been reviewed and closed? And how many are still under review?

Senator firstly, your assertion is not factually correct. Doctors have not said those deaths, 800 and something deaths are due to COVID vaccination.

They’ve reported that.

There have been reports as we have said before and misplace, doctors will often provide a report and then they say in the report, we don’t believe it’s due to a vaccination in a majority of jurisdictions, a majority of states and territories, there is a requirement for the state and territory health systems and their doctors working between to report deaths that are temporarily associated. In other words injection one day someone has a heart attack a week later. But in many of those cases the doctors indicate that they don’t believe there’s a link. So I think it’s highly misleading to say the doctors say these deaths are due to a COVID vaccine. Having said that, we do as we’ve indicated before we review all deaths in these reports and we follow up for further information including with coroners where coroners reports are done in postmortems, with the state and territory systems. These deaths are generally in health facilities. So there have been post-mortems and there is a thorough medical history on them. And as I’ve indicated before if there is something unusual and there is a possibility that it could be associated with a vaccine, we convene an independent, by independent not departmental staff. We convene an independent expert group of relevant doctors to evaluate whether there is likely causality. And we use World Health Organisation protocols and these approaches are used by regulators globally.

[Malcolm] Thank you. So how many of the 790 cases have been reviewed and closed and how many are still under review?

Senator I would have give, take that on notice

That’s fine. at the current time but the overwhelming majority has been it’s just that obviously it’s a figure that changes by the hour.

Okay. That’s fine. I’d happy to take that on notice, for you to take it on notice. Of any outstanding reported deaths, some could be death related to COVID-19 vaccination. Do you have a timeframe for when the TGA adjudication will be completed?

Our part is relatively fast once we have all required information, but if, let’s use a hypothetical of someone who has a vaccination on Tuesday and has a heart attack on Friday, they’re in a hospital in Perth, the WA health system reports to us. This is a hypothetical. We obviously require the information from a postmortem that may have been done, had that person say, had AstraZeneca and was it a major thrombosis with thrombocytopenia in their brain? So it also requires postmortems to be done. It may even require a coroner’s report to be done. So the timing at which we can close a case and then if we need to refer it to his expert committee senator does depend on when we get the information from the hospital system, the postmortem and all that. Because otherwise you are working in the dark. And so it’s really important to have that objective information by the professional people who carry out postmortems and if need be, if it has been referred to the coroner, the advice from a coroner, because again that’s their professional role to determine cause of death.

So it’s variable. How long do the TGA reviews take per death?

[Skerritt] Sorry.

How long does the TGA reviews take per death?

So once we receive the, it’s an iterative thing. So if we have a death report, we’ll come back and we say, “Look, it says headache in the report. Can we get information on whether they had a bleed in the brain?” Now the hospital may respond within hours or they may say, “Look, we’ve got the brain.” And again, this is a bit gory. “We’ve got the brain in the freezer. We will have to conduct some morbid anatomy on that…” Sorry, we’ll have to look at the brain in a postmortem sense. So sometimes it actually can take weeks if they then have to do those laboratory and other forensic tests. Once we get the information we move as quickly as possible. And we also move as quickly as possible to report any reports of death. So for example, the very first report of death which was in April last year, I think we reported it within 24 to 48 hours of the group concluding that it was associated and we do so in our weekly updates. Now, fortunately there have been no confirmed deaths due to vaccination this year. And there’s also been no confirmed cases due to thrombosis with thrombocytopenia this year.

Okay, thank you, Australians, our constituents want to know who is accountable for this process? Who decides whether the death was a COVID-19 vaccine death and who certifies if this is the case.

So if it’s due to vaccination it’s the role of the Therapeutic Goods as a safety regulator. But acting on, as I said on the advice of this external panel and with the commitment and responsibility of publishing weekly safety updates on which report this information.

So you are the head of the TGA so it’s your responsibility.


So you’re accountable.


Okay. Thank you. Who’s on the expert committee?

There is no fixed expert committee. It’s really important to emphasise that if say a death was due to some neurological condition, we have a large number of neurologists. There are some, it’s not a standing committee. And so there is no fixed membership Senator. If it’s a cardiac thing, we’ll have cardiologists and we’ll have cardiac pathologists. And there’s so many subspecialties in medicine these days. And so the composition of each panel is different depending, because we want the best scientific and clinical expertise.

[Malcolm] Okay. So I’ve asked you Dr. Skerritt or Professor Skerritt sorry, about the questions raised at previous Senate estimates rounds. And if you refer to the transcript of the February 16th Senate estimates. If you go down the bottom there, you’ll see that you’ve twice failed to deliver what you have promised. We asked first in October and we had a six-week deadline for that

Sorry Senator, you asked for what in October?

The process, by which deaths reported by doctors are reviewed by the TGA.

We’ve provided every-

[Man] They haven’t.

Every response to every… We’ve provided them through to the government. Every response to every question on notice .

Well, then ministers, who in the government is responsible because Professor Skerritt, you said, I asked you again in February 16th, after the, four months after the first request in October. And I said, “Could we have that process in writing?” And you said, “I believe it has been provided but we can provide it again.” And I said, “We haven’t received it.” And you said, “We can provide it to you.” They’re categorical.

[Skerritt] Senator-

So now it seems to me minister that the head of the Therapeutic Goods Administration is saying he’s provided to the government but the government hasn’t provided it to us. What’s going on?

I can’t comment on the process following that. What I can say is if you wish to write to me please write to me and I can provide in .

Professor Skerritt, we’ve asked you twice and twice… And once we were put on notice and last February, just two months ago, you told us personally you would get it to us. This is the first I’ve heard about having to write to you about it.

Well, I don’t deliver responses to you directly, Senator.

[Woman] So then I asked the government what’s interceded because we have not got the material from the TGA.

[Skerritt] .

[Woman] Do we have a question on notice number that we’re talking about?

Yes, we do.

[Woman] That would be very handy to have so that we can ask somebody to check that.

Question number 14, details of how a decision of death due to COVID vaccination is made?

So what was the question on notice number? Do we know?

So that was back in October. I don’t know that one

Senator we’ll take what you’ve just requested on notice and and get you an answer. Because it seems to me that there there’s a bit of a misunderstanding here.

[Malcolm] Twice.

I think adjunct professor Skerritt has indicated he would provide what you’ve requested. So we will endeavour during a break to be able to get to the bottom of that and respond to you today.

Quite sure somebody is listening to us at the moment that we’ll be able to follow that up for us.

Minister, can you follow up my questions from October as well too, please? ‘Cause I’ve got like lots of questions outstanding.

I will certainly have a look at that, but-

Yeah, we have a huge number outstanding something like generally there are 61 of a 136 questions on notice outstanding from the last Senate estimates. That’s around 45% of the questions we’ve asked. We’ve asked a lot of questions, but that’s our right because we do it not only for ourselves but on behalf of our constituents. 45% of the questions have not been answered. So if-

[Woman] If you could leave that with me Senator-


And I’ll respond to the committee as soon as I’m able to get an answer.

[Malcolm] If that’s the last question chair on this round and then we’ll come back later. If vaccine injured people are from identifiable subgroups say due to specific health conditions, why did you not proactively allow medical exemptions from these groups, for these groups? For example, those with comorbidities?

The Therapeutic Goods Administration’s not involved in provision of vaccine exemptions.

Well, who the hell is because we’ve had so many doctors tell us personally and nurses that it’s almost impossible to get an exemption. And I know of someone who got his first shot and then had a severe reaction to it and was required by his employer to have a second shot. We’ve heard this so many times.

[Man] Senator-

Senator innit?

The chair of ATAGI will be here at 10 o’clock and ATAGI is responsible for determining the conditions under which people would, vaccines contraindicated a very small list of conditions, that the chair ATAGI would be happy to answer that I think when he comes.

[Malcolm] Thank you.

[Woman] Okay. Thank you.

Part 2

Doctors and other health professionals feel great pressure to not report adverse events or sentiment which could undermine the vaccine rollout. Health Bureaucrats continue to deny such pressure exists despite official guidelines saying that Doctors could be de-registered for opposing supposed public health measures from the government. AHPRA threatens to deregister Doctors but is a private corporation with no accountability to the Senate or the Australia Public.

Transcript (click here to read)

Chair, Can I just ask something that I forgot to ask before I noted rather than interrupt Professor Skerritt? You mentioned that of the reports that you received from doctors about deaths, some explicitly say, it’s not due to the vaccine. Are you aware and what are you doing about the fact that have been told by a number of doctors that they are afraid to report vaccine deaths? Are you aware of that and what are you doing about that?

I’m not aware of that and any doctor or individual, or even you on behalf of a constituent with the relevant information can report a vaccine adverse event, doesn’t have to be a death, it can be a sore arm. Any individual can report directly to us, so–

Do you do any auditing to make sure that process is being followed or that you’re getting reasonably accurate numbers?

So as I’ve indicated, the reporting is two things. Firstly, it’s mandatory within a majority of states, but not all states. Although quite interestingly, the state that is the most active in reporting adverse events for their health system is Victoria and it’s not one where in law is written down it’s just seen as part of their medical practise. There is no force of law that says if Dr X out in the suburbs sees an adverse event that they must report. Reporting of adverse events is not mandatory in Australia. It would require this place to change a therapeutic goods act.

Senator, can I just point out, I feel I need to say something here. There there’s been over 11 billion doses of vaccine given around the world, 11 billion doses. The risk benefit profile of all of the vaccines that are in common use and the ones certainly that the TGA has regulated here in Australia is overwhelmingly in favour of benefit. There is no conspiracy here.

[Senator Roberts] Do we have the numbers on that list?

11 billion doses have been used? We would’ve seen problems in 11 billion episodes of doses if they were there.

Why did you use the word conspiracy because in my experience, most of these kinds of derailments are due to incompetence or gutlessness in terms of not looking at the figures. I’m not accusing you of either of those, I’m just saying that’s my experience but you raised the word conspiracy. Now,

I do realise the word conspiracy–

Are you aware that some doctors here and overseas have done the research and they say that as few as 1% of adverse events are being reported. Some are saying as few as 10%. So you multiply the deaths due to the vaccine. You multiply the adverse events due to the vaccines by in one estimate by a hundred or by other estimates by 10.

Senator, we don’t believe that that’s a relevant comparison.

You don’t believe it, but that’s what doctors are telling me.

Senator Robert please let witnesses respond.

So I’ll pass it to John in a moment. But I think, just to be clear I’m not accusing anyone of conspiracy here but that there are conspiracy theories around. I think we have all heard them and they have affected, particularly in some of our more vulnerable parts of our population and I’m referring here to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities. In a way that has caused harm and I feel it’s my role as the chief medical officer to look at that from the Australian perspective. I’ll let John answer about the issue, Professor Skerritt about the the issues you’ve raised in terms of reporting. We do know there is under reporting of a range of matters in many countries, but one of the main reasons that the statistics you and Senator Rennick, have both mentioned about the number of reports that the TGA has looked at extraordinary number, but the vast majority, almost all of those have been shown to have another explanation. And that is not hiding things, that is a totally transparent the TGA reports on every week, regularly. So that’s why I mentioned that word, but please to be clear–

I’m gonna go clear Senator Grogan–

But just to… Sorry, Paul, just to explain. I do agree that for some other medicines you might only have 10 or 5% of adverse events reported but for the COVID vaccines to use that cliched word there’s been an unprecedented communication approach to doctors, hospitals, health systems and the public about coming forward with adverse events. We want people to report adverse events. So firstly, there’s been a lot of awareness. So for example, among the doctor networks we have a video conference, it was every two weeks and there’s other video conferences that are held even more frequently. It’s now every four weeks. In fact, there’s another one tomorrow. And that has the heads of the IMA the heads of the College of General Practitioners, many leading doctor and communication groups. And again, one of the consistent messages is report adverse events even if you don’t think that there’s a likelihood of them being associated. So I would say for the COVID vaccines there’s greater awareness than there ever has been for any other medical product. The states and territories, as I’ve said, either have mandatory adverse event reporting for vaccines or they have pretty well old systems such as in Victoria. And thirdly, there’s been a tremendous investment in what we call stimulated and active reporting. So through AusVaxSafety a proportion of people who get vaccinated get SMSs at regular times and are contacted. So you’re not requiring men to say, “I don’t feel well,” it’s an adverse event they’re asked and followed up. Do you have any ill feeling, any adverse events how you going? Taken together, I think we have probably the most comprehensive picture of safety of these products and we have had for any medical product ever on the market in Australia

Professor Skerritt, I’d urge you to have a look at the systems for reporting because I’ve had a number of reputable credible doctors tell me that they are aware of adverse events not reported because the AHPRA is intimidating doctors. Professor Kelly, if I could just mention that the word conspiracy used to be used quite a bit in the past for exactly that. Vague claims. But the word conspiracy now is used as a defence to ridicule someone who’s raising a genuine issue. So that is quite often when I see the word conspiracy. It’s used to deflect so that’s why I brought up–

Senator I think that… Frankly, AHPRA wouldn’t know if a doctor reported an adverse event to us for name of a reporting doctor is anonymous and confidential, they cannot take action. So how on earth could AHPRA sanction a doctor who reported an adverse event to the TGA? They wouldn’t know.

Well, how can we get AHPRA here and ask them directly? Because they’re away from our scope they’ve been taken away from our scope by understanding 2017. They’re giving headaches to doctors in this country and doctors are looking me in the face in massive groups, groups of 40 or more, in suburbs in Brisbane, telling me, that they’ve lost the doctor-patient relationship. They have to abide by health directives and AHPRA is doing that.

Senator, I simply do not believe that AHPRA has told doctors not to report adverse events. I think that I’d believe a flat earth policy before that.

We’re gonna go–

How do we get AHPRA here?

Senator Roberts has jumped in after I was about to hand to Senator Grogan–

Chair, how do we get AHPRA here? Because they’re not accountable to the–

We have tried that before, and that’s a separate issue. We’re not gonna discuss that right now. We’ve taken that to the government before.

Part 3

The TGA has been morally deficient in their blind acceptance of overseas data provided by the pharmaceutical companies to approve COVID vaccines. Despite this, they bat away any criticism or safety concerns as simply a conspiracy theory. As I said, conspiracy theory is “used as a term to ridicule the person asking the question” and what did one of our Chief Health Officers respond to that? “It is and I’ll be using it that way”. The contempt these bureaucrats have for openness and transparency is palpable.

Transcript (click here to read)

Your office obtained de-identified clinical data, patient data from the COVID-19 vaccine trials. And did that data form your decision on the vaccine, or did you just accept what the manufacturer said?

So Senator, of a long established process is that we receive an aggregate submission looking at the analysis of a patient data. And then during the review both our clinicians who review that data carefully and also our advisory committee for medicines which is composed of eminent clinicians across various disciplines, we do go back and ask a series of questions to the company, but of the global regulators only the US Food and Drug Administration, obtains individual patient data as a course of practise, so-

[Malcolm] So the answer is no?

So we do not obtain individual patient regulator. We’re simply not resolved to do so.

[Malcolm] Okay, that’s fine, I just needed the answer. So the TGA with all of it’s resources didn’t take the opportunity to review you the approximately 44,000 records on the vaccine testing. Yet you improved it to inject into millions of Australians?

I don’t agree, but we didn’t take the opportunity to review the results for trials. We spent many person months. In fact, probably several person years, you aggregate the size of a team of clinicians and others looking at that data. We looked at that data on 44,000 people and the trials was very carefully.

What clinical testing was done in Australia on the COVID-19 vaccines.

So for there were some vaccines that have had early stage trials done in Australia but it is not a requirement, but medicine or vaccines are clinically trialled in Australia, if it were a requirement we’d have far fewer medicines and vaccines on the market. We look for trials done in comparable populations. So we assume a trial done on an American is gonna be transferable to the Australian population. However, if there are trial groups missing such as we have a lot of Australians of Asian descent we’ll look at that in a trial data too.

So you also assume then that a trial by an American pharmaceutical company done on Americans is just acceptable?

We Don assume it’s just acceptable. We look at, as I’ve mentioned, the total amount of data for Pfizer is over 220,000 pages. And so that would fill many pallets of paper if it were deposited in the middle of this room. So we scrutinise, we review that data at extreme length. We spend thousands of of man and woman hours reviewing that data.

But no testing here.

We test the vaccine here in a laboratories. As I mentioned earlier, we have about 105 laboratory staff.

So are those tests to make sure that the control batches comply with the current batches in this country, or are they actually testing the vaccine for its efficacy, for its safety?

The tests are looking, well they relate to safety because they check the vaccines composition. They check that there’s no contaminants in it. And they check that it aligns with the requirements of-

So you’re not testing the vaccines efficacy or safety or risk?

We are looking at safety in a post market sense. The data from FDA and Safety comes from clinical trials that are being conducted globally. And I would add the same approach is accepted by all world’s major regulators, including Europe. So the European Medicines Agency, which regulates for European Union does not require trials to be done within Europe.

Are you aware there are major concerns about the FDA processes in America and many of the health agencies in America being completely tainted by pharmaceutical companies, all fix for interest.

TGA makes independent sovereign evaluations of vaccines, the government expressly rejected, this government expressly rejected a possibility of TGA automatically accepting US FDA decisions. So government position, and it was the accepted in this place when a bill went through the house was for TGA to continue to make its own sovereign decisions. And we don’t always make the same decisions as FDA around medicines and drugs.

And you rely upon various committees-

Yes, we do.

For approval of different types of drugs, including vaccines.

We rely on them from advice. So we have an active advisory committee for vaccines and an advisory committee for medicines, for example, that will go to treatments.

Have you assessed that committee’s composition for conflicts of interest?

Oh, very much so Senator and, first of all-

[Malcolm] Can we get a copy of that?

Senator, there would be individual personal information we could provide, I don’t think it’s appropriate to say, well, doctor so is X, but we could explain both the process and we could explain those candidates who were not considered-

[Malcolm] Yes, please.

So within those constraints, of course we would very welcome to-

[Malcolm] We’ll take from there.

