Government wants to tell you what to do, what to think and what to feel. We must oppose this new dystopia at every turn.

Transcript (click to expand)

Joel Jammal:

One of the biggest people exposing what Klaus Schwab has been doing is a man sitting in this room, Malcolm Roberts. Malcolm, could you please come to the stage? Now, Malcolm is a Senator for One Nation, A Senator for Queensland. Queensland is first.

Malcom Roberts:

Very important. I’m the senator for the people who are elected, sorry constituents. I’m not a senator for One Nation. I’m a senator for the people of Queensland in Australia with One Nation.

Joel Jammal:

Absolutely, absolutely. Australia First, Queenslanders first. You’ve been taking the fight in the Senate, no matter if you have the numbers for a bill or not. You’ve been raising awareness on issues. How do you deal with Canberra? We were there and we were at a press conference yesterday with Nigel. The place feels dead. How do you get things on? How do you raise awareness on these issues?

Malcom Roberts:

Well, number one, I’ve got a remarkable leader in Pauline Hanson, and I mean that sincerely because Pauline has been in there fighting for a long, long time, and nothing deters her. If she says something, she means it. So I can trust her. If I disagree with her and I talk to her about it, she’ll either say, give me your facts. In which case, I’ll give them to her and she’ll say, “Fine, we’ll change your mind.” Or she’ll say, “No, I don’t agree with you,” so that’s wonderful. You know exactly where you stand, and she likes it when I tell her exactly where I stand, so that’s the first thing.

But the second thing is that we do what we think is right. That’s fundamental because then it doesn’t matter what I do, I’m comfortable with it. I don’t care who criticise me, how much they criticise me. If I’m doing the right thing, then I’m very, very comfortable. So I don’t care what people think.

Joel Jammal:

God bless you. I think the other parties need that as well. Is anyone in this room getting a little bit twitchy about digital currencies and digital passports? And I’m seeing a lot of nodding heads. Any business owners here? Put your hand up. I think the states have a lot of plans for businesses. Malcolm, what’s going on, on this front and how can people protect themselves? What’s coming down the line?

Malcom Roberts:

Well, to understand what’s coming down the line, we have to look at what has been coming along the line behind us. What did we see in COVID? We saw so many things for the first time. Any one of them we would’ve rejected, but instead they came steamrollered, one after the other and that just bamboozled people. Digital passes where you could and couldn’t go. Restrictions as to what you could do, what doctors can say.

I mean, a doctor, when you go to a doctor, you get his or her opinion about your health. You couldn’t get that now because the doctors are told what to say, so that’s the kind of thing we’re seeing coming. So a lot of the things that were done here, New Zealand, Canada, France, United States, we’re testing the way for digital identity.

You saw the Optus leak. Who’s have been involved in that? Anyone? 10 million people. Member of my staff left Optus in 2008, 14 years ago. He’s part of that leak. His information was leaked. So the big leaks come mainly from mistakes in big tech and in government, and they want us to trust them with our data, like hell. So what they’re trying to do is to get the Digital Identity Bill was introduced, not into Parliament, but it was circulated in the Parliament for discussion. Labour Party said they would support it.

Digital Identity Bill is about taking your data, health data, travel data, social media data, purchases, finances, everything about you and centralising it and then selling it. And if it goes to a foreign multinational, they look after it under their laws, not our laws, so it’s not secure. And then if you want to know your health data, you pay to get it. And then what they do is they bring in a digital currency to wipe out cash. And when you’ve got no cash, you’ve got no alternative and no choice. You understand that, and then they’ve got you. They’ve well and truly controlled.

And then they get onto a social credit system and they’re already doing it to us because they’re saying, if you produce more carbon dioxide, we’ll have to limit what you’re doing and carbon dioxide’s plant food. It’s a fertiliser. It’s wonderful. Without it, it’s a trace gas that’s essential for all life on this planet. It’s odourless, colourless, tasteless. It’s not a pollutant, but they fabricated this. So what you’re going to get more of, what we are going to get more of is lies to justify what they’re doing.

If you go to the World Economic Forum, they’re talking about my carbon. My carbon, your individual carbon, your individual carbon, your individual carbon dioxide. What they’re trying to say is they will put monitors on you and actually not a monitor. It’s going to be an app on this, which will estimate your carbon dioxide. It’s just a control mechanism, so that’s what they will do. They will justify everything that they want to cut in our lives through an app.

They will have passes what you can and can’t do, digital currency. The Reserve Bank in this country has been working on digital currency until we expose that for quite some years. They’re also working with other central banks around the world on their digital currency because they’re coming up with a global digital currency. So people talked about Pauline Hanson talking about the unelected global governance from the UN that was first murdered around 1996. She built a cat. She was ridiculed for it, but she’s telling the truth, so that’s what they’ve got coming down the line.

Job controls imposed, but the biggest thing of all, the scariest thing of all is that in the past, dictators use guns. Get down on your knees, buddy. Now they don’t. They use invisible systems, they use name calling, they use labels, they use indoctrination in schools. We’ve got kids thinking that carbon dioxide is a pollutant. It’s complete crap. This has not been going on for a few years, just like the COVID debacle, which was completely mismanaged because the health was never their concern. Their aim in COVID was to control us. That’s why they made such a stuff up of it, but they got what they wanted.

So this has been underway since 1944 with the formation of the UN for that very purpose. Now, 10 years ago, I would’ve laughed at anyone saying that. I know that for a fact. The UN senior people have been telling us that for a number of years. Ottmar Edenhofer, Murray Strong. Murray Strong concocted global warming, changed that into climate change. He did it, and then guess who formed the Chicago Climate Exchange for carbon dioxide credit trading? Yes. And who was doing the the directorships? Murray Strong. Murray Strong was a crook, a crook, and he had two aims in life. He stated them, unelected socialist global governance and deindustrialization of Western civilization.

What’s happening in Britain? Deindustrialization. What’s happening in America? Deindustrialization. What’s happening in Europe? Deindustrialization. What’s happening in Australia? Deindustrialization. We’re back heading back to the caves, but there’s one thing that’s really important and that is the people. If we wake up, that’s how we can stop them.

Pauline Hanson wanted a royal commission into financial services in this country. Turnbull was the Prime Minister. Morrison was the Treasurer. Morrison said 26 times, you’re not getting one. Turnbull said 16 times, you’re not getting one. So Pauline did a deal and got an inquiry that was called a Senate select inquiry into lending to primary production customers. She got that out of Turnbull. She made me the chair of that.

We went out into the bush, Pauline’s team and my team, and we helped the farmers put together submissions. We then held inquiries in the bush and we loaded up all the information and then we held the banks accountable in Sydney and in Canberra. We embarrassed them so much. Here she is. So we embarrassed them so much by getting the facts and the data out, that some of the nationals went to Turnbull and said, “You better have a royal commission because otherwise that’s going to be very embarrassing for you when our report comes out.” And there was a royal commission just before Pauline released the report.

Another thing, the Cash Ban Bill. James Ashby told me about the Cash Ban Bill. He’s on top of the things very, very well. Our staff got hold of it, we looked at it and sure enough it was a ban of cash for any purchase over $2,000, and you can see where that’s going. It would’ve been $200 and then complete ban. So what we did was we got hold of the cross bench, just my team plus Pauline’s staff. We got hold of the cross bench and showed them what was going on. They were horrified.

Then we got hold of some liberal branch members and they were horrified. The Labour Party and The Liberal Party and The National Party passed that through the lower House, came to the Senate, was sent to a committee, and because of the shit that we kicked up, it stayed in committee. And then I moved a motion to get rid of it off the Senate books and it got rid off Senate books, but they’re trying repeatedly in many other ways to ban cash because they want to control. Their main objective is control.

Joel Jammal:

You got to hand it to them. They’re diligent, aren’t they, Malcolm? They just won’t die. We are, absolutely. Yeah, absolutely. Pauline’s been to jail, and in second I will invite you to. Yes, she’s still here. Who says you can’t have a comeback, Pauline?

Now Malcolm, in a second I’m going to invite Pauline up, Senator Hanson rather. I’m very informal. I’m so comfortable with these senators. Tell me another senator in the major parties you can just approach like this. I mean, Malcolm has been fighting the fight. Pauline, Senator Hansen has been fighting the fight. Senator, what’s that? Oh, you love Pauline. Oh, cool. She invited me too. It’s polite too now. Okay. All right.

One Nation has been an absolute bull work against the major parties in the last few years. I particularly liked that time you held up the entire government agenda this year when you and Senator Rennick and Senator Antic held up the entire government agenda so they couldn’t get a single thing passed in the last five or six months because they would not move on the job.

Senator Rennick and Senator Antic said, “Scott Morrison, I know we’re in the Liberal Party, but we will not move on this.” We have to deal with stories like Sienna Knolls, 19 year old equestrian girl, healthy. You got to be quite healthy to be an equestrian. Jab injured, two jabs, jab injured. He said, “If you don’t move on this, if you don’t offer some protections, we’re not passing any bills. So between One Nation and these two liberal senators, they absolutely held up the entire government agenda for five months. It was a lame duck session. And so thank you guys for that and thank you for being a light on all of these issues. Thank you.

Malcom Roberts:

Thank you for doing what you’re doing.

Joel Jammal:

No, it’s my pleasure.

Cloudseeding/weather manipulation, smart cities and more. All of the issues mainstream media is afraid to touch.


Maria Zeee:

Good evening and welcome to ZEROTIME. I’m your host, Maria Zeee. Tonight’s broadcast is an extended interview with Senator Malcolm Roberts. We did this because we thought it was very important to address some key issues that affect Australians during this time. We also discuss the WA legislation that we mentioned last week on ZEROTIME with Senator Roberts asking for his input and he confirms that we are in fact correct about what this legislation actually spells.

We also cover his open inquiry into weather modification and cloud seeding in Australia and much more. We believe these issues are very important and the reason we’ve dedicated this whole episode to this interview is because we believe that Australians need to be very involved in politics, like we saw during the time of the lockdowns. Many more people started paying attention to politics and putting pressure on their local MPs and senators alike to start listening to the public.

This pressure may have eased now because things are seemingly going back to normal, but that is not the case, and anyone who’s been paying attention knows that that is not the case. We’ve still got legislation being slipped in, left, right, and centre that spells total control for the people of our country. Senator Roberts is coming on right now to discuss some of these key issues and hopefully spark some courage and hope in Australians because things are starting to change and people are starting to wake up.

Here’s Senator Roberts now. Thank you, Senator Malcolm Roberts, for joining us today. We appreciate your time.

Senator Malcolm Roberts:

Oh, you’re welcome, Maria. It’s always a pleasure. Keep up your fine work because this is the key to getting independent media. We can’t rely upon the mouthpiece media from the globalists. We’ve got to rely on individuals like you.

Maria Zeee:

Absolutely agree with you, and I thank you for that. We have a range of topics to discuss today. You were recently on ZEROTIME, one of our first episodes, but we wanted to do a focused interview today, an extended interview to talk about some of the major issues that the audience of Zeee Media and many Australians are concerned about, namely climate change, the COVID measures that the Australian government is still taking, this insane new legislation in Western Australia, which we’ll go through today, the invitation that you invited people into and more.

I guess I want to get started with something that Australians are very, very concerned about, which is weather modification. You’ve recently opened an invitation for people to submit their evidence. I just want to clarify for people what it is actually that you’re looking for here, because according to you… And I just want to say Senator Roberts, I really appreciate your transparency because when I called you and I said, “I want to discuss all of these things.” You said, “Nothing’s off limits, Maria, if I know the answer, I’ll give it.” I really appreciate that. With this investigation, what is it exactly that you are looking for?

Senator Malcolm Roberts:

It’s not a formal investigation. What we’ve noticed, Maria, is that a lot of people are sending us pictures of clouds, pictures of vapour trails in the air and saying, “Oh, this is evidence of chemtrails.” No, it’s not. It’s very important for us to understand that whenever I spend a minute on something like that that’s got no evidence, then it’s a minute that I haven’t spent on climate or COVID or some of the other stupid derailments of governance in this country.

We’ve got a lot of work to do, and every minute I waste is a minute wasted. What we’re saying to people is we’ve said this for a while now, we’ve been inviting people to send their empirical scientific evidence, their logical scientific points that prove cause and effect and no one’s done that. They’ve attempted, but they’ve just showed us pictures of clouds or rainfall or whatever. What we’ve said is, “Look, it’s on our website. We want evidence, empirical scientific evidence that proves cause and effect.”

If someone sends us that, we’ll look into it. If not, we’ve got to focus on the other things. The other thing it is, you know that just like I don’t shy away from entering into conflict or into issues that people might call us crazy. We have the data and so I don’t care what they call me, but if we don’t have the data, then it is crazy. That destroys my credibility for the issues where we have data, so I don’t go anywhere without data. That’s very, very important. We do it for two reasons.

One is to get people focused on getting the real data. What we need for evidence of cloud seeding or evidence… And by the way, cloud seeding’s been done in the past, we know it exists. It’s failed most of the times. It’s usually pretty hopeless and ineffective but if people want to talk about chemtrails and so on, then we need specific evidence. What is being loaded into planes? Who flew the planes? Where did they dump it? The chemical composition.

Did you track it on the ground? Have you got readings on the ground? We need to know that. We just can’t accept pictures of vapour trails. We need scientific evidence that shows this was dumped into the atmosphere and these are the people that did it.

Maria Zeee:

Oh, I can absolutely appreciate that it does require evidence when you are bringing something up like this in parliament. When I shared the information, I did ask everyone that it went to, and I believe it’s been shared to over 60,000 people now, to ensure that they’re actually reading the instructions carefully and sending what’s required. For everyone that’s seen that, please do read through Senator Roberts’ notice carefully in relation to what’s required.

I think that a lot of people are concerned about this, Senator Robertson, I can openly say now that Zeee Media has actually made contact because we went through the Rain-making Act and we made contact with the department that we thought was managing this. They actually referred us onto the Department of Jobs and Planning. According to their website, there is a freedom of information request that can be made. However, perhaps not all members of the public are able to make that freedom of information request.

What Zeee Media has done is we’ve lodged the inquiry and we’re waiting to hear back from them in relation to this, because there are reportedly, according to the legislation, reports are submitted regularly anytime that any cloud seeding operations take place and there are certain ministers that those reports are submitted to. So we want to know. We want to know apart from the operations that we know publicly, for example, things that have been done in Tasmania and the Snowy Hydro, are there any others taking place?

We want the correspondence between that. We will keep people updated, and of course you also, once we hear back from these people. We think it’s very important.

Senator Malcolm Roberts:

Well, thank you for that. As I said, cloud seeding has been used for many, many years, decades in fact. Malcolm Turnbull, when he was environment minister and water minister during a drought, I think he spent $10 million on cloud seeding to see if we can get some rain. Most people laughed at it because it doesn’t work. We look at the devastation after the floods in Lismore and we understand why people are upset. It’s a natural inclination for some people to blame.

Let’s just set that aside. People are under a lot of trauma. Jennifer Marohasy is one of the best scientists around on weather and climate, and she has shown me the records for rainfall in Lismore, it was far higher in 1955, I think it was ’55 in Lismore than it has been in the recent downpours. We’ve got to understand that sometimes just simple data can explain a weather event.

But if someone wants to make accusations of cloud seeding or some manipulation of weather, then they need the empirical scientific evidence, the logical scientific points so that we can investigate that credibly.

Maria Zeee:

Well, you bring up Lismore, and when you and I spoke recently, I mentioned the plan for the smart cities and how I thought that these two things could actually be linked. Weather modification potentially destroying a city in order to rebuild the smart city. Your response to me was that we don’t need to destroy a city in order to build a smart city. In fact, we’re doing it in many different places.

I’d really love to discuss smart cities with you and I really love that we’re able to publicly discuss something that we may not necessarily agree on or we need to investigate further. It’s very, very refreshing to have that honesty from someone in parliament.

Senator Malcolm Roberts:

Can I interrupt there, Maria?

Maria Zeee:

You may.

Senator Malcolm Roberts:

Because that’s not quite what I said.

Maria Zeee:

Oh, yes.

Senator Malcolm Roberts:

The way you said it then it implies I support the Smart Cities initiative. I do not. I do not support that at all. It’s a globalist predator’s attempt to try and get control of regional and city councils. What I said was that many cities have signed up to the smart city (censored). Lismore is not alone. Mackay, I think most of our capital cities have signed up to this crap and it’s pushed by the ICLEI, International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives.

It’s just part of the UN, it’s affiliated with the UN. I think it might even be part of the UN. Its headquarters for Oceania is in Melbourne, or used to be in Melbourne. They’re pushing all kinds of controls. We’ve got these controls coming in from the globalist predators via the UN, via the World Economic Forum. They’re working at national level, federal level. For example, climate change legislation. They’re working at state level. They’re working at local government level.

They’re putting in place policies that are completely contradictory to science, and they’re not founded in anything sensible, anything logical, and they’re inhuman. What they want to do is quite often the opposite of what they say they want to do. They want sustainability, but it’s rubbish because they can’t exist without subsidies, which means it’s not sustainable. These things are just lies to get control of development, get control of our food, get control of our energy, get control of where we live, how we live, how we travel, where we work. This is insidious.

So I don’t condone smart cities, I don’t support it one little bit. What I was saying was that Lismore, nothing unusual. Their council, somewhere along the line has adopted smart cities or looked at smart cities and we’ve got to stop these people getting fooled by the UN.

Maria Zeee:

Yes. Forgive me, Senator Roberts. It’s certainly not what I was suggesting. It was more along the lines of that you’re of the opinion that, or you support the statement that we don’t have to destroy a city through weather modification in order to achieve a smart city. It’s already happening. That’s more what I was saying.

Senator Malcolm Roberts:

Yes. Yes.

Maria Zeee:


Senator Malcolm Roberts:

That’s an important point because throughout history, we’ve had people try to and sometimes succeed in controlling a large group of people, large populations, entire countries, regions controlled by a few elites, who think they’re elites. The difference now with what’s been happening since 1944 with the formation of the UN on behalf of the globalist predators, the UN wasn’t formed to do what people think it was formed to do. It was done to put in place global governance, unelected socialist global governance, and we can talk about that.

The difference is that people can’t see at the moment who’s controlling them because it’s done invisibly through systems, through leadership, through… The parliament is the same here. It’s got graduates from the World Economic Forum, Young Leaders course here in this parliament. We’ve got them in Canada. We’ve got them in America. We’ve got them in Britain. We’ve got them in New Zealand. These people exert influence, not so much here in this country, but in Canada they’re very senior levels and the United States and Boris Johnson was a graduate.

It is going on that they’re trying to steal our governance, steal our sovereignty, cede it to the globalist predators, the Vanguards, the BlackRocks, the Rothschilds, Rockefellers, other major banking families. That’s what’s going on. I don’t want to run away from that. I’ve been talking about that for many years. My first speech said, “Let’s get the hell out of the UN. Aus-exit.” We need to do that.

Maria Zeee:

Yes. I want to talk about getting out of some of these globalist organisations such as the UN and the WHO. Let’s talk a little bit about global governance because this isn’t really a secret anymore. I mean, I was sharing recently, last year during the lockdowns, I shared a video on Klaus Schwab’s Great Reset and it was actually pulled down from Instagram by fact-checkers saying that the Great Reset is a conspiracy theory.

