Governments are squashing freedoms like never before. History will show that those on the side of freedom will always be on the right side.


As a servant to the people of Queensland and Australia, I speak tonight on freedom. On many occasions in the last year I have addressed the Senate in regard to freedom as a counterbalance to medical tyranny. And I recently addressed the Canberra Freedom Rally, remotely. The side that is locking people up for the crime of being healthy, arresting protesters, pepper spraying kids, beating up grannies, banning books and electronic messages, censoring social media, sending threatening letters, forcing small businesses to close, urging people to dob in dissenters and banning safe drugs that have worked for 60 years are all on the wrong side of history.

In a frightening development, New South Wales has called in the troops to keep innocent, healthy citizens locked in their homes in what can only be called martial law. Recent freedom marches showed what happens to citizens who exercise their democratic right to protest. People are demonised, hunted down; the media vilifies them to discourage others from questioning the control state. If the government can decide who is free and who is not, then that is not freedom and no-one is free. A crisis will always be found to justify measures designed to protect the government, not the public—a crisis that is as is easy to create as turning up the PCR test from 24 cycles to 42, where a false positive is the most likely outcome, as has occurred.

Actions such as these have created a crisis of confidence in government, and that, fellow citizens, is on the Senate. We are the house of review. We’re tasked with a duty to ensure honesty, transparency and accountability in the government of the day. We have failed in that solemn duty, our duty to our constituents. We have failed those who are yet to vote, our children, who are now being injected with a substance that has not undergone meaningful safety testing. The Liberal, National and Labor parties have colluded to waive these measures through this place, reducing the Senate to the status of a dystopian echo chamber.

Each new restriction, although met with rightful public opposition, has not led to a re-evaluation but, rather, has led the government to crack down even further. The Morrison government is behaving like a gambling addict who loses a hand but doubles down instead of admitting error and walking away. With troops now on the streets, it’s frightening to contemplate where this will end. Everyday Australians are being deliberately demoralised to extract a higher degree of compliance. When COVID first arrived, there were few masks, and the experts and authorities told us masks were not necessary. Now, those same medically ineffective masks are used to condition people to fear and obedience. Crushing resistance crushes hope, and without hope we have no future.

Is it any wonder that small businesses are closing permanently? Every small business that closes is a family that was being provided for through hard work and enterprise. Who will look after those families now—the government? With whose money? The Reserve Bank, using electronic journal entries, can only create fiat money out of thin air for so long before it runs down our country. The government can only sell bonds until buyers stop coming forward. Then what happens? We will have no tax base left to pay government stipends to people who were once able to pay their own way.

Since when has the Liberal Party, the supposedly party of Menzies, been dedicated to making huge sections of the population totally reliant on the government for survival? The bad joke here is that the excuse used to justify the sudden rush to Marxism—public health—is moot. Death from all sources, including coronavirus and the flu, are at historic lows. Australia’s death rate in 2020 was less than in 2019, and 2021’s death rate is lower again. We’re strangling Australia’s economic life and future for no reason. Power has gone to the heads of our elected leaders and unelected bureaucrats, who are exercising powers yet do not feel the consequences themselves.

Never in history has Lord Acton’s famous quote rung more true: ‘Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely.’ It’s been calculated that the civil disobedience tipping point—which is the maximum capacity of the police to arrest people, of the jails to hold people and of the courts to process people—is in Australia around 100,000 people. Anything more than that and the system comes crashing down. Attendance at the freedom rallies last month shows we’re almost there.

No wonder the Morrison government has been scared into resorting to the refuge of tyrants—using the military to intimidate civilians into compliance and to mandating injections and threatening to rip away people’s livelihoods.

Everyday Australians are seeing through the smokescreens of fear and intimidation. People now see that the costs of the restrictions to family and community exceed the medical cost of the virus. Everyday Australians have spoken. We will not be divided, we are united, we are one community, we are one nation.

36 replies
  1. Joanne
    Joanne says:

    My husband is autistic, he does not want the any of the current vaccine options. Wants to wait for Novavax as do I. However being autistic he takes thing literally so now he feels forced into a vaccine he does not want, because he wants to be able to leave the house and go out for a meal.As such I will be forced into having it because he will be impossible to live with if I don’t. He will blame me for everything we can not do. If you know anything about autism you will understand what I mean. The govt is putting families against each other. As well as everyone else.

    • Eseta
      Eseta says:

      Joanne, I only know a little about Autism however you are right on point about the forceful tactics the Government are pressuring people into. It is absolutely Communism in a Democratic nation. Do we not support Democracy anymore? You are so right about the Government dividing the nations. The battle is now between people. I hope you and your husband get the one you’re waiting on. All the best.

  2. Rae Lloyd-Jones
    Rae Lloyd-Jones says:

    THANK YOU SENATOR ROBERTS, and all the One Nation folk who are standing up for us (we are in Stephen Andrew’s electorate in North Qld). Thank God you are there!