It is absolutely important that the people on the committees do not have a conflict of interest.

I agree.

It would up the process.

Last question on this topic before I move on to a second one. Were the COVID-19 vaccines ever tested upon zero to four, four year olds? And could you please provide a copy of the data to prove that the vaccine is safe for young children and babies?

The vaccines are not approved for zero to four year olds. So they have not been approved in this country or in any major global regulator areas, there is an approval in China for a Chinese made vaccine, I think down to age three. But when I look at the US, when I look at Canada, Australia, Japan, Europe they are not approved in that age group.

When will they be approved?

It depends on the date of it’s submitted to us and whether it’s accessible.

Are you expecting at any time in the next three months before the new parliament comes in?

I can’t predict that we may receive an application midyear but it is really dependent on the completion of trials, and on the quality of the data.

Thank you, let’s move on then to the next topic. Can a COVID-19 vaccine enter and affect human DNA? Now a Swedish study and I’m gonna table this. A Swedish study has demonstrated that it could and while the paper, which is being distributed, at section four states, and I’ll quote, “At this stage we do not know if DNA reverse transcribe from BNT162b2 is integrated into the cell genome.” So they’re acknowledging that, “the fact is that the Australian government may have not independently confirmed whether it does or not.” So the question is, have you done so, have you kept us safe?

So we are familiar with this paper. It is actually quite widely discredited in the medical community for a number of reasons. Firstly, reverse transcriptase of the type required are not commonly found within cells, are not commonly found within the nucleus. And if this were plausible, you’d argue as I mentioned earlier, probably all of us sitting here have 20,000 genes and 20,000 mRNAs that are making various proteins on time. You’d have all those proteins clogging up the nucleus. The second issue is that the amount of messenger RNA used in this study was not the physiological levels. It was a very high level of messenger RNA. So this paper was published in a second or third tier journal and it’s been fairly widely discredited. And again, I’m happy to provide a bit more information on what experts in the field have said about this particular study.

Yeah, I’d welcome that. But my question was not whether the paper was good or not. The question is, has the Australian government independently confirmed whether the material does transcribe or not? So my question was, have you done that? And have you kept us safe from the possibility of that?

We do not believe it can plausibly-

[Malcolm] So that’s a belief?

For scientific evidence does not show-

[Malcolm] Can we see that scientific evidence, please?

[Malcolm] Okay, thank you.

[Malcolm And John] If could take that on notice.


Thank you. Secondly, did the TGA issue authorization solely based upon the basis of the manufacturer’s data?

To which for vaccine, are you talking about?

[Malcolm] Pfizer?

So every medical product is submitted on the basis of, sorry is reviewed on the basis of a submission that a company or other sponsor makes. In every case, there are questions sometimes in the case of one of the COVID vaccines but I think questions numbered in the hundreds. There are many questions where we go back and request further data. We also look at data from studies if that vaccine is for example, already on the market as professor Murphy mentioned for AstraZeneca and Pfizer, where there was already use overseas, we look at that data, but the process is that the data does come from the organisation that submits it, but we don’t take it at face value. We drive pharmaceutical companies crazy by asking them dozens and quite often hundreds of questions and ask for more things.

Why did the TGA just refer to the manufacturer that and take their word for it? I know you just said-

Well, as I said, we don’t take their word for it. Otherwise we’d just be a rubber stamp. You might as well bother having a-

[Malcolm] That’s my concern.

We are not a rubber stamp. What do those people do all day? And I think it’s fair to say. When you’ve had, at the time we were reviewing the vaccines we had teams of people working seven days a week. So they were extremely busy reviewing hundreds of thousands of pages of data-

[Malcolm] My concern-

And these are very highly qualified people Senator.

My concern professor Skerrit is that there have been so many contradictions so many reversals of data, so many denials, so many orders, so many instructions, so many absurdities throughout this whole COVID and I call it a mismanagement.

[John] That’s your assertion?

That is my assertion. And there have been so many absurdities so many contradictions we’ve got one state predicting another state. We’ve got one state contradicting itself within over a period of weeks. We’ve got so many of these that people are rightly very very suspicious and concerned.

Well, I would also add the fact that Australia of course has a very high vaccination rate. And while there are some individuals who are suspicious or concerned about the data, a massive majority of Australians have chosen to become vaccinated. I’d also add that there is one national medicines regulator who has a role of looking at the safety, efficacy and quality of vaccines.

Okay, my next question goes to, is from constituents, many constituents. And I’d like to tell over these, please. I’m not tabling the questions. I’m tabling handout, listing reports and scientific publications on the toxicity of graphene oxides to living organisms.

[John] Oh, yes, it’s toxic.

My constituents have asked me to ask you about a recent UK study, which has formed the basis of criminal charges in that country. “Due to the presence of compounds including, graphene oxide in COVID-19 vaccines.” Graphene oxide is not on the ingredients list. Have you tested specifically for graphene oxide, or other unlisted chemicals in the COVID-19 vaccines?

We have and other regulators have assessed the vaccines. There is no graphene oxide in any of the vaccines.

Have you tested?

I would have to take that on notice but we have no evidence, we do-

You have no evidence, but have you tested for that?

I said, I’d have to take that on notice but I am absolutely confident. There is no graphene oxide vaccines, why on earth would you put it in there?

That’s what people want to know?

Yeah, why on earth would you do that?

[Malcolm] But we talk about that-

That probably sounds like some conspiracy theory again, Senator.

That’s usually used as a term to ridicule the person asking the question.

[John] It is and I’ll be using it that way.


But to think that someone, and it’s not directed at you Senator, but to think that someone would put graphene oxide into a vaccine would amount to a conspiracy theory.

We may have some interesting material for your next sentiments.

[John] Thank you Senator.

Yes, you’ve already explained that graphene oxide is toxic to humans.

[John] Oh, yeah.

Professor Kelly, your response to Senator Rennick’s questions about the denial of people wanting to go overseas, from going overseas because of their global commitments. I’ve heard that so many times, minister whether it be from the leader in the senate, previous it was on the senate, Senator Corman, in answer to my request for data as to why we’re complying with UN requirements and UN policies, I get told because we have to comply with our global commitments. I understand that the Omicron variant entered Australia at a time when only vaccinated people were allowed into the country?

That’s correct, Senator.

Thank you, that’s all for me right now. And I’ll come back with the target.

Part 4

AHPRA is an unaccountable private organisation that holds the threat of de-registration over the head of any Doctor who dares give advice against vaccination counter to the Government line. They must be held accountable and the primacy of the confidential doctor-patient relationship must be restored.

Transcript (click here to read)

[Roberts] Through this quickly then, I’d like to table this. My questions are for ATAGI because that’s where I was directed by the gentleman at the table now. Thank you. It’s in regard to AHPRA, this is from their website and I’ve also got another page on their website. Which I’m not tabling, but I’m happy to do so if needed. Dr. Crawford, are you there?

[Dr. Murphy] Here’s for AHPRA question might not be relevant, it’s ATAGI, senator. So let’s ask you a question and we’ll see…

Okay we’ll ask a question to everyone then. Well, some, this is on ATAGI and national boards. Position statement goes back to 9th of March, 2021 right from the start, pre-vaccine. While some health professionals, practitioners, sorry, may have a conscientious objection to COVID 19 vaccination. All practitioners, including students on placement must comply with local employer, health service or health department policies, procedures and guidelines relating to COVID 19 vaccination national boards regulate individual practitioners and not health services or state and territory health departments. Down the bottom of this notice, it says, any promotion of anti-vaccination statements or health advice which contradicts the best available scientific evidence or seeks to actively undermine the national immunisation programme, including via social media, is not supported by national boards. And the doctors read this, may be in breach of the codes of conduct and subject to investigation and possible regulatory action. So that was very, very clear. Then there’s a social media guideline which I won’t go through now. So I, is anyone aware of John Larter, who is a experienced paramedic who took a vocal stand against mandatory vaccination in his industry against mandatory vaccination. AHPRA moved swiftly on him and Larter told the media that he was not even given an official reason for his suspension when it happened. Ros Nealon-Cook is a psychologist who took it upon herself to warn Australians on social media of the severe and widespread harm being caused to child development and mental health by prolonged lockdowns. She was instantly suspended for her trouble. The more concerning one, these are all of concern in August of 2021, the COVID medical network published an open letter titled “First Do No Harm”. The COVID medical network’s open letter did not list any authors. So APRA went to the Australian securities and investments commission ASIC, and found out the names of the three directors of the COVID medical network. Two were doctors and their medical licences were immediately suspended. The COVID medical network was formed in 2020 to provide the public with informed evidence based advice concerning lockdowns and other matters that differs from that of the government and its bureaucratic instruments. The organisation runs a weekly video conference that is tuned into by hundreds of Australian health practitioners, professionals, sorry. The other, one of these doctors who were suspended, Robert Brennon was given written reasons for his instant termination. APRA accused him of spreading, quote, Medical Misinformation, unquote via the COVID medical network open letter because this is the words that APRA used, the content of both the letter and the video contrary to New South Wales public health orders because I’ll say that again, the content of the letter and the video are contrary to New South Wales public health orders enforced at the time and have the potential to undermine public health strategies by potentially influencing medical practitioners and the community not to be vaccinated. Then they go on, APRA, to say, it is not our role to evaluate the scientific validity of the letter. Our concern is that the letter strongly argued a highly polarised position contrary to public health order. In other words, the position argued by Dr. Brennon and the COVID medical network might be scientifically correct. And the position of the Australian government scientifically incorrect but as far as APRA is concerned. The crime lies in contradicting the government’s position.

[Lady] Senator Roberts, so you have a question?

Yes I do, why is AHPRA allowed to do this? And what are you doing to make sure AHPRA is held accountable? Because they’re not as far as I know, to the parliament.

So APRA is a creature of all governments. So it’s a creature of all state territory governments and the Commonwealth government. It has its, and it has a range of boards of experts. So there’s a medical board and there are boards of nursing and paramedicine. And I think the message really is in that that final statement that said that promotion of statements or advice that contradicts the best available scientific evidence or seek to actively undermine the national immunisation programme has been determined by APRA and by its expert boards as being unprofessional conduct. And we would support that contention by AHPRA.

So can I get access to that evidence from a AHPRA?

What evidence?

That it’s the best scientific evidence.

[Doctor Murphy] Well, I think the best I think professor been giving you the best scientific evidence all morning, about the the benefit of vaccination. And I think that’s just, there are scientific standards that are well established in the literature.

Can I get the evidence? Not statements and opinions about the evidence. Can I get the evidence?

We can give you lots of evidence?

[Roberts] No can I get AHPRA’s evidence? They’re touting, but remember Dr. Murphy, it’s not only, what might be scientific, it’s also about the contradiction of the public health statements

Senator, if you would like to provide that information to us, we can investigate it on notice and go back to AHPRA

[Roberts] Provide what to you?

And understand what you…

[Roberts] This information?

Yeah, yeah. If you can provide it to us,

[Lady] Senator Roberts.

We can follow it up.

[Roberts] Final question.

[Lady] I’m just conscious of time. Cause I’ve got four other senators now, asking to ask questions.

I’d like to know why ATAGI is not here in person. And also I’d like to know…

Professor Crawford is here online. He’s actually based in Melbourne, senator, so…

[Roberts] Thank you. That’s all I needed to know. I’d like to know the relationship between, Dr. Murphy, between the boards, APRA and the AHPPC. And the final question, public health is quite often used these days in America and in Australia as a catch-all for the community, public health, when, and that’s why orders are given and people are supposed to follow them. But public health is a nonsense. It’s not an entity. The primary public health goes back to the primary relationship between a doctor and a patient. In this country, now, are you aware that there is not a relationship between many doctors and their patients because the doctor has got a puppet master behind him telling him what him, what he can and cannot say.

The Individual relationship between a doctor and his patient is sacrosanct and APRA would not have any problem with a doctor.

[Roberts] Dr. Murphy, they have.

AHPRA would not have a problem with a doctor having an individual discussion with his or her patients around vaccination. What this is talking about is the public promotion of misinformed and wrong scientific evidence. So that’s what they’re concerned about, bringing the profession in to distribute and undermining public confidence.

But what I’m talking about is doctors who are very concerned.

[Lady] Senator Roberts your time has expired now we’re going to move on, I’m sorry.

Just one minute. What I’m very concerned about is doctors who are telling me personally that they cannot give advice because AHPRA is sitting behind them. So what they’re getting is a public health dictate when they go to the doctor, not advice.

Well if you can provide evidence of that

Yes, I will.

We’ll be happy to investigate.

[Roberts] Who do I provide it to?

[Physician] And Senator, I’m very happy to provide a definition of public health as a public health physician. Is it actually a recognised AHPRA profession? And that is me and there are others in the department that have that. And I would refer to my opening statement about what the definition of a public health physician does and how that works. It’s about protecting the population at the population level and preventing death at the population level. That is not in any way to take away the importance, absolute vital importance of the individual doctor, individual patient relationship. It’s a different part of the profession.

[Lady] Okay, thank you.

[Roberts] Thank…

We must oppose the injection of children under 4 years old. I shouldn’t even have to say this, yet except for Pauline Hanson and I the entire Senate voted down my amendment protecting children from the jabs after it was revealed Greg Hunt would be adding them to an injury compensation scheme.This Parliament should hang its head in shame.


As a servant to the people of Queensland and Australia, I move One Nation’s amendment to Supply Bill (No. 2) 2022-2023 on sheet 1589:

(1) Page 10 (before line 14), before paragraph 16(2)(a), insert:

(aa) must be made on the condition that the payment must not be used for expenditure related to the provision of vaccinations for the coronavirus known as COVID-19 to children aged 0 to 4 years; and

These bills that are before us include an additional $690.4 million to extend the COVID vaccination program until the end of 2022. While One Nation does not oppose the extending of the period that these vaccines are being offered, we oppose any attempt to mandate these vaccines and extend the use of these vaccines to infants and toddlers. We support freedom of choice and acceptance of a person’s choice. We oppose totalitarianism and we oppose control over people. Last night, Health Minister Hunt did indeed reveal that planning is underway to extend COVID vaccines to children aged zero to four—babies and newborn infants to four-year-olds. The four-year-old has been described as the height of human civilisation. I won’t go into the reasons why, but it’s quite clear.

This is the precious future of our species, of our nation. Clearly, this Morrison-Joyce government—and I hope the Liberals are listening—is intending on using the cover of the election to vaccinate infants and toddlers for a disease with a 100 per cent survival rate for a child that age. The injections are known to be killers, and now the Morrison-Joyce government wants to push it into babies.

I wish to observe these bills allocate additional funding to extend the vaccine injury compensation scheme to cover the administering of COVID vaccines to infants and toddlers aged zero to four. Clearly, if we are to inject these poisons into the arms of our youngest then compensation should be on offer when the inevitable and needless injury and death result. Those injuries and those deaths will be at the hands of this parliament and everyone who votes for these provisions.

For two years now the Liberal Party and their sellout sidekicks, the Nationals, the Labor Party and the tail that wags the dog, the Greens, have been acting as a pharmaceutical company parliamentary lobby. Vote after vote has lined the pockets of foreign multinational pharmaceutical companies that are selling products on the basis of spurious provisional approvals of untested, or partially tested, experimental gene therapy treatments. The health minister, Greg Hunt, said:

The world is engaged in the largest clinical … vaccination trial …

Yet what we’ve seen in this country is people forced, coerced and bullied into taking experimental gene therapy treatment or else losing their livelihoods, their ability to feed their children.

The notion of my body, my choice—such a stalwart of the Greens party—has been trashed, and Greens voters have noticed. People now see the Greens are about globalist control, camouflaged behind a cloak of green. The Greens pretend to talk about standing up to corporates, but they are the patsies of the corporates.

Everyday Australians are quite rightly asking questions around vaccine harm, prompted by the sheer volume of Australians experiencing major vaccine side effects. I met a mother last week whose 23-year-old daughter died as a direct result of a vaccine—a COVID vaccine. I’ve heard of many others and I commend Senator Rennick for his work on this.

These side effects were obvious right from the start, if ATAGI had bothered to look—that’s why we’re here protecting, because they haven’t bothered to look. We know that the highly limited testing of these COVID injections was compromised, corrupted and falsified. We know the TGA and ATAGI failed to obtain de-identified clinical patient data from the trials. Had they done so, they would have seen the trials indicated an unacceptable level of harm and loss of life. The Morrison-Joyce government made the wrong decision in approving these vaccines, and it knew, or should have known, at the time the wrong decision was made.

The Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency has been intimidating and threatening medical practitioners in order to suppress the truth and maintain their loyal service to the pharmaceutical industry. I’ve been to meetings with doctors who can now see their industry has been trashed, their profession has been trashed. We don’t go to see doctors now; we go to see ATAGI, we go to see TGA, we go to see AHPRA. The doctor-patient relationship has been trashed in this country—a 3,000-year-old tradition that started with the Greeks, trashed. We now consult with the regulators.

Now we can see doctors starting to stand up. We see the rates of miscarriage increasing 50 per cent in some instances, and 75 per cent is now the rate of miscarriage amongst people at fertility clinics—75 per cent of women miscarried. The Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency has been intimidating and threatening medical practitioners in order to suppress the truth and maintain their loyal service to the pharmaceutical industry. Decisions around COVID vaccinations have been made by expert committees with unacceptable, massive, open conflicts of interest with the pharmaceutical industry. University academics sitting on TGA expert panels are often funded by pharmaceutical companies. Career progression for academics depends on subservience to big pharma. The provisional approval process was conflicted to a criminal degree. A royal commission is needed to unroll the layers of disinformation, corruption and conflicted decision-making that have harmed so many Australians, in taking at least the 800 lives that we know of and the many, many more not reported because of the suppression of reporting.

The register of childhood vaccinations was recently expanded to include flu shots. Is it the intention of this government, Minister, to include COVID shots in that register? In effect, this would make the COVID shots compulsory for children under the No Jab, No Play rules. We do not oppose vaccines; we insist on freedom of choice and acceptance of that choice. Could this government and this health department be so evil as to make COVID shots compulsory for children under the No Jab, No Play rules? Could they be so evil? Could they be so inhuman? I do not want to find out.