Yet, now we’re openly talking about how we need the Great Reset. Klaus Schwab’s written the book and so there is now in the open these globalist leaders and all of those who are aligned with those globalist leaders in local governments. Klaus Schwab says, “We’ve penetrated the cabinets in Canada.” I’m sure everywhere else, so there is an alignment-

Senator Malcolm Roberts:

We’ve got graduates here in the Senate.

Maria Zeee:

Correct. There is an alignment with these people and that ideology of the Great Reset worldwide. How do we stop it?

Senator Malcolm Roberts:

Well, we form our own great resist. That’s the first thing we do. The second thing we do is we form our own great restoration. We need to restore our country’s governance, restore our country’s sovereignty and that starts with getting people aware. So keep doing what you’re doing. It’s very important for people to understand. I have a friend, I think he’s 80 now. When I first got into the Senate in 2016, this man… I won’t give you his name.

A lot of people around the country respect him enormously. I certainly do. I’ve known him for 50 years. Very strong. You don’t push this fellow around. He’s only a little guy, but fierce intellect and very strong heart, and he never gives advice because he doesn’t take advice. He does everything off his own bat. He called me up and said, “I’m going to give you one piece of advice. Don’t mention Agenda 21 in the Senate.”

I didn’t bother asking him why, because I guess that he was just saying, “It’ll destroy your credibility.” Well, I thought (censored) of that, and the first speech I said… In my first speech I call for an Aus-exit. Exit from the UN. I bailed Agenda 21. We’ve been fiercely exposing Agenda 21 right throughout my term in parliament. I started doing it about 10 years before that. Sorry. No, since about 2009. 2009.

Pauline’s been doing it since 1996, since her first entry into the parliament. We’ve got to call out Agenda 21, so that’s the first thing. Make people aware of it. COVID, it’s been traumatic for our country. Sorry, COVID has not been traumatic for our country. There’s been no increase in all-cause mortality as a result of COVID, so it’s not a deadly pandemic. That’s rubbish. But COVID restrictions have been deadly for this country, been devastating for this country.

They’ve wrecked our country, but it has had one silver lining. People are waking up. They’re waking up, and now they’re realising, “Hang on. There is a global attempt to control things here. They do control through the United Nations, World Health Organisation, through the World Economic Forum.” They listen to this. They listen to the slogans that come out of leaders around the world.

The Great Reset, Build Back Better, coordinated within 12 or 24 hours of each other all around the world, so we know this is going on and people are now waking up that their country’s being stolen.

Maria Zeee:

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Senator Malcolm Roberts:

Have you seen the short clip? It’s about two minutes and 14 seconds of the new Italian prime minister, Giorgia Meloni.

Maria Zeee:


Senator Malcolm Roberts:

Have you seen that?

Maria Zeee:

Yes, I have.

Senator Malcolm Roberts:

What a stunning… So, so clear, so concise. People who haven’t seen it, watch that because that explains what’s going on. We’ve got to educate people so we’ve got to rely on people like you because the mainstream media, the mouthpiece media won’t do that, so we’ve got to wake people up. Once they’ve realised they’re losing their country, losing their freedoms, losing their future and their kids’ future, then they’re more likely to stand up and do something about this.

We’ve got to keep calling it out. As far as the intricacies are concerned, the World Health Organisation has got this stitched up pretty well. They’ve got it so that if a country pulls out of the World Health Organization’s Pandemic Treaty for example, then they can be inflicted with trade sanctions, which would cripple us. I think it’s extremely important to get out.

I know that some countries would assist us in getting out, would support us, and they wouldn’t impose trade sanctions. It is a matter of just simply, I think, saying, “Get the hell out of the UN and work out the intricacies.” Britain did it with Brexit, got out of Europe. They said that was impossible. Britain’s done it and the United Nations has said quite openly that they’ve modelled their global governance on the European Union’s governance structures.

So all we have to do is just pull out. Where are the consequences? Because I’ll tell you what, the consequences of staying in the UN are frightening.

Maria Zeee:

I’d have to agree. Now, the WHO is still in the process of negotiating the amendments to the International Health Regulations or their treaty or instrument or however many different names they want to give it. Essentially, it is medical dictatorship at a global scale. That is what we’re talking about here. Senator Roberts, when I interviewed Dr. Tess Lawrie, who is in no way, shape or form a conspiracist or an alarmist-

Senator Malcolm Roberts:

No. She’s good, very good.

Maria Zeee:

Yep. She was in that first meeting and she quoted them to have said, “Forced vaccinations and punishments for countries who don’t agree.” Now, whether they mean pin you down and jab you themselves, I doubt that, but what they’re talking about is if you don’t take the vaccines that we say, your country will be punished. Now, Dr. Rima Laibow, who’s been studying this for many, many years, I had her on recently, and she told us about 500 new vaccines that the WHO plan on introducing by 2030.

500 new vaccines are in their plan for 2030… By 2030 I should say. This is what we’re dealing with. We’re dealing with a private organisation that’s funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and other globalist organisations that want to determine what medicine you have to take in order for your country to not be sanctioned. All these funds will be pulled into the world IMF, International Monetary Fund controlled by the IMF, and your country will be punished through sanctions if you don’t take the prescribed medications in order to stop a potential pandemic.

This is how far this thing goes. We want to know, what do the people need to do to exit the World Health Organisation and opt out of this treaty? Because the last time I watched Australia’s input, we were all for it.

Senator Malcolm Roberts:

Okay. There’s a couple of things before I get onto how to do it. First of all, this is a coordinated attempt. It involves a state government, it involves the federal government. It involves the bureaucrats internationally. To make it worse, the Food and Drug Administration in America recently approved a combined… I don’t like using the word vaccine, medication treatment that because it involved mRNA they said, “We don’t need to test this.”

This is a new combination and they said they don’t need to test it. They approved the drug without testing. That’s frightening. The second thing is that the Queensland legislation, I’ve been told, on October the 11th, they’re going to introduce in state parliament legislation that says, “Instead of the doctors’ core duty being to treat their patients and care for their patients and give them the best advice, the doctors’ core duty will be to not undermine confidence in the health system.”

In other words, if a doctor dares go against what he’s been instructed to say, he or she could be deregistered. That will then spread to the other states. What they’re trying to do is set up so that you don’t consult with your doctor anymore, Maria. Well, we’ve already seeing this in COVID. You are governed by the health dictates, the health orders, which is inhuman.

Let’s just look at that. Now, the next thing when it comes to… So let’s make it worse than what you even said. Let’s look at what we can do. Number one is that the people are in charge of this country, but the people are asleep. The only people who can change the constitution of our country, which is the governing document of our country, our constitution, are the people. It has to have a majority of people in a majority of states and an overall majority.

That tells you that we are governed by our constitution. We’re not governed by a queen or a king in England. They’re serving us. That’s the way our constitution is set up. We’ve got to have people to understand that they are in charge. Their most important thing they can do is vote wisely. Stop voting for liberal, labour, nationals and greens who are pushing this climate (censored), COVID (censored) and World Health organisation controls. Stop voting for them. That’s the first thing.

The second thing is get involved. Now, we had a cash ban bill that was brought into the parliament back in 2019, I think. Maria, all the major parties were in favour of the cash ban bill, would’ve banned cash over $2,000 and started the process of banning cash under $2,000. My office alone with Pauline’s support, we engaged the crossbench on that. We got them fired up. We got them to realise this was a real attempt to control people.

We then got engaged with the grassroots. We got engaged with the Liberal Party grassroots members who could see what was happening. We used them and our own force publicly to expose the cash ban bill and then we moved a motion to remove the cash ban bill from the Senate list and it was. It was removed, but they’re coming back in many different ways. They’re coming back with a digital identity bill. They’re coming back with many different attempts to get rid of cash and that’s extremely important.

What I’m saying is we were successful in banning that. Scott Morrison as treasurer in 2016 said 26 times, “There will never be a Royal Commission into financial services.” The prime minister at the time, Malcolm Turnbull, said 16 times, “There will never be a Royal Commission. There will be none into financial services.” Pauline got a Senate select inquiry into Lending to Primary Production Customers, which I chaired.

We worked with the other parties and we got so much evidence that they had to cave in and have a Royal Commission. We can do things even though there’s only two of us, Pauline and I. We have done things. We continue to do things, but it must have the people standing up. Another one was native title. People think, “Oh, good, we’ve given the Aboriginals back their land.” Rubbish. We haven’t given it back. The Aboriginals can’t use their land.

What’s happened is that the United Nations has come in, got this Native Title Act and the Native Title Act, the… What’s it called? Preamble, is littered with the words United Nations. What the hell is the United Nations doing in there? It’s got no right to be in there. What they’ve done is they’ve used the Native Title Act to steal land from whites and keep it locked up away from Aboriginals. No one gets to use it and that’s what it’s all about.

The Water Act of 2007, one of the prime aims of the Water Act that John Howard and Malcolm Turnbull introduced is to ensure compliance with international agreements. What the hell is that doing in there? It’s got nothing to do with the United Nations or international agreements. I asked Mathias Cormann, the leader of the government in the Senate under the previous government for his evidence of the need to have climate policies, and he said, “What’s the justification?”

He said, “The justification is simple. We have to honour our international obligations and commitments.” Rubbish. We have to make decisions based on data. The core problem in this country is that liberal, labour, nationals, and greens don’t make decisions and policies and legislation based on solid data. They make it based on whims, on opinions, on headlines from the globalist mouthpiece media, looking after their mates, looking after the globalists, looking after the billionaires.

That’s how they make decisions here and it’s completely wrong. That’s why so many things are getting screwed up. Climate, COVID. The COVID mismanagement was a complete disaster. COVID was not a serious problem. What we’ve got to do is to get people to realise that they control their government. They elect members of parliament, senators. Get them to go and see their senators, see their members of parliament, tell them what they think and what they want.

We have got to have democracy reestablished in this country so that the people… When you have a democracy, it’s government by the people for the people of the people. Government of the people by the people, for the people. The governments in a democracy only work with the consent of the governed. People here need to withdraw their consent. Don’t vote for labour, liberal, nationals and greens. Put them last. That’s the number one.

Also, when you’ve got a member of parliament in office, go and visit them. Tell them what you think. Tell them you know about this. Hold up the clip of the Italian prime minister speaking, belling the cat beautifully. These are the things we’ve got to get people aware of. We need people like you, really getting the truth out there and educating people. I can’t get on media because I’ve been banned from Sky News. I know that. No, I’m serious.

Maria Zeee:

I believe you.

Senator Malcolm Roberts:

Most of the media won’t touch me because they know that I’ll come back with facts. They can’t handle data, so they call me names and that’s fine by me because that shows they can’t win an argument against me. We’ve got to realise that the media is not on our side. It’s a mouthpiece media for the globalists. It’s indoctrinating. Education system is indoctrinating.

If you want, I can read out a list of things, but here’s the United Nations Environmental Programme, the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, one of their senior people, Ottmar Edenhofer, said, “We redistribute de facto the world’s wealth by climate policy.” “We redistribute de facto the world’s wealth by climate policy.”

Murray Strong, who fabricated, concocted global warming, without any evidence and distorted the United Nations to push that and then manipulated government to push that, he said he’s got two main aims. One is to de-industrialised Western society. If you look at Europe and America and Australia, that’s happening. Europe is being devastated. The second was to put in place an unelected socialist global governance.

Now, Murray Strong in 1972 formed the United Nation Environmental Programme, which weaponized the natural environment. He controlled that. It was a political initiative, not a scientific one or an environmental one. 1976 to 2006, the United Nation Environmental Programme under Murray Strong’s leadership and influence drove the United Nations to ban DDT, which was effective in eradicating malaria.

As a result of that ban, it was brought back in 2006, 30-year ban, somewhere between 40 and 50 million people died needlessly. That’s more than Hitler killed. That’s more than Stalin killed. It’s second behind Mao in terms of killing. Murray Strong was implicated in the UN world food-for-oil scandal. He was involved allegedly in crimes in the United States. The law enforcement authorities in the United States chased him. He went into exile in China.

In 1980, he fabricated climate alarm. He was a director of the Chicago Climate Exchange, which was set up to trade carbon dioxide credits to make him and others billions. He destroyed science as a tool for humanity and yet science is fundamental for human progress. We’ve got a long line of UN unelected control from 1944 and the formation of the UNs. We’ve got the UN Lima agreement… Declaration rather in ’75/’76, both parties, labour and liberal and nationals.

We’ve had the… What was next? 1992, the Rio Declaration from the UN, which was their attempt at global governance. That’s where they laid the foundation for Agenda 21. Yes, it’s real. Agenda 21 is real. Agenda 2030 is the latest name for it. Then they came up with the Kyoto Protocol in 1997, which stole farmers’ land rights in this country, which also started destroying our energy sector. Then 2015 the Paris Agreement.

There’s a long list and they’re helped by the World Economic Forum, which is formed in 1971 and there’s a big gaggle of globalist institutions. You mentioned one of them, the IMF, the World Bank, the Bank for International Settlements, the Trilateral Commission, the Council on Foreign Relations, WWF is aligned with this and was formed to perpetuate these things.

Maria Zeee:

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You said something really-

Senator Malcolm Roberts:

What we’ve seen-

Maria Zeee:

… crucial before, Senator Roberts, which was that the people need to be involved. I want to share an observation here. See, now that the lockdowns have ended and now that many mandates have stopped and you’re allowed to go to a café, and I’ve been speaking about this for some time because I’ve seen the complacency in Australians.

You and I did many interviews and we thank you for your time during that time where Australians were very afraid and locked down and being terrorised by their government and police and the people were far more involved in that time. We would even say people have never been this involved as in politics as they were in that time. You brought up something about the World Economic Forum. I just wanted to bring up this, My Carbon article for the audience, which I’ve been speaking about recently.

On this article published by the WEF, it says, “COVID-19 was the test of social responsibility. A huge number of unimaginable restrictions for public health were adopted by billions of citizens across the world. There were numerous examples of maintaining social distancing, wearing mask, mass vaccinations, and acceptance of contact tracing applications for public health, which demonstrated the core of individual social responsibility.”

What this article’s doing, Senator Roberts, is it’s essentially saying that, “Oh, we tested it through COVID and we saw that for the most part, people are very much willing to be tracked and traced and we’re going to use this for climate change as well. That’s what this article says.

Senator Malcolm Roberts:

Spot on. What they also did, Maria, if you look at the number of firsts, I think we may have discussed this, I’ve discussed it many times. I made a list of about 30 things that have happened for the first time. If any one of them had happened by themselves, there would’ve been outrage, but they were wheeled out, bang, one after the other like waves and just overwhelming people. Whack and then you’d get up again, and whack another one, another one.

Digital identity, digital passes, restrictions, masks, that just overwhelm people. So what we’ve got to recognise is that it is very easy to do that if it’s organised and coordinated, and it was globally organised. You mentioned-

Maria Zeee:

Well, back to my previous point… Sorry, Senator Roberts, if I can just pause you here, because I wanted to say, all of those people that were involved, they were involved because they were personally affected. It’s very easy. A human nature. We forget things very easily as soon as things are comfortable again and that’s exactly what’s going on now.

The level of involvement from people in politics and the pressure that they’re putting on their MPs and senators and others has really eased off. Meanwhile, they’re still doing all of this behind the scenes. They’re still rolling forward with digital ID and other things like this. The trial of digital currency, all of the above. This is why this information from you right now is so crucial. Please do go ahead.

Senator Malcolm Roberts:

Right. I just want to give people some encouragement. There are some positive signs happening. First of all, Senator Alex Antic, who I’ve got a lot of time for, he came up to me after I asked a question in the Senate a couple of weeks ago, and it was about the deaths and the death data and the birth and the birth rate data. The birth rate have decreased and the death rates have increased dramatically. He came up to me and said, “I loved your question, mate.”

He said, “I just want to tell you…” Because when you’re focused on asking a question, it’s hard to read the room. He said, “I just want to tell you, they know.” Because he said he was watching the room as my questions came out and people in the Labour Party and the Liberal Party and the National Party, very uneasy. You could tell from the body language.

Dan Tehan, who was a cabinet minister and a pretty good one, I think. I think he’s pretty genuine. He’s a bushman. He came out in the paper… I haven’t read the article today. He came out criticising his government, Morrison government’s lockdown, so I believe. That’s what the headline said. I haven’t read it. When I asked questions about Ivermectin yesterday, the minister was not comfortable, so it is working.

People are starting to realise. They’re talking about the injection injuries. There’s a lot of unease now. People are starting to realise this is happening. I mean, when I used to go… Every time I drove out before I didn’t see an ambulance. Now almost every time I drive on the street, I see an ambulance with the lights flashing and the dopey health minister in Queensland said, “We’ve had a 40% increase in category one, that’s serious heart problems, ambulance transports.”

Then she said, “I wonder what’s causing that?” Well, I wonder. Hello? You mentioned in your statement just a minute ago, public health twice, Maria, that is a con, not from you, but that is a con from the World Health Organisation. There’s no such thing as public health. There is individual health and people are either sick or healthy or somewhere in between and doctors treat them. You do not make decisions on public health.

Public health is another scam that’s been created so that we can intimidate individuals, so the UN and the World Economic Forum can intimidate individuals into saying, “Because you care, you will lie down for this and take this. You will do whatever we tell you to do because you’re looking after granny for public health.” Rubbish. There is no such thing as public health. It is a con.

Maria Zeee:

Absolutely. Speaking of public health, we have this incredibly… And I’m glad to hear, Senator Roberts, that things are changing. We just covered a couple of weeks ago on ZEROTIME about how doctors are baffled by these excess deaths. We’re reaching out to funeral directors in Melbourne who are offering explanations such as, “Oh, well we just don’t know why. We’re also in undated, but we think it could be lifestyle or eating too many cheeseburgers or whatever.”

Australians have been eating cheeseburgers forever. That’s not the problem. Any person with a bit of logic would look and say… For example, if something in my health changes, Senator Roberts, I go, “Well, what’s changed in my life? What have I been doing differently over the past couple of weeks or months that’s led to my health not being in the best shape?” Wouldn’t people or doctors do the same thing?

Wouldn’t they say, “What have we done differently as a world? Oh, I don’t know. We’re just baffled.” I mean, come on. This is ridiculous but I’m encouraged to hear that people are waking up. The problem that we have is that we’re still introducing this insane legislation across different states. For example, and I told you I would mention this, Emergency Management Amendment (Temporary COVID-19 Provisions) Bill of 2022 in WA.

This legislation is some of the most alarming language that I have read to date, worse than Dictate Dan’s Pandemic Management Bill, and I’ll tell you why. Pandemic legislation, sorry. This allows essentially the CHO to give the authorised COVID offices permission to search people’s homes, to break into people’s homes without a warrant, without identifying themselves or stating their purpose. It allows them to seize property or anything for a COVID case or suspected COVID infection in any area, limit people, force people to quarantine, limit their movements.

Here’s the worst part for me. In subsection 77N, it says that, “Powers of officers in relation to persons exposed to SARS-CoV-2 virus: While a COVID-19 declaration is in force, for the purpose of limiting the spread of the SARS-CoV-2 virus, an authorised COVID-19 officer…” Who the power given to police and these authorised officers is the same, by the way, “may direct any person who has been exposed or any class of person who may have been exposed to the SARS-CoV-2 virus to do any or all of the following.”

It says, “A, to remain in an area specified by the officer for such period as is specified by the Officer. B, to remain quarantined from other persons for such period and in such reasonable manner as is specified by the officer.” No time limit here, and “C to submit to infection prevention and control procedures within such reasonable period and in such reasonable manner as is specified by the officer.” Essentially, this could extend to submitting to vaccination.