  3. Elke
    Elke says:

    Mr Robert’s you absolutely nailed it! Thank you for your amazing service to our country! You will in the future be counted amongst those who fought against the evil in this war!

  4. Steve Allen
    Steve Allen says:

    Thank you for stating clearly and honestly what thinking Australians are deeply concerned about. I wish you all the best. There are many like me who welcome your outlook and stand with you on these issues. Thank you for maintaining a light of hope in these dark times.

  5. Scott Silburn
    Scott Silburn says:

    Very well said Senator!!
    It’s delightful to hear your clear thoughts so powerfully expressed.
    I’m terribly concerned about the situation in Australia at the moment and it seems clear that something must be done to arrest this current trajectory of lockdown madness.
    Thank God for politicians like you.
    In my opinion, Australia should do the following:
    1. Advise people to take precautions as they see fit, i.e. avoid crowds, wash hands etc.
    2. Advise people to get vaccinated if they wish to.
    3. Advise people to follow the FLCCC protocol of Ivermectin and supplementation with vitamins C, D and zinc if they so wish.
    4. Provide honest daily updates on genuine covid hospitalisations and deaths so that people know if there’s more illness in a particular area.
    5. Stop reporting positive PCR test results as they’re not really helpful and create fear. Also ensure the the cycles used in every positive test are reported on that test.

    May God Prosper your efforts in this crisis.

    Kind regards,

    Scott Silburn

    • Weasel
      Weasel says:

      6. Provide truthful daily updates on vaccine injury and/or death so that people are aware and able to make informed decisions.
      7. Remove the mandate on masks.

      • Kathy
        Kathy says:

        8. Stop calling positive results ‘cases’. Cases are sick people.
        9. Stop testing a symptomatic people. You don’t do this for flu which took over 50 lives p/ month in nsw in 2017 and over 40 p/month in 2019.

  6. G Kenneway
    G Kenneway says:

    Thank you for understanding that this pandemic is manufactured and for putting your voice out there. I salute you!

  7. Daniel Rosser
    Daniel Rosser says:

    What a dead set legend, 100% right a politician sticking up for all of us. Get on board
    Thank you Senator from the bottom of my heart, we need more like you for us.

  8. Andrew
    Andrew says:

    This speech is gaining massive exposure around the world as it’s being shared on mutilple channels on Telegram. Great speech and it resonates with many people not just here in Australia

  9. Maria
    Maria says:

    Thank you Senator Roberts for being a voice for the people that want our freedom back and want a future for our children. My prayer that you continue to have the strength and determination to fight for us. Bless You

  10. Daniel
    Daniel says:

    Finally a voice of reason !! Please please carry the torch for us all. You speak on behalf of so many more than you know

  11. Joe Askin
    Joe Askin says:

    Thank you, that was an excellent speech. It’s time someone spoke up and exposed the ever-increasing tyranny by our state and federal governments . I just wished PM Morrison at least did one favour for us; enact legislation to make it illegal to deploy vaccination passports and the like to control the movements of Australians within our own country. Otherwise, we will be one step closer to a Nazi-like regime.

  12. Keith Allan Noble
    Keith Allan Noble says:

    Regardless of what people may think of Senator Roberts and of ONE Nation, his FREEDOM speech hits the nail again and again. Clearly, tragically, and inexcusably, official Australia is in conflict with its own people. His speech has been incorporated into the forthcoming book Warring AUSTRALIA, (2021), the companion work of Corrupt AUSTRALIA (2020) – both book available via internet booksellers.

  13. Troy
    Troy says:

    That was a great speech, but who was he addressing? Seemed like an empty room and just a recording for YouTube.
    This would be better if it was in the presence of other politicians.

  14. Greg
    Greg says:

    Wonderful speech senator.

    Honestly, I have never entertained voting for one nation before. That being said, while I don’t agree with all of your policies, after seeing the way our major parties are acting on these issues, and seeing an eerie correlation between them and the actions of most overseas major parties, I have to turn away from their strange, authoritarian measures. I cannot unsee this. Count me on board for the future, and thank you for providing a coherent alternative.

    Thank you senator,



  15. Jason kennell
    Jason kennell says:

    Thanks Malcolm, great speach. This situation we find ourselves in isn’t all bed, it has revealed to every Australia just how much power these major parties have accumulated for themselves over the years. I would like to see upfront just what laws and legislation the minor parties would focus on and repeal to protect the people in the future should voters empower them to do so at election time?

  16. Trish
    Trish says:

    Thank you Senator ! This speech given by a politician is inspiring and is the voice of reason in a house of madness. This ‘pandemic ‘ has been more about lockdowns and restrictions of rights than supporting health in our nation.
    Listening to this gives me hope that there could be a positive outcome for our world. You have my support.

  17. Jamie
    Jamie says:

    When this scam is crushed, those responsible should be brought before a public court and judged. The institutions that are supposed to protect us are now too corrupt to do so. Malcolm’s speech was brilliant. But he needs to find the motive behind the current tyrrany brought upon us by the Liberals, Nationals and Labor parties.