Today I have moved One Nation’s amendment on sheet 1589 to ensure that these funding bills do not allocate funds for the extension of COVID vaccines to children under the age of five—from birth to the age of four. The 47th Parliament, of course, will be free to make that decision. It’s your decision. It’s your conscience. I can only hope that the debate will honour the democratic process and that the right decision will be made, and humanity will be treated with respect and reverence, as humans should be, especially infants to four-year-olds—newborns to four-year-olds, the height of civilisation. I ask the Senate to support my amendment.

Introduction and outline

COVID UNDER QUESTION is a cross-party inquiry into the Government’s response to COVID held on 23rd March 2022. COVID Under Question was hosted by Senator Malcolm Roberts (One Nation Federal Senator for Queensland) and attended by Stephen Andrew (One Nation Queensland State MP for Mirani), George Christensen (Federal Nationals MP for Dawson), Gerard Rennick (Federal Liberal Senator for Queensland), Alex Antic (Federal Liberal Senator for South Australia) and Craig Kelly (Federal Palmer United Australia MP for Hughes).

Parliamentarians heard from a range of Doctors, experts, economists and everyday people about how the Government’s response to COVID has affected them and at times defied belief. The absurdity of Chief Health Officer dictates and power hungry politicians is all laid bare.

The full day’s proceedings were recorded and available for public viewing.

Table of Contents (click to jump to)

The cost of ignoring real Science

Dr Peter McCullough

Dr Peter McCullough is board certified in internal medicine, cardiovascular diseases, and clinical lipidology.  He cares for advanced patients with common medical problems including heart and kidney disease, lipid disorders, and diabetes.  He has become an expert on COVID-19 illnesses and welcomes recovered patients into his practice.    

After receiving a bachelor’s degree from Baylor University, Dr McCullough completed his medical degree as an Alpha Omega Alpha graduate from the University of Texas Southwestern Medical School. He went on to complete his internal medicine residency at the University of Washington and master’s degree in public health at the University of Michigan.

Since the outset of the pandemic, Dr McCullough has been a leader in the medical response to the COVID-19 disaster and published the first synthesis of sequenced multidrug treatment of ambulatory patients infected with SARS-CoV-2.


Dr Kat Lindley

Dr Kat Lindley is a board-certified physician in Brock, Texas in the USA.  After she fled warn torn Yugoslavia as a young adult, she did her medical school in Florida and became a family physician because she loved the idea of caring for the whole family.  Kat is involved in health policy on a state and national level in the USA.

As a mother to five children she is acutely aware of the cost of the pandemic on children and believes this is something we don’t talk about enough.  Dr Lindley is going to discuss lockdowns and masks, and emerging speech problems in children and dropping IQs.  Since children recover well from COVID19 and develop natural immunity, Kat challenges the policy to vaccinate children against COVID19.

Dr Lindley is on the Steering Committee of World Council for Health with Dr Tess Lawrie, and is familiar with the proposed WHO Pandemic Treaty.


Dr Brian Tyson

US Clinician – Author of “Overcoming the COVID Darkness” – currently a US national bestseller

Works on the frontlines in one of the counties hardest hit by COVID in the state of California.  His clinic has treated 10,000 COVID-19 patients with only 7 deaths Dr Tyson will speak on early treatments and outcomes.


Dr Wendy Hoy


The Business and Professional Cost

Robbie Barwick

Research Director for Australian Citizens Party, with more than 20 years of experience in researching Australia’s economy and leading campaigns for economic policy solutions.


Steve Barnes

Paramedic and small business owner who provides medic services at large events such as music festivals and concerts. His business has been decimated because of the mandates and he argues that many events are now less safe because medical staff are now even harder to find.


Anne Nalder

Anne Nalder has a passion for small business and this led to her founding the Small Business Association in 2010.  She is the current CEO and her objectives for the Association is to be a real voice of small business, minimise the rate of failure in small business and promote world’s best small business practice.

Anne’s love for event management was realised in the 10 years she was employed by Qantas and was inspired to build her own event management business, which has been operating since 1991. She has previously worked with the Women’s Royal Australian Air Force (WRAAF) and on air for Channels 6 and 7 in north Queensland.


Dan McDonald

Dan McDonald is a career firefighter of 18 years.  It is the profession he has aspired to since he was a small boy.  He currently holds the Station Officer position for the Queensland Fire and Rescue Service.

In his late forties Dan is the proud father of 3 adorable children. Dan believes that integrity and courage are the grounding of a person in a work environment and also forms the essence of a person’s character.  He is dedicated to seeing things done correctly and that fairness is applied to all areas of a person’s working and social realms


Vaccine Injuries

Leanne Kellner

Leanne has had to deal with vaccine injuries in her family.


Tammy Cummington

Tammy suffered a heart attack and developed myocarditis. She says she is one of the lucky few who were able to have the condition recognised as vaccine-linked, many of her friends were not so lucky.


Ingi Doyle

Ingi was a super fit, health triathlete, personal trainer who developed complications after receiving the vaccine that has completely changed the course of her life.


Clint Cherry

Vaccine injured – A healthy man who developed myocarditis after vaccine.


Raelene Gotze

Raelene Gotze’s daughter died after receiving a vaccine mandated by her workplace.


Mr Julian Gillespie

Mr Julian Gillespie is a retired lawyer and former barrister who has come out of retirement to fight the legal battle against the COVID vaccination.  He believes that the Australian people have not been given accurate information around COVID deaths, and deaths from the COVID vaccinations.

He is currently managing proceedings in the Federal Court of Australia related to “Australian Vaccination-Risks Network Incorporated v. Secretary, Department of Health.


Professor David Flint

Professor David Flint AM is an Emeritus Professor of Law.  He read law and economics at Universities of Sydney, London and Paris. After admission as a Solicitor of the NSW Supreme Court in 1962, he practised as a solicitor (1962-72) before moving into university teaching, holding several academic posts before becoming Professor of Law at Sydney University of Technology in 1989.

Professor Flint is the author of numerous publications. His publications include books and articles on topics such as the media, international economic law, Australia’s constitution and on Australia’s 1999 constitutional referendum. He was recognised with the award of World Outstanding Legal Scholar, World Jurists Association, Barcelona, in October 1991.

He was made a Member of the Order of Australia in 1995.


The failings of Regulatory Bodies (TGA, CDC)

Dr Pierre Kory

Dr Kory is a Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine specialist, former Associate Professor, Chief of the Critical Care Service, and ICU Medical Director at the University of Wisconsin. He is an internationally renowned pioneer in the field of critical care ultrasonography and senior editor of an award-winning textbook now in its 2nd edition, translated into 7 languages.

He co-founded and serves as the President and Chief Medical Officer of the Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance, a non-profit organization dedicated to developing the most effective treatment protocols for COVID-19.

He has co-authored over fifteen peer-reviewed manuscripts on COVID-19 and is considered one of the world’s experts in treatment of all its phases. Dr. Kory is also known as a master educator as he has won major Departmental Teaching Awards at multiple institutions throughout his career.


Dr Phillip Altman

Dr Phillip Altman has a Bachelor of Pharmacy (Hons), a Bachelor and Masters of Science and a Doctor of Philosophy.  He works as a clinical trial and regulatory affairs pharmaceutical industry consultant with more than 40 years experience in designing, managing and reporting clinical trials.  Dr Altman has dealt extensively with the Australian Therapeutic Goods Administration throughout his career. 

Dr Altman has worked for, and consulted to, most of the international pharmaceutical represented in Australia.   He was fundamental in the establishment of the Australian Regulatory and Clinical Scientists Association (ARCS), which is a peak educational forum for more than 2000 clinical and regulatory scientists working within the Australian pharmaceutical industry.  He has Life Membership of this Association. 


Dr Tess Lawrie

Dr Tess Lawrie is Medical doctor and research consultant based in the United Kingdom, CEO of Evidence-Based Medicine Consultancy (E-BMC Ltd) and EbMC Squared, founding member of the BIRD Group, a member of the World Council for Health, a leader for The Unity Project and is world renowned expert in health research.


Professor Ian Brighthope

Professor Ian Brighthope is a retired medical practitioner with over 40 years of experience.   He graduated with a Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery in 1974.

Professor Brighthope initiated a prophylactic and treatment protocol titled “The CD Zinc Campaign” to help people improve their health and increase their resistance to COVID19. The campaign was taken to the federal government, unions, public, media and business, however there was no recognition given to the protocols by the government or mainstream medical profession.  Practitioners of nutritional and integrative medicine were supportive in the early days of the campaign.

Professor Brighthope has acted as an advocate of doctors practicing Complementary Medicine for over 35 years.  He’s the founder of Entoura, an Australian medical cannabis manufacturer and educational company.

He is the author of 5 books and many scientific and medical lectures and reviews. His lifelong ambition is to change the way medicine and healthcare is practiced for the benefit of the public.


Dr Robert Brennan

Dr Robert Brennan has a Bachelor of Science (Hons) and a medical degree.  He has taught anatomy and several other biomedical sciences for about a decade, before attending medical school and a developing a career in psychiatry.

Recognising that government response to the pandemic was anti-science, anti-reality and anti-humane, he joined the Covid Medical Network and the Red Union group. Dr Brennan has been outspoken in claiming that lockdowns are more harmful than helpful, and campaigned against mandating the COVID vaccine.  As a consequence of this stance, he has since lost his registration to practice medicine and been deemed a “danger to public health and safety” by the regulator.

Dr Brennan now hosts a weekly program on TNT radio live.


Andrew McIntyre

Dr Andrew McIntrye is a semi-rural physician who had his own day surgery and followed the COVID19 science closely.  In December 2021 he lost his job as a consultant gastroenterologist on the Sunshine Coast due to Queensland Health vaccination mandates. 

He is trained in the evaluation of new treatments and is critical of the campaign of fear and censorship and that the debate around how to best respond medically to COVID19 has been quashed.


Alexandra Marshall


The Government claims the un-vaccinated are allowed to attend citizenship ceremonies. Despite this, constituent after constituent has written to me saying that they have been turned away from citizenship ceremonies because of their jab status.

Not being able to attend these ceremonies can put your entire citizenship application down the drain. The Government is in effect saying that if you aren’t vaccinated, we don’t want you as a citizen.


Senator Roberts.

Thank you, Chair, and thank you all for being here today. My questions are fairly straightforward and they’ll be fairly quick. Are staff of your department telling people they must be vaccinated in order to attend citizenship ceremonies in Queensland?

There are state orders that are applicable. I’ll ask Mr. Kefford, who administers our citizenship programme, to come forward.

Thank you.

It’ll be a function of what the state public health orders are. And you’re interested in the state of Queensland-

Yes, I am.

Particularly? State of Queensland, Mr. Kefford.

Thank you, Senator, the conduct of citizenship ceremonies, we rely significantly on local councils around the country. And as the secretary’s indicated, this department doesn’t impose conditions relating to public health on the attendants or not at those functions. So, for example, the Australia Day ceremony here, the guests were required to comply with the ACT’s rules, their being the representative local council for that purpose.

Do we provide advice to that effect? In other words, I think the senator’s question is what the department is advising.

The department’s advice is that the ceremony needs to be conducted in accordance with the code, the ceremony’s code, but the public health arrangements are a matter for the states and the local council.

Thank you for that. And thank you, Mr. Pezzullo. That’s exactly what I’m after. I’m told by some constituents in Queensland that this has happened to them. They’ve been told by your department that they must be vaccinated in order to attend the citizenship ceremonies in Queensland.

Well, Senator, I’d prefer to receive more precise information as to the circumstances.

Well, my understand is that it’s the same as you just said.

So if my departmental offices, as they properly should, are advising attendees to conform with applicable state… Well, state or territory, in this case state, public health orders, then that’s appropriate, but as Mr. Kefford said, we don’t have a separate vaccination policy or vaccination mandate that we apply to ceremonies. It’s a function of what the state orders are.

So Mr. Pezzullo, understand, there’s an anxiety that’s being caused because the federal agency is telling the people that the Queensland agency requires double vaccinated when it doesn’t. The Queensland COVID requirements for citizenship ceremonies are not a function of vaccination to attend. They basically exclude citizenship ceremonies and any… Yeah, any citizenship ceremonies.

Well, we’ll take on notice on whether we are misinterpreting or misconstruing the Queensland public health orders, but I can assure you there’s no such thing as a Department of Home Affairs public health order.

No, no, I’m not implying that. I’m saying that your staff apparently are telling some of our citizens in Queensland that they must be double vaccinated rather than saying they must comply with the state government’s health orders.

Mr. Kefford, without any particulars from the Senator, can we shed any further light on this matter?

No, Secretary, my understanding is our approach has been to say you will be required to comply with the local health requirements and nothing further.

[Roberts] Okay. Thank you.

7 January 2022

The Hon. Scott Morrison MP

Prime Minister of Australia

PO Box 6022

House of Representatives

Parliament House


Dear Prime Minister

Our constituents are shouting their concern and need for the immediate restoration of basic human rights and freedoms, lifestyle and safety.

Constituents want an end to segregation, discrimination and unwarranted damaging control under vaccine mandates and an end to the contradictions, hypocrisies and confusion engulfing politicians and health advisers.

Constituents see that restoring freedom, choice and personal responsibility is the way to make 2022 the year people get on with their lives.  I agree.

Australian health advisors and politicians have had almost two years to review the data and the research, and to understand people’s needs on COVID-19 vaccinations.

Robert Kennedy Jr’s authoritative, detailed, validated book “The Real Anthony Fauci” documents the inhuman corruption among senior USA health bureaucracies overseeing COVID-19 vaccine provisional approvals.

In brazen conflicts of interest, taxpayer-funded health agencies have become money-making arms for major pharmaceutical companies. Some senior bureaucrats overseeing pharmaceuticals benefit financially from vaccine research and approvals.  This is also true in Australia, with no ongoing independent validation and oversight for conflicts of interest.

Kennedy documents America’s perversion of medical governance over four decades based largely on many repeated false or exaggerated claims of virus/disease threats.  This led to corrupt approval of ineffective and dangerous COVID “vaccines” in America, bypassing proper testing and approval processes while hiding massive adverse effects, including many deaths.

The litany of American fraud, corruption and human atrocities over the last forty years has cost many thousands of lives and adversely affected millions of people in the USA, Australia and globally.  Robert Kennedy Jr’s book authoritatively raises the spectre of genocide and of racist killing of African-American, African, Indian, Hispanic and other babies and children in “testing” of vaccines.

Yet the Australian Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) hastily and provisionally approved the major pharmaceutical companies’ COVID “vaccines” based merely on a literature review, seemingly weighted heavily to the deliberations and verdicts of American approval agencies.  Australian health agencies did no independent testing and evaluation before granting provisional approvals.

Yet on this basis state governments implement vaccination mandates that the federal government enables and effectively supports, despite your false claims that there are “no vaccine mandates in Australia”.

A second corrupt American tactic to drive vaccine profits has been the banning of proven safe and effective early treatment, drugs and protocols.  Your government and agencies have similarly been complicit in banning such treatments instead of proactively seeking, proving and assuring supply of these medicines for early treatment and prevention to keep Australians safe.  Other nations’ governments have taken such action to safely protect their citizens.

You and your departments have said the benefits of COVID vaccines outweigh their risks, yet a growing international body of evidence points with increasing confidence to the need for you to reassess your assumptions.  Despite this strong evidence you are still pushing people toward early death.

In mandating COVID vaccinations using the coercive threat of denying people’s livelihoods and basic human rights and freedoms, you are culpable for needless deaths and serious injuries to thousands of Australians. Yet you continue to persecute Australians who have informed themselves about the life-threatening reality of COVID-19 vaccines having severe adverse effects despite limited and rapidly declining vaccine efficacy.

I urge you to immediately stop the vaccine mandates that Premier Palaszczuk says are in line with your so-called “national cabinet”. I urge you to instead develop an honest and comprehensive plan letting people get back to work while providing focused treatment and protection for the sick and vulnerable in ways already proven in other nations – yet negligently not adopted in Queensland or Australia. People need and deserve a proper comprehensive long-term plan for real care.

There are no scientific or medical grounds for the division of our society, communities and businesses based on “vaccine” status.  Vaccine mandates are a tool for coercion to condition and control people.

You, the Premiers and health officers have said we need “to live with COVID-19”.  Health officers have made similar statements. That means there is no need for emergency declarations whose only purpose is to enable coercive mandatory vaccination.

After two wasted years, people’s lives and livelihoods are being decimated.  Vaccine mandates are crippling hospitals and health care, emergency services, jobs, businesses and communities because governments have been ignorantly reacting to the virus and not managing the virus. Instead of controlling the virus, governments have controlled people – and have done enormous damage.

Australians want the return of our Australian way of life, free of coercive and debilitating lockdowns and vaccine mandates.  People want honesty and accountability.  I ask you to take action to end the divisive and harmful vaccine mandates immediately.

