
Despite only being open for 22 days, One Nation’s petition against discrimination on the basis of vaccination status has amassed over 200,000 signatures.

The petition reads:

To the Honourable President and members of the Senate in Parliament assembled. The petition of the undersigned shows:

On the 21st of October 2021, One Nation leader Senator Pauline Hanson introduced her COVID-19 Vaccination Status (Prevention of Discrimination) Bill 2021 into the Senate. If supported this legislation would end the discrimination based on individuals’ COVID-19 vaccination status we see being inflicted on innocent Australians by the Commonwealth, state and territory governments, statutory authorities, local government and businesses.

This legislation must be passed with urgency in order to protect the rights and livelihoods of Australians who exercise their right to choose not to be vaccinated against COVID-19. In the words of Senator Hanson:

Australians who stand for their right to choose vaccination are just like any other Australians. They are doctors, nurses and paramedics caring for our health. They are police officers enforcing law and keeping us safe. They are soldiers, sailors and aviators defending our sovereignty. They are people who work alongside us in an office, in a factory, at a mine, on a farm or in a shop. They are volunteers helping their communities. They are people in line with us at Centrelink, and they are people sitting next to us in corporate boardrooms. They are people who live next door, down the street, across town and interstate. They are people born here and overseas, indigenous and non-indigenous, men and women, adults and children. They are our people. They are our fellow citizens. They are Australians just like you and me, with families and mortgages and worries and hopes and dreams.


Today I table a petition calling on this Parliament to pass our One Nation legislation stopping COVID-19 injection discrimination.

This petition was launched only 22 days ago.

In that short time, more than 200,000 Australians have put their name to it.

The people’s strong opposition to injection coercion and discrimination continues to grow.

Last weekend many thousands of Australians exercised what little freedom remains to them to protest injection mandates.

Australians have spoken loudly & emphatically, and senators will ignore this growing voice at their grave peril.

The collusion last week to block this legislation from being referred to a parliamentary inquiry sends a clear message from parliament to the Australian people: “the people must be silenced”.

Parliament’s clear message is that we, the people, must not be given the opportunity to say that we oppose injection coercion and discrimination.

The message is that senators here are very frightened at what we all might say in an inquiry.

Senators are afraid that when we speak, we will expose their false narrative that everyone opposed to injection coercion and discrimination is an extremist anti-vax conspiracist.

Many people who have signed this petition are fully injected against COVID-19.

We, the people, are not against injections; we’re against government coercion and government-approved discrimination.

We, the people understand this issue is much greater than COVID-19 injections and pandemic restrictions.

We, the people understand this is about some of the fundamental principles of Australian democracy: freedom of speech, individual autonomy and the right to choose our own fate.

Senators, our job is not to silence the Australian people.

Our job is to listen to the Australian people and do what the people tell us.

As senators, we’re not dictators. We’re servants. Senators, the people are telling you to pass our legislation and end this pandemic of discrimination.