  18. Weasel
    Weasel says:

    Wow – very well said! Hit the nail right on the head. Thank you, from a Sydney resident (detainee) ☹

  19. Heather
    Heather says:

    Thankyou for standing up for freedom and stating what the government and Gates Foundation supported mainstream media and social media are trying to muffle and subjucate us with masks and misleading information into silence with isolation, ignorance and now treatening intimidation. There are so many double blind studies showing harmful effects of prolonged masking. There are many studies of mRNA vaccine trials on different mammals that show antibodies were developed but to the vaccine but AFTER exposure to the actual virus there was extremely high death rate with autopsies showing statstically significant damage and clotting to body tissue including lungs, brain, heart, liver and other organs. The CDC ( before covid) advised that no trials should be coducted on humans. Yet now the whole world governments are using humans as lab rats and people ARE dying by 10s of thousands and many more with life altering similar results after having the mRNA viruses. World renowned virologists, evenn ex-Phizer vice-president, not government beaurocrates like CHO’s, are warning DO NOT TAKE the vaccine. There are effective tested treatments, including taking personal responsibility to change one’s own health level with proper education, nuitrition, exercise, positive mental attitude, and emotional resilience. Instead they foster fear, deception, lies, and insecurity. When has the government or the main media spent EVERYDAY telling people to take action to get healthy and get better and get back to work. Wow. What would happen if all the governments of the world spent their $billions on clean water, clean air, sanitation, personal food production and education on healthy eating, exercise and use of natural therapies that have proved effective and life enhancing ( living over 100 years) and survived thousands of years and still effective for pain relief, injuries, diseases WITHOUT any drugs or vaccines? The world would be fed, clean and happy and perhaps stop fighting like spoilt brats. But what would we do with the greedy murderous, money hungry tyrannts? Put them to work in the garden instead of politics?

  20. Tim Morgan
    Tim Morgan says:

    Wow! Bravo Senator Malcolm Roberts! What dignity, what courage, what compassion! Pray for this man, and pray to Our Lady of Good Success, who appeared 400 years ago to warn us of these times. On behalf of my family thank you sincerely.

  21. Peter Senior
    Peter Senior says:

    Malcolm, this is the best and most accurate assessment of Australia’s Covid fiasco that I’ve seen. It is to the great shame of most other Australian politicians and a considerable majority of civil servants that that go along with all these lies and misinformation like sheep, or worse that many seem to believe it. I can’t see a way out at present unless the highest level US Military choose to eliminate the Covid fiasco as well as many other aligned parts of the clear plan for a world take-over by evil people.

  22. Fiona
    Fiona says:

    Thank you!!!!! If only the rest had your intelligence and courage, Senator Bless you.
    Brilliant speech.

  23. Eva-Maria Schottdorf
    Eva-Maria Schottdorf says:

    Thank you very much, Senator Roberts, for this excellent speech. Showing your vast knowledge and comprehension, you named truly relevant facts, and I admired the way you have put the entire speech together.

    From the other side of the world, from Germany, I am watching with horror and sympathy what is going on in your country and your state, what is done to your people.

    Looking at what happend during the protests in Berlin on August 1st (the police exerted brutal violence against protesters) and looking at new regulations which will be appllied starting in early autmn (tests with costs for the unvaccinated for almost every activity, “freedom” for the vaccinated), the situation is not easy here either.

    As a doctor and a human being, I can only hope that we return to true freedom one day, where honesty, also in science, is valued and where there is no place for the political abuse of power disregarding the facts concerning a disease and a dangerous substance which has not been tested appropriately.

    Let us not give up. I hope that all of you stay healthy and safe.

  24. David Gibson
    David Gibson says:

    Great speech Malcolm, it is spot on, apart from the reference to communism. It is the precise opposite in as much as it is the rule of the oligarchs racing to the Great Reset i.e. control of the world, all the people and all the resources. Whoa betide those that refuse the jab. To paraphrase “First they Came For the Un-Vaccinated, then those fighting for Freedom and then anyone else who disagrees with them”, the so far, closet Fascists. Marshall law and lock downs is just the start. SPC is but the tip of the iceberg. Vaccine Passports is 100% dictatorship.
    Back to being serfs I guess!

  25. Susan Ball
    Susan Ball says:

    Thank you Malcolm Roberts. Good to hear your voice. Let’s spread this around and share it widely. So Australia has less deaths this year than last, and yet more restrictions. Something crooked going on. And the censorship of Sky News is also telling.
    The fox is in the henhouse.
    Time to blast him out!

  26. Jan
    Jan says:

    Germany salutes you!
    More and more people are waking up to this “hash” reality, so hard to do.
    Now is the time to stand up and take a stand.

    Thanks, Malcom Roberts.

  27. Kathy
    Kathy says:

    Another voice of reason in Australia. Thank you so much. I will lose my job and as a casual I have no leg to stand on. If anyone knows of a class action lawsuit about this I could join please let me know. I have been told I won’t be eligible for unemployment benefits as I ‘chose’ to leave by refusing the venom.

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