Yours sincerely

Malcolm Roberts

Senator for Queensland


Adrian D’Amico:Hey everyone, Adrian here, welcome to the Conversations with Adrian podcast. Today I’m joined by Malcolm Roberts. Malcolm, thank you very much for joining me on the show.  
Senator Roberts:You’re welcome, Adrian, it’s a pleasure to be here, mate, looking forward to it.  
Adrian D’Amico:It’s a pleasure to have you. I’ve got to tell you, some years ago I started this podcast with my background in business, so it was always about motivation and mindset and marketing, and all these sorts of things. When the virus started to hit Australia I quickly turned to the counter narrative, for some reason I picked up on it pretty quickly and started to divert my attention. I honestly hoped I would never get political with any of my conversations, but here you are.  
Senator Roberts:So did I, we share something in common.  
Adrian D’Amico:Yeah, there you go. So the interesting part about what’s going on in Australia at the moment is it has become so political, and I guess it’s the reason why I wanted you on the show. I’ll let you know that I’ve reached out to many, many politicians and you’re the only one that’s actually accepted my invitation, so congratulations.  
Senator Roberts:Wow. No, you’re welcome, it’s a pleasure, because I noticed in your interview with Peter McCullough you obviously have a good business background, strategic thinker, but what was most obvious to me was that you based decisions on data, otherwise you couldn’t help businesses, the businesses have to base their decision on data.  
Adrian D’Amico:Yeah, 100%.  
Senator Roberts:And that’s what’s missing in politics, we can talk more about that later, but it’s just hopeless the way, under liberal and labour and nationals and greens, the parliament are working for the parties rather than for the people. And so what we see now is decisions, Adrian, billion dollar, almost trillion dollar decisions based, well they are trillion in terms of opportunity cost, based upon opinions, hearsay, whims, looking good, getting a headline, not the data, and quite often they knowingly contradict the data. It’s absolutely insane what’s going on.  
Adrian D’Amico:I would 100% agree. So look, I would love for you to maybe touch on a bit about you personally and about your history in politics, because I’ve got to be honest, it’s one of those things, much like immunology and vaccines, and all that stuff, I’ve had to go and research myself for the last couple of years and really educate myself on a lot of the goings on of things in life. So I don’t really know much about yourself and your background, but if you could share with me and the listeners a bit about yourself, that’d be fantastic.  
Senator Roberts:Sure. I have an English, sorry, a Welsh father and an English come Australian mother who was born and raised in this country by a English Cornish, her father was Cornish. I was born in India, we spent seven years in India, came to Australia, moved around quite a bit. Went to university, studied mining engineering, got an honours degree in that. And then when I graduated I realised I’d better go and start learning things, because over the summer holidays in uni I’ve worked at the Coalface, literally at the Coalface, mainly underground. And so after uni I moved around, because it’s very important to get practical experience, and to understand how people work, and what turns people on and what turns them off.  
 So I worked as a minor at the Coalface, fabulous experience, five different mines around the country, then I worked overseas for two of the world’s largest coal companies, I saw one very good coal company and one dog. I mean, I learned a lot from both. And look, Adrian, I was so impressed with the United States that I just had to have a look around, so I spent the next 15 months working my way broke, and then sold my car and got a ticket home. But the United States was fascinating, and it’s really shaped my thinking, if you like. Came back to Australia, rose very quickly through management ranks. I was made a mine manager in charge of a business unit, 300 people, at a very young age, and I just did pretty well, and I was promoted to sort out each dog of a mine that I was sent to. Always, always very good people, just not managed, or just allowed to be disrupted needlessly by union bosses pushing a personal agenda.  
 And I found that it just confirmed, I had an upbringing where I was given a lot of freedom by my father and mother, they instilled what I think are good values, and all I did was show people that give them the opportunity, give them lots of freedom, but draw the line and make sure they’re held accountable, and they have to know where the line is. So I was one of the few mine managers who would stand up and take the union bosses to court if they went against the law. Most people in Australia don’t have that courage. And I was also the one who opened up a lot of things for miners, because the way I look at things, Adrian, the head of a business, whether it’s an owner or an executive appointed by the employer, the head of a business, and everyone in the management chain, is only there to help the people at the front line at the Coalface.  
 We don’t get any coal, only the coal miners get coal, so our job is to remove the impediments, remove the obstacles, enable them to work more safely, more productively, and also, if you like, more easily. If you make a person’s job easier, it’s more satisfying, you get more productivity. And I realised very early on that culture was the biggest driver and the biggest determinate of productivity, so I worked on that, and I learnt over the years what drives culture. And so I was able then, after about four or five years in coal companies here as a manager at mine sites, I then got tired and frustrated with the corporate management, and making decisions based on numbers without any understanding what’s really going on. And so I did an MBA at the University of Chicago, and then I was about to accept one of two jobs in the States, and I was poached back to Australia by a company who did a search around the country, and they heard about me and came looking for me in America.  
 So I came back and was given basically a blank slate to do what needed to be done for this project, and it was a very difficult and challenging project, but we did a lot of things, and geologically it was difficult, but we did a lot of things that were process based, if you know what I mean. A lot of systems are built willy nilly at someone’s whim, and they’re not built on the process. If you have a system it needs to support the process, that makes the process more efficient, it needs to be based on a measurement analysis and reporting of performance and data, and that needs to be [inaudible]. Fortunately I realise it’s also the most powerful driver behaviour there is, by far. It’s far more powerful than money.  
 So if you get that right, you can basically step back and say, “Go to it, fellas,” and away they go, and they look after themselves. It’s quite uncanny, I’m sure the way you’re smiling and nodding that you understand what I’m talking about, but so few executives do. We set enormous records in this country despite the difficult conditions, very satisfying, then I formed my own business and helped other people improve their minds and their businesses, and worked in other sectors as well as mining. And then around about 2005, yeah the whole of 2005 was spent overseas turning around a very difficult operation in New Zealand, and that was a lot of fun. Then we came back here, and just in that 12 months that I’d been away the global warming narrative started.  
 And as a university graduate in mining engineering, and as someone who had to get statutory qualifications in mining, I understood that carbon dioxide is a trace atmospheric gas, and I understood the properties, and I thought, this is complete crap what we’re being told. But of course I went, hang on a minute, who’s little old me to go against thousands of scientists and thousands of politicians? But it still bugged me, so I started looking at the science more and I thought, this is crap. And then still, that daunting feeling that I can’t be right, because I’m only the only one. Then I found other people, very intelligent people, very switched on people. And remember, as a mine manager, people underground depend upon my understanding of atmospheric gases and other things to keep them alive. So then when I started finding other people I realised this was absolute rubbish, what we’ve been told about us affecting climate by the use of hydrocarbon fuels.  
 So then I started to get deeper and deeper into it, and something just drew me into it, and I realised not only that it was crap, but I then started to understand who was driving it. Then I started to understand the motives. That opened up a huge, huge cavern to explore. And then I was speaking publicly at rallies all around the country, and I could see that a lot of people just knew in their gut that it was completely wrong, and that the politicians I worked with, some of the politicians, completely hopeless. They knew, they agreed with me, but they didn’t want to do anything about it, they were caught, swept up in the politics. And then Pauline Hanson came to me one day and said, “I’ve heard about you, would you like to run for the Senate?” So I said, “I’ll check with my wife first,” my wife said, “Yes.”  
 So then I spent a full day interviewing Pauline and finding out what had happened in her career, and I was pretty impressed. Very high integrity, and everything since then she has reinforced that very, very high integrity. Then I got elected into the Senate, got knocked out of the Senate on dual citizenship, got back into the Senate on my own steam, and that’s where I am now. And yeah, COVID just came up, and there’s no way I wouldn’t tell the truth, I have to tell the truth, I can’t do anything else, but it would’ve been far, far more difficult if I didn’t have Pauline Hanson next to me. She understands, she’s got a gut instinct, as well as a very, very good brain, she’s got the courage to say what she really thinks, and she’s got the [inaudible] to work out these mongrels in politics, I haven’t got that experience yet, but she’s got it very, very strongly.  
 So I’ve been a bit blessed, I’ve been lucky to end up as an apprentice next to Pauline. People see her as, what could you say? Aggressive, argumentative. She’s not the least bit aggressive and least bit argumentative. She doesn’t like a fight, but there’s something she likes even less than a fight, and that is not telling the truth. So she cannot run away from something, she has to confront it, and that’s wonderful, that’s the way I am too, so she is very, very good to work with. And she’s got to strength of character, which I think, I made up my mind on that many years ago, that strength of character is the most important leadership trait, the ability to say I’m wrong, the ability to say, Adrian, I don’t know, can you help me? And the ability to say, dammit, I’m going for this, and everyone suddenly disagreeing, bugger, I’m going to keep going until, but hang on, hang on, Adrian’s just given me a suggestion there might be better, there’s a better way to do it, so rather than look after my ego, go after that.  
 So make decisions based on data, and the biggest thing probably for me is I’ve got a very supportive wife, she grills me, holds me accountable, she’s got a very good brain. And in politics it is so rowdy and so tumultuous at times that the only thing that’s kept me sane is my meditation practise, which I do every day for an hour and a quarter in the morning. I try to do it in the evening, but haven’t for a while.  
Adrian D’Amico:Nice.  
Senator Roberts:Yeah, so that’s basically me, and I love making decisions based on data and fact wherever I can, because you can always then back it up and go for it very confidently.  
Adrian D’Amico:Look, the first thing that is coming across for me, to be honest, is during this brief conversation we’ve had so far, is that you talk more like a human being and not like a cyborg, like most politicians do. So I want to segue into obviously your political career and politics as we see it in Australia today, because look, Pauline is a really good example of someone that the media, in my knowledge now, looking at her and her values and some of the things that she’s putting across on the table at the moment, and really speaking her mind about this kind of situation, I saw her do the same thing many moons ago as a probably 20 something year old person, I would say, and honestly she was just really pushed through the media as just a hot head and a bigot, and just all these nasty things.  
 What I didn’t know then, and this is just my opinion now from what I see of her now, is that the media was doing the same thing to them as they did to Trump, as they do to anyone they want to smear in terms of a political campaign, or just to rubbish their character in a way, and I feel like there’s a lot of that that’s happened with her. And the reason why I say that is because politics at the moment is, to me, is giving me no hope in a lot of ways. So as a citizen of Australia I can tell you that the sentiment amongst my friends and amongst my peers, amongst the people that I talk to, is that we don’t trust our politicians.  
 The difference between what you say and what you do is two different things, and right now we are having a real tug of war between some of these tyrannical rules and regulations and health orders, and who’s actually running the country, and everyone feels like, what can we do about these tyrants? Because they seem to be just doing whatever they want whenever they like it, and there’s nothing that we, the people, can do. And like you said at the beginning, it seems like most politicians, and this is just a generalisation, are not acting in the best interest of their people, they’re acting in the best interest of whatever other is a motivating factor for them, and I think we know where we’re going to go with that. But I would like to get your perspective on this, because I just feel like at the moment a lot of Australians are really angry and really upset with our leadership, or lack of leadership, and they feel very helpless and very vulnerable at the moment.  
Senator Roberts:You nailed it, you raised so many of the issues there. In a totalitarian dictatorship, Adrian, the people fear the government, and right now people are afraid. But they’ve switched in the last month or so, they’re now angry, and then they’re starting to awaken. There’s so many things I can talk about here. So a totalitarian dictatorship, the people fear the government. In a true democracy, the government fears the people. That tells us, pretty much summarises what you just said. We are living in a dictatorship, not a true democracy. The people no longer raise terror or fear into the parties, because the parties control the parliament. When I say the parties I’m talking about the liberal, nationals, labour, and greens. They work together. The liberal nationals are like two peas in a pod, labour and greens are like two peas in a pod.  
 And if you look at their policies, there’s very little difference. Very, very little difference. The only difference is in some areas they have some degree of… There’s just different in terms of degree, that’s all. They’re heading down the same direction. They’re also, the parliaments are working for those two parties, or the two duopolies. The bureaucrats don’t really mind which one is in, because they control both of them, but the parties themselves are controlled by essentially a foreign agenda. Now if you’d have told me that 12 years ago, I would’ve laughed at you, but that’s one of the things I learned by going through the climate scam, I focused on the data, then I focused on who was driving the corruption of the climate science, it’s complete rubbish, and then I worked out who was driving them.  
 And so that is also across the banking sector, it’s across the coronavirus, the COVID virus. The COVID virus is slightly different in that it can kill you, so I’m not [inaudible] that idea, but we can talk more about the COVID virus in a minute. The COVID virus is no more serious than a flu. It is no more serious than a flu. It’ll kill some people, but most people will shrug it off. In fact, it’s probably less serious than many flus in the past. What are the others? The stealing of property rights in this country, the abandonment of infrastructure, the neglect of water resources, all are driven by a foreign agenda. For example, The Lima Declaration was signed by Gough Whitlam’s labour government in 1975 in Lima, Peru. The following year his so-called arch enemy, Malcolm Fraser, ratified the same thing. That Lima Agreement, Lima Declaration, gutted our manufacturing. Not immediately, but over the next 20, 30, 40 years, gutted it.  
 The Kyoto Protocol was, sorry, in 1992, the Rio De Janeiro Declaration for 21st century global governance, led to [inaudible] to 21. That was incorporated into labour policy, it was signed by Paul Keating as the labour prime minister.  
Adrian D’Amico:Really?  
Senator Roberts:But the liberal nationals have been implementing it with gusto. And most of the people in both those parties, the liberal national and the labour, don’t know what’s happening, they have no clue, Adrian, they don’t know. And so you’ve got to step back from politics. Then in 1996 along came John Howard and he said, “We will abide by the UN’s Kyoto Protocol, but we won’t sign it.” Well, Kevin Rudd, so John Howard did more damage than any other prime minister, which shocked me because I actually wrote him a letter when he got booted from parliament in 2007 and said, “Thank you for what you’ve done.” Six years later, after my research into this, I wrote him another letter saying, “I rescind my first letter.” I mean, the man, his government was absolutely graceful, and people trot him out at every by election now and say, look at John Howard, what a wonderful, true liberal is. His government was so destructive.  
 And then in 2007, when Kevin Rudd was elected as prime minister, he ratified the UN’s Kyoto’s Protocol, and it has been destroying property rights, it has been destroying our electricity. We’ve gone from the cheapest electricity in the world to the most expensive. We export coal from our country, the world’s best coal, highest energy density coal for its type in the world, we export it to China, send it thousands of kilometres there, they sell electricity burning our coal for eight cents a kilowatt hour, we sell it in, in this country at three times that price, 25 cents a kilowatt hour. And that’s despite the fact that we don’t have transport costs. And why, because of all of the UN regulations, the UN policies that the labour liberal and nationals and greens have implemented.  
 And in 2019 we had the liberal government under Abbot sign up for the Paris Agreement, and Turnbull ratified it the following year. So we’ve seen a complete sellout of the country. We see the aboriginals in this country, they’ve had it rough, but we are not making it any better. We’re pretending to close the gap, but we’re not. What we’re doing is we’re shovelling tens of billions of dollars a year at the Aboriginal industry. The people on the ground, the aboriginals in the communities in Cape York, in Northern Territory, are not getting much of that.  
Adrian D’Amico:Really?  
Senator Roberts:It’s being syphoned off by the black and white consultants in the Aboriginal industry. And you can talk to people on the Cape, they’ll tell you this. Native Title Act was brought in by, I think by Paul Keating, it gave some recognition to the aboriginals for their previous ownership of the land, even though they didn’t really own it, if you know what I mean, it gave them some acknowledgement for that. But they can’t get land to build a house in their own settlements in Cape York, they cannot do that. And so when you look closely at the Native Title Act, it’s littered with references to the United Nations, and it’s about locking up the land, not freeing up the land.  
 And this is what happens with so many of these foreign policies that come through, World Economic Forum, the United Nations, they’re about constraining us and controlling us, not about liberating us. They’re the complete opposite of what we are told. We’ve just been, my staff. I’ve got some very, very good staff, very capable researchers, and three or four of them across many disciplines. And one lady has done a phenomenal job of evaluating and summarising the Digital Identity Bill, which this government is flagging is going to come. It is horrendous. What it means, I’d have to get my notes to talk about it comfortably, but one example, the government will bundle up your data, your data, your health data, and sell it to foreign corporations, where it’ll be held in that company’s jurisdiction, so it might be according to U.S. laws, which they can do things that we can’t do with our data. So the privacy of data will be destroyed.  
 And then for you to access your health records, you will have to pay a fee to those corporations. It’ll track just about everything you do right throughout the day and night. So it’s horrendous. What I’ve described it as is a mix, it’s the baby that comes from a father that’s into control, and a mother that’s to feudalism. It’s a mixture of controlled feudalism, it’s just such a backwards step, but it is heinous what’s going on. And the liberals are going to float that, and I suspect that the labour party will just wash it straight through parliament. And if the labour party wins the next election, they will introduce it. This policy has not been originated in this country for Australians, it has come from the World Economic Forum, lifted from the World Economic Forum, which we know is not on our side.  
Adrian D’Amico:Absolutely.  
Senator Roberts:So this is what’s happening in our country, we’ve got politicians who are basically ignorant, stupid, and gutless, and most of them are intelligent, but they’re behaving like they’re stupid, because they’re not asking their party leaders and the party power brokers what’s going on, instead what they’re told is you will vote this way, if you don’t you won’t be preselected, you’ll be out of here. So they’re working for the party, not for the people, and that’s what we’ve got to change.  
Adrian D’Amico:Malcolm, you’re not really giving me a lot more hope when you’re describing the current situation of our country. It does seem that there is someone else that they’re answering to, which is what is making a lot of the political decisions throughout this country. But it does beg a question for me is, who owns Australia? Who’s running this country really? It would seem that between the UN and whoever’s behind that umbrella of people  
Adrian D’Amico:… People there is really pulling the string. So it would seem like most of our politicians that are within the heaviest power are basically puppets on a string.  
Senator Roberts:Correct, but they don’t know they are. Most of them are not doing this consciously. I believe that if you want a solution, you better identify the problem first. That’s why I’m spitting it out now. I may not be giving you much hope, but it leads to the solution, which does give me hope. If you look at our country, we have got phenomenal people. Our education system is being gutted and I mean that, sincerely being gutted. It’s deteriorating for an agenda. We’re focusing kids now on transgenderism. We’re focusing kids on being woke. We’re telling them that humans are evil, greedy, irresponsible, uncaring, which is the complete opposite of humans. Humans are just phenomenal. Only a few. We all have our blemishes, we know that. None of us are effect, but the majority of us care enormously, and we want to belong to a community.  
 We know that we’ve had our Hitlers and our Stalins and our Maos. Significantly, all of them are on what some people call a left wing. I don’t use the left wing, right wing because it’s rubbish. It’s meant to distract. What I use is control versus freedom. But you’ll notice that the mass murderers of the last century were all from the control side of politics, Hitler, Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot, they were all from that side.  
 So what we’ve got is fabulous people. We’re now being dumbed down, but we have got the makings of a very good education system. We had a very good education system. We’ve got enormous potential. We are now the world’s biggest exporters of energy, yet our domestic prices for energy are high. We’re the biggest exporters of natural gas, yet we’ve got some of the highest gas prices in the world. Second biggest export of coal. We’re no longer the biggest. Indonesia’s taken over, and yet our electricity prices are among the highest in the world. We have got an abundance of metals, abundance of rare… Well, we’ve got some rare earth. We’re confident. We’ll find more. We’ve got amazing farming land. A lot of our country is desert, but so is America. When you look at the map. We haven’t got the depth of soil America has got, but we have got locations more than enough for us. We’ve got abundant water. It’s just being very poorly managed. We have got the world’s biggest market immediately on our doorstep to the North in Asia, we have got enormous potential.  
 Australia in 1900 to 1920 was number one in terms of per capita income in the world. We’re now at well outside the tent and slipping, we don’t manufacture stuff anymore. The UN has deliberately done this. The Lima Declaration exported our skills, exported our technology overseas, set up China, set up other third world countries in a move to dumb us down and to destroy our independence. Australia was once proudly producing everything we needed. Now we are interdependent and the UN has call that lovely word, interdependent, meaning, oh, we’re all interdependent. What a lot of crap? What it means is we are dependent on other countries now. We’re in an island that’s easily-  
Adrian D’Amico:Vulnerable.  
Senator Roberts:… Separated with the blockade. Yeah, we’re vulnerable. So the UN has destroyed our capacity to be strong and independent. We are now dependent on China. We are now dependent upon other countries. So that’s the crazy thing. So we’ve got this enormous potential. Our governing document is our federal constitution. To change one word in that, you need a majority of people across Australia, and you need a majority of people in the majority of states. So you need at least four states where that referendum passes to change, just one word. So that tells me that the people are in charge of this country. They are only ones who can change what the constitution does, the governing document.  
 The other thing that comes in there, so we are the ones who are responsible, but how come the people are afraid of the government? How come the government is saying, “Screw you. We don’t even want to work for you. We don’t serve you. The people serve the government.” And that’s because we’ve had a two party system for so long. When you’ve got two parties, they’re basically jostling over the middle votes. So you end up with just a slight, one of the parties slips up a bit and the votes go to the other party and they become government, which is backwards and forward.  
 Now the very encouraging thing with at this COVID virus is that people are waking up. They’ve taken our country for granted. They’ve assumed it’s been well managed. They can now see it’s not. They can see contradictions within our state of Queensland for example, from week to week within that one government. They can see so many contradictions and illogic and insanity between our government and the other state governments. And then they can see the contradictions with the federal government. There’s no plan, you can tell that. You’re a management consultant. You know there’s no plan because they’re not basing anything on data and I can talk more about where the data is, but these are the things. So what we have got to do as voters, I’m talking as a voter now, not as a politician, as voters, we need to say to the parties, pick up your game, or I’m taking my vote somewhere else. Just like if you’re not providing me with the service, I say, pick up your game or I’m going somewhere else to buy their products, their services.  
 So the voters haven’t done that. The encouraging thing is that so many people in the 25 to 45 year age bracket, and now saying, “Gee, look at what’s going on in our country.” They’re now awake. They’re now saying, “I’m going to vote.” They’re now saying, “I’m going to think about who I vote for.” And if you look at the trend, probably 30 years ago, it was 45% Voter Liberal National, 45% Voter Labour, 10% swung. They controlled the government at each election. Then it became 40, 40, and 20% swung. Then it became 35, 35 and 30% swung. Now in the last federal election in Queensland, the Senate in Queensland, for the federal election, the federal Senate, Labour got 22% of the vote. Not 45, 22%.  
Adrian D’Amico:Wow.  
Senator Roberts:So you can see, and also we see now independence in parliament, genuinely elected off their own bat, we see also more and more, some of our candidates are getting to be the last of the two that are knocked out on two party preferred. So people are waking up and that’s what we need.  