Why on earth… why would we need something like this now when we’re apparently moving on from COVID? This is insanity.

Senator Malcolm Roberts:

Well, Maria, I agree entirely with what you said. That is not necessary. It’s a complete overreach. It’s dictatorship. You talked a little while ago of medical dictatorship. It’s a medical tyranny, but it’s not medical. It’s just about human control. I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but already before COVID arrived in this country, in Western Australia and in Victoria, they can forcibly inject people.

In Western Australia, they can do it by holding you down and injecting you. That was already the case before COVID. We had a barrister check that out. There’s nothing new there in that sense. Yes, it’s heinous. It’s inhuman. It’s immoral. It goes against all human dignity, all respect for humans. Another thing I want to point out though, Phillip Altman, you’ve probably met Phillip Altman.

Maria Zeee:

I have.

Senator Malcolm Roberts:

Wonderful man. We had a doctor in another state wanting to make an application for Ivermectin approval and so one of my staff found Phillip Altman and Phillip started working with him. They eventually parted ways, but Phillip was introduced in that to what was happening with COVID. He’s got 40 years of experience with big pharma, with the medical bureaucracy in this country. He knows which way is up. He was stunned with what was happening with COVID.

He’s retired, so he… Now, he’s saddled up and he’s been a marvellous resource. He’s been doing so many wonderful things. I interviewed him on TNT Radio. I’m on and I recommend that to people. I’m going to give it a plug because it’s an independent new media like yours, There’s an app. I’m on every two weeks.

Maria Zeee:

I’ve been on there myself a couple of times, Senator Roberts. They’re wonderful there.

Senator Malcolm Roberts:

Yeah. You can say whatever you damn well want. The only thing they mandate is the truth. Phillip Altman, he’ll be on again. I’ve got Chris Spicer standing in for me this weekend because I’ve got commitments in Sydney, but he’ll be continuing to interview Phillip Altman. Now, Phillip Altman gave a speech on Saturday, September 10th in Melbourne, just blistering. He’s loaded with facts. What we’re starting to see is more and more people energised.

We’re seeing doctors energised. That’s the way… We’ve seen doctors now speak up. We’ve seen doctors come out and say, “I’m sorry, I just rolled over. I’m not rolling over anymore. I’m going to stand up to this medical bureaucracy. I don’t care if I…” There are doctors who’ve lost 30/40 years of career in medicine caring for people’s health, that they’re just saying, “Stuff it, I’m not going to continue this barbaric treatment of people.”

We’ve seen that level of commitment. People are waking up and it’ll be much more difficult to do it again in the future but you’re right, they’re lining up to do it again. This COVID restrictions weren’t something they dreamt up in six months or two years. It’s been dreamt up over decades.

Maria Zeee:

Yes. I think the unfortunate warning you just gave is real, very real. They will do it again, but it’ll be not necessarily different tactics because they’ve worked out that threatening people with a health threat is the most effective way to control them. Of course we’ve got Australia’s new plan for preparing for pandemics published by CSIRO and a couple of other contributors.

They tell us that what the next five pandemics are likely to be, and here’s the kicker, Senator Roberts, they’re subject to change at any time because of climate change. Climate change will be the factor that determines what pandemic happens next. Of course it’s got nothing to do with gain-of-function research that they’re calling for more of. It’s got nothing to do with the fact that a lot of people have questions around climate change and the manufacturing of this.

No. It’s got to do with the fact that humans are encroaching on natural environments more and more, apparently. I think we’ve run out of time today, but we’ll always have you back on, Senator Roberts. You’re an amazing man and we thank you so much for your fight and for Senator Hanson’s fight. I think it’s important to end on this. Number one, people need to realise it’s not over.

These plans that have been concocted over decades and orchestrated over decades, they’re not going to just stop with this. We need to remain vigilant. We need to keep digging and exposing what’s going on. Everybody plays their part. Yours is so important. People must continue to be involved in politics. They must continue to support initiatives from people like you and One Nation, and we need to keep our finger on the pulse because if we don’t, God only knows what they’ll get away with next time. Your final word, Senator Roberts.

Senator Malcolm Roberts:

Well, I’m not going to say anything other than one thing, and that is that what you just said is a perfect summary. I’m not going to add to it, but I am going to suggest that I’ll send you a text message, Maria, with an American who’s been talking about the fact that we’ve been told that we can’t build on the ocean side. Sea levels are going to rise, but the banks are approving loans, large loans for people to build on the seaside, and no one talks about it.

Who’s going to make money out of this climate scam? The banks. Here they are encouraging people to build on ocean side. It is all (censored) aimed at control. What you just said was a fantastic way to end the programme.

Maria Zeee:

Thank you so much again, Senator Roberts, for all that you do and for your time and always hearing the Australian people. We appreciate you.

Senator Malcolm Roberts:

Thank you for what you’re doing, Maria. Keep going. We need independent new media.

Maria Zeee:

Thank you. We are so encouraged to hear from a senator that things are starting to change and people are starting to wake up. We’re seeing more courage from Australian doctors, more courage from Australian politicians determined to get to the bottom of what’s really happening in our country. We are grateful for that and we are glad to see it. It is the result of independent media bringing the truth to the Australian people that helps make this possible.

It is the result of the Australian people that take notice and act on the information being presented to them that makes this possible and the more that we do it and the more people that come to realise what is really happening and actually take action based on the information that they receive, the more success we will have and the quicker that we will do it before these people, these globalist organisations take over our lives as we know them completely.

There is still a chance. There is still hope. There always is. We, the people will always have the power, as long as democracy is alive and it’s up to us to keep it alive.

We’ll see you next week, next Wednesday at 8:00 PM right here on ZEROTIME. Share this broadcast everywhere and let Australians know that the fight is not over. Goodnight and God bless.

“You have enemies? Good. That means you’ve stood up for something, sometime in your life.”

The World Economic Forum has described One Nation as Xenophobic, Racist and Extremist on it’s “Strategic Intelligence” hub, a member only service.

The Strategic Intelligence hub aims to provide talking points to some of the world’s most elite corporate and government officers. One of the WEF’s Strategic Intelligence partners is the Center for China and Globalisation.

One Nation’s policies do not contain one reference to skin colour. Our goal has always been the equal treatment of all based on content of character, not differential treatment on skin colour as Albanese’s Voice to Parliament would do.

As for extreme, our policies are simply conservative, all of which were accepted in the mainstream media only ten years ago before politicians accelerated their sellout of our country.

International, globalist, unelected organisations that seek to control our country from the top down must be rejected.

This false labelling of One Nation must be called out for what it is, foreign interference in our democracy.

Christine Dolan helped hunt down exploitation in the Catholic Church and has now been on the case of vaccine rollouts across the world. She has a wealth of knowledge and it was an honour to be able to scrape the surface of it.



This is the Malcolm Roberts Show, on Today’s News Talk radio, TNT.

Senator Malcolm Roberts:

Hello and welcome to the Malcolm Roberts Show. Senator Malcolm Roberts here broadcasting from Brisbane, Australia, globally. Everyone who is a regular listener knows that my two themes for the show are freedom and responsibility. Both essential for human progress and individual happiness and satisfaction. And thank you for having me as your guest yet again, whether it’s in your lounge room, your shed, your car, your living room, wherever you are, thank you for having me as your guest. And I’ve got a very special pair of guests today which we’ll introduce in just a minute.

Senator Malcolm Roberts:

At first, some news. We saw a paper released this week, in fact, just a couple of days ago. And it’s titled Serious Adverse Events of Special Interest Following mRNA COVID-19 Vaccination in Randomised Trial in Adults. At last, it’s coming out, at last. They’re saying the results of this trial, this scientific trial, peer reviewed paper, I’ll quote, “The Pfizer trial exhibited a 36% higher risk of serious adverse events in the vaccine group. The Moderna trial exhibited a 6% higher risk of serious adverse events in the vaccine group.” 36% higher risk.

Senator Malcolm Roberts:

And let’s just check at the author’s declaration. The authors declare that they have no known competing financial interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to have influenced the work reported in this paper. Unlike Pfizer, unlike Moderna, unlike big pharma generally, there are no conflicts of interests associated with this paper. What a breath of fresh air to get some independent research. And we’ll be going into that in more detail in the future.

Senator Malcolm Roberts:

But that’s so important to understand because we conducted our COVID Under Question inquiry two weeks ago where we had experts from all over the world, doctors, lawyers, people who have been hurt by the vaccines. We had Dr. Phillip Altman give us a rundown of the huge unexpected and adverse death, consequences and serious adverse events from the vaccines. They’re not vaccines, they’re experimental gene therapy treatments. And they have not been fully tested at all, not been tested. What we’ve finding now is this increasing news of the death toll coming out.

Senator Malcolm Roberts:

Tucker Carlson broadcast in America last week on exactly that. It’s now hard to keep it under wraps. It’s now starting to burst out and we’re going to talk to our first guest soon about exactly that. One last piece before I introduce my first guest. On Thursday night, I was a guest at Boonah, which is a little town, population probably about 6,000 people, if that, in the scenic rim about an hour from Brisbane, hour and a half from Brisbane.

Senator Malcolm Roberts:

And I was there to listen and to support the residents who are holding the state government accountable for their invasion of their property rights in trying to deal with fire ants. And what we saw was an amazing reaction from the farmers there. They want their properties respected, they want their rights respected, they want their individual freedoms respected. And they told the state government in very, very clear terms.

Senator Malcolm Roberts:

We’re starting to see in America, the Saturday before, I listened to two American women at a barbecue near our place. And they were saying just how much they are disappointed that America is collapsing, thanks to Obama, Clinton, G.W. Bush, and now this scourge, Joe Biden. But they say that the Americans are waking up to the stealing of their country by the globalist predators, the elites. And what we are seeing is… and they were very, very encouraged. It’s coming here. We’re always a little bit behind America, but it’s coming here. And one of the ladies who is helping us to really start opening people’s eyes is my first guest. I’m not going to tell you her name until the end.

Senator Malcolm Roberts:

Before President William J. Clinton, we know him as Bill, signed the U.S. Anti-trafficking Federal Bill in October 2000. The International Centre for Missing and Exploited Children in Alexandria, Virginia, commissioned this news reporter as an independent journalist to investigate the exploitation of children emanating from the Baulkham crisis. A war that my guest previously covered in the early 1900s, when she co-owned and co-produced an international policy series syndicated on Public Broadcasting System Network in America. She expanded this initial human trafficking investigation globally.

Senator Malcolm Roberts:

As a result, a documentary called Shattered Innocence – The Millennium Holocaust, was released at the National Press Club in Washington DC in 2001. It was endorsed by the National Press Club News Makers Committee, UK Detective Paul Holmes, the co-founder of the Interpol Trafficking Committee, and Arnold Burns, the former Department of Justice, U.S. Deputy Attorney General during the Reagan administration. She’s worked with people who’ve come from both sides of politics in America. Detective Holmes called Shattered Innocence, “Groundbreaking, the best work on human trafficking.” My guest nailed it. She nailed the connection of the dots of this global phenomenon.

Senator Malcolm Roberts:

Her trans criminal and transnational findings then still stand today. Her insights prove prophetic. As a result, in November 2002, her second global investigation took place entitled, In the Name of God. It was released at the National Press Club in Washington DC as well. It challenged the then Catholic Church, so she’s going up against the big boys, the Catholic Church’s hierarchies public mantra of non-complicity. It’s participation in the cover up, lack of accountability and exposed the criminal tools embedded in the Catholic church hiding child abuse.

Senator Malcolm Roberts:

Ms, she’s… Almost gave her name away. Her reporting concluded that the Catholic Church’s policy and responses to paedophilia go back centuries. She advised prosecutors to seize the historical secret archives maintained under Canon Law, which resulted in grand juries and are still used in current criminal investigations. In 2016, In the Name of God was submitted to the Australian Royal Commission’s National Inquiry into the institutional response to child abuse, which made several hundred recommendations. Including but not limited to reporting child abuse to law enforcement disclosures disclosed in confessions.

Senator Malcolm Roberts:

Christine Dolan, is my guest and she is senior editor and chief investigative journalist for, leading multiple investigations on COVID international policy and big pharma corruption. She is founder of American Conversations since 2014 and is now collaborating in partner with L. Todd Wood, publisher and executive editor. Welcome Ms. Dolan, thank you for joining us.

Christine Dolan:

Oh, Senator, thank you. It’s good to be back talking to you again. To all your listeners, I hope they’re tuning in and they take what we have to share with them today because it’s going to affect everybody’s life.

Senator Malcolm Roberts:

Well, I must say, I haven’t got my notes in front of me, but TNT records every broadcast, every show, and then if you go back to, go to the top of the page, click on episodes, you can scroll down to the host of the show. In that case it’s Senator Malcolm Robertson in this case and then you look at the date of the show and you’ll be able to get a recording of any show that I’ve done. Any show that anyone’s done that way, so we will be recording this forever, Christine. Before we continue, first thing, what do you appreciate? Anything at all, family, friends, whatever.

Christine Dolan:

Oh, family, friends, safari’s in Africa. I think that my line in the sand is if I could never go back to Australia or South Africa or Kenya again because of all this nonsense over COVID.

Senator Malcolm Roberts:

Yes, you’ve had quite a few safaris. In fact, I read that you’ve been in every African nation, every one of them.

Christine Dolan:

I have. I’ve been very, very blessed in life that I’ve been able to travel and I appreciate different cultures. I believe in the Treaty of Westphalia. I don’t think that the globalists have an understanding of how much should be appreciated in all the cultures. And I think that we’re living in very scary times. Very scary times.

Senator Malcolm Roberts:

We are. And I’ve travelled through all 50 of your states in America and very privileged to have done so. I learned a lot. Christine, let’s go back to the start because I don’t want to just explore the news. I want to learn about your life, what gave you your energy, your enthusiasm, the way you chase these people. Because this lady, let me tell you everyone who’s listening, this lady, I don’t know if you can say this or not about a woman in America, but she’s a bulldog. She is a bulldog and she goes after things. Christine, where were you born?

Christine Dolan:

I was born in Beverly Farms, Massachusetts. It’s the North side of Boston, right on the Coast.

Senator Malcolm Roberts:

That’s good, Kennedy Country in Massachusetts.

Christine Dolan:

It’s very big Kennedy Country. And my dad came from Jack Kennedy’s generation. My dad went to MIT. Graduated ’43 during World War II. But then I was the third born in my family and my father had worked for DuPont and the Monsanto and that’s why the family ended up in St. Louis where Monsanto’s headquarters were. And my dad was in the biochemical industry for decades. Although I wasn’t a science reporter and I wasn’t a… The last time I ever took a science class was biology in high school. But I grew up with somebody in the business who had done very well in the business and was acknowledged and recognised. And he had a biochemical company that manufactured chemicals for medicinal research. And the largest customer he had was NIH.

Christine Dolan:

So I was privy to the politics and the history of the pharmaceutical company. And he had always explained to me that in the 1950s, following World War II, they came up with thalidomide, and that was initially used for insomnia for people after World War II and then was given to pregnant women. And when they tried to distribute it to the United States, they knew that in fact it had resulted, in the babies were hurt. They were born with arms coming out of their shoulders.

Senator Malcolm Roberts:

Gross deformities.

Christine Dolan:

Deformities, thank you. And there was a woman named Frances Kelsey was her name, who was out of the ordinary for her generation. She was at FDA during the Kennedy administration in the 60s. And she had questions and she put those people through a ringer because she wanted more research. And then she basically did not allow it into the United States at that time. It later was approved during Fauci’s aid crisis. And he was actually, ironically, given an award in the name of Frances Kelsey. But which makes no sense because she blocked having that drug in the United States then in the 60s because of the baby deformities. And she was given a big award by JFK when he was President. And so I grew up knowing that. And then my dad passed away about, I guess, 11 years ago.

Christine Dolan:

And it was very unusual because in 2020, I didn’t know Fauci. His wife was ahead of me at Georgetown University. But again, I wasn’t a medical reporter. I was covering the 2020 campaign for John Solomon at Just The News. John had just started early in January/February, he called me and he said, “Can you help me get this started?” I said, “Sure.” And so I jumped on board and then the next thing we know, it’s not the 2020 campaign, it’s the COVID campaign. And it was a nightmare here in America trying to get a handle around it. Trying to get a handle around what is the origin of it. There are many people in Fauci’s camp that kept on saying, “Well, this is going to happen again.”

Christine Dolan:

And when I had gone to law school and I didn’t finish, and I’m not a lawyer, but I was trained as a criminal investigator in law school. So when you ask me, Malcolm, where do I get the passion, I think it’s just instinct. There’s a lot of faults that I have, but one of the talents I have is the ability to connect the dots. And whenever you see chaos, and it was chaos in 2020 here in America. I knew that the story was bigger than what we were being told. There was no transparency.

Christine Dolan:

There were just too many people with too many degrees that had no idea what the hell was going on in the world. And the thing that caught my eye is that if everybody says that it’s going to happen again, then the natural thing that should happen should be for world leaders getting together and demanding to know what is the origin of this so it’s not repeated. And that was not happening. Morrison in your country did eventually say… Wanted the Chinese to really become transparent. And there was a lot of pushback with him, but I never saw anybody else. And that caught my mind because-

Senator Malcolm Roberts:

I’ve got to interject there, Christine, because what I noticed about Scott Morrison is that on the 3rd of October 2019 I think it was. In Sydney he made a speech talking about the unaccountable internationalistic bureaucrats. He was basically naming the UN without naming him, but it was just nonsense. We have been calling out the UN and the World Economic Forum for decades, and Morrison realised we were making progress so he tried to hijack the issue and silence it. But Morrison, very early on, even though he called out the Chinese, that was just for local political benefit for himself. Because very soon after he advocated giving the World Health Organisation, that criminal, dishonest, deceitful organisation, incompetent organisation, increased powers, powers of weapons inspectors. Morrison was talking out of both sides of his mouth. And he did that forever throughout this COVID virus campaign, mismanagement, gross mismanagement in this country.

Christine Dolan:

Well see that’s a piece of information I didn’t realise for the background of it. But at the time in 2020 he was, for whatever, whether it was ill purpose and everything like that for political gain. He was the only one that was calling it. And I mean, Trump didn’t call for it. Biden claimed that when he came into office that he ordered up an investigation. But again, you had the foxes in the henhouse that were doing the investigation. I don’t know if you caught this recently, but everybody in the world should understand this. Jeffrey Sachs, who’s all part of the globalist group, economist, he actually called for a commission.

Christine Dolan:

He created 11 tasks force, one of which was on the origin. And Jeffrey just came out earlier in August, I think it was the first week in August. Where he went public and he said that in fact he had realised that when he hired Peter Daszak as the head of that origin task force, that he then hired other people, which he was allowed to do with Jeffrey’s blessing. But then Jeffrey came to the conclusion now in 2022 that in fact everybody that was on the origin task force was lying to him. People that he’d known for decades, because they were all saying, “Don’t look over here at the lab. It must be in nature.”

Christine Dolan:

And what caught my eye two years earlier was when this broke, all of a sudden there was a Lansing Journal article, this is February 2020. And it was written by people I had no idea of any of them, but they all had concluded at the very beginning of this madness that it did not come from a lab leak. And I thought to myself, how would anybody know this because nobody’s done an investigation? The Chinese, the CCP, they’re not forthcoming and you need to have boots on the ground to do this. And I contacted them and I found out things that really haven’t surfaced and the public doesn’t really understand the game that’s at play here. But I will just label these people who authored that article. And we later found out that it was orchestrated by Daszak to basically cover their derrieres. But-

Senator Malcolm Roberts:

Can we take a break there? Can we take a break there please, Christine and what I’d like to do, you’ve already said that you got onto it in February 2020. That’s well before most people started even thinking about a possibility that it was being rigged. We’ll have a break now and we’ll come back and then I’d like to know how you developed that instinct and then we’ll go into Peter Daszak and others in detail later on in this show.

