I had the great pleasure of addressing the Australian Medical Professionals Society Medico-Legal Summit, a gathering of fantastic Doctors who are speaking out against Government mismanagement despite the fear of censorship.

Their Health Reform declaration is a fantastic document. The full three hours of proceedings was recorded and is available here: https://amps.redunion.com.au/medico-legal-summit


Well, thank you very much. Safety, truth and integrity lead to care. Care is fundamental in our human species. Thank you Kara. Thank you to the organisers. Thank you to the speakers. Thank you to the audience for being here. You’re showing how important this is. Thank you for standing up and showing your character. Not just for patients, but for 25 million people in this country and for 8 billion people around the world, that’s who you’re doing it for. So I particularly want to thank Jack, Kara and Graham Haycroft for their work with the Red Union and for starting AMPS.

I sincerely mean that it is an honour to be here tonight. I have the privilege to be in the company of moral giants and people who share frankly and truthfully. And we understand your pain and I thank you Janda for being so vulnerable. But I also see the pain in Robert Brennan and others. The hurt, the injustice, the frustration and the anger. And it underpins why we are working together to restore integrity, competence, trust, accountability and safety. And we acknowledge that you give us hope because of your courage. You’re giving us hope and humans need hope. And also your determination. Government agencies have not been able to manage COVID because they’ve never tried to manage COVID. They have used COVID to control people, that has been the agenda from the start. I fully support and endorse what’s been said here tonight. Safety is paramount.

I’ll tell you something about the TGA, because I spoke up about Ivermectin, the TGA sent me a letter, two and a half, three and a half pages long, I can’t remember. Can any of you? The TGA accused me of advertising Ivermectin. I’m not authorised to do that. So I wrote back a little short letter with the help of Hugh who is barrister in my office. And it said basically, “How dare you try to suppress a duly elected member of parliament from speaking with his constituents.” And by the way, I finished with, “… and the government has blood on its hands.”

In their response they said, “Dear Senator Roberts, thank you for your letter. Sincerely.” That is the way to handle a bully because that’s all they are. I also made the head of the Therapeutic Goods Administration… Sorry, the head of the… yeah, Therapeutic Goods Administration aware that Pfizer had paid $2.4 billion in fines. And that other large pharmaceutical companies in America had paid $700 million and $800 million. And you know what their response was? He said it in senate estimates, “Oh, that was only for marketing breaches.” That was for false claims that is fundamental to integrity and they didn’t do the testing of these vaccines, these therapeutic experimental gene therapies. They relied on the drug company’s word despite knowing that they couldn’t be trusted.

The core problem is not health, it’s character and it’s a breach of oath. And it’s all about fear and intimidation. And these people are providing us hope because they’re overcoming that. But let’s have a look at fear and intimidation. You’ve heard the story, someone borrows a hundred million dollars from a bank and they can’t pay it back. They have a problem. Someone borrows a hundred billion dollars from the bank and can’t pay it back. The bank has a problem. When the hospitals try to intimidate a doctor because a doctor stands up as these people have, the doctor has a problem. But when many doctors stand up, the hospitals have a problem. The health department has a problem. Doctors have the power when united in belief. Yet fear takes over much of what we do as humans.

I can remember being a child and going to Philip Island and watching the fairy penguins come up. Anyone seen that? We’re all standing there waiting for the fairy penguins to come in. In comes the first… what do they call them? Flock of fairy penguins. And there’s one fairy penguin out front. And they march up the beach a couple of metres. And then the lead penguin turns around and they all will rush back into the water. Then they come back in another wave and they go further up the beach, another couple of metres further. And then the lead penguin gets anxious and they all rush back to the water. Then they come back in again. And this goes on for quite a while. They eventually get to the top and everyone’s home.

It’s the fear and the intimidation. And now we’ve seen here leaders continuing. And I know that what Robert Brennan said was correct is correct. There are more coming. There are doctors waking up all around the country. Medical professionals and the public demand better from governments. Years of education and experience trashed. But it’s not just AHPRA and AHPPC, it is the AMA. It is the boards of the doctors’ colleges. And it is the club, the shadowy figures who control much of these organisations in the shadows. And they’re aware of the fear that they can push. And that’s what it’s about.

We visited with a doctor, a professional who won’t get injected. He’s had years as a prominent specialist in this country. And he was telling my staff that he can still remember and has carried with him the threats and the intimidation from when he was very young as a medical professional. He was under control. That’s what they want. Therapeutic Goods Administration the same. So let me make it very clear. I support wholeheartedly your reform declaration. And I look at the person who’s number one on the list of signatories, Wendy Hoy. A distinguished academic, a distinguished medical professional. And I thank her for standing up and for the others who are signing this. And it’s not just doctors.

I want to urge people to sign to demand for legislative reform of national law and the TGA board. It’s fundamental. It’s basic. It will end in human control and restore rights and health. And it’ll be significant not just for people in the health professionals, but it’ll be significant for everyone who uses the health system and reconvert it from being a disease system back to a health system. And it’s fundamental for all Australians. So please sign the declaration for urgent demands for reform. Protect Australians from future loss of health, livelihoods, cash, freedom, community, sovereignty. Because the World Health Organization’s international health regulations are about sovereignty. This is a global issue and your medical profession needs to be resuscitated. Sorry, our medical profession needs to be resuscitated because they look after us.

We will continue, Pauline and I, to develop the Royal Commission terms of reference. Labor has said that they will have a Royal Commission. It’s implicit in the findings of the inquiry into COVID. Correct, Senator Rennick? So we want to put pressure on them so they come clean and admit their mistakes as Julian Gillespie said, but we need to come up with a good terms of reference. This has all been about money, control, deceit to get control. It is about fraud. Fraud is the presentation of something as it is not for personal gain. Thankfully the lawyers are agreeing with me. It’s also about intimidation and we will hound them down and now we can say we will hound them down.

This declaration is marvellous. We are thinking now of doing another COVID under question inquiry, but we won’t be calling it COVID under question it’ll be something to do with a doctor patient relationship. We’ll be inviting other like-minded members of parliament to join us. But I want to thank Julian Gillespie for his speech. I thought that was outstanding and same with Philip Altman’s speech. Absolutely point after point, just complete points, absolute facts. I want to thank Kara and the doctors. I also want to thank TNT Radio live because they have seen speaking out as they say quite proudly. The only thing mandated at TNT Radio is the truth. So let’s restore the medical and health professionals. Restore truth for safety and freedom and bring back our country and humanity because humans care. Thank you very much for a wonderful evening.