 So COVID has really said, “Wow, these guys are mismanaging their country. They’re not leading it at all.” You’re a business coach. So you know that a good leader as well as having strength of character, he or she leads people. They draw people. They create had a picture based on data that they’ve gone and researched. They create a vision as to what are the benefits for people. Sometimes those benefits don’t have to be for the individual. They can be benefit for society, or a very caring and altruistic, they will switch onto it to a noble goal providing it’s a good goal, and they’ve got faith in their leader. And then the leader will most established systems that enable people to work, whereas what we see in this country is we see bullying and threats. “Get your injection, or else you won’t get freedoms.” Hang on, hang on, hang on. We won’t get freedoms? There are ours in the first place. They’re con people-  
Adrian D’Amico:Let’s talk about that now [crosstalk] You’ve touched on a couple of things there, which resonate with me in the sense that there’s a lot of things that have been revealed as this COVID virus is as wiped through Australia. So to me, the virus has exposed the truth of what’s going on. And if you are able to sift through all the bullshit and see what the actual data is, and I am big on data, but I’m also big on real time results and responses of what’s going on. So whether it’s in business or in life or whatever I’m doing, if I’m working out at the gym, I’d like to test and measure what’s going on and then see what the realtime feedback is. And then iterate and change and progress and go forward. What we are seeing here in Australia is that there’s this flip flop between one policy and another. There’s flip flop between whatever reasoning is, standing up, sitting down, wearing a mask, not wearing a mask, 1.5 metres apart, 10 people in a home, five people in a home, the whole thing’s just gone, absolutely nuts.  
 The other thing that I guess has been exposed is that tyrannical, that control part of the political environment, which is really alarming. So here’s a couple of things that from my perspective, what I’ve researched and educated myself. So I’ve started a new business, 19 months ago, I’ve been closed for eight and a half, nine months of those 19 months. So it’s absolutely bled me dry. I’ve died the death of 1,000 cuts. I’m now working seven to days a week and just trying to make things work because I have to. Most people have said, “I’ve got no choice. I’ve got to get this shot.” I’ve said, I’ve got no choice. I’ve got three kids. I need to earn a living. I’m going back to work. So I just opened up the business.  
 So when I’ve looked into that, it’s taken me a long time to get the intestinal fortitude to do that. But it’s also taken a lot of research into the laws that are protecting me as a person, as an individual, as a business owner. No one can get in the way of my trade and me providing for my family. That to me, sets a precedent over any governmental or anything, that’s a health order, whatever it may be. My health comes first. My family comes first. The livelihood of what I’m doing to provide for my family comes first. However, what I’ve noticed in the last couple of months is that there are certain things to do with the biosecurity acts that are changing with the Privacy Act. They’re changing around privacy of your data. Like you mentioned before, it’s changing. The internet is changing. As you know, you’re getting censored, I’m getting censored. I uploaded a video last night with Charlene Bollinger for a documentary producer of truth about vaccines and truth about cancer. The whole video got deleted in 10 minutes. As soon as I uploaded it to YouTube, it got wiped off.  
 So there’s the censorship, the misinformation, the changing of the guard, the changing of the rules. It doesn’t matter whether Berejiklian gets in or Perrottet gets in. There’s all singing from the same hymn book. So this is super concerning as an Australian, it’s super concerning as a nation, because before our very eyes, these rules are getting changed in the favour of those tyrants that are ruling the roost.  
Senator Roberts:Yeah, you’re absolutely correct.  
Adrian D’Amico:So what’s going on? My question is what’s going on and what can we do about it? I want to circle back to the solution and it’s the reason why I wanted you on the show because the system is clearly broken. It’s clearly got cancer riddled right through it, and it needs to change immediately and the people need to be responsible for that. But there’s also people like yourself who are placed in positions of authority in order to help that change. So let’s go back to what’s going on with these rules being changed. Why can Dan Andrews do the things that he’s doing and passing these bills through parliament that allow him to call a pandemic whenever he sees fit and the majority of the Senate is pushing it through? It just seems to me that everyone’s all in on this and there’s nothing that we can do as the people.  
Senator Roberts:Yeah. There’s so many issues you raised there. The first one is everything you’ve talked about, the censorship, the control over people, they’re all forms of control and always beneath control, there is fear. I’m not talking about the government instilling fear in us. They are, but I’m talking about when someone tries to control someone else, beneath their control, there is fear. And they’re afraid of the truth. They are afraid that we will wake up because this is a gigantic scam. As I said, COVID can kill. So it’s not to be taken lightly, but it’s not the monster people are talking about. It’s not. It’s been grossly exaggerated. So that’s the first thing.  
 The second thing is the reason governments are jumping all over the place and contradicting themselves is that they have got no data. That’s the main reason. If they had data, they would all have the same data and they’d be marching down the same tune. Down the same road, rather to the same tune. But they’re not doing that. They’re capriciously changing things because they came out at first, the politicians themselves were scared and so had a lockdown. Now lockdowns are one of the worst things you can do. In America, there are 50 states. So you’ve got a scientific experiment underway. You’ve got many, many states locking down. Many, many states not locking down. The states not locking down are imaginably better than the states locking down. You’ve got Sweden, which has got of lockdowns and done very little at all. They had a slight increase in deaths. Well, a dramatic increase in deaths, but it’s now becoming a slight increase as they revert to the mean. So there are many people who believe that they did it correctly.  
 Then you’ve got Taiwan, which is by far, the standout performer in this. And Taiwan put in place a rigorous process of testing, tracing and quarantining. We locked down, which shuts everyone down. One, quarantined the sick and the vulnerable, which is exactly what you should do and they had an objective process for doing that in terms of testing and tracing. They’re not ruthless, they’re just common sense and the people there trust their government. If you look at the countries that did well, initially, Adrian, you’ll find it was countries like Taiwan, Hong Kong, Singapore, South Korea, Israel. Now some of them have gone off the boil and they’ve, they’ve become poor cases of management. But initially, they were all very good. They were the leaders. The single thing can see that’s common amongst all of those is the fact that they’re under threat all the time. Every one of those countries has an antagonistic neighbour or is an economic threat. Singapore doesn’t have any resources. It depends upon international trade. It depends upon being competitive. It’s always fighting for its economic survival.  
 The other countries have military threats and they are the people don’t tolerate crap. If you’re not good, out you go because my life is at stake. So they’ve got that trust there. So they base decisions on data. In the first 12 months in our country where we locked down so often, we lost about 950 lives. In Taiwan, which has got a similar population they’re 24 million compared to our 25, they’re half the size of Tasmania in area. They’ve got 2% of the size of Queensland. They’re punching above their weight economically compared to us. No real resources to speak of very little agricultural land and yet there they are outperforming us. They had a blip in their economy of 0.6% in their GDP.  
Adrian D’Amico:Really?  
Senator Roberts:Ours was decimated because of the lockdowns. Now if you think even more about Taiwan, they’ve got a far riskier situation because they’re right next to mainland China, communist China, where the virus started. They have a lot, despite what people might think, they have a lot of trade with communist China. The two get on very, very well when it comes to trade and supporting each other with industry. One of the biggest investors in communist China is Taiwan. So what, what you’ll find is that they had a much more difficult and riskier job to manage the virus, but in their first 12 months, they lost seven people, seven. But the United Nations World Health Organisation, which lied about the virus in the first place, which tried to cover it up, which denied human to human transmission of the virus, which caught the world napping because we were lulled in a false sense security. The United nations has done everything it can to suppress Taiwan’s performance to hide it. But Taiwan has been the best in the world.  
 Now Taiwan had a major breakdown in quarantine and they got an increase in deaths very quickly, but they brought it back under control very quickly as well without draconian practises. So what we’ve seen now is that Taiwan, it’s death rate per million people is quite a bit lower than ours, despite a major breakdown. So they have got it under control yet again. So we see that what they’ve done is they’ve based their management of the virus on testing, tracing quarantine hard data. What you’ll find in this country, the virus is managing us. That’s what’s happening. The virus is managing us. We’re not managing the virus. Even the World Health Organisation, it’s a crooked, corrupt, incompetent, dishonest body but even they have a few months ago acknowledge that lockdowns are a last resort weapon, and they’re only to be used initially to get control of a virus.  
 So every time Anastasia Palache, every time Dan Andrews, every time Dom Perrottet invokes a lockdown, the guy in, in Western Australia, McGowan, he continues his lockdown. Every time they do that, they’re putting a flag up the pole saying, “We can’t manage this virus” and why are other countries managing it? So they’re giving the game away, but people can’t see that. They’re locked up in fear.  
 The other thing that happens is that, you would know this from your reading and your experience, that fear tends to short circuit the neocortex and people react in a gut level and they don’t react in a very logical way. There are benefits to that, but it means that there can be quite easily played by politicians. So what you see in Anastasia Palache was that in February, last year, before the virus arrived, she was gone. They said that in the election later that year, she would be turfed out easily. Well, they got the virus into the country. She then played on the fear. She made the old people terrified. She scared everyone, and then she conditioned people to certain practises and she won the election because she was an incumbent, just like the others won the election because they were incumbents. Northern Territory should be tossed out. So they’ve preyed on that fear and that’s what politicians do quite often. They prey on people’s fear, cause them to make emotional decision rather than informed decisions.  
 What I’ve also noticed with the UN and World Data Forum, their policies are fundamentally anti-human. They believe that humans are evil and need to be controlled, and they justify that to get more power, more power for the corporations that control them. And these corporations are well known. They’re easily identified. You see BlackRock, Vanguard, they own most of the world’s major corporations. You see Pfizer, for example, was given provisional approval for its injection here in this country. I won’t call it a vaccine. It’s not a true vaccine. They have not been tested. They have not been tested. They have been slightly tested or partially tested, but they have not been properly tested. They came out in months, whereas they should have come out in seven years, minimum of five, maybe 10 years. So I asked the therapeutic goods administration a question in Senate estimates in May, what does provisional approval mean? What is it? And they said, it’s approval given on the base if there’s nothing else.  
 So you’ve got to give it a chance. So they admitted no testing that we know that the Pfizer and AstraZeneca were basically adopted based on the manufacturer’s claims, but they’re indemnified against any loss and against any damage they do there. There’s been minimal testing. I wrote a letter to Scott Morrison and Anastasia Palache. It’s a six-page letter with about 58 pages worth of attachments. And I put in that the data, there are seven, seven attachments. One is on data, which I got from the chief medical officer, but people in the street have not been given that by the government and I had to get it out of the government. The second one is about the injections. The third one is about the use of complementary or alternative medicines, which are now proven. I won’t mention it because you want to post this video, but either, that’s one of the UN World Health Organisations, top 100 essential medicines for the planet. It’s been handed out prescribed and given in 3.7 billion doses over around 60 years and no side effects.  
 So it’s proof of COVID. I took it in this country. When I came back from India with a condition, it cleared up what I had in no time with no side effects. It’s recognised as the only side effects are minimal, are slight headaches, sometimes slight nausea. But now it’s proven, in India, it’s proven, in south American countries, Asian countries, European countries as being highly successful. Not only does it cure people who are sick and sometimes seriously sick with COVID, it cures them very quickly. It cures them with no risk. It also prevents transmission of the virus because it’s a prophylactic. Yet they won’t approve that. So some doctors and I was able to get some in this country until I locked it up based upon the fact that it’s been approved for other things, now the government is chasing down doctors, hunting them down, persecuting them, threatening them with removal of their practises. Why? Because that medicine, if it was readily available, there’d be no need for the injections.  
Adrian D’Amico:Agreed-  
Senator Roberts:But even if some people wanted an injection, let them have it, but let them have an alternative. This is the first outbreak we’ve seen where proven safe, affordable, and readily available, medicines have not been used immediately until a vaccine or injection is developed. And what we’ve got now in this country-  
Adrian D’Amico:[crosstalk] I agree with you 100%, but what you’re telling me tells me that they know. It tells me that it’s not that they don’t have the data, or they’re not acting on the data. They’re choosing to ignore the data. They’re choosing an injection, which obviously has a benefit to someone. But they’re not using these therapeutic goods or product services, whatever. They know the details. If the government, if the TGA doesn’t know any of this information, then that to me is bullshit. It can’t be true. So it means I must be avoiding it because I can tell you from little old me based in Wollongong, a fucking no one, I’ve been able to get ahold of Robert Kennedy Jr. I’ve been able to get a of Dr. Pierre Kory. I’ve interviewed Peter McCullough. All of these guys know the facts. They’ve been curing COVID patients for the last 18 months and scientists, Ashton C. Berger, researchers, people who have worked for the World Organisation. I’ve sent  
Adrian D’Amico:Sent them an email. They responded. You can’t tell me that our health bureaucrats and our government officials don’t know this information. You can’t tell me that. There’s no way…  
Senator Roberts:I’m not going to tell you that. I’m going to tell you, you’re right. And if you look at Greg Hunt, have a look at Greg Hunt, 2000 and 2001, in the World Economic Forum, he used to come to there and he was Director of Strategy for the World Economic Forum. Mathias Cormann has now head of the OECD. He was leader of the Government in the Senate for the Liberal Party, from Western Australia in the Federal Senate. Whenever I ask him a question about show me the evidence for this climate change, a narrative you’re pushing and the policies, he would say, “Well, we’ve got to fulfil our obligations to the global obligations.” In other words, he didn’t have any damn science, and they do know what’s going on. Although I will put a caveat on that, the climate scam, which I’ve been vigorous on, the climate scam showed me that the majority of politicians do not know what’s going on.  
 The majority of politicians, sorry, around about 40% of the Labour Party in 2012, when they passed the Carbon Tax, Julia Gillard promised never to have one, but she had one. When they passed that, and it’s an estimated about 40% of the labour party didn’t agree with it, all silent. In the Liberal Party, at least 60, probably 70% of the liberal nationals did not believe it. But bit by bit over time, they’ve conditioned themselves to do this. They just get lulled to sleep and they’ve put up their hand and vote in a certain way because they’re afraid of not getting pre-selected. Once they vote once a certain way, they find it very difficult to change because that’s something that politicians have a great anathema to. They won’t admit mistakes. Whereas Paul and I, we will confess the mistakes because then you can get on with your life, and it’s not a burden anymore.  
 So, what you’ll find is that most politicians, in my opinion, are driven by ignorance, gutlessness, and stupidity. I mean, this stuff you said, you’re not a doctor, but you’ve just researched it using your common sense and you know it’s stupid. There’s so many contradictions, nonsensical, illogical contradictions. So, I’d read you some from my second attachment, Therapeutic Goods Administration. And remember, Greg Hunt said that the world is engaged in the largest clinical vaccination trial. This is a trial to him and it is a trial because they haven’t done the basic studies on transfer from one generation to the next. That can be done easily in rats and mice with very short life spans, that can be done many times in the short period. They haven’t done that.  
 We know so much dangerous about these injections, but we don’t know much in detail. So, conflicts of interest are bound in association with the Therapeutic Goods Administration. For example, the TGA is funded entirely by fees imposed on the pharmaceutical companies that it supposedly regulates. A new prescription drug, for example, requires payment of a $250,000 application fee and ongoing fees of around $30,000 a year. Professor Scarrott admitted to those figures as being correct. Now, this was developed by my staff and I. I put this whole document together because I want to understand it from the roots up. The TGA makes $160,000,000 a year in payments from pharmaceutical and nutraceutical companies and device manufacturers. What? 160,000,000, that pays for them. It is this same drug companies repeatedly paying their money and getting their approvals. These same drug companies invite clinicians, doctors to attend exclusive and free professional development programmes to promote their products.  
 Sometimes, it’s a trip overseas. COVID has shown how easily those approvals are issued and how hard it is to get an approval for a drug like Iver, that only makes a few cents a pill in profit for drug companies. So, what we’ve seen here is Pfizer has estimated, it’ll take an income revenue over $45,000,000,000 this year, total. It produces the Pfizer injection. Was it called Comirnaty? I can’t… Yeah, whatever it is. And that injection is going to be the bulk of their revenue. It can only be provisionally approved if there’s no competition. If this Iver medicine or the many other complimentary medicines that are working, some people don’t use Iver, they use other complimentary medicines or regimes or protocols. If they were available, imagine what Pfizer’s profit would be. It would be nothing compared to what it is now and what they’re heading for. In the last quarter, they made revenue of $18,900,000,000 and they made a profit of $4,000,000,000.  
 They produce drugs that cure the side effects of the injections. So, you can see the money going on. Now, there’s no way, and then I’ve got a document my staff put together with 32 pages of conflicts of interest for the medical professionals on the TGA’s expert committees that review the drugs and recommend approval. Some of them have taken research grants or benefits from or worked for these same drug companies, and they’re the same drug companies. Merck produced the Iver medicine, but it’s gone off patent. So, they can’t make a lot of money out of it. But now, they’re pushing another drug, which we’ve got grave concerns about and which our government bought $300,000,000 worth without testing. It’s your money. And so, what we’ve got, it keeps coming back to, “We don’t hold them accountable.” So, what we’ve got to do is Senate…  
 When I say we, I’m talking about the people at the ballot box, but what we do is senators, Paul and I, we go into the details, but it becomes a game of cat and mouse, Adrian. We have to chase these bureaucrats and they’re pretty well-versed in responding with bullshit and giving us nothing to hang onto. So, what we have got to do is play a game of trying to corner them. They should be open [inaudible] as their job as bureaucrats and responsible to the people. So, we can see it is a game. There’s no way that the TGA does not know what’s going on. No way at all. If they don’t, they’re completely stupid morons. They’re not bright people. There’s no way. But what we’ve got is they’re being protected by ignorant, gutless, stupid politicians.  
 Now, we’ll say there are some politicians waking up. I put together another letter to the prime minister and to the four omegas, as I call him Prime Minister Joyce, Barnaby Joyce, the deputy leader, deputy prime minister and leader of the Nationals, Anthony Albanese, opposition leader, and Adam Bandt. I sent this just before Glasgow. That’s on the climate. There are so many things on climate, John Howard, who I just described his government before, did the most damage when it comes to this climate rubbish, these lies. Six years after leaving office, he said in an address in London, after passing all this legislation, he said on the topic of climate science, he is agnostic. These policies are now costing us trillions in opportunity costs and costing us hundreds of billions in direct costs, $19,000,000,000 a year, an extra $1,300 per household average cost.  
 So, the father of the Senate, when he was in the Senate, he’s left now 2016, Senator Ian MacDonald from Townsville looked across at me, Adrian, and said, “I don’t always agree with Senator Roberts, but I’ve got to admit that he’s the only person that started the debate that this parliament has never had on the climate science.” They’ve never debated the climate science, neither the Liberals, Labours, Nationals, nor the Greens. There are so many other examples. So, I wrote to politicians who’ve been prominent in publicising the crap on climate and pushing these policies that are gutting our economy and making us dependent and said, “Where’s your evidence?” Not one of them, out of the 19 prominent politicians I wrote to on all the parties, the major parties, not one of them could provide me with any evidence, not one.  
 I then wrote to 10 people, who I know have got doubts about the policy, and I said to them, “Can you please provide me with the evidence?” And they all responded by saying, “We have never been given the evidence in parliament nor by our party.” So, I’m going to read out their names because we pitch and moan about some politicians, rightly so, but these people have shown the integrity and the courage to tell the truth. Llew O’Brien, National Party, Craig Kelly, formerly Liberal, now United Australia Party, Kevin Andrews, a senior Liberal member of parliament, who’s not going to be pre-selected and you can see why, because he speaks up. Senator Eric Abetz was once the leader of the government in the Senate, George Christensen, a National Party from Queensland, Senator Connie Fierravanti-Wells, Liberal Party, New South Wales, another conservative, another strong person, Bob Katter from Northern Queensland, Senator Pauline Hanson and Senator Gerard Rennick.  
 Now, there’s a good man, Senator Gerard Rennick. He stands up, he’s willing to cross the floor, he sticks it into the government, because his job is not to be beholden to the Liberal Party. His job is to serve the people of Queensland and the people of Australia, and I know that. I deal with him. He’s a wonderful bloke. He bases decisions on dart. He’s got a very good brain, very bright with figures and numbers. So. These people, they show hope that in the parliament, there are some decent people, but the trouble is, Adrian, they get drowned out by the vast majority in the Labour, Liberal, and National Parties, and the Greens. So, it’s a matter of… With the climate, I just thought, “How can these people do what they’re doing?” This is when I was on the outside, trying to hold them accountable.  
 And I realised the majority of people had no clue what was going on. They did what were told. Many of them, as I said, 60 to 70% of the Liberal Party and the National Party actively agreed with me. And we’ve seen some senators like Senator Canavan, for example, came from the sceptic side. He was Chief of Staff of Barnaby Joyce, who was the most colourful and effective speaker against this climate crap. And I talked to Matt when he was Chief of Staff and he was against this bullshit. Matt in the Senate in 2015, when he became a cabinet member spoke in terms of needing to cut carbon dioxide from human activity. What? And so, I sat next to him in a division one day and I sat down next to him and said, “Hey mate, I heard about your speech before I arrived.” And he said, “Well, we must be having some effect.” So, I said, “Where’s your evidence?” You know what he did? He just slid on the seat away from me.  
 Now, what Matt has done is he’s realised that there’s a lot of votes in Central Queensland from coal miners. So, Matt, as a cabinet member, he’s now out of cabinet, but as a cabinet member, would vote for liberal bills that would gut the coal industry. Not one liberal policy has helped the coal industry. They’ve all gutted it since about in the last four years, not one, but he talks when he’s in Central Queensland about the need to support coal. He goes down a coal mine and comes out with coal dust on his face. These are the kinds of things people do, but then, they’re not sincere. They’re not genuine. And so, you get to Craig Kellys, wonderful, genuine, makes decisions based on data. The Gerard Rennicks, the Connie Fierravanti-Wells, the Eric Abetzs. These are the people, the Senator Pauline Hansons, the Bob Katters. These are the ones that have the guts to stand up.  
 So, the problem is the same thing that ruins many corporate boards, one person tends to dominate and he or she floats an idea and the others are saying, “I don’t really agree with this. I don’t understand it.” Now, if I ask a question, they’ll go, “Oh, you’re a dumb fool.” So, I won’t ask the question. I’ll just vote with it. That’s what happens in parliament. In other words, what we’re electing in parliament are the same kind of people who are running right throughout our society. Only a few people stand up and that’s sad, but that’s the reality. So, what we have to do, the parliament is not broken. We don’t need to replace parliament. We need to get back to running the system the way it was designed to be run. We’re just breaking the rules. When I say we, I’m talking about the title party breaking the rules, they’re not complying with the system and they haven’t had people in the voters and they haven’t had people like us before holding them accountable persistently based on data, and that’s what I love about Pauline, she bases her questions and comments on data.  
Adrian D’Amico:Okay. So, you’re not saying that the system can be fixed in a sense of people swinging their votes towards parties like yourselves that are more outspoken that want to get down to grassroots, and I guess provide solutions to the current problems. But I guess I’m hearing that side of things and I think that that is definitely the sentiment that I’m getting at the moment is people are starting to wake up to the parties like yourselves and the Clive Palmers of the world, the Craig Kellys of the world, which is great to see, but there’s still these guys and girls that are sitting at in very prominent positions, which are still pulling the strings. So, my concern is that what’s going to be the collateral damage between now and when there’s the next election in order to make these changes.  
 So, what do you see is going to be a possible remedy or a solution right this minute, because you look at Victoria, you look at where you are in Queensland, what’s happening at the moment with all these rules and the two classes of citizens and all that kind of stuff. It’s happening here in New South Wales, the same thing. For our listeners, we talk up here, you’re in quarantine right now?  
Senator Roberts:Yeah.  
Adrian D’Amico:So like you’re stuck inside of wherever. So, what’s happening with these people? What can we do to eradicate this cancer, which is rotting Australia?  