Senator Malcolm Roberts:

But I’d like to understand where the young Christine Dolan as a girl started developing these instincts. And how you developed them even further in your university and after university, your early jobs, because you’ve worked in mainstream media. You’re one of the few people in mainstream media that I would trust. So we’ll take a short break and then we’ll be right back with more from Christine Dolan.

Senator Malcolm Roberts:

Welcome back to the Senator Malcolm Roberts Show. And I’ve got a very important guest, Christine Dolan, who has worked in all of the major networks in the United States. She’s had many years as an investigative reporter. She’s investigated slavery and her work has been acclaimed by Heads of States and diplomats. Members of the European Parliament, U.S. Congress, members of the OSC in Vienna, U.S. Department of Defence, Interpol, FBI. This lady has been around. She’s actually trained some of the investigators in how to do their job. Let’s understand first, Christine, what turned little Christine as a girl into a bulldog investigative reporter? What were the key things that influenced you as a child? Where did you go to university? What did you study? What did you graduate at? And then where you came into your first job?

Christine Dolan:

I was an Irish Catholic raised Sacred Heart girl. I went to-

Senator Malcolm Roberts:

Oh, so we know where the bulldog comes from then?

Christine Dolan:

The Bulldog, yeah. And then I went to Georgetown University, undergrad. I went to the Business School, majored in economics. And then I went directly into law school. Hated [inaudible 00:22:01]. Hated my second year. And then I said the hell with this, because I didn’t want to be a lawyer. I had a job as a criminal investigator for defendants with the Public of Defender’s Office. And I loved being in the field. I loved gathering information. And so that was my first instinct. And then I applied to 72 radio television stations in sales and in news. I had no idea how to get into the news business, but I also knew that I always wanted to go into the news business. I never really wanted to be a lawyer, I just thought that I’d get a law degree because I thought it might be helpful. And I disappointed my father and my mother when I said I was not going to go back to law school. And I was pretty dramatic about it.

Christine Dolan:

I didn’t take my second year spring exams. So I made a definitive statement and then I asked my father to pay for me to have these 72 interviews I lined up in eight cities. Because I didn’t want to live in a small town. I wanted to start, I wanted to see if I could get my foot and door at the networks. And I was hired on the spot guys in the news division. And some guys in the sales divisions wanted to hire me. But they said, “No, no, no, no, you belong in the news division.”

Christine Dolan:

So I first started off at ABC News, I worked for a guy named Kevin Delaney who was terrific. He was on the roof of the embassy in Saigon, so he had covered Vietnam. I ended up working for Hal Bruno, who was a legend in the news business. He had uncovered the Chappaquiddick story for Newsweek. And then he came over to ABC News and I worked as a researcher off air reporter for him. He taught me so well that I then jumped to CNN and became the first woman political director and his counterpart. So we competed against one another, but we were friends for 33 years. And then after that I started my own production company focused on Africa-

Senator Malcolm Roberts:

And how old were you then?

Christine Dolan:

… An international policy show.

Senator Malcolm Roberts:

How old were you then, Christine, when you started your own show?

Christine Dolan:

I was in my thirties. I was in my thirties when I did that. And then I had an opportunity to, I was asked to be the spokesperson for the USA Nelson Mandela tour in 1990, which I did because I thought Mandela, I was an awe of him as a human being. But I had an international policy show on PBS, and that was in the nineties when we were trying to get Americans to be more interested in foreign policy. There were very few, the networks weren’t really covering it the way that they could have. And this was before MSNBC and Fox Cable was even on the air and it’s CNN. We had in the eighties, we had, oh my gosh, 24 hours of news. But we had repeats of shows. And so I came up with Inside Politics, which was the first ever daily political show to teach people about-

Senator Malcolm Roberts:

Yours was the first in the United States?

Christine Dolan:

It was the first daily political show, and it was in the eighties before Fox or MSNBC was ever created. They weren’t created until the late nineties. And the goal of the show is to teach people about politics. But it is not what it is today. I mean now it’s been on the year now over 30 years. But it’s the vision of it that I had then certainly has been changed by the management at CNN. But so I’ve always been out there wanting to get ahead of where the news was. And I like to do investigations. I like to do long investigations. When I was commissioned for human trafficking, I was so horrified that the cops put me through a real ringer to test me if I was a tabloid journalist. And I said to them at the time, “Look, well travelled, I’ve been around the block, I’ve been around the world. I’m seasoned.” So I thought, “but I have no idea what you’re talking about.”

Christine Dolan:

When I interviewed Paul Holmes, who was the head of the Interpol Trafficking Committee in June of 2000, I asked him point blank. How young are the victims? And he said, infants. In one ear out the other, because I had no context. Two weeks later I met with Carlos Shepherd, who’s a forensic profiler, probably one of the best in Europe. And a woman named Yola Bolebrek. And I told him, I met this nice cop in London and he’s telling me this and I just don’t have any contexts. And they said, “Christine, it’s true.” And I said, “Well, if it’s true, then people have to educate me.” Because I’ve covered three wars by that point. And then the next thing I know is I get a phone call the next day and Yola Bolebrek tells me I passed the test and I said, “What was the test?”

Christine Dolan:

And she said, “We just needed to know how serious you were. John Ernst wants to meet you.” I said, “Who’s he?” And she said, “Take a train to the Heg. And he was head of the porn unit at the hag and he brought me on the inside and these guys taught me. And the advantage I had as a journalist at the time where cops have to be invited into a foreign country to do an investigation. And they have to have a task force and everything like that. That wasn’t really coordinated for this in 2000. And so as a journalist, I was able to go from country to country. And to get that story because once these guys really made me realise how evil this was, it was beyond Rwanda. I realised then and there, this is the depth of hell and people just did not know.

Christine Dolan:

They know that slavery is immoral, but they didn’t realise at the turn of the 21st century that it was alive and well. It just had a different picture on it. So I took every risk and I dressed up as a hooker, hung out with transvestites who actually, most of them are victims of child abuse, in red light districts because they have their own corner. I don with the mafia and everything like that. And I was able to get the story. And to do what the cops were not able to do. And then I decided to take on the Catholic church. So the one thing that we learned is what are the criminal tools? What are the tools of the trade that people use to commit the crime and to cover it up. And I can tell you that it’s a team of people, just like in the Catholic church where it wasn’t just the Cardinals that covered up. It wasn’t just the auxiliary bishops that covered it up.

Christine Dolan:

It was the Vatican, it was the lawyers, it was the state legislatures that had laws that said that if you were abused, you could only report it after three years when some people have regressive memories. And it doesn’t come back for a long period of time because of compounded trauma in their brain. So when the COVID story came up and there was chaos at the beginning of 2020. I don’t know when the story really hit you guys down there in Australia, Malcolm, but I know that I was on some phone calls with some business leaders in Australia who were talking to some people at Gavi and CEPI. And a friend of mine, allowed me to listen in. I knew that was what the people from Gavi and CEPI were saying to the business leaders in Australia was absolute nonsense.

Christine Dolan:

I just happened to know a lot of nurses. I was asking nurses across America, What are you seeing in the ICUs? What are you seeing in the ERs, emergency rooms? And they were telling me, we’re killing people with the ventilators. So I’ve got the Lancet report in February 2020, that doesn’t make any sense to me. These people that had, were the authors of the report were telling me what they do as for a living in terms of hunting for 1.6 million viruses. To obtain the 25 coronavirus family viruses and to figure out if they’re transmissible to human beings, which then would create a seasonal vaccine for everybody in the world for all these 25 coronaviruses. Now to me, at that point in time, I’m thinking these people are pretty crazy and this is Frankenstein’s business. This is Frankenstein science. But the thing is, they actually were funded by the US. It was under a project called PREDICT Project at USAID.

Christine Dolan:

They were in operating in 30 countries. They had labs all over the world. People have to understand, when you think about this, think about the bat woman in the Chinese Wuhan lab. She’s part of the team. And the people who wrote that, who authored that Lancet article in February 2020, all belonged to that. Peter Daszak, he was one of the people that was on who authored that article. And he’s involved with gain of function. But I’m learning this all on the first six weeks of coronavirus shutting down America. I’m talking to the nurses, I’m talking to international scientists and doctors who are trying to get money to come up with something that can reduce the COVID viral load in the body. And what they were telling me is that the ventilators was the wrong procedure.

Christine Dolan:

This disease, for lack of a better word, pardon me, caused blood clots. People in hospitals should be put on blood thinners, antioxidants. And what these guys were trying to do is to get government money or some money to create X, Y, and Z that would reduce the viral load in the body that’s causing all this disaster. And they weren’t getting the money. And then all of a sudden we moved to May or June and Fauci is… Oh no, I have to go back to April. April 2020, Fauci is at the White House sitting on the sofa. Dr. Bricks is there, Trump’s in the room and he’s saying, Remdesivir is a safe drug. And I know somebody who died from Remdesivir, and I’m thinking none of this makes any sense. And instinctively I know if you have this much chaos, there’s a cover up here someplace.

Christine Dolan:

And then as you know, six weeks later, vax was the only answer. And telling me that vax is the only answer is telling me as a war correspondent, that war is the only answer that makes no sense to me. So that I knew right then and there by June, this was nonsense. And the only person in the world I wanted to talk to was Bobby Kennedy. And I had dated one of his cousins when we were all kids. And I called my late friend’s brother and I said, “Give me his cell phone number.” And I called Bobby at the time and I said, “I’m going to get into this because this is medical trafficking.” One of the things that when people think of human trafficking, they think of sex labour, internet, street. I created a model for the different faces of human trafficking, child soldiers, sex tourism, ritual abuse, torture, organ trafficking.

Christine Dolan:

And then you have medical trafficking. And I had concluded by August of 2020 that this was medical trafficking. But again, I’m humbled up to have to say I didn’t fully understand the form of corruption at that point. It was an instinct with me. But after the campaign is when I called Bobby and he said, “I want you to meet two people.” I met with the two people that they gave me 25 books to read. I read the 25 books and I was absolutely confirmed that this was medical trafficking. And I think I’ve sent you the film that I released in July of 2021. And it is the most unregulated, unaccountable, human medical experiment in the history of mankind.

Christine Dolan:

There’s not a doubt in my mind about this or hard or soul or anything right now. What I do know about investigations is the longer that the fraud goes on, people make mistakes, guilt sets in. And so after the 2020 campaign, there were two areas that I wanted to organise. I wanted to find pharma whistle blowers on the inside of Johnson & Johnson, Pfizer and Moderna, and any other pharmaceutical companies here in the United States who had any association with the Gates Foundation, CEPI, WHO vaccinations, even if they weren’t COVID. That were going to move into the mRNAs because they are going to move into the mRNA shots for flu, malaria, aids, tuberculosis, and god knows what else is on the recipe. And then I-

Senator Malcolm Roberts:

So this is just the tip of the iceberg we’ve seen so far?

Christine Dolan:

That’s right. And then the second group that I wanted to develop was the COVID vaccination injured. And so I started talking to the vaccinated injured. Because we had, I don’t want to call them clinical trials, but we had trials. So they called them clinical trials in 2020 before the rollout. We got the rollout here in the United States in December. I don’t know when it was in Australia. So I want to define Vaccine injury from the so-called clinical trials here in the States, which I did. And then during the rollout. And most of those people were terrified of being called anti-vax. They didn’t want to go on the record, they didn’t want to go on the camera. And so I spent the first, I guess it was the first January till around June. And talking to these people, and what I realised was they were talking to NIH, CDC, FDA, NIAID.

Christine Dolan:

They even wrote a letter to all of them plus the White House in May of 2021. By June, I called one of the authors of that Lancet February, 2020 article. And I said to him, “What do you thinks going on with the rollout?” Now keep this in mind, this is June, 2020. We don’t have a lot of breakthrough cases at that point in time, which means that vaccinated people getting COVID, those were under reported if they existed at that point in time. And this guy says to me, “We have to do better on the messaging that the vaccines are safe and effective and prevent transmissibility and prevent the disease.” And I said to him, “Well, what about the vax injured?” And he said, “Christine, they’re urban legends.” And that really threw me back. And I said, “You can try that on somebody else, but I’m just too old for that.”

Christine Dolan:

I said, “I’m talking to people.” And he said, “Yeah, but if there’s three million vaccinations and 325,000 of them are injured with blood clots, we have treatment for blood clots.” I said, “I have not spoken to one vaccinated injured person who only has one thing wrong with them.” There was neurological, there was cardio, there was vascular injuries that doctors at the ERs in the hospitals didn’t know how to treat them. People were not reporting them to theirs. These, a lot of these people happened to be a lot of women who had a lot of menstrual problems that they didn’t want to talk about on camera. But they were telling me as a woman.

Christine Dolan:

And they ranged from very irregular periods to women who were postmenopausal getting their period after their shots. I mean, it was a disaster. One woman was actually put into a psych ward. Doctors were telling them they were suffering from anxiety and depression. It was just unbelievable trauma for these people. It was like talking to my first trafficked victims over 20 years ago. They were traumatised by it. A lot of them were in the healthcare industry. They were not getting the care from their own colleagues. They were getting gaslighted by their own colleagues. They were disappointed by what was going on. Some of them even worked for pharmaceutical companies. They couldn’t believe what was going on inside their industry.

Senator Malcolm Roberts:

Can we take a break now, please, Christina. We’ll come back and go into this in. We’ll let you continue because this is riveting stuff. I love the way your instinct has kicked in so early in this whole fiasco, this whole… Well, I think it’s genocide myself. And so let’s take a break and we’ll be back with Christine Dolan.

Senator Malcolm Roberts:

This is Senator Malcolm Roberts on today’s news talk radio where the only thing that we mandate is the truth. And we’ve got a real truth teller here because she’s used her instincts to get right to the core of issues all over the world. Child trafficking, slavery and now she’s telling us about medical trafficking. So Christine Dolan, please continue. And I’d like to know more about Peter Daszak when it suits you please. And also it seems that there is some criminal activity or anti-human genocidal activity, people who just don’t give damn about human life. And then there seems to be a lot of group think and people just following slavishly. What else is going on here?

Christine Dolan:

I think Malcolm, the one thing I had to do in these books that Bobby’s colleagues recommended that I read. I had to get up in the history of the pharma corruption, because we in America, and I don’t know what it’s like down there in Australia. But we in America are pharmaceutically addicted. 75% is, 80% of the people in America are on prescription drugs. We’re the first countries-

Senator Malcolm Roberts:


Christine Dolan:

75% to 80% of Americans are on prescription drugs. We have gone through Valium in the sixties was an epidemic. We’ve gone through the opiates just like you guys have. And it’s been all over the world. We’ve gone through fentanyl is the biggest thing now. People are just drinking fentanyl here. It’s amazing what it’s doing to kids. We’ve legalised pot, but the pot today is cut with fentanyl. So we have the highest overdoses since, I think it’s last year in the history of America. So we have a drug attitude here that is pervasive. And there’s a belief in the medical divinity of the white coat. So if people see, and doctors have told me this, if somebody sees a commercial on TV and they’re depressed, then it’s a new drug. And well doctor, “Why don’t you give me that one because the last one didn’t work.”

Christine Dolan:

So people are actually asking for something because it’s advertised. And I had to go back and take a look at the pharma. The rules and regulations of the game for criminality are very clear, which you have to know. You have to be humble enough and curious enough to ask the questions. How did this come to be? And so we know here in the United States that going back to 1986 under the Reagan administration, Congress passed a bill. Reagan signed it. And that basically gave carte blanche to the pharmaceutical companies having no liability for any of the vaccinations that are out there. Because there were a lot of vaccination injuries prior to that time. And I’m not going to doubt whether anybody’s heart was in the right place, but basically it was carte blanche to the pharmaceutical companies for mumps, measles, rubella, mercury, everything went off the charts.

Christine Dolan:

And there are people who in fact have been harmed, their families have been harmed. And underneath that bill, there was a kangaroo court that was set up, but it’s not like your normal civil criminal court. If you want to get any money in compensation for having a family member hurt with a vaccination in those days. You have to apply like a Catholic Victims of Compensation fund or a Jeffrey Epstein Victims Compensation Fund. You file it with HHS, the Department of Justice attorneys handle it. You’re not allowed to even subpoena the pharmaceutical companies for any documents. I mean, it’s wild stuff. And if people don’t know if they’re not affected by this in the past, they’re not going to be able to recognise what was going on in 2020. So I had to take a deep dive going back and figure it out. I had to take a look at the different players.

Christine Dolan:

Who are these people that are involved in this Frankenstein, Corona virus hunters world. Peter Daszak is one of them. Who’s involved with the labs? Peter Daszak is one of them. How did this get funded in these labs that are ranked by 2, 3 4, which is fourth being I think is the highest in terms of security and standards of practise. Is it regulated? No, it’s not regulated. This is having nuclear weapons all over the world with no regulations. And that’s what people don’t understand. I did an hour and a half interview with one of those authors just recently. His name is Dennis Carol. And he was overseeing the PREDICT Project at USAID and it ran for 10 years during. It was started, I think it was at the beginning of the Obama administration. And then it was stopped.

Christine Dolan:

And then during the Trump administration, somebody got around the fact that they could, the PREDICT Project wasn’t stopped, that the gain of function was stopped within the PREDICT project. And this is when they go out to the bat caves, they get these coronaviruses, take it to a lab, they fool around with it to see if it’s transmissible. And they really do have a goal of going out and hunting for 1.6 million. They say that there’s 25,000 different families of coronaviruses of that 1.6 million viruses they want to hunt for. When they had the PREDICT Project, they found 1200 that were transmissible. And it’s a very dangerous industry. I didn’t know anything about it. And I would predict that probably most politicians and world leaders don’t really know about this and how lethal it is. But there’s no oversight.

Senator Malcolm Roberts:

But what I’ve noticed, Christine, is that parliament, and I’m listening to Ron Paul, he’s implied much the same as I’m about to say about Congress as I’ve learned about parliament. People in Parliament, the public don’t respect them, but at the same time, they seem to follow slavishly, whatever they say. And what we’ve seen in Parliament and in your Congress is sheep. And they have very little inquisitive. If we had Congress and a Senate full of people like you, America would be wonderfully run because people ask questions, but the politicians don’t.

Senator Malcolm Roberts:

They just seem to follow slavishly. They’re afraid of saying, I’m sorry, I don’t know. And I’ve noticed quite frankly that women are more likely to say, “Hey, I need some help. Hey, I’m sorry I made a mistake. Hey, I’m wrong, can you please help me? Hey, I don’t know the answer to this question. Can you give me that hand?” And it’s the men who tend to be more like sheep, not all men of course. But what I’m getting to is the institutions, because you just stunned me. You said that there’s no regulation around this area. I thought it was so highly regulated.

Christine Dolan:

No, no. There’s no, that’s a myth. It’s not regulated. And I’ll tell you the reason why, the American politicians in Washington DC on both sides of the aisle, do not ask these questions. The money, okay, we’ve got campaign financing that’s just off the charts here. But the Pharmaceutical Manufacturing and Research Association, which is the Federal Trade Association that gives out money to people on Capitol Hill. There are very few politicians in Capitol Hill that have only taken six figures over the years. It’s a very powerful, very powerful trade association.