Senator Roberts:Pauline had made a decision today on how to move this federal government, because Scott Morrison has been accused by the French President of being a liar. He’s been accused the following day at Blasco by Malcolm Turnbull as being a liar, who frequently lied to Malcolm Turnbull. He is not telling the truth on this COVID, not at all. Anastacia Palache said that the decision to invoke her edict in Queensland was in line with that of the national cabinet. The national cabinet is not constitutional. The national cabinet has no authority, and you yet is made out to have a lot of authority. That is a lie.  
Adrian D’Amico:Okay.  
Senator Roberts:Scott Morrison, I believe… Sorry?  
Adrian D’Amico:Yeah, keep going. This is interesting.  
Senator Roberts:Scott Morrison, I believe started the national cabinet very early, almost immediately, because he’s a very clever politician. I don’t think he’s honest. I think he tells lies and we can see that just in their responses and the mismanagement of this COVID, make it no mistake. This has been entirely mismanaged in this country. So, Scott Morrison started the national cabinet. I believe he started that if what they did, and they didn’t know what they were doing and I accept that for the first few months and I can come back to that in a minute, but they have to learn what’s happening after a few months on the job and managing it and they didn’t learn. They didn’t come up with a plan. We still don’t have a plan. You know in a business that a plan is not a plan unless you know what you’re going to do, who’s responsible for it, when they’re going to do it, where they’re going to do it, and when they’re going to do it, and why are they going to do it? They’re the five.  
 Once you sort out those basic answers, you go into the how. What happens too much in our parliament is they go to the how, not the should. Should we do this? No, bugger that. We’ll forget that. We’ll just go to what we’re going to do. And then, Pfizer drops a few clangers and they start going into that. Where do you start? I got tired of this. So in 2020, in March 23rd, we had our first single day emergency session in the Senate in parliament on this coronavirus. We could see that tens of thousands of deaths reported in Italy, France, Spain, and China. So, we thought this could be very serious. So, we’ve got to give the government all a leeway and said, “Get whatever you want, away you go. You’re in government. You’ve been elected. Get on with a job. We won’t stand in your way. We’ll pass your bill.” But I said to them, “Have a look at the promising in vitro trials at Monash University using the Iver medicine.”  
 “Have a look at Taiwan and South Korea,” and later on, I just said, Taiwan, in particular. “We want you to get the data and we want you to develop a plan.” None of those things have been done, not one. On the 8th of April 2020, I repeated those same things, when we passed the job keeper legislation, just said to the government, “Get on with the job. We’ll give you an open check.” They still haven’t done any of those things. And so, we’ve got a national cabinet that I believe Scott Morrison started as something that he could take the credit for if it worked and something that he could blame if it didn’t work, because they’re just groping their way through the dark. They’re blind. They’re not managing at all. So, what we’ve got is mismanagement and a grove on the gravest kind because we [inaudible] hundreds of billions of dollars.  
 We’re destroying small business. We’re destroying people’s lives. People suiciding with these idiotic lockdowns. We’re now seeing Dan Andrews and Anastasia Palache, and to some extent, New South Wales, now dividing society into injected and non injected. They’re now trying to pit people against people in this country. They’re dividing. That’s why Pauline calls us one nation, because she wants us to reunite, recombine as one nation, not black or white or Asian or anything like this, because we’ve all got red blood. She wants us to be one nation. So, we’ve got the states now not managing, we’ve got the federal government not managing. So, we’ve got to come back to basing decisions on data, having a solid plan, sharing… These are basic management traits of managing a small business, sharing the plan with the people, getting them involved if necessary through feedback, and then getting on with the job.  
 Never have we seen any one of those traits, not one. In May this year, sorry, in March. In March, instead of the estimates, I had the Chief Medical Officer for the Federal Government, the Secretary of the Federal Health Department together in the room in Senate estimates and I said, “Let me just ask you a few questions about the components of strategies for managing a virus. So, the first one would be lockdowns.” I didn’t elaborate because they are a tool that can be used sometimes, they’ve been overused. So, they said, “Yes, that’s a tool.” Okay. Good. Number two is, I can’t remember what I mentioned then, but number two is basically some forms of restrictions like masks or social distance. Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes. That’s good. Yep. Number three was injections, vaccines. Yes. Yes, that’s the strategy. So, I slipped in number four. Number four is the use of alternatives, prophylactics, cures, treatments. And to my amazement, they said, “Yes.”  
 And in fact, viruses up until this time have been managed with treatments that have been proven until the vaccines were developed, then I said, “Number five would be testing, tracing, quarantining, like in Taiwan.” Targeted. “Yes.” That’s that’s the strategy. So, we’ve got five strategies so far. Sixth strategy, they said we had to add of behaviour. What do you mean by personal behaviour? Hygiene, washing hands. I said, “Yes, that makes sense. That’s from managing flus and respiratory diseases.” Then in May, I added a seventh one, health and fitness. You look at what we’ve done. We’ve crippled health and fitness, locking people up, keeping them out of the sun, Vitamin D, stopping them exercising, stopping them engaging with people, stopping them being with their loved ones, which is essential for health, and we know that the immunoglobulin, it responds to lack of stress.  
 So, we’ve just destroyed that. Washing hands, we’ve been told about that, but not given many tips about it, and the other personal hygiene. We’ve been prevented deliberately from accessing proven, known, safe, affordable alternatives and complimentary medicines. Stop from doing that. This is the first time in Australia’s history, where the government has knowingly injected something that can kill people into healthy people and has killed them. It’s the first time in our history, where we have knowingly withheld a proven, safe, effective treatment from people who are sick and they have died as a result. So, we’ve gone against the strategy. So, we haven’t done testing, tracing, and quarantining properly. We haven’t quarantined properly. We’ve done it capriciously just by locking people down. What’s the other one? So, and lockdowns have been overused, abused, suicides, causing other diseases, causing a destruction of the economy, which freedom and economic freedom in particular are essential for health, absolutely essential.  
 And we have done the complete opposite. These governments in their gutlessness and their stupidity and their cowardice have actually crippled people and exacerbated the virus’ control over people. They have done it deliberately through fear. What we’re seeing is complete mismanagement because it comes back to, they don’t have the courage to say, “Okay, we didn’t know. We made a mistake for the first three months. Let’s change our plan. Let’s go change, find out what Taiwan did. Let’s find out what Sweden did. Let’s find out and have a look at the Iver medicine.” These are the basic things, and these are the things that destroy large companies who don’t have strong corporate executives. See, it just comes down to human nature.  
Adrian D’Amico:I get it. I’m still longing for a solution that stops what they’re doing in their tracks. What I don’t see from Scott Morrison as a leader is actual leadership. I don’t know where he is or what he’s doing, but I don’t see anyone calling the shots as in stop what we are doing right now because it’s clearly broken and it’s clearly destroying this country. I mean, just as we are recording, prior to recording this interview, I have spoken to someone who her and her husband have had the shot. They got their double dose. They’ve both been in hospital for three days. They’ve both got heart problems. They’ve both got serious health issues going on. They have two kids and they have to go to work and still provide, and they’re suffering from this experimental medicine that is really mining and harming and killing people in Australia and our government,  
Adrian D’Amico:… government is then responsible for doing it.  
Senator Roberts:Well, look-  
Adrian D’Amico:What you’re explaining is criminal. It’s a crime.  
Senator Roberts:Yeah it is, it is. And it’s negligent. There’s a four-letter word starting with C. There’re actually three four-letter words starting with C, and they have one vowel difference. C-A-R-E, care. C-O-R-E, core. C-U-R-E, cure. What I’m about to say is second nature to you. If you really care, you will go to the core of the problem and develop a solution, and then you’ll put in place the cure. What we see around here is people not caring because they want to look good, feel good, get a headline, get a result, be looking after their donors, their corporate donors for their party, so they don’t care, so that’s set aside. They go straight to the cure, which is pulled out of the air or out of their arse. It’s just put out there as something that’ll grab a headline. They have no care, so they come up with the cure. They ignore the core, and because they ignore the core they keep coming back.  
 You said, “What are the solutions?” Long-term, the solutions are, “Voters, for goodness sake, change the parliament so that parliament goes back to serving the people rather than serving the corporate donors, the political parties.” That’s one.  
 Secondly, the people need to stand up and express their disappointment. They need to get off their arses and go and visit their Senator. Go and visit their Member of Parliament for Federal, go and visit their State Member of Parliament, their State Upper House Member of Parliament. Knock on the door and say, “I want in and I want to see my Member. He works for. He works for me. He serves me.”  
 In the Senate, when I had my first speech in the Senate, and every speech since that’s more than two or three minutes long or… I can’t do it in the short ones, but every decent length speech, I start with the [inaudible], “As a servant to the people of Queensland and Australia.” When I first uttered those words in my first speech in the Senate, Labour Party, Liberal Party, some people laughed. Laughed. And I’ve done it every time since, not to annoy them, but to remind myself and to remind them why we are supposed to be here. We’re supposed to listen to our constituents and then exercise our hearts and our minds to develop solutions, get the solutions from the people. We need to, as voters, we need to say to the people we elected, “You’re not doing your job. I’m not voting for you. Hold yourself accountable. If you can explain to me why you’re doing this, well, I’ll vote for you. But if you can’t, bugger off. I’m not voting for you.”  
 The second thing, if you can’t get to see them, and even if you can, call them up, talk to them on the phone, leave messages. We know that the Liberal Party is terrified at the moment because they’re having members, long-term members, donors, leaving them in droves because they’re disgusted with Scott Morrison’s lies and gutlessness, his lack of leadership. He came into power in 2019 based on opposing the 2050 net zero. He’s now taken the policies he was criticising. The man has done it time and time again with so many things.  
 The third thing is to get hold of MPs, is to write them a letter, sign it, put it on paper, post it. They make a lot of difference to MPs. Emails don’t, unless they get many, many, many emails on a topic. They’re the things… get off our arses, go and talk to them, hold them accountable, tell them what you want. They’re supposed to represent you.  
 The… excuse me. The third thing is to protest. Get up, make your voice heard. Look at Melbourne. Dan Andrews was dictator supreme until one single event. The CFMEU rank and file attacked the head offices of the CFMEU’s union bosses and they jolted them out of their lethargy, and that shocked Dan Andrews because the CFMEU is a core part of the Labour Party support. The rank and file said, “Up yours,” then they took to the streets. There were all kinds of protests, all kinds of violence perpetrated by some cops, only a small percentage of cops. Dan Andrews in his latest lockdown had about a couple hundred cases, I think, a day, and he said, “We’ve got to lockdown hard and fast. When he’s got 2,000 cases a day, he unlocks. Tell me there’s any sense in that. People are now asking these questions. Now what we’ve seen is, is protests in the mid-20,000s of people in Melbourne last Saturday. Wasn’t reported on the news.  
 So that brings us to another topic. We’ve got to get people talking to each other, talking to their workmates. It doesn’t matter whether they’ve been injected or not injected, give them a break. Some people have been injected. 40% of nurses that have been injected have done it under coercion. They don’t want it. They’ve seen exactly what you’ve seen with your two friends who’ve had heart problems. They’ve seen clots, they’ve seen strokes, they’ve seen all kinds of ailments, some very serious. They’ve seen people die. These nurses are not fools. These doctors are not fools, and they’re not complying. Or some of them that are complying are complying because they’re under duress. They can’t afford to go without a meal, can’t afford to go without a week’s pay. So talk to your friends, talk to your workmates, talk to your colleagues, talk to your family, talk to your social friends, talk to your football club friends. Get the word out. Don’t be quiet anymore. So these are the things we can do.  
 What else? Tomorrow morning we should see something pretty big come out of Pauline and myself. We’re giving Scott Morrison an ultimatum, “Get off your arse and do your job, or else,” and we’ve got some strings attached to that which I can’t go into now. These are the kinds of things we shouldn’t have to do. We should be able to present the data as I’ve done to him with the virus, as I’ve done to him with climate, and he should be taking notice of that and doing something. He won’t reply to them. He would just keep bluffing his way through. He’ll spend another couple of billion dollars on electric vehicles that will transfer money from taxpayers to billionaires who are making the benefit. He’ll transfer more money from taxpayers and electricity users to billionaires funding and our multinationals funding solar panels and wind turbines. It’s all bullshit. It is complete bullshit.  
 So what I’m saying is, there are no simple ways and the ultimate way of course is to vote him out and vote Albanese out. Put minor parties in place, change the Parliament and hold them accountable once they’re in. There are many, many ways in a democracy of doing that.  
Adrian D’Amico:Okay.  
Senator Roberts:I’ve just given some.  
Adrian D’Amico:I like it. I’ll add a couple more.  
Senator Roberts:Okay.  
Adrian D’Amico:Mass civil disobedience. I think when it’s stupid and nonsensical and illogical, don’t do it. And I think if more people get on that bandwagon then we can unite, and I’m seeing it throughout the businesses that I go to. You’re supposed to show your passport and wear a mask and all that kind of stuff, and I don’t do it, and the vast majority of people don’t say a thing because they want me in their stores. They want me to buy their stuff, and so I feel that the majority of Australians would feel this way.  
 Another thing that I thought of is between yourself and Pauline and Riccardo and Clive and all the good guys that you mentioned, you guys have got to start to make a stand yourself, and I feel like some of that is coming already, but I really think that if you could get together and you could use yourselves as a force to be reckoned with, because this government that is currently ruling the roost is destroying this country. I’ve never seen this country fail so miserably and be destroyed and have its people set amongst itself so quickly in my lifetime.  
 The conversations that I’m having with my children who are 15, 11 and nine is scaring the fucking daylights out of me. Every time they go to school, every time that the news is on, every time there’s a new case, every time there’s someone that I hear of that’s passing away or having some sort of ailment from this new medicine that’s going around. It’s diabolical. The things that are going through my mind as a father every single day. I hate having these conversations with my children.  
 So from me to you, I want to encourage you to get together with the people that you know that can be a force for good in the powers that you have, and I think you should take over these tyrants and push them out. I really think that that could be a seventh or an eighth option, and I think we need it now otherwise there was going… I feel like there’s going to be civil unrest. I feel like there’s going to be just mass civil unrest amongst this country, which is not good. This cannot be good for us going forward.  
Senator Roberts:No, you’re right. A couple of things I would agree with. All of your points I agree with. I would want to modify it a certain way, as I will. The first comment I’ll say is that you begged the current government and you should, but remember that the Liberal Nationals are in power in Federal and in New South Wales and in South Australia, and the Liberals in Tasmania. The worst States are the Labour States. Dan Andrews, Anastasia Palaszczuk and Mark McGowan. So it’s not just the Liberals. Anthony Albanese will be no better, and in some ways he could be worse. The problem is the [inaudible] party, so that’s the first thing. I’m not going to criticise Morrison alone. When I talk about Morrison, it’s because he’s the prime minister. He’s a liar, he’s gutless, he’s not a leader, he’s a pusher. Same with Palaszczuk. Same with Dan Andrews, particularly Dan Andrews. These people are pushers and tyrants and bullies, they’re not leaders. They don’t draw people.  
 The next point you mentioned was to disobey. I have been one to sometimes break the rules myself, but as a Senator it would be hypocritical of me to be a lawmaker and to break the rules, so what I do is I gather my evidence and then I’ll take it forward. I’ve written to the ACT Chief Minister because I’m in parliament in Canberra. I’ve written to the ACT Chief Minister and said, “Where’s the evidence for masks?” and if he doesn’t provide it, I’ll be telling the Senate President, “I’m not wearing a damn mask until he does.” And Anastasia Palaszczuk and her health minister, I’ve written to them saying, “Where’s your evidence for masks?” and then I’ll be doing something about making sure that people don’t have to wear masks. That’s the second thing. I’ve got to be careful what I do. I’ve been in protests, but I must have integrity in following the laws. Where the law is wrong I’ve got to work on changing them, not just blatantly disobeying them, if you know what I mean, so I’ve got to have integrity, but I have pushed the boundaries.  
 We have taken a stand. We’ve been in the face of the TGA. We’ve been in the face of the government. We have been very outspoken publicly. I’ve done a lot of things with the [Ivermectin]. The Therapeutic Goods Administration wrote me a letter trying to intimidate me, to shut me down. They accused me of advertising, breaking the laws on advertising of medicines. Rather than meekly accept that and shut up, I wrote them a letter back saying basically, “Go to hell. The government has blood on its hands because they’re not approving the Ivermectin,” and I said, “It’s disgraceful what you’re doing.” I got a thank you back. That was it. “Thank you for your letter.”  
 So in other words, we have been standing up. We’ve been asking questions boldly in the Senate and in Senate Estimates. We’ve been questioning the government on their… I don’t know if you know it, but there’s no pandemic of deaths. For a pandemic to happen, there must be a huge increase in deaths. There isn’t any, so some people then say, “Well hang on. That’s because of lockdowns.” No, go to Sweden. You’ll find a huge increase [inaudible] initially, but now they’re reverting to the mean. All that happened was a few people with comorbidities brought forward their death, but they haven’t had an overall increase.  
 Many other countries, there’s been no overall increase. Around the world there’s been no increase in death. There’s been no pandemic. There is no pandemic. I won’t use the word. If you look at their death data… How can I do this here? The data goes, looking from your way, it goes seasonally, right? It’s seasonal. If you look, you know this, there’s an average, then there’s a range above the average and a range below the average where you’ll have a number of deaths per week, per year, and that varies from year to year, week to week. But it’s always between that upper level and the lower level, until the start of injections. Now it’s been consistently above the upper range. This is unprecedented. It’s not COVID death because we haven’t had many, it’s not death due to car accidents because we’ve been locked down. It’s not death due to misadventure because we’ve been locked down. It’s not death due to suicide because the total number of suicides, even though they’ve gone up 40, 50%, the total number of suicides is still small.  
 They started, this increase, unprecedented, started at the same time as the injections started. Well, we’ve been chasing the government on that, because the government used to release the data two weeks after the period closed. Now they’re releasing it 15 weeks later. So we’re saying, “Why? What have you done?” The Therapeutic Goods Administration, I’ve said to them in Senate Estimates, “Why have you had 564 deaths from injections?” We reported deaths from injections, and the Professor, John Skerritt, the head of the Therapeutic Goods Administration, I thought he was going to explode. He said, “We haven’t had 564 deaths. We’ve had nine,” and I thought, “Well hang on, so I’d better go and check the data.” I checked the data. They have had 564 reports of deaths from doctors due to the injections.  
Adrian D’Amico:Wow.  
Senator Roberts:They have analysed them and revised them down to nine. So then I went back into Senate Estimates and said, “I want to know the process.” I read from their website, 564 reported deaths, et cetera, and then I said, “I want to know the process by which you revised the 564 down to nine. I want to know, do you do autopsies? Do you do biopsies? Do you do tissue samples, cultures, blood tests, et cetera? I want to know how you do that.” I don’t think they do, so there’s no pandemic of deaths. There is by the sound of it something they’re hiding with regard to the injections and the deaths that come from those injections, so we are standing up.  
 The third thing, unite, you mentioned. We are talking with Clive. I’m very good mates with Craig Kelly. I think he’s wonderful. He’s got courage. He uses… If he says something, it’s truthful. He gets his facts. He’s like me. I know Campbell Newman. I don’t know him very well. Well, we get on okay, pretty well. Who’s the other one? Oh, Bob Katter. Pauline and Bob Katter said that before the last election they did a tour around Queensland, various parts of Queensland, and they said that they would work with each other and that’s continuing. They asked their supporters and voters to give me their second preferences. That helped me get elected, and we did the same with them, so we’re working with the small parties. Who’s the other one? I’ve had a meeting with Clive, Pauline and James Ashby, who’s Pauline’s Chief of Staff. I’ve had meetings with Clive. They talk reasonably often. We work with IMOP. They’re the people who are… You know IMOP?  
Adrian D’Amico:Yep.  
Senator Roberts:Okay, they’re a good party. Who are we missing in there? Liberal Democrats, Campbell Newman. So we are talking, and what I have been saying on Facebook to people is, “Vote One Nation, one. For two, three, four, five and six, vote United Australia Party, Katter’s, the LDP, Shooters Fishers Farmers, IMOP. Put Liberals third last, or Labour. Put Labour second last or Liberals. Put the Greens last. So in other words, we can’t unite because we are fundamentally different in some areas, but not only that, I know that what will happen if we all united, say we all united under Craig or all united under Pauline, all the guns would be trained on that one person. They would be told lies about them. They would smash that person into the ground and they’d destroy their character, the media would be onto them. They would just destroy that person.  
 That’s what’s happened in the past. Bob Katter told me that many years ago. I’ve never forgotten that. And so if we’ve got Pauline standing up, me standing up, Bob Katter standing up, Jared Renick in the Liberal Party standing up, Craig Kelly standing up, Campbell Newman standing up, Shooters Fishers Farmers standing up, IMOP standing up, we got all these parties standing up, they can’t shoot us all. And so long as we unite in our approach and we help each other and support each other, and that’s what we’re doing, and so long as we share… You don’t share preferences, because the voters control their preferences, the voters decide preferences. So long as we recommend on our how-to-vote cards to our supporters to support the other minor parties ahead of the majors, then we will get preferences and get more of the minor parties elected.  
 There are people leaving the Labour Party in droves, people so pissed off in Queensland with Anastasia Palaszczuk. The feeling, I thought, would be fear. It’s not. I was wrong. The feeling is anger, and some fear, and so people are now saying, “I voted for Palaszczuk last time because she said she’d protect us. This is wrong. I’m not voting Labour again ever,” so they’re coming to us, and so what we’ve got to say is, “If you vote for us one, vote for the other minor parties two, three, four, five, six in whatever order you want. Put the Liberals, Labour, Nationals and Greens last.” So we’re uniting in terms of our vote, but we’re not uniting in terms of forming one party, but effectively we’re united and we’re helping each other.  
Adrian D’Amico:Very good. Malcolm, I could keep going. I’ve got to… this is the type of topic that can obviously open up a can worms, but I want to commend you on, first of all accepting my invitation. Like I said, you’re the first politician that’s actually done that, so congratulations. Thank you for being human about all of this and being candid and straight to the point. I really appreciate your views. I wish you well with your endeavours, and I really hope that a lot of what we’ve spoken about within tonight’s podcast is something that people can take away from and really understand that the power does belong to the people, and that if we can unite as a nation, as someone who can look towards Australia’s future, I really feel that we can get out of what this bleak outlook is at the moment and unite to a really strong and positive Australia, which this country really deserves. So thank you once again.  
Senator Roberts:[inaudible].  
Adrian D’Amico:I look forward to chatting [inaudible].  
Senator Roberts:If I can say thank you very much for what you are doing, because the legacy media doesn’t give us a voice. It’s a funny thing. Is the legacy media dying because of COVID or because of suicide? The legacy media, Sky News, has become abysmal. They even sacked Alan Jones, who’s their prime performer. Alan was calling them out on so many issues. They’ve now gone quiet. TGB is an absolute disgrace now. They’re propagandas for the injection. Sky News has become propaganda for the injection. Channel 9, Channel 7, the same. They’re more subtle about how they do it, but they’re still very strong. The ABC is as terrible as ever, so we’ve got no chance in the legacy media.  
 Social media is really anti-social media. They’re censoring you, they’re taking your material off, your content off. They’ve done the same to me. They banned me on YouTube a couple of times. I have to skate the line very, very closely on Facebook. Anybody on Facebook, individuals, please push the line, because they can only… they’ll only ban you for a few days or sometimes a month. You’ll be back. With me, with Craig Kelly, they ban us forever, so we can’t afford to lose that voice. We have other ways of getting around that and you’ll see that on Facebook.  
 But the third alternative is independent media, truthful media, like yourself, podcasters, live streams on Instagram, Facebook. These are the people who are spreading the news and giving people who tell the truth, like myself and Pauline, an actual platform to speak, and you’re doing the research yourself, the [McCulloughs], et cetera, you just rattled off a whole bunch of people who are prominent around the world and preeminent, and so thank you very much for getting the data and for sharing the data and giving people an opportunity to get to the truth. Thank you.  
Adrian D’Amico:My pleasure. Thank you for your kind words. Thank you for this conversation, and I look forward to talking to you again soon.  
Senator Roberts:Yeah. I look forward to that too. Thanks Adrian.  
Adrian D’Amico:Okay.  
Senator Roberts:Good night mate.  
Adrian D’Amico:Bye Malcolm.  