Senator Malcolm Roberts:

So you’re saying many have taken seven figures?

Christine Dolan:


Senator Malcolm Roberts:

Many members of Congress-

Christine Dolan:

Over the years-

Senator Malcolm Roberts:

… have taken seven figures

Christine Dolan:

… Because it’s over the years. I’m talking about cumulatively. I can tell you that Romney has probably taken millions. So this is, you take the money for the donations, they spent over 300 million, pardon me, in 2020 alone. But then also in the States, I had to ask myself, “Why did Governor DeWine from Ohio announced the lottery in 2021 to get people to take the VAX?” And then all of a sudden I realised talking to some people in Ohio, how vast the money is flowing into the state legislatures. And I think I told you this before Malcolm privately, I even listened in on the White House office of faith based phone calls. Starting immediately after Biden was inaugurated.

Christine Dolan:

So this was mid-February 2021. And I heard the people on that end of the phone talking to thousands of people all over the world, I mean all over the country. That they wanted the churches, which had been closed down in America for 2020 to hold “COVID events” because they’re places of trust in community to validate vaccinations. Now think about that. They wanted the churches to host the COVID events, to get the vaccines, to validate them because they’re places of trust. On that one phone call mid-February of 2021, the Biden White House is telling the faith based leaders to in fact get married to the leaders in the Black communities as well as unions. Although specific unions were not mentioned in that phone call. So this is-

Senator Malcolm Roberts:

So they’re just tying it up. They’re tying it up.

Christine Dolan:

They’re tying it up-

Senator Malcolm Roberts:

And they’re exploiting trust.

Christine Dolan:

They’re flashing it, they’re selling, it is such a level of diabolical human behaviour. And then you have to say, “Why the hell do they want to do this? Is it just because of pharma? Is it because of money? Is it because of the globalism? Is it because of world economic form? Is it because of WHO?” And then you have to take a look at this year alone. In January of this year, the woman who handles the global policy at the HHS here in the States got your country, our country, all of Europe, 47 countries together to sign on for amendments to the WHO to amend the 2005 International Health regulations. And basically is getting all these 47 of the countries to say, “We want to put our health sovereignty onto the WHO.” Isn’t that a clever thing to do because you can’t sue the WHO.

Senator Malcolm Roberts:

Let’s just pause there for a minute, please. Because what you are showing now is why you claim there’s medical trafficking and you’ve made a good case. You’ve seen child trafficking, human trafficking, slave trafficking, and now you’re making the case for medical trafficking. It’s due to corruption-

Christine Dolan:

Yeah, but before-

Senator Malcolm Roberts:

Before we go on, we are not going to cover anything like a fraction of what you know Christine. So is there somewhere people can go to learn more about what you do, what CDM does, Your colleague Todd, website, How do they learn more about what Christine Dolan knows?

Christine Dolan:

I’m not on social media. I don’t like Zuckerberg, I don’t like Dorsey. I am on CDM media. If you just go to Google and put in, you’ll see American conversations in the upper right hand corner. We’re broken it down with interviews with vax injured, medical tyranny, which gets into doctors that can’t speak out. And I have a global show taking on the WHO and the globalist every Sunday live on our website. It’s a global conversation and plain site, it’s exposing it. And that is at 12:30 PM Eastern time in the United States for everybody all over the world. One thing I just want to say before we go because I know we are running out of time.

Senator Malcolm Roberts:

Can we, before you continue with that, and I’d love you to continue with that. We’ve only got about three minutes left and then we have a hard cut. So away you go. Take the last three minutes, Christine.

Christine Dolan:

Okay. So I want to explain to your audience when we talk about medical trafficking, because of my body of work over 22 years ago, I helped shape the context for defining human trafficking. And the best way to understand human trafficking is that you just take a human being. If you defraud, lie coerce, force somebody for whether it’s sex, labour, child soldiers, sex tourism, doesn’t matter, internet, street to remove their organs. That is considered trafficking. So if you just put, for commercial profit, a human being defrauding, lying to, coercing, forcing, for X, Y, and Z-

Senator Malcolm Roberts:


Christine Dolan:

Exploit, that is considered trafficking exploit. And we know that these people are making money. Why are they doing this? The one thing that everybody in the world should do, every politician should do, is to demand from their government to get a copy of J and J, Moderna and Pfizer’s contracts that were given to their country to get access to that foreign citizenship. To put these injections into these people. It’s very important to get those contracts. I’m collecting these contracts as much as I possibly can. I’m going to cross reference these contracts, but I know that those three pharmaceutical companies are asking foreign governments to not make them liable in case there’s any harm done. They want the same lack of liability that they have here in the United States.

Christine Dolan:

In some countries they’re asking for collateral damage. And some of the documents they’re saying to the foreign governments, if you order two million in May, we’re going to decide when you’re going to deliver them. But if there’s a cure for COVID, if between the time that you sign this contract and they are delivered, you’re still going to have to pay for those vaccinations. And this is what really gets crazy. Why the hell would anybody in any foreign government sign a contract like that? It makes absolutely no sense whatsoever. And the only reason why somebody would do it, I dare suggest, is because somebody took a bribe.

Senator Malcolm Roberts:

Yeah, it’s about the money. But I think it’s also in the case of the World Health Organisation, which is corrupt, incompetent, dishonest, fraudulent. It’s about control on behalf of the United Nations and the World Economic Forum and let’s face. These big pharma control, that’s what they want. They want us as slaves to buy their products, get sick on their products, so they give us another product to remove the symptoms. We’ve got about a minute. Christine, anything else you want to say?

Christine Dolan:

Well, that recycle makes a lot of sense why Bill Gates would be involved with it. Because I don’t know about you, but I didn’t own a Mac until two and a half years ago. During 2020, I used PCs. Every time that my PC would break, I would have to get a new one. I would have to go out and I have to buy a new Windows. So it was a recycled model for economic profit. And that’s why I think he’s so attracted to the vaccinations and people need to understand this is not a man who has an altruistic interest in help.

Senator Malcolm Roberts:

I’m going to have to cut it off there, Christine, because we’ve got 15 seconds. I just want to thank you so much for being here. You are so clear, so precise, you’ve got a wealth of experience. We need people like you to do more of what you’re doing, speaking up to expose these globalist predators, these bastards who are exploiting people. Thank you so much, Christine. Look forward to talking with you again.

Christine Dolan:

Thank you, Malcolm. I look forward to seeing you and talking to you again. Bye.

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George Christensen joins me on the Malcolm Roberts show for TNT Radio to talk about his upbringing, crony capitalism and how to stop the globalist march through our country.


Announcer 1:

You’re with Senator Malcolm Roberts on today’s news talk radio, TNT.

Senator Malcolm Roberts:

Thank you so much for listening in today. We have another special guest. This guest is breaking into the media, whereas Christine Dolan was part of the mainstream media and now is setting a new chart and doing investigations to take her beyond the mainstream media. George Christensen is my next guest. Now George was in the National Party, part of the LNP coalition, and he had had enough of politics, so he got out and he’s doing a stellar job in informing people because by way of his own broadcasting, his own work in the media, so I’m going to ask him to talk about that. So welcome, George.

George Christensen:

Thanks very much, Malcolm. Great to be on your show.

Senator Malcolm Roberts:

And I must say it’s a pleasure having you, because we didn’t engage that much until you actually joined our party. And you’re not here because you’re a member of our party now, but I got to work with you during the election campaign and I loved working with you. You’re frank, you’re direct and you’re bloody well informed. You don’t open your gob unless it’s factually based. So before we start, what do you appreciate, anything at all?

George Christensen:

Well, without making it a mutual admiration society here, can I say I appreciate you Malcolm, and I appreciate what you’ve just said, but you are an absolute warrior. You are a warrior in the Senate, and it’s fantastic to see you in full flight, exposing the globalists, exposing the vaccine madness, exposing the World Economic Forum, the climate change myth, all the rest of it. Malcolm, you do a fantastic job for the Australian public.

George Christensen:

Now that we’re done with that, and I really do mean it but now that we’re done with the mutual backslapping, can I just say, you asked me the question what do I appreciate? Well, look, I appreciate freedom most of all. Freedom and liberty, Malcolm. These are the two fundamentals for any flourishing and functioning society, and without it we don’t have a functioning society or a flourishing society. We have a dictatorship or a totalitarian society which will eventually stagnate and die. So that’s what I appreciate most of all.

Senator Malcolm Roberts:

Okay. Thank you so much, and thank you for your kind words too. I know they’re sincere because that’s the way you operate and that’s what has drawn me to you. Where were you born? Let’s understand what makes George tick, because I know that that freedom is deeply ingrained in you. You went to journalism, part of the way through. Now you’re going back to journalism. But I get the sense that your inquisitiveness was developed at an early age, and your sense of truthfulness. So tell us where were you born and what shaped your early years, and what sort of parents did you have, what sort of influences?

George Christensen:

Yeah. Yeah. Well, look, I was born in Mackay, didn’t move far from that spot obviously. I was raised there, educated there, had my first job there and started a career in journalism there. Served on the local council there.

Senator Malcolm Roberts:

So what was your first job?

George Christensen:

Well, my first job was actually sweeping the floor in my dad’s shed, although that’s not a real job, just got paid pocket money. But my first job actually was… Well, I had some part-time gigs at university. I wouldn’t even consider them real jobs. I was a factory worker in a newspaper printery actually. It was a casual work that I did at university to help pay the bills. But the first proper job-

Senator Malcolm Roberts:

What were you studying at uni, George? Journalism?

George Christensen:

Journalism. Journalism, yeah.

Senator Malcolm Roberts:

Okay, so you got a job in one of the newspapers.

George Christensen:

Yes. That was my first job in Mackay, at a newspaper that’s now closed down. It was one of those free local sort of community newspapers called the Pioneer News. So it wasn’t national or international, hard hitting stories, but it was about the local community and people appreciate to know what’s going on in the local community, who’s doing what, who’s helping, what issues there are. So that was where I cut my teeth in journalism, Malcolm. Yeah. But look, as I said-

Senator Malcolm Roberts:

Is that why you went into journalism?

George Christensen:

No. Look, it’s an interesting story as to why I went into journalism. I mean, just to go back to your last question, I grew up in a very, I don’t want to stretch this too far but a poor family comparable to others. My father lost his leg to cancer at the age of 19, and so he was a disability pensioner when I was born although he was very much trying to get out of that by doing anything and everything. He was a taxi driver actually for most of the time when I was a little kid. My mother also had a disability. She was an epileptic. And the reason them two met was they met in a rehabilitation centre actually, so it was because of their disabilities that brought them together and the fact that I’m here. So I was one of those kids that went to school barefoot, because Mum and Dad at the time couldn’t afford to buy new shoes. You know, that was my growing up.

George Christensen:

So university seemed like not really something that I thought too strongly about while I was in primary school, I guess no one does, even in the younger years of high school, but I started to think about going off to university. Now, I was pretty good at English, at modern history, ancient history, even study of society, that sort of thing at high school, and I actually got a pretty good enough OP, good enough to get accepted into a law degree, and that was my first option. I got admitted to a law degree at Griffith University and was going to go off and do that. It was actually… I think it was a double degree, a Bachelor of Laws and a Bachelor of Public Policy. So that’s what I was interested in doing, but the reality then had to be looked at, and the reality was that Mum and Dad didn’t have enough finances to support me leaving home, moving somewhere else, down to Brisbane and setting up shop, so I had to then make another decision based on what was the financial reality for the family.

George Christensen:

And so we had a very fledgling university in Mackay at that time. It was really a sub campus, a sort of an outpost of central Queensland University which was mainly based in Rockhampton at that stage but they offered first year courses in Mackay. And so I started my university studies there doing a combined Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Business degree. I eventually dropped off the business component of it and just focused on the Arts, but my major was in Journalism, although I did what we would call a minor in Sociology as well while I was there at university. So I went off to Rockhampton for three years to finish those studies and graduated. I looked, after I finished university, at actually going back and doing what I wanted, a law degree. I’ve got to say, I got two units in and then I pulled the pin because I was pretty much studied out at that stage, Malcolm.

Senator Malcolm Roberts:

Yeah, I can understand that. But what I’m picking up from what you’re saying, between the lines, is that you’ve got a fascination with people. You want to understand what makes people tick. And I’ve noticed you are pretty incisive when it comes to seeing what’s going on. Just like Christine Dolan, my previous guest, I don’t know if you listened to her, but you can see what’s going on as some kind of instinct. Is that because of your early journalism?

George Christensen:

Well, look, I was always interested. I said that the subjects that I did well at, at high school, were the study of society, modern history in particular, ancient history a bit, and English. And there’s a common thread through those subjects. I mean, the study of events, the study of major ideas, the study of English language and literature, which forms those ideas. So I was very much interested in ideas, I got to say, and events that were going on that had a major relationship with those big ideas, and I still am today. So going into journalism I guess, there was somewhat of a step backwards, as there has to be. I mean, the young man that aspires to be an astronaut doesn’t immediately fly into space. He’s going to go through training. He’s going to learn to be a pilot. He’s going to do all those sorts of things.

George Christensen:

So stepping down and getting at the grassroots level and understanding what makes a local community tick through this newspaper I worked for, the Pioneer News, was very, very good grounding actually. I’ve got to say I didn’t work there for all that long because, and this is public knowledge although I don’t talk too much about it, at that stage I had a very, very strong feeling or urging, I can’t explain it, to explore the Catholic priesthood, and so I actually left my job to go to a seminary. I had gone on a trial basis for two weeks and then I came back, and then there was a decision to go back again that had to be made. And I pulled the pin right at the last minute on it, which left me sort of stranded because there I was, having quit my job thinking that I definitely was going to go down this track, and then at the last minute I decided, no, I’m not going to do it because there was numerous factors at play.

George Christensen:

My family were very much against it, and that also led me to reevaluating the decision, I guess, and those two factors combined led me to not pursue it. But that goes to another thing that’s a very strong part of me, and that is my belief in a higher power, in God, my belief fundamentally in the Christian faith. I don’t pretend to be a saint, Malcolm. I don’t pretend to be a saint. There’s been more blue words come out of my mouth than most sailors, right? So I’ve never pretended to be a saint, but I do have a very, very strong belief in Jesus Christ and in the Christian faith, so that has remained with me from then on. And it goes into part of my belief in bigger ideas. When you see the world through that particular worldview, that Christian worldview, you are interested in the ideas and ultimately you are interested in the battle between good and evil.

Senator Malcolm Roberts:

Yeah. Could you expand on that? Because you know, good and bad are two words I try to avoid using, because what might be good for a farmer is rain, what might be good for a tourist operator is sunshine. But good and evil, and how do we express that in everyday language. Not everyday language, how do we see it in our communities? Because, you know, there are… Well, yeah, I’ll leave it to you.

George Christensen:

Well, that’s a really big question.

Senator Malcolm Roberts:

It is.

George Christensen:

Look, there’s some things that are relative, right? Like what you said, rain might be good for a farmer, at the same time it might be bad for the guy who’s… I don’t know.

Senator Malcolm Roberts:

Running a tourism operation.

George Christensen:

A cricket aficionado or a tourism operation, or the person who’s just planned a family barbecue, so those things are relative. But look, I think that there are some things that are not relative. There is good. There is good in humanity, and what is good? Well, good is selflessness. Good is the service of others before yourself, without the want for reward. So that is good, I think, Malcolm. And we express that even, putting aside the Christian faith or any form of religion. What is the one thing that is sacrosanct in Australian culture, and the answer is it’s the Anzac spirit.

Senator Malcolm Roberts:

And mateship?

George Christensen:

Yes, yes. Mateship is almost fused with that sense of the Anzac spirit, because these were people who laid down their life for a greater cause and for their friend. And so that is the spirit of goodness I think, and it shines through actually in Australian culture. Not just Australian culture, but just an example of how that permeates our culture.

George Christensen:

Evil on the other hand, and I don’t want to get too much into this but you’ve asked me the question. I think that we know absolute evil when we confront it, and not everyone is confronted by it but we know it when we see it. It is a place that is completely and utterly void of that goodness.

Senator Malcolm Roberts:

They’re taking a life.

George Christensen:

Taking a life.

Senator Malcolm Roberts:


George Christensen:

Yes. Anything that’s void of that selflessness, even small acts. And again, I don’t pretend to be a saint. Have I engaged in stuff that is wrong? Everyone has. There is not a single man or woman on the planet who hasn’t sort of walked at least a couple of steps into that darker side. There’s only one man who’s walked the planet who hasn’t I believe, and that is Jesus Christ. But absolute evil is another thing, and when you’re… So I speak to a lot of priests and other ministers of-

Senator Malcolm Roberts:

Can we… Can we-

George Christensen:

Yeah, yeah.

Senator Malcolm Roberts:

Take a short break there please, George-

George Christensen:


Senator Malcolm Roberts:

And then come back with your point and continue. Because we need to have an ad break now, so let’s do it now.

George Christensen:

Let’s do it.

Senator Malcolm Roberts:

I’ll be back with George Christensen in just a few minutes.

Senator Malcolm Roberts:

Welcome back. This is Senator Malcolm Roberts on TNT radio, today’s News Talk Radio, and I’ve got the pleasure of having George Christensen as my guest. Now, George, you were talking, in the middle of, about evil versus good, and you were about to talk about priests. Perhaps we could finish that and then get onto your new role, because you were a maker of laws as a member of parliament, and now you’re a reporter of news and politics. And more than anyone else, you go right down into the depth of things. I’d love to learn more about that, what drives you. So continue with where we were before with good versus evil.

George Christensen:

Well, I’ll end the sermon with this. I mean, I talk to a lot of, well not a lot, but a few different priests and other ministers of religion. I find they’re always good sounding boards for various discussions that I want to have, and some of them are very close friends. And so they talk about there being the difference, and I fundamentally believe this Malcolm, there is a difference between the evil that men do, although it is still evil and it is bereft of that goodness that we talk about, and what we would call absolute evil or the personification of evil.

George Christensen:

And what I’m talking about there is Satan, the devil. I fundamentally believe in that. Some Christians actually don’t, but I think that it does exist and we need to be wary about it. I mean, some people might call me crazy and a kook, but when we look at the world today and we see the zeitgeist, the spirit of the times that weaves its way in our culture, in our society, in our politics, in our economy, in terms of international happenings and institutions, I think that there is something gravely Satanic that’s actually going on in the world right now. I think that this spirit of personified evil has actually captured the world and it’s captured culture. Now-

Senator Malcolm Roberts:

Let’s continue talking about that. I’m sorry to interrupt you, but I wanted to… A good friend of mine who I’ve got a lot of respect for, he’s pretty switched on, he just sent me a text. He must be listening. He said pure evil is Klaus Schwab, and I think that’s where you’re going, isn’t it?

George Christensen:

Well, yeah. Look, the world economic forum. I just started reading Alex Jones’s new book, The Great Reset and the War on the World, and he speaks about it in these terms. It’s the battle for freedom, or the battle versus authoritarianism, and I think that they can be framed in good versus evil as well. Wanting everyone to be free and be able to pursue their own sense of happiness without infringing on the freedom of others, versus those who want to crush the fellow man and force them to do their will. I mean, that’s the battle of good versus evil, and I see that very strongly in the world today, and certainly out of the World Economic Forum. I wonder about the World Economic Forum. I spend a lot of time focusing on them and the ideas that are coming out through them.

George Christensen:

But I sometimes wonder Malcolm, and this is me speculating, whether it is just merely a front, because they’re so public in some of the things that they come out with, and some of the things are so bizarre. There’s either two things going on. One, it’s just front and we’re being obscured from something else that’s going on. Or two, and this may be the case, they have gotten so far with their agenda that they do not care anymore about hiding it. When you hear bizarre things coming out of the World Economic Forum, such as that they want to have fact checking for our thoughts. You know, the whole thing about transhumanism? When you start going down that rabbit hole, and this is stuff that the world economic forum publishes in their articles, says in their bloody globalist seminars and all the rest of it.

George Christensen:

They’re talking about the fusion of AI with the brain, and they can actually have blocking receptors, so that if there are things, ideas, images, anything, that really is something that goes against society as they see it, that can be blocked from entering the human mind. Just think about how frightening that idea is, how frightening that technology is, but how even more frightening that people would think about deploying it in such a way as the Davos crowd do. So clearly, clearly, that is a battle between good and evil.

Senator Malcolm Roberts:

Do you think George… I’ve always tended to think about the human spirit, the universal spirit, we’re of our universe. We’re not part of our universe, we’re of our universe, and so there’s a universal unity if you want. So rather than think in terms of good and evil, I tend to think in terms of our real self and our ego.

George Christensen:


Senator Malcolm Roberts:

And you created Georgia, and I created Malcolm, and my ego is the thing that’s hurt me the most-

George Christensen:


Senator Malcolm Roberts:

Because I can’t believe that I hurt me, but that ego is deliberately doing that so that I reinforce the ego. Because the ego is something I created, so while ever I have that false construct, then the ego survives. So I don’t know if I’m explaining it very well.

George Christensen:

No, you-

Senator Malcolm Roberts:

So I tend to see things in terms of ego, ego versus our real self, our real self. And our real self would probably be akin to your good, your inherent goodness, the goodness of humanity, which I believe in very strongly. But then the ego takes over and the Adolf Hitler, the Klaus Schwabs, and they want to control. And always beneath control, there is fear, because that bloody ego is afraid it’ll get dissolved.

George Christensen:

Yes. I think we’re talking… We’re using different words, but I think fundamentally we’re talking about the same thing.

Senator Malcolm Roberts:


George Christensen:

I’ve heard it said like this in probably more philosophical terms, there’s the logos and then there’s the, and I think this is made up word, the alogos. In the Christian parlance, we say Christ is the logos. I mean, in the beginning of John, the Gospel of John, in the beginning there was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was a God, or was God. So that, the Word, is actually in Greek, logos. And if you then take it out, I mean, we believe the logos is personified, it’s Jesus Christ. Take it away from that sort of Christian interpretation, what is logos? Logos is rationality. You talked about… I think it was, what did you say? There’s the universal spirit, is that how you described it? Is that your term?

Senator Malcolm Roberts:

Yeah, the unity of the universal spirit that is through all of us.

George Christensen:

Yeah. Yeah. So I think that what you’re talking about there is rationality, and it’s order but it’s divine order. It’s perfection, the way that the creator intended the entire universe to function. And then chaos breaks out, and this is the source of evil. It’s rebellion against what the divine order is. So whatever semantics you would like to use, I think that fundamentally we’re talking about the same thing. And I think that it just goes down to where we are at the moment. Look, I am not one who’s the defender of the status quo. The status quo is shocking, Malcolm. This is why it’s so easy when they talk about a great reset to capture some people, because people think that that life at the moment is completely crap. Yeah, it should be reset. The problem is it’s the people who’ve made life as bad as it is that are the ones wanting to do the reset, so do you think it’s going to get any better? The-

Senator Malcolm Roberts:


George Christensen:


Senator Malcolm Roberts:

You just hit the bullseye.

George Christensen:

I mean, it’s crazy. All the mega corporations, all the politicians, all the people who have been pulling the strings and calling the shots for decades, wanting to develop a new world. I mean, whose utopia is that going to be? Now, I get back to the good and evil concept, or logos and alogos. A natural state of things is capitalism, right? And let me expand upon that. Not capitalism as we know it. I think the word has been really… It’s almost passe because capitalism means something dirty to a lot of people, right? Let me use another word-

Senator Malcolm Roberts:

Yeah, and just on that, George. I can’t resist jumping in. I don’t like cutting people off at times, but-

George Christensen:

Yeah, go on.

Senator Malcolm Roberts:

We don’t have capitalism. So I’m-

George Christensen:

Yeah, that’s right. That’s right.

Senator Malcolm Roberts:

We have crony capitalism, which is bastardised socialism really, heading on the way to communism. That’s what we’ve gotten, back to feudalism.

George Christensen:

I agree with you.

Senator Malcolm Roberts:

We have not got capitalism. Perhaps we can talk about that later.

George Christensen:

Oh, look, that’s where I’m going, mate. That’s exactly where I’m going.

Senator Malcolm Roberts:

But keep going. Keep going with your thread. I didn’t mean to…

George Christensen:

So, free enterprise, it is the natural order of things.

Senator Malcolm Roberts:

That’s it, personal enterprise.

George Christensen:

Malcolm, you might be good at, I don’t know, pick a trade. You might be good at carpentry, right? And I might be good at bricklaying. I need a table and chairs built, and a bed built, and cabinets built. You can go and do that. Guess what? You need a house out of bricks made, so I can go and do that. And that is the true natural economy working. There’s a sense of that goodness I was speaking out about people helping each other, but there’s also reward. They help each other, they help themself, and the entirety of society flourishes in that system. We bring our talents to the table. We share those talents with others for their talents. We do that through a trade that’s eventually been worked out with money, and that is the natural order of things, not just economically, but also in a societal sense.

George Christensen:

So what these globalists are trying to do is to turn all that on its head. They want mega monolithic multinational corporations to be working hand in hand with technocratic governments, where there might be a facade of representational government but the reality is it will be government by experts. And I don’t say that in a polite way-

Senator Malcolm Roberts:


George Christensen:

Technocrats. You know, the people who have been saying all the things about the pandemic over the last two years, all the things that we must do, that we’re ought not to do, that have turned out to be so badly wrong and have actually damaged people’s health and damaged the state of our society. These are the people who will be in charge, along with the mega corporations who will be, as they say, working hand in glove with governments to bring about change. Now, who elected them? How is that monolithic corporation bringing something to the table that I can trade with that actually helps better society? I don’t understand that. So it is fundamentally going away from the natural order of things.

Senator Malcolm Roberts:

Well, let me put a framework to you then. In capitalism, we have the individual ownership of assets and means of production.

George Christensen:


Senator Malcolm Roberts:

And we have individual decisions in terms of allocating those resources. In communism, we have state ownership of the resources and the means of production, and state allocation. Socialism, in my… Just splitting the difference there, is individual ownership of the resources and means of production, but state allocation through regulation. And so we are very, very much into socialism right now. We’re not at capitalism. The other thing is that people think that capitalism is rampant, and it’s not. America’s not at all capitalist. It hasn’t been for a long, long time. And what we see is the need for these regulations to protect us George, from the capitalists. And the people who are making the regulations, or driving the law makers who are making regulations, are the ones who are trying to control things and they use regulation to control, and that’s put us into socialism.

George Christensen:

Yeah. True, true. Look, not every law that government brings out or regulation they bring out is bad. I mean, some of them are designed, and do keep some of these major corporations in check. But the problem is, right, when a regulation is brought in, you’ve got this multi billion dollar corporation which has a suite of people in middle management, lower middle management, upper middle management, all the rest of it. You’ve got these hoards of people in human resources and government relations and government regulatory departments who can actually do this work.

George Christensen:

All it requires sometimes is paperwork and ticking boxes, and they employ people that are very good at paperwork and ticking boxes. But the small business who that regulatory burden also falls upon is made up of Mum, Dad, and maybe a couple of young workers. Well, who’s going to be ticking all the boxes and filling in all the paperwork for them that it falls on as well? And so that’s why small business drowns in the paperwork, yet big corporations seem to flourish with it because they’ve just got all the people. So regulation in itself, when it falls on both big and small, actually works in favour of big business.

Senator Malcolm Roberts:

Oh, exactly. And I think George, that regulation is there for big business, because you look at the IR club. The fundamental responsibility in industrial relations, especially in a small business, in any business, is the workplace relationship between employer and employee. And if the employees want to organise themselves and get a bit more clout by having an honest union delegate, good luck to them. That’s their right. But what we see now in this country is the IR club, which comprises lawyers, consultants, HR practitioners, big business, multinationals quite often, trying to bulldoze their way through, union bosses in some large unions. We see these people clubbing together, and what they do is they make regulations so damn complex, so long, so detailed, that the honest worker cannot understand it, the honest business manager cannot understand it.

Senator Malcolm Roberts:

And so they have to go to lawyers. Hello, look, who’s making money. They have to go to union bosses who are feathering their nests and looking for their careers. They have to go to multinationals, and do a deal with them that favours multinationals. The whole thing is set up for this IR club, and the same happens with banks. You and I should be able to form a bank, but it’s so difficult because the regulations protect the major banks and give them control. The regulations are set up for the big controllers.

George Christensen:

Mate, while we’re talking about IR, can I ask you a question? You’re a Senator. I know it’s your show, but I’d be interested in your thoughts right now on this jobs and skills summit. I have mine, but I’m interested in your thoughts on it because that’s a hot topic at the moment.

Senator Malcolm Roberts:

I haven’t given it a lot of thought, George, because quite frankly, look at the basics of it. Anthony Albanese came to the last election with a plan. He sold us. He told us. He had a plan. When the election was over and he was in power with 32% of the vote, he suddenly told us his plan was about going to ask people for their plans. He had no bloody plan. And the job summit is just a facade for the ACTU, big union bosses and big multinational players to organise the deals to suit themselves. It’ll be, yet again, another way of entrenching the IR club, the industrial relations club, and small businesses and workers will be left out. I mean, I don’t know if you know how much work we’ve been doing on Central Queensland and especially the Hunter Valley with regard to the exploitation of casuals. That’s an absolute disgrace that was enabled by union bosses and colluding with multinational companies.

George Christensen:

Big business. Yeah, yeah.

Senator Malcolm Roberts:

And I’m not talking about the mining companies. I’m talking about the labour hire people who are part of Recruit Holdings in Japan, the largest labour hire firm in the world through Chandler Macleod in Australia. And Chandler Macleod has received 2.4 billion dollars in the last four years, in the preceding four years, from the federal government for labour hire services. I mean, these people are all working together, and who pays for 40% less wages? The worker. Who pays for loss of worker’s compensation and basic security and entitlements? The worker. Who pays for the exploitation? The worker pays. And we’ve got big unions, union bosses, big multinationals, and big labour hire firms, colluding. Not all the labour hire firms, but just some of them. And this, they’re exploiting, George.

George Christensen:

They are. They clearly are.

Senator Malcolm Roberts:

The job summit will perpetuate that.

George Christensen:

Look, I think it’s going to be even worse than that, Malcolm. And I’ll get off this, because I know this is not the topic you wanted to be discussing, but these are important right now.

Senator Malcolm Roberts:

No, no, I’m here to listen to George Christensen. I want people to hear what you… Because you’re a good thinker. So go for it, whatever topic you want.

George Christensen:

There was an article in Macro Business the other day on jobs and skills summit, and often some of the stuff on Macro Business I disagree with, some that I agree, so it’s a bit of pick and choose. And this one had me nodding from go to whoa, and it was summed up with this thing, and I just can’t believe it because the unions were in charge of this jobs and skills summit, right?

Senator Malcolm Roberts:

Excuse me, George.

George Christensen:

And they’ve been-

Senator Malcolm Roberts:

I just realised the time-

George Christensen:

Oh, dear.

Senator Malcolm Roberts:

And I’m enjoying the conversation with you. Can we have another ad break and then come back with your story?

George Christensen:

Let’s do it.

Senator Malcolm Roberts:

Yeah, okay.

George Christensen:

Let’s do it.

Senator Malcolm Roberts:

We’ll be back. This is Senator Malcolm Roberts with George Christensen. We’ll be back in just a minute.

Senator Malcolm Roberts:

And this is Senator Malcolm Roberts on TNT News Radio, and I’m with George Christensen. And I’m going to ask George to continue with this story, but to make time, we’ve only got 12 minutes left George, and we’re covering a lot of good issues, I want you to make time please, in that, to tell us about your latest venture and how people can learn more about you, because that’s really important. You’re one of the most incisive commentators on public affairs in this country.

George Christensen:

Well, I’ll wrap up with this jobs and skills summit by just saying that the way that Macro Business has styled it, it says it’s been turned into one giant immigration scab grab that will see permanent and temporary migration lifted to one unprecedented levels against the direct wishes of the Australian people who have not gotten a say. And we saw that with the lift in nearly 200,000 migrants a year, and that’s going to happen. And there’s a lot of people who, I guess that they were aligned to the union movement or they were sympathetic to the union movement, that were calling out the previous government, the Morrison government, before the Turnbull, and before it the Abbott government, for foreign workers coming into the country. And they’re noticeably silent about this. It’s very, very bizarre. But Labour has long… This is why I fundamentally shook my…

George Christensen:

I shook my head every time Labour got up and started beating its chest on this issue. Because you’d remember Julia Gillard back in the day had a white paper into the Asian Century, and part of that white paper contained a lot of stuff about Labour mobility. And I’ll just read you one thing out of that white paper, then I’ll finish on this topic Malcolm, that this is what they say they want to do about the Australian economy and businesses operating and connecting with growing Asian markets, that they will work to reduce unnecessary impediments in Australia’s domestic regulations to cross border business activity, investment and skilled labour mobility, having regard to the arrangements in place in other countries in the region. So Labour was always about foreign workers coming in and doing jobs here in Australia that otherwise Australians could do, and I think that, that’s the tragedy of this whole thing. We are turning into, as some people suggest, a guest worker society. And I think that’s part of the globalist sort of ideology, the globalist utopia, there’d be no borders, workers could go wherever, do whatever.

Senator Malcolm Roberts:

Yeah. There’s no doubt about that, because the two fundamental structures for human civilization are the family unit and the nation state, and the globalists have done years now of smashing the family. A good friend of mine, John McCrea, says that he calls the family law system and the family law courts the slaughter house of the nation, and it is destroying family. Because you know far better than I do George, when we destroy families, people turn to government, they’re controlled.

George Christensen:

That’s right. That’s right.

Senator Malcolm Roberts:

And when you smash national borders and you have the erosion of sovereignty, which is what is happening right now and has been for decades, and under both Liberal and Labour, then you have a central government with central control. Then you have all the benefits to them of labour mobilisation. This has all been orchestrated to smash borders, to move people around, to get control of people and turn us back into a feudal state, but in this case it would be a global feudal state.

Senator Malcolm Roberts:

I’d love to have you back one day because you are wonderful when it comes to education, families and sovereignty, so let’s get you back one day to talk about that. But I’d like to hear for now about you. What are you doing and how can people learn more about you, and hopefully even use this service. And I say it openly, I’m promoting what you’re doing, because you are incisive and you’re honest and you’re considered, and you’re very, very thoughtful. You know what the hell’s going on.

George Christensen:

Well, when I made the decision to step down as the member for Dawson, I did so still knowing that there was a fair bit of fire in the belly and I didn’t want to leave politics. I was leaving the house of representatives, but not politics. And obviously I worked with One Nation, being a Senate candidate for One Nation, but that didn’t eventuate, although hopefully my role in that helped Senator Hansen who’s another warrior with yourself, Malcolm, in the Senate, helped her get over the line. I’m glad to see that she’s returned to the Parliament. But I decided to deploy my resources, which was in the field of journalism. I mean, I’d had that experience as a journalist and training as a journalist. I’d had over 10 years experience as a politician, so I decided to deploy those two evils for the forces of good.

George Christensen:

And I say that a bit facetiously mate, but what I’m trying to do now is put out… Well, what I am doing is putting out a daily newsletter, or Monday to Friday newsletter, that goes into issues where the mainstream media no doubt fears to tread. And all of next week, I’m talking about just a tiny little topic, the decline of Western civilization, and we’re going to be going through that pretty methodically, looking at democracy, looking at demography, looking at the decline in culture, looking at the decline in economics.

George Christensen:

So this is something I’m going to be focusing on next week. People can sign up for a free trial. They don’t have to pay to start with and they can leave whenever they want if they don’t like it. And so I just encourage people, you want to sign up for a free trial and read these pieces that we’re putting out next week on just the little topic of the fall of the west, please do that. I think that this is a topic that probably-

Senator Malcolm Roberts:

So what’s that address again? Nationfirst-

George Christensen:

It’s Nationfirst.substack-

Senator Malcolm Roberts:

Substack, S-

George Christensen:


Senator Malcolm Roberts:


George Christensen:


Senator Malcolm Roberts:


George Christensen:

That’s it. That’s it.

Senator Malcolm Roberts:


George Christensen:

I’m also working Malcolm, very briefly, on setting up a conservative or pro freedom news aggregator website for Australia. There’s plenty of them over in the US. They’ve got Citizen Free Press, the Liberty Daily, Populous Press, and once upon a time the Drudge Report used to be there, but now it’s gone over to the left. So I’m setting up one of these websites for Australia called Eureka Free Press, where we’re going to be trying to put the best of the best news and opinion that will really mean something and help in the fight that us pro freedom warriors have to engage in every day, because it is an informational war. So this is hoping to be one website that people can log onto daily, they can get everything that they need on there, they don’t have to go trawling the web because we’ve done that job for you.

George Christensen:

And there’ll also be some original news content on there as well, Malcolm, and I’m hoping to grow that, but I’m dipping my toe into this water to see how it goes. It’s cost me a bit already to get all of this set up. People have actually donated some money as well to help this venture get off the ground and I’m greatly appreciative for that. We’ll give it a go for six months and just see whether it’s at least breaking even and if there’s interest from the public, and if there is, then we’ll continue it on.

Senator Malcolm Roberts:

I’ve heard you’re getting very good interest so far, and very good support.

George Christensen:

Yeah. Look mate, I actually shared a call for donations to lift the amount of original content that we could put on the website, and I got to say, we exceeded what we called for. So there obviously is a fair bit of interest in getting this out there and having original news pieces on there as well as aggregating the best of the best.

Senator Malcolm Roberts:

Well, I know George, correct me if I’m wrong, let’s have a quick little talk about the media and the different forms of media. We’ve got what I call the mockingbird media, the legacy media, the lying charlatan media, the lamestream media, the what some people call mainstream media.

George Christensen:

Legacy, fake news, yeah.

Senator Malcolm Roberts:

Yeah, fake news. And they’re owned by the people who are pushing the global agenda, so they suppress any knowledge of it, so that’s one side. We can’t trust them. We know that for a fact, you cannot trust them. Then the next form of media that we have is social media, or as I call it these days, antisocial media, because we know that we have 142,000 followers on my Facebook page as Senator Malcolm Roberts, and sometimes our reach is pathetic because we are throttled back. We know that we’re getting throttled back.

George Christensen:


Senator Malcolm Roberts:

And it’s quite obvious, and then we have Instagram. But we can’t say things that we believe. We can’t say things that are the truth. We can’t say things that are backed by facts. We can’t say things that might upset the globalist agenda. So the globalists, Bill Gates for example is funding some of these people to suppress news of people like us, whether it be on climate, whether it be on COVID especially, these issues, basic issues of life and death for people, you can’t talk about.

George Christensen:

Yeah, it’s a disgrace.

Senator Malcolm Roberts:

Yeah. And then the third one is what I call the new, independent, truth seeking, people media, and I would put you in that category. You’re reliant on people directly-

George Christensen:

And I would put TNT in it as well.