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Our debt of gratitude to our Australian health care workers over the past two years is impossible to quantify.  Doing what they love, thousands of nurses and doctors have been at our beck and call taking care of people who have become ill.  The mandatory introduction of the COVID vaccine has wreaked havoc in many sectors, with large numbers of staff having to leave their jobs to exercise their bodily autonomy to not have the vaccination.

It is our doctors and nurse who are seeing first-hand some of the concerning adverse effects from this vaccination and, perhaps not surprisingly, these stories are not finding their way into mainstream media.  Doctors and nurses who try to advocate for their patient’s rightful access to informed consent and bodily autonomy are threatened with disciplinary hearings and dismissal.

Others, like ‘Cathy’, refuse to stay silent and have already resigned from their job that is their passion, so they are free to speak out about what they have experienced.  Cathy is a registered nurse and a registered mental health nurse.  She joins me on Our Nation Today to share her experiences over the past eighteen months, including adverse reactions from the vaccinations and the adverse outcomes for the mental health of our health care workers.

There is no one size fits all for dealing with a virus like COVID-19.  Australians have a right to choose how they medicate themselves when ill.  The blatant removal of our individual freedoms regarding our chosen medical responses to COVID is unprecedented and should concern every Australian.  We have been corralled like cattle into a yard and forced to plunge into the dip.  

The mental health consequences for the government’s stubborn refusal to consider complementary treatments for COVID-19 is leaving an ugly legacy for families, and the government is ignoring.  Our governments have a preference that it is more palatable to die from mental health issues such as suicide and suffer debilitating adverse effects from the vaccination, or even death, than it is to die from COVID or give people medical options.