Senator Malcolm Roberts:

I would put TNT. Wherever I go, I publicise Wonderful service, maybe you’d talk about that in a minute too. But where do you see the media? Have I categorised the three different groups of media? Is there anyone I’ve missed?

George Christensen:

No, I think you’re spot on. We’ve got the legacy media. It’s called legacy because it’s fading, it’s dying. The advent of the internet, obviously I saw a long time ago that this would democratise the media, that if people were unhappy with the fake news that was being shoved down their throat, the bias and all the rest of it, they would vote with their feet. And so less and less people are watching the free to air commercial networks, less and less people are buying newspapers, and more and more people are getting their sources of news online.

George Christensen:

Now, the problem is that the mega corporations, Facebook, Google, and all the rest of it that want to return us into this feudal society, have picked up the ball for the legacy media and are doing their best to corral people into these silos where they’re basically getting the same stuff they got in the old media, but now online. Still, still, there are a bunch of different websites that are out there, and the movement is growing of being truly independent, truly pro freedom, and presenting the real news to the public. And I think that that is only going to grow and people are going to vote with their feet, Malcolm.

Senator Malcolm Roberts:

But only… I think what we’ve got to do is vote with our wallets as well, and I’ve cancelled subscription to Sky News because it’s become fake news in the evenings now. It used to be socialist in the mornings and mid afternoons, and free enterprise in the evenings, but even now it’s woke. I look at them basically booting Alan Jones. I look at 2GB booting Jones.

George Christensen:

Yeah, that was terrible.

Senator Malcolm Roberts:

I mean, he’s a beacon for truth and freedom, and he takes on the issues, COVID, climate change. He does a really good job on that because he talks the truth. I’d hate to get into an argument with him. He’s so well up… But I’ve cancelled my subscription to Sky-

George Christensen:

Well, he’s a clear example of the new media

Senator Malcolm Roberts:


George Christensen:

He’s a clear example of the new media, ADHTV.

Senator Malcolm Roberts:


George Christensen:

They’ve got the capacity, and I think they will go big and they will threaten some of these other channels. Because now you can just jump online, you can subscribe to this streaming media channel and you can watch it on your smart device or you can watch it on your smart TV, so that’s a democratisation of the media at play. They want to kick off Alan Jones. Well, people want to watch him, so they can still do it, and they can do it online and they can support a network that’s not engaging in that sort of behaviour.

Senator Malcolm Roberts:

So we’ve got about a minute to go, so I just want to mention again, George Christensen, you can get his thoughts directly on Correct, George?

George Christensen:, and you’ll get them via email. Not directly, I’m not going into some transhumanist-

Senator Malcolm Roberts:

No, no. I mean, they’re not being filtered by a whole posse of journalists. They’re your thoughts directly, your incisive comments about, and your incisive news.

George Christensen:

Yes, that’s right.

Senator Malcolm Roberts:

And perhaps you could come back one day and we’d talk about education, because you’re very strong on that, talk about families and talk about sovereignty. Because they’re the core, they’re the keys stopping us sliding back into global feudalism.

George Christensen:

You’re very right, education being one of the most important because that’s the next generation.

Senator Malcolm Roberts:

George Christensen, thank you so much, and thank you for what you have done and what you are doing for the people of Australia in educating and opening eyes and hearts. Thank you so much.

George Christensen:

Likewise, Senator Malcolm Roberts. Thanks very much.

Alan Jones hits the nail on the head when it comes to Klaus Schwab and the World Economic Forum. From ADH TV. If you don’t have their app already you are missing out.

Politicians need to work together for our country instead of pushing Klaus Schwab’s Great Reset. The World Economic Forum’s Great Reset plan comes with the tagline, “you will own nothing and be happy”.

Under the Great Reset, billionaire globalist corporations will own everything, homes, factories, farms, cars, furniture and everyday citizens will rent what they need… if their social credit score allows.

Instead, One Nation supports the Great Resist, opposing these international, globalist influences that don’t have Australia’s best interests at heart. Under the Great Resist you will own your home, your car and your farm, and you will be happy.

Individual freedom, privacy and dignity are essential building blocks for an Australia worth living in. Globalists try to convince governments to remove these human rights to achieve the “greater good”.

We must push the Great Resist in all areas of our lives. The future of our country, our children and ourselves depend on it.

We stand for a world where individuals and communities have primacy over predatory globalist billionaires and their quisling bureaucrats, politicians, and mouthpiece media. One Nation accepts the challenge to provide a better future for everyday Australians.

We have one flag, we are one community, and we are One Nation.


If this Parliament gets it wrong, everyday Australians will suffer through inflation, or worse, stagflation, for decades.

And instead of working together to push Klaus Schwab’s World Economic Forum plan based on United Nations policies, work together instead for our country. Klaus Schwab’s life by subscription, quote, is really serfdom. It’s slavery. Billionaire globalist corporations will own everything, homes, factories, farms, cars, furniture, and everyday citizens will rent what they need if their social credit score allows.

The plan of the Great Reset is that you will die with nothing. To pull off this evil plan, Klaus Schwab’s World Economic Forum will need to take more than just material possessions from Australians. Senators in this very chamber today who support the Great Reset threaten our privacy, freedom, and dignity. Yes, they’re in this senate chamber.

One Nation vehemently opposes the Great Reset, the Digital Identity Bill, theft of agricultural land use forcing farmers off their land, and all of the Great Reset. One Nation has a comprehensive plan to bring our beautiful country back to sustainable prosperity. And in the months ahead, we will be rolling that plan out. Instead of Lib-Lab pushing Klaus Schwab’s Great Reset with the tagline, you will own nothing and be happy,

One Nation advocates the Great Resist.

This is a clip from my reply to the Governor General. You can read/watch the full speech below.

Skip to 30m30s for Senator Roberts’ interview

I joined Maria Zeee for an important conversation about the Digital Identity Bill and how it is feeding into more control for the globalists.


Maria Zee:

Now, one of the other problems that’s plaguing our country at the moment and has been for some time is the increased government surveillance that we’ve seen over the past two years under the guise of COVID 19 measures. They claim that it’s for the safety of the people to be surveilling them, but now all of a sudden, we’re talking about the trusted digital ID that’s going to be implemented in Australia. What does this actually mean? Well Senator Malcolm Roberts is a person that’s been speaking up a lot about how this lines up with Klaus Schwab’s plan for the great reset. You will own nothing, and you will be happy. Yuvil Harari, the Lead Advisor of Klaus Schwab and the World Economic Forum says we can now track and trace individuals and even manipulate them the way that we want. What do they mean? Well here’s a clip from the UN about what they say digital is.

Speaker 13:

Digital Transformation is changing the way we manage our data, our information, our interactions, and our identities online. The United Nations is ready to digitally transform how it deals with identity, with a system to streamline information sharing, daily workflows, access to platforms and buildings, operating across agencies by providing its personnel with a universal system-wide identity solution. Introducing the UN Digital ID, a unique and digital identity for UN personnel from the day you join to the day you part. All of your personal, HR, medical, travel, security, payroll, and pension data in the Palm of your hand, giving you full control on what you share and with whom. With blockchain and biometrics, the UN Digital ID makes verification efficient, secure, transparent, immutable, portable, and universal. It’s been piloted by different agencies and the UN Pension Fund where they’ve replaced current manual processes with certainty for who and where pension recipients say they are at any given time.

Speaker 13:

Imagine a regional field officers just joined the UN. She uses the mobile app to obtain a digital wallet stored securely in her smartphone and only accessible to her with biometrics. Even better than a physical wallet, she can store all her credentials issued by any UN organisation in her digital wallet. She has immediate access to core certificates, travel clearances from UN DSS, medical records from allergies to vaccinations, also making any transfer to another organisation a breeze. As innovation transforms the world, we can improve the way we manage our identities online. UN Digital IDs, a building block for digital corporation, unlocking the promise of the SDGs.

Maria Zee:

And of course, we had to see a picture of the world just then, because this is linked to the wellbeing of the planet, right? Digital ID, improving your security, all of your things in one place, all for the sake of convenience, just like most things that we’ve been told are for the sake of our convenience when they’re actually to increase surveillance. Now, Senator Malcolm Roberts has a different take on what the digital ID means, and here’s something the mainstream media won’t show you.

Senator Malcolm Roberts:

The United Nations has a problem. How can they control the carbon footprint of the world’s citizen? Very soon, government will tell our farmers what they can grow and punish Australian consumers if they buy the wrong things. The dream of micromanaging individual carbon emissions hinges on the soon to be past so-called, Trusted Digital Identity Bill. If Scott Morrison and Barnaby Joyce want to achieve their net zero 2050 dream, freedoms must be slashed, removed.

Senator Malcolm Roberts:

It is only through the relentless digital stalking of citizens that the liberal nationals government can micromanage purchasing choices. Businesses are punished with tax while consumers get their credit score docked. This already happens in China where a person’s shopping list lowers their social credit score until they cannot travel. In Australia, it may be as simple as denying banking services because you dare to drive a four wheel drive to work. Australian banks have already shown a keen interest in the trusted digital identity bill, saying it will, “Allow them to create a rich view of their customers.” These are the same banks that already list climate risk as a means to deny loans. When the liberals tell you that digital identity will make your life easier, remember there is no such thing as a free lunch.

Maria Zee:

There is no such thing as a free lunch. That is seriously alarming stuff. That is taking steps towards a police state where you are monitored for every single thing that you do buy, sell, even think. And it’ll of course affect your social credit score, which is what the digital ID could very well lead to and some say it will. And of course, we know the World Economic Forum has these plans as so said Senator Malcolm. He talks about the great resist recently in parliament. I want to show that clip before we go to Senator Malcolm Roberts.

Senator Malcolm Roberts:

If this parliament gets its wrong, every day Australians will suffer through inflation or worse stagflation for decades. And instead of working together to push Klaus Schwab’s World Economic Forum plan based on United Nations policies, work together instead for our country. Klaus Schwab life by subscription is really surfed him, its slavery. Billionaire globalist corporations will own everything homes, factories, farms, cars, furniture, and everyday citizens will rent what they need if their social credit score allows.

Senator Malcolm Roberts:

The plan of the great reset is that you will die with nothing. To pull off this evil plan, Klaus Schwab’s World Economic Forum will need to take more than just material possessions from Australians. Senators in this very chamber today who support the great reset threaten our privacy freedom and dignity. Yes, they’re in this Senate Chamber. One nation vehemently opposes the great reset, the digital identity bill, theft of agricultural land use forcing farmers off their land, and all of the great reset. One nation has a comprehensive plan to bring our beautiful country back to sustainable prosperity. And in the months ahead, we will be rolling that plan out. Instead of lib lab, pushing Klaus Schwab’s great reset with the tagline, you’ll own nothing and be happy. One nation advocates, the great resist.

Maria Zee:

The great resist, which is essentially what everyone should be doing if they knew just how much government control a digital ID would lead to yet, the mainstream media is not warning you about what the new propaganda around climate change actually means and how the digital ID could be weaponized against every single Australian citizen. Well, Senator Malcolm has been speaking about this regularly and he joins us now for an update. Here’s Senator Malcolm. Thank you Senator Malcolm Roberts for joining us today to discuss a range of very, very important topics.

Senator Malcolm Roberts:

Well, you’re welcome. And thank you for the invitation, Maria. And I’ve got to say how much I appreciate what you do because it’s people who are independent broadcasters like you that really are going to bring Australia back.

Maria Zee:

Well, just earlier in the show, we spoke about all of the information the mainstream media has either been withholding from Australian people or misrepresenting over the past two and a half years. So I think it’s absolutely crucial that we continue to do this. Now, the main things that we want to discuss today really are this climate change bill that’s just passed in the lower house in Australia. And obviously, we need to discuss digital ID and how this all ties in. And my questions to you, Senator Roberts are we had an ice age, not so long ago. Now it’s global warming and now we’re pivoting to manmade climate change, human beings, being at fault for climate change. Can you weigh in on this for us?

Senator Malcolm Roberts:

Sure. There’s climate variability. It’s naturally varies every day just like you are taller than I am. You’re a woman, I’m a man and we’ve got people all around varying in nature. We’ve got trees varying in nature. Everything varies. The weather varies, the climate varies and the climate comes and goes in cycles. And so, what’s happened is that they have fabricated this, a man called Maurice Strong, he died in 2015 just before the Paris Agreement. And he concocted it. He was a Canadian billionaire. He was a crook, a criminal who the American police wanted in investigations of some pretty serious crimes. He was also connected with the UN’s Food for Oil scam in the middle east. The man was exiled in China so that the authorities couldn’t get him. It was a complete scam that was concocted by Maurice Strong from Canada.

Senator Malcolm Roberts:

He formed the United Nations Environmental Programme in 1972. Six months later, he became the Head of the UN Environmental Programme. He was sitting amongst a very senior level, one down from the secretary general, the top dog in the UN. And because he was surrounded by basically failed politicians, failed bureaucrats and academics and other glory seekers in the UN who just have no accountability, when it came to matters of environment, they all turned to Maurice Strong. So he wrapped everything as an environmental issue and he got control of so many things. He fabricated the global warming scam, he created the intergovernmental panel on climate change. He created the UN framework convention on climate change, which oversaw the circle scientific body, the IPCC. He’s done the lot. And he created the IPCC with his influence.

Senator Malcolm Roberts:

The man was very bright, very, very bright, but he is also twisted. And he was a very, very good networker Maria. Butter wouldn’t melt in his mouth. He was just a phenomenal mover of people. He created the whole ground swell at meetings like the Rio De Janeiro, what do they call that? The Rio De Janeiro conference in 1992, where we signed Agenda 21. He created the fanfare around UN Toyota Protocol in 1997, which then John Howard implemented. Now, he’s concocted the lot. But the other thing is that, we’ve asked the CSIRO for their evidence of climate change and they have come back and admitted that today’s temperatures are not unprecedented. The temperatures were warmer in the 1880s and 1890s in Australia then today. The temperatures, according to NASA’s global satellites are pretty much flat. If you take away El Nino and La Nina variation, it’s pretty much flat since 1995.

Maria Zee:

So what we’re essentially dealing with is change of weather. CSIRO cannot produce the evidence of climate change and yet Australia has just passed the climate change bill of 2022 in the lower house. Now I’ve read that bill and it continues to make reference to the Paris Agreement of 2015, which I’ve also read. Now, there’s a lot about how climate change affects women and girls with their domestic activities apparently, but it doesn’t actually specify any solutions as to how to deal with this so-called climate change, which you are saying isn’t even a real thing.

Senator Malcolm Roberts:


Maria Zee:

So what is the government actually proposing? Because the climate change build doesn’t have any solutions. How are we going to, other than maintaining the world temperature at pre-industrial levels and reducing carbon emissions, which now we’re being told CO2 is harmful human beings breathe out CO2. What solutions is the government actually saying that we need here because they have not specified anything, either in this bill or the Paris Agreement of 2015?

Senator Malcolm Roberts:

Well, if you remember just a few things. First of all, government in our country and in many Western countries has now become a huge means of transferring wealth from the poor and the middle class to the wealthy elites. That’s what it is all about. The second thing it’s all about is control, controlling what we do. And you want to talk about the digital identity bill later, that’s what is the mechanism enabling them to control us. So they want control and they want to extract money. That’s what they’re all about. Just remember those two things. So the Paris Agreement has, by the way, the Paris Agreement is not an agreement. What they did was, because they couldn’t get agreement at the previous Conference of Parties in Copenhagen, and it was an embarrassment for the UN and all the global leaders. What they decided at Paris was that the global leaders would come in at the start, not the end.

Senator Malcolm Roberts:

And they would leave, create the fanfare, getting the media. Then the bureaucrats would hammer out an agreement. Now the agreement was, China basically said stuff you, India said, we’re not doing it. And so China’s commitment to the Paris Agreement is, we won’t do anything until 2030 and then we’ll think about it. And India pretty much the same. So what we said was, we’ll destroy our economy and hand it all over to China. And that’s our part of the UN agreement. I mean, we didn’t literally say hand it over to China, but what we’re doing to electricity prices, we are handing it over to China.

Maria Zee:

Well, what I’ve read in that agreement is a lot of, we’ll work it out as we go it seems as per whatever, the committee or the members, there’s a lot of confusing language in that document, Senator Roberts.

Senator Malcolm Roberts:

It is confusing. And the other thing that the Paris Agreement calls into play is net zero by 2050. Now, the only way you can do that is using unreliable solar and wind, which jacks up the price of our electricity, which sends our jobs overseas because electricity is now the biggest component of manufacturing, not labour.

Maria Zee:

So well, here’s the thing about solar and wind as well. Sorry to cut you off there. But the whole thing about solar and wind is, if the climate is so unpredictable, wouldn’t that mean that solar and wind would be an unreliable source of energy?

Senator Malcolm Roberts:

Maria, we have spent up until roughly 1870, 1880, we have spent hundreds of thousands of years scratching around in the dirt at the whim of mother nature’s floods and droughts and temperatures and storms. We get hydrocarbon fuels, coal, natural gas, and oil. We suddenly are independent of nature, well, not completely, of course, but we’re basically our food… We don’t have famines anymore. This is remarkable. We don’t have famines because we’ve got the technology now to overcome them. Dams, irrigation, fertilisers control, not control of but control of weather forecast, not control of the weather, but we can forecast when things happening. We build buildings in ways that protect us against nature’s extremes. So the deaths due to natural disasters are plummeted all around the world because of our savvy. The food production is skyrocketed because of our savvy.

Senator Malcolm Roberts:

Now these bastards want to destroy that and take away a hydrocarbon fuels and give us unreliable solar and wind. It’s also unstable, it’s not secure, it’s very expensive. The price relationship between the amount of renewables and the amount of solar and wind and the cost of electricity is like that. It just increases. So if you’ve got all cost of electricity up here, the amount of renewables here, the further out you go, the higher the price of electricity. We are doing ourselves out of our industry. We’re killing jobs in this country, killing our security and as you pointed out, we’re handing ourself back to mother nature, just absurd, especially at a time when they say, oh, the climate’s becoming more variable. Why would you go to wind and solar?

Maria Zee:

Precisely. So this then leads into the second part of our conversation, which is digital ID and the whole global surveillance being pushed by the World Economic Forum. I’ve just before played a clip of you speaking in parliament recently about this, the great reset and what Australia needs to do, which is the great resist. And I love that slogan, I think it’s fantastic. This entire climate change narrative is going to be used to control people even further. Can you talk to us about how Australia’s trusted digital identity bill leads into all of that?

Senator Malcolm Roberts:

Sure. It’ll take some time. And I’ve got some notes from a briefing paper, my staff produced. And by the way, we were the first in Australia to reveal this. And we’ve given copies of it to a couple of in liberal senators, who are sympathetic and they’re awake. Very few senators are awake.

Maria Zee:

Oh, sorry. I just lost you. You’re back now. Nope, I’ve lost you again. There we go. There we go. You’re back. A very few liberal senators are awake.

Senator Malcolm Roberts:

Yes, we’ve given this to two liberal senators at my briefing paper that our staff developed and they’re across it. Now, what we want to do is wake people up because my office is the one that’s that’s scratched the, or what do you call it? Discarded the cash ban bill. We did that with the help of people on the ground with the help of the cross band standards. We woke people up and trashed it and got rid of the cash band bill. Now what the digital identity bill is about, is about bringing back again, a ban on cash and about controls on people. So it’s a huge potential for corporations to get control of our data. What it means is that, the government can sell your data to a company, that company can be foreign, and they can store your data overseas, which no longer protects your security of your data, your privacy.

Senator Malcolm Roberts:

Then they can sell that data to whoever they want to sell it to. So, in other words, if you want access to your medical records, you’ll have to pay a foreign corporation to get access to your medical records. That’s how bad it could be. But that’s the thin end of the wedge. They also want to have digital currency. And we know that the Reserve Bank of Australia has been working on this for many years. So they get a digital currency in place, and that’s ultimately where they want to go. And then, if you do something that the government doesn’t like, you make the wrong comments on social media, you buy a four wheel drive instead of a little tiny eco box, then they say, if you want a house loan, stop making your comments on social media. You want a house loan? Swap your four wheel drive for a little eco box.

Senator Malcolm Roberts:

See what they do? They control you. And that’s what happens. And if you don’t, then what we’ll do is just scratch your digital identity, which means that you can’t access your bank accounts, which means you can’t access food. You can’t buy anything. This is how they control. And the real thing they’re after is control of you. So if they see you’ve gone to a protest, your digital identity is cancelled. You can’t get food, you can’t go to the bank.

Maria Zee:

Well, there are a lot of people that might be watching this broadcast and I hope they are that wouldn’t normally attend a protest, but I want people to know that this is not just affecting those who you’ve seen over the past couple of years, who are standing against the immense control that the government gained through the COVID 19 measures. We’re talking about this affecting every single person and their family. Do go on.

Senator Malcolm Roberts:

Yeah, right. So it affects your medical history, the shopping and spending preferences, they’ll know all this. Who you associate with, judging whether your choices are in compliance with the government’s wishes, whether they’re so-called green, social security, veteran services, travel and movement records, whether you will be allowed to travel, whether you have access to travel, surveillance, website viewing, they’ll track what websites you’re going to, employment status, wealth measurement, that’s bank records, social media comments, everything you do will be recorded and converted into digital form, and then used against you to control you. And that’s what they really want. They want control. All of this is about control. And it started with the COVID measures, Maria. We saw those. They were despicable. Anti-human, immoral, unlawful, but they started with them and they practised a lot of their tricks for controlling people on COVID.

Senator Malcolm Roberts:

And they got in place some of their measures. You saw the QR codes and scanning in at various places and checking in, that’s what they’re doing with this. And by the way, the World Economic Forum is the source of our digital identity bill. Parts of our digital identity bill were copied and pasted from World Economic Forums, digital platform policy I think it’s called, digital project. And I just asked for an update from one of my staff.

Senator Malcolm Roberts:

And he said that, the same bill or virtually identical bill has been rolled out in other countries around the world, New Zealand, Canada, Britain, Singapore, Thailand. That’s where bills are before the parliament right now. The EU European union has a bill for the whole of the European Union. Malaysia has it in place past already. It’s already at 64% uptake then. So it’ll be needed once they get a hundred percent uptake or very close to a 100% uptake, then they will just make it compulsory for anything to do with the government or banking. In the Philippines, it’s similar. And in Indonesia, it’s across government only not banking yet. So they’re moving this out throughout Asia and throughout the European Union and through Canada in North America.

Maria Zee:

Klaus Schwab recently, and proudly stated that they have infiltrated over 50% of governments worldwide.

Senator Malcolm Roberts:

Yep. I thought it was just Sarah Hanson-Young from the greens who was a graduate from the World Economic Forums, Young Leaders Programme. But we also learned that liberal Senator Andrew Bragg is a graduate. We found that Clare O’Neil is a graduate from the labour party. We found, I can’t remember the other name, Scott Morrison’s a graduate. I think there are three or four others senators and MPS who are graduates of that same programme from the World Economic Forum. And what they’re doing is, they’re putting people in places of power in governments to control those governments. So they don’t need to get votes, they just need these people to be in charge. Canada has I think seven, no sorry, Republican Party in America has seven graduates in its ranks and the Democrats have dozens of members in their ranks, Canada similarly. And I think in Canada, they’ve actually got control of the government. So basically, the World Economic Forum is taken over. And then this is not new stuff. This is stuff that the World Economic Forum itself has said, as you pointed out Klaus Schwab has said.

Maria Zee:

So their entire plan is, obviously they’re talking openly now about the great reset, the new world order. They’ve made the statements. We had public health officials last year talking about this is the new world order. This is now essentially no longer even hidden in plain site. They’re openly speaking about it. So what does Australia do to resist this? You called this the great resist. What should Australians be doing right now and what should people be making others aware of?

Senator Malcolm Roberts:

Listening to you in this interview and spread it around. That’s the first thing we need to do. And then calling your member of parliament and saying to him or her, you want a meeting and you don’t want this because you control your member of parliament. They don’t control you, you control them. We need to get the power back in the right area there. And then, if you can’t get a meeting with them, then talk to them on the phone. If you can’t do that, then send them a written letter saying you’re against it. Most of the members of parliament have no idea what you and I are talking about right now. I’m mean that sincerely.

Maria Zee:

These are some of the most important issues facing the entire world right now, and the fact that they are ignorant to this is beyond me.

Senator Malcolm Roberts:

Yep. Well, there’s so many things. They’re ignorant to the climate change scam. They’re ignorant to the cash band bill. They thought it was something else. This is liberals and nationals thought it was something else. And when you tell them straight, they then follow the party power brokers anyway. But see, we beat the cash ban. Labour and liberal, both put it through the lower house, but we got such good publicity on it, and so much pressure on it politically that labour sent it to a committee and then it languish in the committee for months, and then I moved a motion to get rid of it off the Senate books.

Senator Malcolm Roberts:

And we passed it to get rid of it off the Senate books. So the cash plan bill is gone. But what we know is, cash is really important. So that’s another thing people can do. If you have no cash, you’ve got no alternative. If you’ve got cash, you’ve got an alternative as to how you buy something. So use cash wherever you can. That’s what I do sometimes. I used to just use a card, no more. I carry cash with me to use cash. So buy with cash wherever you can.

Maria Zee:

Senator Malcolm Roberts, we thank you so much for bringing awareness to Australians about these crucial issues that face all of humanity all around the world. But most importantly, Australia has been through so much over the past two and a half years, we have literally destroyed our economy. And as much as they want to tell us that we haven’t, and I know that we have. How many small to medium size businesses weren’t able to continue, weren’t able to recover from all of this, not to mention the mental health impacts and the long term impacts and we’re already talking about this climate change, which we don’t even have the system set up, the infrastructure set up for what they are wanting to achieve. And yet-

Senator Malcolm Roberts:

They’re already transferring billions of dollars through your electricity rates into the hands of billionaires who are making money out of solar and wind. Most of the companies installing solar and wind turbines are foreign owned multinational, including some from the Chinese communist party. So this is about a transfer of wealth and about control, and you’ll only be allowed to use power when the government says you can. So at the moment you go home at night, you’d flick on a switch and take it for granted. You won’t take that for granted in the future because they’ve got it all wrapped up. You’d have to beg and scrape to get your food, to beg and scrape to get your air conditioner. They want us down on the knees, they want to bring you to your knees.

Maria Zee:

Just like we’ve seen in China recently. Some footage emerged out of China of people literally being forced onto their knees to be tracked and traced for COVID by people inspecting them. Again, Senator Malcolm Roberts, thank you for sharing this important information and coming on to speak with us today.

Senator Malcolm Roberts:

Well, thank you for what you’re doing. Keep doing it for goodness sake. We’ve got to have some honest media and you’re one of them. So thank you very much, Maria.

Maria Zee:

Thank you to Senator Roberts. We’ll be back right after this short break. As some of you may know, I’m a regular contributor to Red Voice Media, where you will find fellow truthers and those committed to reporting the real news like Stew Peters and Dr. Jane Ruby, and many more. You can trial their premium subscription service for just $1 for the first month and only $10 every month thereafter. You’ll love it. Link is in the description below.

Maria Zee: So you can see from this discussion with Senator Malcolm Roberts, just how far they want to take government control. And speaking of government control, maybe people have forgotten or didn’t have access to the footage during the protest when people were protesting their God given rights, their right to bodily autonomy, they’re right to their civil liberties, which this digital ID seeks to strip from you. And maybe we’ve forgotten of just what they’re capable of.

Treating Australians differently on the basis of race is racist. Australian’s should have equality of opportunity no matter what their skin colour is. This is my statement on the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples Bill 2022.


As a servant to the people of Queensland and Australia, I wish to indicate some concerns I have about this Bill which is both divisive and mostly unnecessary.

Our country is Australia. Our country consists of people from many nations, cultures and religions and from many racial groups providing a rich tapestry of positive contributions to our Australian nation.

What we do not want or need is legislation that picks out a particular cultural group and make laws aimed at that particular cultural group, driving a potentially divisive wedge between aboriginal Australians and other Australians.

It does not matter where a person comes from or what that person’s cultural or racial background is. “I am, you are, we are Australian”, are the words of a well- known theme song.

It’s true. We know that and we do not need legislation that is geared to a “them and us” mentality.

This Bill is intended to affirm into Australian domestic law the contents and intention of the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous People.

This is a requirement necessary before the UN Declaration provisions become enforceable In Australian law.

Aboriginal Australians, as Australians, already have the same rights as any other Australian right now.

If there are gaps in services available to Indigenous Australians these gaps are due to poverty and remoteness, issues that affect many isolated people across Australia.

It is the failings of successive governments to adequately address health, housing, education and infrastructure that have led to many persons, aboriginal and otherwise, to fall into the poverty gap.

I call on the government to address these issues with priority before considering this Bill which is unnecessary and does nothing more than acknowledging what already is in place for all Australians.

This Bill perpetuates the victimhood of aboriginal people. It places blame on past cultural divides for the current lack of support for aboriginal minorities.

There are many aboriginal people in Australia who have accessed free education, worked hard and prospered as Australians in the broader community. They do not need this Bill.

There are many indigenous Australians who would be offended by the content of this Bill which virtually enshrines a “them and us” mentality.

The most divisive clause in this Bill is clause 7 which throws blame on colonisation for all the ills that prevent their right to develop in accord with their own needs and interests.

All this in the face of facts that include:

 Determined indigenous Native Title claims now cover approximately half of the Australian land mass.

Aboriginal Australians represent approximately 3.5% of Australia’s population

All aboriginal children are entitled to scholarships to continue education through high school and beyond.

Assistance to aboriginal families has now become an enviable but divisive issue within small remote communities where other minorities in similar living conditions are not able to access assistance at the same level.

This is where the true problem lies.

Treating Australians differently on the basis of race is racist, scientifically false, legally questionable, morally condemnable and socially unjust. Simply wrong.

I do not support this Bill.

Parliament is back. It’s time for Australian politicians to put Australia first.


As a servant to the people of Queensland and Australia, this is One Nation’s address in reply to the Governor-General’s opening speech for the 47th Parliament, a speech on behalf of his government. The reviews on social media were underwhelming. Everyday Australians struggling with cost of living were looking to the government for a real plan to bring inflation under control. None was forthcoming. No plan.

The truth is we have a new government that has a long list of sponsors that it needs to placate. Everyday Australians, sadly, are not on the government’s list. One Nation is ready with bold nation-building ideas to deliver breadwinner jobs, lower inflation, and energy security. So let me start where all good governments should start, with the people.

If everyday Australians today feel like they’re working harder and going backwards, it’s because people are.

This month’s Treasury financial data shows that the share of our GDP going to people, that’s wages and salaries, is at an all-time low. Yet the percentage going to corporate profits is at an all-time high. Over the last 30 years, education, healthcare, and housing have increased 300%, far outstripping wages growth.

Next, One Nation continues to pursue our commitment to workers’ rights across the course of this Parliament. Today we re-introduced our Fair Work Amendment Equal Pay for Equal Work Bill 2022. This bill ensures casuals on labour hire contracts in industries that do not have provision for casual employment receive the same pay as the full-time worker alongside doing the same job. Our bill covers black coal, airline crew, and stevedoring. In anticipation of any future exploitation of workers, the bill is worded to allow additional awards to be added.

Next, energy. It’s unbelievable that a nation as resource rich as Australia has plunged its people into an energy crisis. Our governments should be able to guarantee affordable and reliable energy, yet in 2022, state and federal governments are failing. I remind the Senate, Australia has enough coal and uranium reserves to last hundreds of years, yet we have the highest electricity prices in the world. The highest in the world.

We’re the world’s largest exporters of energy. Number one in gas, number two in coal.

Yet due to government subsidies for unreliable wind and solar, we have the world’s highest domestic prices of gas and electricity. Australian families bear the cost of the unreliable wind and solar fairytales with our living standards declining and electricity bills climbing.

The inefficiencies and consequences of unreliable and expensive wind and solar are breathtaking, devastating, and totally unchecked against reality. Small and medium businesses are struggling to keep the doors open in the face of frightening electricity bills causing supply chain inflation. Large corporations with dominant market power are able to simply pass on higher energy prices. Small businesses are not. Small business employs 4.7 million Australians who are struggling because their employers are struggling.

This government has signalled their intention to use unreliable wind and solar to lead an attack on the living standards of everyday Australians. Or more accurately, unreliable, unstable, unscientific electricity. Let me break it down for you. It’s simply impossible to build the volume of wind and solar and batteries needed to meet the 2030 deadline. Wind and solar constructed so far in Australia operate at just 23% of rated capacity because relying on nature’s variability gets you just 23%, not 100%.

To meet the Prime Minister’s 43% target,

for every one megawatt of reliable baseload coal power that’s shut down, Australia will need to build 4.3 megawatts of unreliable wind and solar power.

For example, replacing the 2,000-megawatt Liddell coal-fired power station will require 8,600 megawatts of wind or solar. Even this will only deliver power reliably if matched with a big battery having a similar capacity. Absurd.

To build the volume of unreliable wind and solar and batteries needed by 2030 is simply impossible. So the 2030 carbon dioxide reduction target of 43% is not a target for the construction of unreliable wind and solar electricity generation. We know that’s impossible. Rather, it’s a sneaky target for reducing electricity usage. In 2010, Australia’s electricity consumption was 213 terawatts. It’s already fallen in 2021 to 188 terawatts, 11% decrease, despite Australia’s population growing from 22 million to 26 million, almost a 24% increase.

At 10,071 kilowatt hours per capita, Australia ranks 14th in per capita electricity consumption. Now, it’s a legitimate argument to say that Australia should reduce our electricity consumption further only once the rest of the world reduces theirs. Anyway, why should we reduce electricity consumption? High prices are not an unintended or transitional outcome of unreliable energy. High prices are designed to deliberately reduce electricity consumption. That’s why Prime Minister Anthony Albanese has already abandoned his campaign promise to cut electricity bills.

That was never real. It was hollow tokenism. A deliberate lie. Parliamentarians, corporate leaders, and their media mouthpiece in protected ivory towers live in a parallel reality where cost of living price hikes like fuel and electricity are a mild inconvenience, not the bloody difference between eating dinner or staying warm that confronts many people in Australia today. Destroying baseload power with reckless abandon is hurting the people who must make the choice between food and warmth. Where’s the humanity in that? Where is the care?

The fairytale climate contradictions making electricity production dependent on nature’s variable wind and solar is a nightmare. There’s no happy ending.

Increasing numbers of businesses are failing, jobs are vanishing, families are being torn apart, and communities, especially regional centres, are being destroyed.

The Australian Bureau of Statistics data shows that there are currently 24,000 people directly employed in unreliable energy. To contend that these same unreliables will cause an increase in jobs of 600,000 is the lie of the century.

It will never happen. Indeed, the reverse will be true because studies overseas show that for every unreliable wind and solar job, there are 2.2 jobs lost in the real economy. They are facts. One only has to understand the inherent inefficiency of wind and solar and the low energy density to understand, and their high consumption of resources in being built. That is basic.

Baseload power, though, and jobs go hand in hand. The Prime Minister and the Labour Party, after nine years in opposition, have admitted they have no idea how to create jobs for everyday Australians. Instead, the Prime Minister will host a stage-managed talkfest on job creation. Why? Where’s his plan we heard so much about before the election? The Albanese plan is revealed to be a plan to ask other people what the plan should be. One Nation, though, does know how to create jobs. Get back to basics. Today, the biggest cost in manufacturing is electricity, not the cost of employing workers, not the labour cost. High energy prices have destroyed jobs, and with that, gutted workers’ power. And what drives wages? Supply and demand drives wages.

Australia has significant reserves of iron ore, bauxite, copper, and rare earths, yet we import our electronics, our whitegoods, our finished products made from these same materials.

If Prime Minister Anthony Albanese was serious about job creation, he only needs to safeguard our baseload power through coal and nuclear.

That will bring down energy prices and supercharge our manufacturing sector.

A One Nation government will do that. Get back to proven, common-sense basics, fundamentals. Why has the Albanese government agreed to increase immigration when the Prime Minister has admitted to having no idea how to create the jobs for these people? High immigration without addressing jobs, housing, and energy sells out workers. It sells them short and creates disadvantaged groups. It’s that simple.

So let’s turn to infrastructure. An ambitious infrastructure programme will deliver the jobs growth needed to restore workers’ rights and restore secure employment. Real infrastructure, not the green fairytales that we hear from the government and the previous government. One Nation will advocate for: a national rail circuit; North West Queensland’s CopperString 2.0 high-voltage power transmission; the Tully-Millstream hydro project; Urannah Dam; the Bradfield Scheme conditional on the business case; and many more nation-building projects.

Let’s turn to the Reserve Bank. During COVID, the Reserve Bank admitted conjuring up $500 billion using electronic ledger entries called quantitative easing. The Reserve Bank’s words, electronic journal entries.

We now have, as a result, the highest inflation since the 1980s. Quantitative easing is undoubtedly related to the current spike in inflation. It’s driving it.

Money conjured out of thin air and spent on recurring expenses rather than nation building is inflationary. Both sides of this chamber took the decision to conjure so much money and spread it on economic, and spend it on economic sherbet.

Now we have the Albanese Labor Party, while in opposition, was complicit in this economic catastrophe, so they inherit the consequences of their complicity. But don’t point fingers across the chamber on this. Work together. If this Parliament gets it wrong, everyday Australians will suffer through inflation, or worse, stagflation, for decades.

And instead of working together to push Klaus Schwab’s World Economic Forum plan based on United Nations policies, work together instead for our country. Klaus Schwab’s life by subscription, quote, is really serfdom. It’s slavery. Billionaire globalist corporations will own everything, homes, factories, farms, cars, furniture, and everyday citizens will rent what they need if their social credit score allows.

The plan of the Great Reset is that you will die with nothing. To pull off this evil plan, Klaus Schwab’s World Economic Forum will need to take more than just material possessions from Australians. Senators in this very chamber today who support the Great Reset threaten our privacy, freedom, and dignity. Yes, they’re in this senate chamber.

One Nation vehemently opposes the Great Reset, the Digital Identity Bill, theft of agricultural land use forcing farmers off their land, and all of the Great Reset. One Nation has a comprehensive plan to bring our beautiful country back to sustainable prosperity. And in the months ahead, we will be rolling that plan out. Instead of Lib-Lab pushing Klaus Schwab’s Great Reset with the tagline, you will own nothing and be happy,

One Nation advocates the Great Resist.

We stand for a world where individuals and communities have primacy over predatory globalist billionaires and their quisling bureaucrats, politicians, and mouthpiece media. One Nation accepts the challenge to provide a better future for everyday Australians.

We have one flag, we are one community, and we are One Nation.