Adverse reactions are real.  The vaccination is not for everyone.  People should not be corralled and made to choose between vaccination or livelihoods.  

Our freedom to choose our medical treatments is a fundamental aspect of a democratic society. 

Despite only being open for 22 days, One Nation’s petition against discrimination on the basis of vaccination status has amassed over 200,000 signatures.

The petition reads:

To the Honourable President and members of the Senate in Parliament assembled. The petition of the undersigned shows:

On the 21st of October 2021, One Nation leader Senator Pauline Hanson introduced her COVID-19 Vaccination Status (Prevention of Discrimination) Bill 2021 into the Senate. If supported this legislation would end the discrimination based on individuals’ COVID-19 vaccination status we see being inflicted on innocent Australians by the Commonwealth, state and territory governments, statutory authorities, local government and businesses.

This legislation must be passed with urgency in order to protect the rights and livelihoods of Australians who exercise their right to choose not to be vaccinated against COVID-19. In the words of Senator Hanson:

Australians who stand for their right to choose vaccination are just like any other Australians. They are doctors, nurses and paramedics caring for our health. They are police officers enforcing law and keeping us safe. They are soldiers, sailors and aviators defending our sovereignty. They are people who work alongside us in an office, in a factory, at a mine, on a farm or in a shop. They are volunteers helping their communities. They are people in line with us at Centrelink, and they are people sitting next to us in corporate boardrooms. They are people who live next door, down the street, across town and interstate. They are people born here and overseas, indigenous and non-indigenous, men and women, adults and children. They are our people. They are our fellow citizens. They are Australians just like you and me, with families and mortgages and worries and hopes and dreams.


Today I table a petition calling on this Parliament to pass our One Nation legislation stopping COVID-19 injection discrimination.

This petition was launched only 22 days ago.

In that short time, more than 200,000 Australians have put their name to it.

The people’s strong opposition to injection coercion and discrimination continues to grow.

Last weekend many thousands of Australians exercised what little freedom remains to them to protest injection mandates.

Australians have spoken loudly & emphatically, and senators will ignore this growing voice at their grave peril.

The collusion last week to block this legislation from being referred to a parliamentary inquiry sends a clear message from parliament to the Australian people: “the people must be silenced”.

Parliament’s clear message is that we, the people, must not be given the opportunity to say that we oppose injection coercion and discrimination.

The message is that senators here are very frightened at what we all might say in an inquiry.

Senators are afraid that when we speak, we will expose their false narrative that everyone opposed to injection coercion and discrimination is an extremist anti-vax conspiracist.

Many people who have signed this petition are fully injected against COVID-19.

We, the people, are not against injections; we’re against government coercion and government-approved discrimination.

We, the people understand this issue is much greater than COVID-19 injections and pandemic restrictions.

We, the people understand this is about some of the fundamental principles of Australian democracy: freedom of speech, individual autonomy and the right to choose our own fate.

Senators, our job is not to silence the Australian people.

Our job is to listen to the Australian people and do what the people tell us.

As senators, we’re not dictators. We’re servants. Senators, the people are telling you to pass our legislation and end this pandemic of discrimination.

Despite millions attending rallies for freedom across the country, almost no COVID outbreaks have been recorded from them. We are also seeing concerning data out of other countries as Australia rolls out a booster shot and BigPharma rakes in billions of dollars.


[Senator Roberts] My question is to the Minister representing the Minister for Health, Senator Colbeck. In recent months, more than one million Australians have participated in freedom protests around our country, with many not wearing a mask, not socially distancing, and mostly, being uninjected. Opportunities for person-to-person transmission of COVID runs into the tens of millions, which, we’re told, is inviting mass outbreaks, yet the only case I know of COVID transmission at a freedom rally was a cluster that occurred in the Melbourne rally, and that cluster was amongst Antifa, anti-freedom protesters. Minister, in the last three months, how many COVID clusters, that’s two or more infections, have occurred at freedom rallies?

[President] The Minister representing the Minister for Health, Senator Colbeck.

[Senator Colbeck] Thank you, Mr. President. Thanks, Senator Roberts, for the question. Mr. President, I don’t think that there’s been any attempts to attribute specific COVID infections to any such public event of that nature. So, I don’t have, and we don’t hold, the government doesn’t hold data in relation to that, although it may be that some of that information is held at a state level, where the contact-tracing processes for COVID-19 are conducted, Mr. President, but can I go back to something that I have put to the Chamber on a number of occasions? The whole point of where the government is going in relation to the vaccination programme is to get as many Australians as possible to be vaccinated. We know the vaccine works, we know that it’s safe, and we know that it supports ourselves, in protecting us from COVID-19, we know that it protects our families, and we know that it protects our communities. And one of the really fortunate things that we’ve seen in this country is the willingness of Australians to go out and get vaccinated. In excess of 92% of Australians have now had a first dose, in excess of 86% of Australians have now had a second dose. It’s one of the reasons that we are able to start to reopen our economy, to reopen our communities, which is what I think the people who are participating in these protests are looking for. They want to see us be able to get around more freely, and the discipline, the decision to take up a vaccine, which we know is safe, we know that works, is really important, Mr. President, and we continue to monitor circumstances globally, as I said in my answer to the question earlier in time to Senator Smith, so that we can understand what’s happening with new variants, we can take appropriate actions to protect Australians from those new variants while we learn more about them, get to understand the impact that the vaccines might have on those new variants so that we can keep Australians safe. And we will continue to take all of the actions that we need to do just that.

Minister, your time has expired. Senator Roberts, a supplementary question.

[Senator Roberts] Thank you, a European study found the death rate per 100,000 of double-vaccinated subjects averaged 2.5 per month, with the uninjected rate lower, at 1.1. The government has authorised the third booster shot, so must have modelled death rates against overseas experience and have an anticipated outcome from your booster programme. Minister, what is the anticipated death rate for triple-vaccinated Australians as compared to unvaccinated Australians?


[Senator Colbeck] Thank you, Mr. President. One of the things that we’ve seen here in Australia, and around the world, and one of the things that we’ve been concerned about as the pandemic has continued to progress is the impact on the unvaccinated of the virus. I know that when I was in Japan earlier in the year, the reporting out of the US that I saw on a daily basis was that in the United States, it was becoming very much a pandemic of the unvaccinated. Somewhere between 90 and 95% of those in hospital, suffering severe symptoms of COVID-19, were actually unvaccinated. Some figures out of New South Wales earlier this year indicated that similar proportions, 90 to 95% of those in hospital with severe illness, severe symptoms of the virus, were actually unvaccinated, Mr. President. The data is very clear. The data is very clear, and it shows up in the circumstances of the most vulnerable in this country, that the vaccine works.

Minister, Minister, your time has expired. Senator Roberts, a second supplementary.

[Senator Roberts] The South African Health Minister said on Sky News that the scientist who isolated Omicron never said it would be vaccine-resistant. Angelique Coetzee, the South African Medical Association Chair, stated on Fox, “Symptoms are so mild, we don’t know why so much hype is being driven,” yet Australian media have dialled fear to the maximum, freedoms are again being removed, and big pharma are raking in billions from boosters. Minister, will the death of the Liberal Party be counted as a COVID death or as self-inflicted?

[President] Minister.

[Senator Colbeck] Thank you, Mr. President. I suspect a party as proud as the Liberal Party will probably be around for a fair while longer than Pauline Hanson’s One Nation Party. So, Mr. President, and I look forward to that, Mr. President, but can I say I do agree with Senator Roberts with respect to, we need to take the time, take the moment to understand the circumstances of this new variant. That’s why the government has taken the proportionate measures that it has done to ensure that we have the time to understand what the impact of this variant might be with respect to vaccination, with respect to transmission, with respect to the seriousness of its impact on the communities before we continue the processes that we’d undertaken with respect to opening up. That’s why we took the appropriate precautionary response at the weekend to say seven nations, oh, sorry, nine nations will cease access to Australia. So, we need to-

Minister, Minister.

I spoke to Marcus Paul about a big week in Parliament. As usual the media are up to their tricks while we’re focused on getting freedom back for Australians.


Nice to talk to you.

Same here.

Now, of course, I have to ask being that it’s such a big story at the moment, the issue with Jacqui Lambie, did you leak her personal phone number?

I did not. I did not.


How can you leak something that’s already been public? Jacqui Lambie published her phone number in 2014, publicly on her Facebook page. She did it again multiple times in 2019 election campaign. Marcus, you cannot leak something that’s already in the public domain. It’s not private if it’s in the public domain. She’s been telling lies because look, this is the way I see it.


She came out and savagely attacked Pauline Hanson and was wrong in many aspects. Even before,


That was on Monday after Pauline spoke very well about her anti-discrimination bill. But Jacqui Lambie was public in saying that she was against injection mandates sometime ago, months ago. And then she suddenly changed and became savagely opposite. And here she was savaging Pauline Hanson, and just making, in what many people said, was a complete fool of herself. And here’s what happened. She posted her speech on her Facebook page and her Facebook page overwhelmingly condemned her. And I’m guessing that Jacqui is quite startled by what happened. She’s put her foot in it. And she’s now trying to distract from that mess that she’s created. Don’t blame me. As Jacqui said on Monday, take responsibility for your statements. Jacqui, you made your bed, you lie in it.

All right, well it’s not just One Nation that she’s had a crack at. She’s, she’s wielded the stick towards everybody this week, including the prime minister. She was scathing of Scott Morrison as well. That happened just today after she attacked One Nation.

Well, you know, I don’t know what she said about Scott Morrison, but Scott Morrison has not been telling the truth either. I mean, the man is running around the country, telling people that we don’t have injection mandates in this country. That is a complete lie. The federal government enables the states to have injection mandates because it supplies the health data that the state governments rely on to enforce those injection mandates. The federal government is completely wrong in this.


It’s going against the constitution. We know of people in Airservices, which is the arm looking after the aviation fleet that looks after the politicians aircraft.

Right, yeah.

And they have been told they must get injected. Now that’s that goes against the Australian constitution. Scott Morrison is a marketing man. He’s not a leader. He has been bullied and he’s been bullying people. And some of the state premiers are the same. Annastacia Palaszczuk, Dan Andrews, these people are bullies. They’re not leaders. Leaders get data, listen to people, create a vision and then draw people with them. These people are pushing people. They’re injecting people, forcibly, coercively. These are not leaders. These are bullies and they’re liars.

Alright. Of course, it’s all about vaccine mandates. Now I know that obviously, you’ve, and One Nation have been fighting against them. I was surprised, I have to say, to see Matt Canavan was one of those liberal nationals from the LNP who crossed the floor and he’s been speaking out against the vaccine mandates as well.

Matt’s very astute. He’s a very good speaker. He’s very good with the media. He’s very, very colourful and clever. He does things sometimes and then says the opposite. He, it depends. He’s a bit like Shorten in that Shorten would say one thing in Melbourne and another thing, no, I’m serious. Another thing in central Queensland, when he visited central Queensland with regard to coal. Well Matt’s similar, he’s very, very clever. Look, he’s very intelligent. He’s very astute, but I don’t trust him. But what he’s doing, and I think he’s sincere on this one, but what he does is he pays very close attention to what Pauline and I say, there’s no doubt about that. And he comes out and takes some of our statements, our topics, our policies, because he knows that what we do is we build policies based upon what the people are saying and what people need. We listen to the people. So we’re in tune with the people, and Matt in the National Party, can’t do that because he’s locked into a government that is destroying this country.

Well, it’s destroying itself at the moment because of that.

So what Matt’s done, say what.

It’s destroying itself at the moment because of that,

Yes, it is! It is!

It’s imploding. Before our eyes.

Have you heard the latest question?

Tell me.

Will the death of the Liberal Party be attributed to COVID or to suicide?

Dear oh dearie me.

And it’s the same as with the media. The legacy media, Marcus, is turning into a circus. People don’t trust you anymore. I’m not saying you, I’m talking about the legacy media, you know, and I have a name like, I understand you had a crack at me a couple of days ago, which is your prerogative about Jacqui Lambie. Now Jacqui Lambie is telling, making false statements and false claims in the parliament, and you sided with her without understanding the data. I don’t call people in that position journalists, I call them turnalist. You turn lies into truth.

Well that’s why I did say in my comments that I would speak to you and get your side of the story. And that’s what I do on this programme. That’s why I’m chatting to you now, Malcolm.

That’s right. And I respect you and admire you for that, Marcus. That’s good.

You know, I was-

But there are so many legacy media journalists,


And the media is going down, media’s suiciding because people don’t trust the media anymore


Because the media has become propagandists, become activists.

Yeah. Let’s look at this issue as well. There’s been some speaking of reportage, incorrect reporting that One Nation joined in defeating a proposed National Integrity Commission.

Bullshit! All right! Okay.



We didn’t join with the government in defeating anything. There are basically, let’s for the sake of this argument, there are two types of motions. There are the bills that come up and legislation that is introduced largely by the government, because it is the government. That’s what the people decided.


They’re introduced as legislation. You can side with the government or go against it. We have said very, very clearly, and we have done it every bill this week, we are opposing the government. We’re not just abstaining, going down the middle of the road. We are opposing the government to put pressure on this government to bring it to heel. Now, then there are other motions which are called procedural motions. Those things change the order of business for the day, and anybody can stand up and move a procedural motion, but they have to have the numbers. Now we then make our mind up on each of those according to the merits of the argument. What happened was that Rex Patrick moved a procedural motion to set aside standing orders and change the order of business to deal with the Integrity Commission Bill from Helen Haines.


It’s not a bad bill. You know, we’re inclined to support it with a couple of changes, but the vote was not on her bill. The vote was on whether or not to start discussing her bill. It was not appropriate for two reasons.


First of all, there was other business, standard business in the Senate that needed to be addressed. Secondly, you can’t bring in an integrity commission debate without giving people notice to make speeches. We weren’t prepared.


We’ve gotta do further work on it. So we stood up for the Senate and made sure that the Senate continued on it’s stable path. We didn’t wanna cause mayhem on that. And you can’t have an integrity commission coming in in five minutes, but there are certain things, Marcus, Pauline and I have both said that parliament has failed to look after itself. We need an integrity commission, but, we’ve also said we will not have something that puts politicians on display with no factual data and smears them and ridicules them, drags them through the mud, and then no charges at the end of it. I mean, some of these are just witch hunts, and that’s all they are. We’ve gotta have an integrity commission that has some guts, but also has some accountability to it.

All right, so in other words

At the moment, that’s not the case.

One Nation supports a national, federal integrity commission, but not as it’s currently being proposed. And you need more time to mull over if you like, any proposal and put forward any amendments that you might suggest would be a better option.


So it’s not just a case, because I get a lot of, I’ll be honest with you and you obviously, the monitoring goes on and that’s fine. But a lot of people that might support this programme suggest to me, “Well, next time, can you ask Pauline why she votes against this? Can you ask Malcolm why they voted against that?” Why do they always seemingly side with the government, Malcolm?

Well that’s complete nonsense. We’ve just, there are two politicians in the Senate right now who are opposing every government bill until Scott Morrison ends the segregation and discrimination that is rampant in this country now in every state.


That’s me and Pauline. There are two other senators. That’s Gerrard Rennick. I’ll name them because I admire them for their courage and their integrity. Gerrard Rennick from Queensland in the Liberal Party, Alex Antic from South Australia in the Liberal Party who are abstaining. They’re abstaining right now, that’s putting a lot of

Well these rebel senators

Pressure on the government.

Well, you’re right. These rebel senators are causing headaches for Scott Morrison and his government.

Well see, it depends what you’re at, whether you’re journalists or turnalist. They’re not rebels. They’re doing their job. They’re revolting from, not revolting, but they’re not complying with dictates from the Liberal Party. Labor Party senators and MPS are gutless. They do not stand up for the people. They just cowtow the line with the Labor Party is pushing. Liberals. Most of them do the same, but some of them have a little bit of guts and courage. Rennick has got lots of guts and courage, and he’s got a lot of integrity, and he’s got a lot of sense. He’s a very intelligent man. Alex Antic is showing the same qualities and they are abstaining. Pauline and I are saying to hell with the government, you have to bring back freedom. It’s more, there are some bloody important bills, Marcus, that are coming up in the Senate. We will vote them down too even though they’re important to us because there’s something much more important. And that is freedom. Freedom is absolutely essential. And this country has gone to the dogs.

All right. Malcolm. You know I love chatting to you.

Mate, I’m still waiting.

Hmm, on?

I’m still waiting for you to bring someone who understands science, and a collection of stories and emotions mate, is not science. I’m happy to explain to you what science is and the importance of science.

I know what science is.

What is it?

Well, it’s a collation of obviously scientific evidence or proof that includes data, as you like to put it, empirical data that supports a point of view. But the thing is-

No, not a point of view.


You make a point of view based on the data.


It’s done within a logical framework to prove cause and effect.

But anybody can use different science, anybody can use different science to support their own point of view.

No you can’t, because it’s either it’s objective data. That’s the beauty of science.


Up until the scientific method was developed and refined people relied upon the biggest bully, the most intimidating politician, the most power, the money power, the most financial power, the most military power, the strongest people, the most dominant religion. That’s what made decisions. With the scientific method it suddenly became objective,

All right.

Which meant the weakest person in the world could have suddenly put forward an argument, and if he had, or she had the data and the logical sequence that proved cause and effect, they won the day, and that’s freed up people. Science is not just a highly disciplined objective approach to understanding the world and the understanding nature. It is fundamental to freedom. Freedom, and that’s what I started when I started on this campaign 12 years ago, that was, I sat down after 12 months of this and I thought, “Why am I doing this?” It’s something in the gut drove me. And I realised that the number one reason was for protecting freedom and restoring freedom.


That has now been destroyed in any scientific process and the political process.

So I’m just going through a couple of notes here. So Lambie off the Christmas card list, Canavan on it. Perfect. Malcolm, always good to chat. We’ll talk next week.

Same. Thanks, Marcus.

One Nation senator, Malcolm Roberts.